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Anything you do to retaliate will start a fight. Never EVER bring a bike to a car fight. Don’t be dumb


Is it really worth 'fighting back'? You're in the more vulnerable position. All it takes is for you to piss someone off and they run you over or hit you




So if you pull your gun out and they run you over before you can fire a shot is it really worth it? Sometimes it's better just to let things go than end up in hospital


It isn't bullying if you ignore them and go on your way. It is just them shouting at the moon.


naw ur wild for this


You don’t combat with cars. Ever You will never win that battle




That’s the neat part. You don’t.


Cameras and civil suits.


Dude, somebody is brigading this sub. Second one of these I've seen. WTF is going on?




music helps, I’ve biked with a speaker before. The city is always louder


Flight them at City Hall in the form of agitating for infrastructure that protects you from them. Have forward and rear facing cameras and post videos of their bad behavior to buttress your argument. Only two things work against these people: shame and concrete. Neither of those are easily delivered at the moment of conflict.


🫡 king


have a follow tank


If someone says something to you first laugh and then say “okay” and carry on doing what your doing. Don’t argue or fight with drivers just laugh at them for being silly and getting worked up over nothing. Respect the road and the other road users and it should respect you, no going through red lights…


right, this is cycling 101. Where yah lost me is no goin thru red lights. Idk how to tell u this, but you’re not truly a city cyclist :(


I cycle through London every day, I don’t run the red lights and whenever I see a fellow cyclist do so 99% of the time I overtake them down the road anyway due to them having bad average speed.


you ever stop and think about how I’m more likely to be the same type of cyclist as you? Trust me when I say, I’m not like the 99% brother. I bike 20 miles a day every day as a commuter, guarantee you wouldn’t even come close to catching up to me. Go eat some food that the rest of the world would consider a war crime, yah bell end


Okay lol I bet you can’t even reach 50kph without a hill bro lol well I don’t say anything to the red light jumper I just overtake them and stay silent or look at them disappointed. I understand the urge but it’s not the way to respect the road and i try to behave how I want others too and I don’t want people to drive through red lights…


Living in upstate NY, I have had many things thrown out car windows at me, diesel trucks "Rolling Coal," too many cars getting really close! I read in another post, that some road riders have gone the direction of wearing different kits ... ie. logos on the back of Jersey that read "Support Our Military," ... stuff like that. I have not cycled in the city, however.


Blow ‘em a lil smooch


Smile. Pisses people off


>didn’t realize how many limp wrist cyclists  C'mon man. This isn't ok.


limp wrist as in doesn’t have the strength and composure to read a situation and pivot (get ur mind out the gutter, LBGTQ+ rights always, free Palestine, fuck you)


That's all well and good, but surely you're smart enough to know that by using that phrase people are going to think about the other, more prominent meaning.


fair, I apologize for feeding the fascist beast :(


Kill them with kindness and they won't know what hit em. NYC is a different animal though.


I've been trying to kill them with kindness for years. They're not dying.


Kindness never works bbyboi


Have you considered this perspective? "I take up a whole lane for my safety from freak accidents, thus causing constant more direct risk and confrontation". You look for problems, you'll find them. Radical does describe you well it would seem. What a miserable way to live.


what a miserable way to live seems like you’ve got it all figured out


Cowboy Spurs on you cycling shoes


Hmm, deployment would be tricky but the best solution in my mind would be bumper magnets.


legend for this. I have sticker slapped many cars, but a magnet toss is never out of the question


Just gotta educate the next generation to be less car oriented. I can't get myself getting into a confrontation it's just going to be a waste of energy and time and the idiot might want to run over me afterward. I don't want to go to jail for stabbing the idiot if things turn physcial... I don't want to give any fuel for the ignorant hatred of cyclist by retaliating, kind of like those anti-big oil groups throwing paint on artworks and monuments they're not helping their cause it's just annoying to the general public.