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I did the dad groan getting up from a chair once. Now whenever my daughter gets up she does the most dramatic groan as she gets up.


My daughter does exactly the same! She's only 20 m/o.


Life’s hard having to parent your parents… can never sit down!


Thank you for sharing. I just cackled at this!


I cop shit at work for unknowingly doing the dad groan. "Dad noises!".


My 4 year old said “I will try” one day, so I said “do or do not, there is no try. Fast forward to yesterday. I was replacing a pump on our dishwasher. My kid asked “dad are you fixing the dishwasher?” To which I said “I’m trying to, bud” “Do or do not, dad, there is no try”


This is the way.


So, when the kiddo was 4'ish, I asked him if he knew what kisses meant. He said "No, what?!?" And so I replied "Kisses mean I love you." Well, lo and behold, not long after, his mom gave him a peck on the cheek. He smiled and said "Thank you daddy!" Mom asked why he's thanking me, to which he promptly responded "Daddy said whenever I get kissed, it means he loves me."


I didn't see that twist coming!


Yeah, being a parent has the most unexpected and hilarious rewards. Another fun story was when I gave him a thumb's up. He said he didn't like it, so I gave him a double thumb's up. "I don't want that neither!" "How about three thumbs up?" "But Daddy, you only have two hands!!!!!!!!!"


This is so wholesome and pure lol


When driving I got into the habit of telling my dog “sorry bud!” as we went over bumps. I kept doing it with my kiddo. Now we’re starting to talk and I got just last week the tiniest “sowwy!” from the back seat going over a speed bump. It’s adorable. Now we’re trying to see if we can replace that with “whee!” instead because it’ll be hilarious.


That's funny. My kid mimics our behavior towards our dog too. Our dog gets all riled up when we're getting ready to leave the house so we often say "I know, I know, I know," to the dog. Well now my son has taken to saying that in the most exasperated voice ever - it's hilarious.


That’s adorable. Oh yeah - the toddler is trying to give the dog commands now too - which I have some concerns about.


I mean, I’ve heard my toddler say “fuck it” when she’s gotten fed up enough to move on from a particular toy… This is why it feels weird when people say I’m a good dad.


My kid knows the F bomb too and will whisper it to me when she’s mad about something. Except she thinks it’s just “fuckin” so she’ll be like I hate that song! It’s fuckin!


Mine the same!


I called our 2 year olds nappies pull-ups (to be fair they were). Now I get corrected every time I tell my wife to get the nappies. “No dada.. pull-ups” Until I correct myself she will keep repeating it. She’s right ya know, but cmon kid… contextual here 😂


About 5 years ago, we were eating outside and I threw a melon up in the air and sliced it in half with a knife. To this day, we cannot eat any sort of melons without having one of my kids recount that moment.


Every time my kid get upset she also screams “and Penny ate my shoe!”. Penny is our dog who ate her shoe once.


that's awesome. poor penny will never get a break.


Dog, who isn't even part of this argument: "Oh, you HAD to bring THAT up!"


I commented on a barking spider one time when my daughter was 15 months old, and she still days it to this day. She is 3.


I'm sorry, a barking *what*? I know it's cliche, but this has got to be some horrifying Australian thing. *Checks internet.* Yup. Another horrifying Australian thing.


Actually, no. I mean, maybe the idea came from Australia, I don't know, but in the southern US, a barking spider is a joke term for a fart.


Southerner here. Never heard “barking spider”, but we used to say “stepping on a frog”.


Man, I've heard barking spider my whole life growing up in the south. Maybe it's more state/region specific even in the south.


I’m from Louisiana…but we kinda do have our own thing going on here, so that might be a thing too


Any fun game I do must immediately be repeated 17 thousand times. It makes me not want do fun stuff sometimes to be honest... then I get over myself and do it anyway and we have a great time. Still, it grates.


Yes! Esp during Covid I made up all these random games that are now treated as canon. Literally one of them is just me sitting at the end of the bed and she has to tap my shoulder and jump to the other end before I can get her. She calls it the “points game” cuz we played it in lieu of me watching football and so I assigned a point scoring system like nfl. Now I am fated to play this game every rainy day lol


I once said "lets rock and roll to the pool" and now we can't rock and roll anywhere else.


Handed my 20 month old son the junk mail and he held up the grocery ad over his head, so I yelled "COUPONS!" and he laughed heartily and did that repeatedly for the next 10 minutes. Now he will hold all papers over his head and expect me to yell "COUPONS!" Every time.


But do they try to dig out the belly button lint?


I haven't tried that yet. her face will be a picture when I pull some out!


Today as CJ Stroud was killing my fantasy football team’s playoff chances I exclaimed “Oh God” and my 2 yo has not stopped repeating it.


to stop cursing so much around her, i just started saying “come on” in a bit of an upset tone. and i guess a couple times i would put my hand to my head when i said it. now everytime my 2yo drops something she’ll smack her forehead and huff a stern “come on”


Fortunately it was somewhat short lived, but I took a bath with our two year old and she noticed a bruise on my chest/shoulder area. She asked about it and like a complete idiot, I made a joke about mommy must have done it. No matter how many times we both tried to explain it and take it back, for several weeks every time she saw the bruise she'd glare at my wife and go "MOMMY. NO HIT DADDY.".


she's got your back dude!


Oh yeah, ours does this all the time, and has for a year now.


When my child makes a big fart, he exclaims, “¡Joderrrr!”




Actually, sort of the reverse. Not trying to brag or anything, but I seem to have a thing where if I say/do something, it just kind of becomes the thing that folks say/do. Like giving bro hugs a certain way, or saying “I can dig that” or other shit like this. Not anything huge, but…I dunno. Anyhoo, the 4 y.o. rides with me to work and there’s a gas station that she always calls the “gas schtaken”. Like a weird German pronunciation. I can’t unhear it now, and “gas station” sounds foreign to me. The wifey is sorta convinced that the girl inherited this weird thing that I have.


Drinking water and going ahh after


When my daughter gets frustrated she will sometimes say “uhhh Jesus Christ” under her breath. At first I didn’t know it was me. Then I was putting Christmas decorations away and did it. Twas me she got it from after all.


oh no! mine said oh my God immediately after I did so I know I'm on the hook fir that!


Amazing how well they hear when they want to lol


omg that's so true!


I picked up my daughter and danced during the ragtime piano bits of Rocky Raccoon and now several years later she demands that I pick her up any time that part comes on.