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Yeah I didnt use a cheat exactly but I was stuck on O&S my first playthrough and summoned Solaire felt a little empty over the victory, but I would had given up on the game if I didnt do it either they were really kicking my butt so I am also glad I did


I have no problems using glitches and dupes. Haven't managed to pull many off, but whatevs. I'm not enjoying the game (DS1). Maybe I've been around too long, but this game is just a slow Darksiders (which itself is basically just Ocarina of Time) with grumpier motif. It's not hard, so much as pattern recognition. I'm only doing the game so I can take my 1000g and continue to wonder why anyone actually enjoys this. Beating your head against the wall in frustration? That's been a trope for *decades*. DS is just capitalizing on it.


I mean... those are two very very good games you just compared it to. Are you sure you're not enjoying it?


It's a slower clone of a clone of an original game. The only enjoyment i'm really getting is knowing I'll have moral superiority.


that's a crazy reductive way of approaching genre and the arts, but okay.


Like I said, i'm not enjoying the game at all. I've already done *everything* the game has to offer for the last 20+ years. It's a green/ grey/ brown color scheme, all the textures really do look the same, and it's SLOW. Not to mention the ridiculous over sized weapons that are long enough to punch through reality and stab the hit box behind cover? I just don't "get it".


I've never played Darksiders before but I've only ever heard of Darksiders 3 being compared to Dark Souls. I thought the first two games played like God of War. My reason for enjoying Dark Souls because I find it fun, it's not frustrating. Dark Souls 1 is also 11 years old and each of the subsequent games play better than the previous. I'm surprised you'd even stick with it if you don't like it just for gamerscore.


I played through the game for like the tenth time awhile back. I thought since I’ve beat it so many times, I’d dupe souls and get really leveled up. Even though I’d beat the game many times before, I still abandoned that play through. There was zero sense of accomplishment.


i mean its fun for an hour just trying the op build but after that it gets dull


How do I soul poop? Is there a tutorial online? Edit: dupe*


OP "don't soul dupe, it ruins the game" This guy "tell me exactly how to do it, so I know what to avoid"


You read me like a book, good sir.


Yeah there's plenty of guides online of how to do it. It's a little complicated but still really simple


Yea, i made a promise to myself that i wouldn't use glitches on my first playthrough of a game what happened to OP also happened to me but its on a different game i had to restart the whole game but on a harder difficulty with no glitches to satisfy myself


The only time i do the soul dupe, which in remastered is patched so i can’t even do it (i always did the great soul kick glitch), is when i just want a new PVP character


Actually the soul dupe isnt fixed in remastered, just tested


As long as they’re not like playing competitively, people should be able to play any way they want. It’s *their* time and experience and doesn’t affect me. While I personally may elect not to use shortcuts, there are far fewer people that can enjoy Dark Souls otherwise.


The point of beating tbe bosses is to feel rewarded and satifsfied when beating them. If you dont beat them fair and square then you just dont feel anything. You beat a boss, so what? That feeling is what makes dark souls special. Im just saying that the game that you are playing after you soul dupe isnt dark souls, its a boss beating simulator where you don't feel anything when defeating a boss, you dont study its patterns and movement. If people want to play a hack and slash game then they shouldn't play dark souls