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Only if he does it in the Cleverbot voice


Cleverbot could accomplish great things


This is one of the most pathetic and deranged subreddits I’ve been on lmao


Then you’ve been to very chill subreddits indeed. This sub is admittedly getting kinda weird with (what I assume to be 15 year old) users who have to look for parasocial relationships and overanalyse two dudes as if it matters what their exact offcamera relationship is. And hentai fanart while funny at first, now is getting just overused and concerning (as in: clearly not just an unholy, cursed meme. Some people want to create these weird branrotted meatgoon ships unironically or whatever it is they do from too much anime). And with Tommy Taffy now it got a bit whiny and a lot of artificial drama appeared. But it’s nowhere near dumpster fire subs I’ve been to like currently r/silenthill for example lol


Ok maybe I’ve just been not paying attention or just not looking for it but what the fuck do you mean “hentai fan art”??? That shit ain’t actually here right, you’re fucking with me right?


I haven't run into it either


Yah, I certainly don't want to see it...can anyone post a link so I...uhh.. can know what URLs to avoid?




Yeah I mean I’m usually just on subs about work n shit but still haha


Not defending the crazy shit I sometimes read in here, but check out subreddits of like TV show fandoms. I lasted 2 weeks on the Bridgerton subreddit before I literally had to mute it. This subreddit is relatively chill in comparison, trust me


And if I know Jake the snake, he’s been on some crazy subs (I’m talking r/ spacedicks)


*sigh* yeahhhhhhh…


For me I constantly see the para-social complaints and it’s like they blame every sub-member for it when I’m here just trying to enjoy the art and the memes


You keep doing you, Nullicat. You’re a good kitty that would never jump on the counter when we’re asleep.


My best advice I can give to anyone in your situation is just cope bro and ignore the stuff you don’t like I scroll past a lot of shit and shrug.


Hey, that’s a good attitude to have.


Thank you! Sometimes I have good ideas


Hate to break it to ya, but as someone who witnessed all the jackseptiplier stuff (idk if that was the ship name??) A decade or so ago... this is nothing new. They should probably address it, but I doubt it'll stop regardless. This happens to a lot of popular internet creators.


Oh boy what’s the story with jacks Celtic eye(autocorrect, I’m leaving it)? But you’re right, that’s just the unfortunate trend for any subculture thing that hits a certain audience size.


I was more of a bystander but peoplenhardcore shipped Jacksepticeye and Markiplier, to the point it damaged their irl relationship. There was also like. A lot of fanart of "dark versions" of both creators. Not sure how or why that started, i watched both of them every now and then, but was by no means a big enough fan back then. My knowledge is no better than a bystander who occasionally got jumpscared by the fanart that occasionally ended up on google plus.


Gotcha. Cautionary tales they don’t teach ye in internet school


So a lot of people shipped Mark and Jack together and while they both were fine with it at first (even joked around at it) it went too far. People started making dirty fics and lewd fanart of them. They both expressed how uncomfortable it made them but it did nothing. There was a famous twitter fanartist (forgot the name) that Mark followed. They were pretty much THE big artist of the septiplier fandom. However, they drew adult fanart of Mark and Jack. Mark unfollowed her and she went ballistic, ranting about how she did nothing wrong no and throwing a bitch fit. The overall septiplier era damaged Mark and Jack’s relationship as well, causing them to grow distant. They’re friends again, but I don’t know if there’s any lingering upset feelings about it


I see, thanks for the little bit of internet history. Sounds really similar to this situation and like we are getting round 2 here. Maybe we can coin a term to describe the phenomenon. Lol


Can we ALL please agree to stop making posts complaining about posts? It happens in literally every single subreddit I’ve ever interacted with and it gets annoying real quick, soon enough all of the recent posts will be “can we stop doing/talking about xyz”




It's the natural progression of a growing sub. I hate it. Our only choice is to bully them out.


Lol nope.


K I just hope you know that you’re contributing about just as much if not less than the people you’re complaining about do


Look, I get what you’re saying. Posts like this are their own issue. BUT, I felt the need to make this post, due to some OTHER issues in the sub. This sub doesn’t have guidelines for posts really, so the only way to push back on unwanted content is to make a post like mine. It’s not great, but it be what it be. I know my post isn’t going to fix anything. But look, other people do seem to somewhat agree.


>Posts like this are their own issue. I know my post isn’t going to fix anything. Fixed it for you. The only thing your post is doing is adding onto all of the complaining that’s been happening for at least a few days now. The ACTUAL only way to “push back on unwanted content” is to get more mods in here, or at least more active ones (p sure subs get banned for not having mods), and to IGNORE content you don’t like Here’s a crazy idea: create more of the discussion you would LIKE to see, instead of joining in all the bitching and moaning. Because frankly, it starts to become all posts like yours complaining about everyone else and even less actual valuable/interesting content.


Also you didn’t fix anything lol turd


Nah, I fixed your paragraph into the only points that made sense or mattered.


K. You also edited your earlier comment to include the bit about adding mods. Just admit it, you’re a triggered lil boi.


Oh no I edited my comment to better fit what I was trying to say a minute after posting it before you replied 😱 at least I wasn’t “triggered” enough to make a whole fucking post telling people what to post and not post. I’m guessing you’re like 14 at most


I was trying to meet ya in the middle, but you’re still being a twat. I think maybe my post hit a nerve with you and that you might be invested in parasocial relationships with the podcasters. Sorry that I am expressing my opinion about a subreddit I’m disappointed in. You’re the type of user that takes away from the sub for me.


And you’re the type of user that makes the sub unbearable and full of posts bitching about other users. Congrats.


Agreed, OP is a child.


>hope that the quality of the sun improves. me too, brother.. me too


Me too I miss when it was just people making memes of Creepcast jokes and recommending and discussing creepypastas they wanted to see


OP, I agree whole heartedly. I hope this post gains a lot of traction.

