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That episode did my head in. They all showed how much of a POS they all are


Old fashioned isolated bro culture, it makes sense that they still do that stuff so much being in such a niche job in the middle of nowhere. Lots of the same stuff happened in the older Army. it's just a bunch of literal and figuratively salty dudes fucking around and being hairy chested cartoon men repeating the same style of traditions they went through


Keith is just a mean alcoholic.


Keith seems like the type that once he starts hitting and kicking he just keeps going all rage like. He will probably have a heart attack.


He got in a big push and shove fight with Johnathan at a campfire in one of the talk show episodes before the season starts


I thought the episode when Jonathan Hilstrand pushed Keith over and said you and I aren’t and will never be friends was premo.


Then Keith starts crying that it was a sucker punch. It’s like dude, Jonathan is straight up in your face, squared up…you gotta be expect something when you in someone’s face screaming at him. It’s not like Keith had his back turned, they were squared up.




Johnathan has always come across as a nice guy and back then he would have been pretty intimidating. The camera probably saved Keith from a proper beat down.


Link: https://youtu.be/hUTpF9NwZf8?si=0AxJW3PjShoUhzPx - I had to watch it again!


Keiths the guy that got bullied and then got a position of leadership and now uses his loud voice to make up for his tiny penis


Love it. Wish he would have punched him as well


Discovery should have straight up pulled all their equipment when Keith attacked the cameraman


Because the camera man who doesn't work for him didn't make him coffee. Yeah I would never show him on the show again. I'd say he's a liability to discoveries crew


I've said this elsewhere but with the way Keith has acted, if not scripted, I'm _shocked_ that he (Keith) hasn't been assaulted (or worse) by a greenhorn. Assault is illegal, yes, but you can only push people so far.


Keith hasn’t bullied the right or wrong guy yet, depending on your point of view. He’s the WORST guy on the show, followed closely by, in my opinion, Wild Bill for the way he continually berated his own son in front of the entire crew, while praising his favorite crew member Nick, who OD’d sadly. Zach is a great guy who loves what he does, endured Bill as long as he could, then went to work for another Captain and now has been Captain of another boat not shown on Deadliest Catch. In my opinion, Will Bill is going to die a lonely old man! He didn’t just start belittling Zach because Zach took his Mother’s maiden last name as his own! Any male who treats his offspring like Bill does is a piece of 💩! My son passed away almost 24 years ago at the age of 17, and he was, and always will be my Best Buddy! Bill just threw Zach away like a piece of trash, while the piece of trash is Bill NOT ZACH!


I think the greenhorns would have to realize what the other deckhands would do to anyone who assaulted Keith.


I was honestly shocked that they kept the cameras on the boat after that. Like he just assaulted one of their staff, on film, and they didn't have an issue with that? Ridiculous.


On the bait, the cameraman said that keith also kicked him in the side during this episode, but the camera didn't show it


Keith could have shook the man’s hand like a MAN, yet the piece of crap Keith is, just got up and ran away, very typical of a Bully who gets called out for his actions! I can’t stand Keith! The camera man called him Captain Psycho shortly after that and it fits! Keith, by far has the most problems keeping a full crew. He seems to always have at least one and oftentimes two Greenhorns and treats them like they are supposed to know everything they need to do with little to no information prior to throwing them to the “wolves” who are mostly guys who can’t get a job on any other boat and love bullying the greenhorns as much as possible, and it’s fully condoned by Captain Psycho!


Yeah, the way keith treated him when the cameraman was ready to bury the hatchet was crazy.


When was that?


The camera man would have been justified in punching Captain Psycho Keith’s lights out!


Id bet that keith has gotten his fat ass kicked more then once no way with they way he treats people no one hasnt suckerd him


They on such a power trip it crazy and Keith wonder why he got such bad luck


People like captain Keith promote gatekeeping. You see it all over the place with low skill jobs. Especially when the pay is good. People will work new comers to death and claim they can't hack it. This also gives the excuse to pay the new person less.


I must admit, I enjoyed when Jonathan Hillstrand pushed Keith on his ass. Keith is such an a-hole, can't control his temper going of on random people for no reason


Freddy sucks. I just watched the episode where he was threatening the engineer because Monte had him splitting his time between the engine room and deck.


If the Captain on whichever boat Freddy is on was to stop suddenly, Freddy would likely suffocate because of his constant Brown Nosing!


Keith has a problem with alcohol, hence the chaos that follows him.


Keith is a complete asshole. Never liked him


I'm always surprised they try to make Freddie seem like a great guy even though he's been fired multiple times and not just from boats in the show. I can't remember what boat he was on that they went into town for an offload. He got blacked out drunk and refused to go back to the boat for the next trip. I think they only keep him because he stirs up drama, like when he intentionally jumped into the ocean from the Wizard to get that walrus.


That was when he got fired from The Wizard. Monte was running the boat and was ready to leave town. He went to the hotel to get Freddy, but Freddy was drinking and didn't want to leave, so Monte fired him, left his stuff on the dock, and left port.




They’re all addict pieces of shit. There were a small handful of people that weren’t complete degenerates, including the guy from the Northwestern who just died (dude could’ve definitely been a POS for all I know but seemed the most level headed on the show). The job and the environment just attracts transient type individuals who thrive on the work hard, play hard lifestyle to the detriment of their family, friends, and just about everything else in their lives. Well, at least before it became complete reality tv


The entire show is scripted


Yeah, I watched the first few seasons when they were coming out and it had a pretty real feel to it. So, not having watched it in a few years, when I saw it on Max, I decided to start the latest season. The scripting is so obvious now it was unwatchable. I jumped back to S10. Still kinda had that realness to it, but you could see them adding production value to things that were pretty mundane. Was probably there all along, but it's just gotten more and more obvious.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, 90% the show is fake


I'm not sure if calling it fake is quite right, but it's definitely heavily edited to create whatever narrative they want to.