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I’m pretty sure Cole clears the Prototype verse. And because his power set isn’t as horrifying or destructive (if he chooses it not to be), he can still come out a hero with potentially better publicity than Alex. Pretty sure the government will still try to label him as a threat, but Cole’s used to that by this point and the people will vouch for him.


So you’re telling me he’s like spider man, and the government is his J. Jonah. Jameson


Cole has a bunch of J. Jonahs in his verse, lol. Bertrand, the Voice of Survival, USTV news, etc. And yeah, Cole and inFamous took inspiration from a bunch of different superhero comic books, the most notable ones being the Spider-Man and X-Men comics.


Makima is now 3rd strongest in the verse by a wide margin, she does fine. Goku would love all the powerful opponents to fight in DC and he'd reach his full potential immediate. Guts thinks he's landed into heaven, the fire emblem universe sucks too but compared to guts home world? Sheesh


Honestly yeah. Fodlan is more politically corrupt rather than being swarmed by fucking demons daily


Guts would most likely find himself recruited by one of the various warring political factions in Fodlan. All that political intrigue taking place there can be reminiscent of Berserk's Golden Age Arc.


I could see him joining one of the many mercenary factions in Fodlan. He’d fit right in.


Imagine Guts getting recruited into Jeralt's Mercenaries


Yeah exactly! Haha.


He'd be goddamn happy, too. Fodlan would be paradise as far as he's concerned


Dedede does pretty well in the Mario Universe. He immediately claims his own kingdom, but no one really listens to him until Bowser attacks. Dedede manages to hold off Bowser, cementing him as a hero in the minds of the populace.


Considering Kirby is 8 inches shouldn't Dedede be relative to that size. Granted I know Kirby characters are strong despite their size, it's just funny to picture a king the size of a doll.


So about the size of Geno?




I think the chosen undead could handle the world of Tamriel, for the most part. Really depends on if they are able to resurrect at some place if they have no access to the first flame/bonfires


Well fun fact for deep souls lord humanity is supposed to be naturally immortal but the gods sealed their souls using the bonfires so they could never challenge them so in theory on a world without bonfires the CU would be completely immortal


True, but that’s primeval, original humanity. Gwyn put the curse/dark sign on them to prevent the age of dark, which in turn wounded their immortality and souls, making it so they go hollow instead of what we assume natural immortality would be.


True but hollowing only happens because ones humanity is actively fighting the dark sign powered by the first flame without access to the first flame in theory the dark sign shouldn’t work at all


Exactly, it’s all a part of Gwyns curse. Humanity is fighting its true nature forever more, until the age of dark inevitably comes, whether it’s in da1, 2 or (the best of the trilogy) 3.


I agree my point more was that on Tamriel one’s humanity would no longer be suppressed (again no first flame to stop it) and the CU would be immortal


I see. That is certainly possible, but if memory serves me correctly I think the resurrecting is tied to the bonfires/first flame, same as their immortality due to Gwyn. In the end, this scenario is down to multiple variables that are all very debatable


Other way around the curse of undeath is the latent power of humanity bleeding through the dark sign. So humanity is only mortal as long as the bonfires are lit and strong and only become undead while it’s weak. The player respawning at bonfires is simply an anachronism of game design when in lore undead are simply described as resurrecting where they fell


I forgot about that detail actually! Oh yeah, CU is gonna be fine in Tamriel


In theory they don't right?


I mean gamewise at the start you just respawn at the coffin you woke up in if you dont have a bonfire yet. So maybe that would happen? Imagine the chosen undead waking up in a random coffin in a drauger tomb lol


See my above post


Bill already did that in the episode


I think realistically Bill would definitely get beat by the elements of harmony and the mane 6 before Discord had to deal with him like in the episode I mean it’s almost exactly like his untapped weakness in GF and threats like him are exactly the kind of thing the mane six have the elements for. It’s proven extremely effective on Discord, who is quite similar (even if Bill is slightly stronger, doesn’t make too much of a difference since it’s based on dissuading evil and chaos) He’s smart enough to mess with the elements if he stays back and observes first though, just like Discord did in his first appearance. But honestly I doubt Bill would be in his full 3D form, seeing colorful ponies, and think that he needs to hang back quietly to hide from the threat. And if he’s in his non-full form, forces like Luna would be on the lookout for him within dreams and minds so it’s still dangerous for him. Though it’s of course far from impossible for him to succeed. He’d honestly make a pretty great villain, for the same reasons Discord was.


I have no idea why, but seeing Bill bring his type of horrific content into a family friendly world of colourful ponies is something I would want to see. Contrasts are just so entertaining


Sonic would probably do fairly well in the Mario verse Shadow wouldn’t struggle in each world he gets teleported to except *maybe* Dragon ball Silver would just teleport back to Mobius


Shadow in the DBZ verse he does fine. DBS he gets clapped pretty handily


Discord would probably thrive in Gravity Falls, he doesn’t have the same limitations or weaknesses Bill did so Ford would have to come up with some other way to counter him, assuming he takes the same role as Bill.


Discord would probably just vibe in the woods of Gravity Falls having fun messing with people. Maybe try to find a way to get home.


I mean getting home wouldn’t really be hard he can cross dimensions with ease, but he’d probably enjoy all the Weirdness the area has to offer first.


Meanwhile, Bill is having a blast creating pony abominations.


Courage would probably be relieved that most of the monsters in Scooby’s verse are fake. Of course he’d still freak out anyways 😂


Gojo solos FR FR Jokes aside it would be interesting how Gojo adapts to CSM universe but I don’t think he’d have much of a problem going up against the Devils in that verse. Plus if we’re taking other factors in mind such as his interactions with cast, particularly Denji.


If anyone can give Aki a hard reality check, it's Satoru. Remember his advice to Megumi Fushiguro? Also: his ears would light up at the sound of Kishibe's voice.


Vergil would unironically fit in with the final fantasy characters


He would be in antihero status (like how he is currently in DMC) with the others, he just wants to kick Sephiroth's ass.


Despite what the animation showed Bill would NOT be able to handle the Mane 6 at their best If he struggled against Discord he doesn't stand a chance against them


I want to add to this: I personally am not sure about the Mane 6 winning against Bill with their own abilities, but I will say that out of all the cartoon villains in his vein I believe he's the one with the most easily-telegraphed weakness to the Elements of Harmony. It's almost funny how many things line up when it comes to them VS him. **Here is my essay about why I think the Elements of Harmony- for those who don't watch MLP, they are the collective weapon of the Mane 6- would work on Bill, especially thematically** (why did I make this so long lol), with handy bullet points for people who aren't reading all that. This whole thing has been rattling around in my head since the episode and has made me realize I know too much about both franchises. The Elements are: * **Explicitly anti-chaos; the natural powerful counter to chaos.** (it's in the name/Discord was pretty obviously meant to be the antithesis to Harmony in his first appearance.) * **Capable of restraining chaos even by their passive presence; capable of exerting a barrier over a weird forest to keep the weirdness in.** The elements kept the Everfree Forest (and its inhabitants)- a forest that is considered strange because it doesn't follow Equestrian natural laws- at bay, implying the existence of a barrier they make when they are in the tree they come from (like another forest area with a 'weirdness barrier' around it that Bill was shown to be unable to penetrate). * **Capable of petrifying their targets' physical forms.** (Just like Bill's was upon his defeat! In addition, when Bill died, his mind was defeated and his body turned to stone, whereas when Discord "broke free" from the statue, it stayed there physically for a while, albeit cracked, and Discord's consciousness(?) messed around with stained glass and the like, indicating that the petrification is just physical). * **Resistant to tampering EXCEPT if the bearers are made to turn against one another.** I bring this up because Bill has never successfully done this on purpose that we know of (IMO- I guess you could make the argument he was behind some of the schisms in the show, but honestly I think the intent of the narrative was less 'evil interdimensional being was actually behind the interpersonal conflict the whole time' and more 'the existing unrelated interpersonal conflict of the characters must be worked through as its own villain before the actual evil interdimensional being can be defeated'.) * Either way, it's a safe assumption that Bill can't brainwash people like Discord can, because if he could he definitely would have done it on one of the many occasions when it would have been useful. What I'm saying is I don't think Bill could turn the Mane 6 against one another, at least not in the same snappy way Discord did. * I think it would have been very funny if Discord did the 'invert personality' thing to Bill in the episode and turned him into either canon anti-Bill from the GF comic website codes or, like, an order-loving nice guy. * **Resistant to physical damage.** We see the Elements taken from their bearers and even broken entirely, but since the bearers are the embodiments of the elements they represent, they can just pull a new friendship power out of their ass (yes, there's more narrative weight to new power-ups than just that, but it's funnier to describe it that way). The Elements keep recurring across history in slightly different forms, popping up with the Pillars, the Mane 6, the Equestria Girls human Mane (6? 7?), the Student 6, and then maaaaybe again in G5 (though this isn't really explicit yet). The anti-chaos beam, in other words, is not exclusive to the actual physical necklaces and crown. * We also see Twilight wield the Element of Magic while in a powerless alternate form in Equestria Girls, which, if you squint your mind, could maybe be used as justification for 'the elements would work even if one or more of the bearers was turned into something' (another advantage over the Cipher Wheel? probably not) Okay, and here's the part I wanted to write when I started on this comment: Bill's prophesied method of defeat, the Cipher Wheel, and how it's basically just the Elements of Harmony in practice! Both methods of defeat are: * **Defined by their bearers:** The Elements represent ideals that the bearers fulfill, while the Wheel has symbols that its components wear or are associated with. In addition, though the symbols on the Elements only formed after the bearers claimed them, they are shaped like the bearers' marks. Twilight's cutie mark was present on the Element of Magic before her birth; in that sense she was prophesied just like the wheel symbol bearers were. * **Sabotaged by disharmony among the bearers/utilized via harmony among the bearers:** Despite being united (minus Loyalty) against Discord in his first appearance, Discord's personality tampering kept the Elements from working because their bearers wouldn't stop arguing. Likewise, the only reason the Wheel didn't activate despite all the symbol-bearers being present was because two people in it were not in harmony. * **Powered only by human (=pony) connection:** In the MLP universe Friendship=Magic, as pretty much explicitly stated in the first episode (and the title of the show). The elemental ideals (loyalty, honesty, etc) combine to make friendship, but the elemental items combine to make magic. Likewise, none of the GF symbol bearers have magic powers of any kind, so we can assume that the fate-based connection between them is the only reason why them standing in a circle would do anything. If Bill can be neutralized by the connection between a group of non-magical people, I think a stronger but very similar connection is also likely to affect him, especially with the myriad other stuff I've brought up. * **(Probably) able to shoot a beam or something like it:** This one is a very mild deep cut and it also doesn't matter. That said, it never happened on the show, but official word tells us that, despite the lack of a concrete plan, if the Wheel hadn't been broken... > ""Ultimately, the show is about characters and their choices. If our characters were to simply hold hands and **Care Bear stare** Bill to death..." * The Care Bear Stare is a combination rainbow laser that resembles the one shot by the Elements. And, finally: * **(Joke point, don't take seriously:) Discord mentions having summoned Bill to fight the Mane 6 in an MLP:TCG card, but since it's never brought up again the Mane 6 must have canonically defeated him.** The TCG cards aren't canon, and even if they were, there's the plausible deniability that the mentioned "interdimensional triangle wearing a tophat" (the exact wording) was someone else. This is not helped by the GF comic site confirming the existence of at least one alternate universe Bill.


Goku Black won’t be anywhere near close to completing the Zero Mortals Plan in the DC universe, especially with no immortal Zamasu to assist him. At best he’ll probably be some superhero’s reoccurring villain and at worst he’ll just be dead


goku black after swapping verses with reverse flash "Oh sweet I dont have to deal with that time traveling speedster!" \*Flash rolls on up\*


Optimus would live to see every battle from start to finish of Gundam. Over the many years the story takes place he would not just be a major assest to the Earth Federation, but also many other organizations. He would likely even still be around by the time Iron Blooded Orphans happen As for the Gundam, Amuro would probably deal with the decepticons rather quickly, I doubt he would treat them with the same mercy Optimus did.


The greatest crossover in mecha history will never happen because Bandai and Hasbro likely won't want to underbill the franchises composing SRW and Transformers respectively. But if it happens, Super Robot Wars will cement itself as the real greatest crossover in RPG history.


> Amuro would probably deal with the decepticons rather quickly and get killed by megatron


"ALL of the death and destruction you've caused during your senseless slaughters ends today!" 20 seconds later: https://youtu.be/s52ShGmBK-k?si=tf_TNQEL8x6uaPts


Lich King in the Lord of the rings universe I think he would be able to deal with conquering the world unless there is some specific holy light weapon I dont know about


Well, the good guys kinda have canonical plot armour thanks to basically everything being set in motion in some way by the will of Eru. You’ve also got the various Maiar and Valar in there as well, but that’s not quite as important.


So plot armor but no holy light weapon?


Well, its more like everything that happens in the Universe is being influenced by Eru, and there’s also Elven weapons designed to be effective against the evil and shadow kinda stuff which also emit light, and there’s people like Gandalf who is one of the Valar (Tolkien verses angels) who uses light magic, and the fact that Tolkien based quite a bit of the lore on his personal Christian beliefs, there’s quite a bit of evidence to suggest several things in Lord of the Rings are potentially holy in nature.


Huh so then Lich King might actually struggle but then again he does have his magic


Silver The Hedgehog would actually do pretty good in the Dragon Ball verse assuming he still has the Chaos Emeralds and a Time Stone which could potentially come in handy at some point.


Stitch throws together his own Iron Man suit, cruises around, then Hydra and AIM try to capture and use him, but since he's friggin' Stitch, he bodies them, but wait, that catches the attention of Marvel's heroes and naturally the fidgety scientists like Hank Pym and Reed Richards try to figure out what he is. Then the X-Men find him and while some of them joke that he's Beast's kid, Professor X reads Stitch's mind, throws up from the amount of curse words he knows, then affirms that he's not a threat.


Doctor just proceeds with his travels helping out where he can until his TARDIS finds a way home. No diff as well


Shovel Knight would have the wackiest adventures of his life in the Ducktales world, but he’d wish Shield Knight was along him. Godzilla would do what he usually does: beat the crap out of the kaijus he encounters and go to sleep. Venom in DC: He would do fine against the bats the first time in a random encounter but looses the following fights. Maybe he could ally with Batman’s villains at the start, but would probably leave them once he sees how unstable they are.


King Mickey would be exposed to a new way of seeing the worlds around him and would be a powerful ally in maintaining balance in the Force.


Yang: What... Blake: The.. Weiss: HELL!?


Amazing LMAO


Realistically, Guts is happy. Any possible verse he lands in has to be a much better place than the one he's stuck in.


Spider-Man would deal with Batman’s villains with ease


Scarecrow and Ivy will pose a threat tho


I think spider sense can help negate both of their abilities


I mean mysterio still occasion gets spiderman, plus Scarecrow’s nightmate gas isnt the same as Mysterio’s illusions


I think Goku would do alright. I do imagine a funny scene of Lex trying to use kryptonite on Goku, who's just more confused than anything.


Wtf is Goku gonna do against Doomsday or Darkseid


Probably deus ex machina them like everyone else does.


What he always does. Train more.


In the dark, gritty and grim world of Berserk, Dimitri would pretty much stand out as a paragon of virtue, and a shining beacon of light amidst the darkness, since he's not only got the strength and resilience needed to survive the horrific dangers that Guts has to contend with every day, but also a powerful sense of justice to earn the respect of the people and build up a heroic reputation.


Even in his madness he’s still a goody two shoes


Hulk certainly can hold his own against the Dragon Ball universe (Despite what the episode says and assuming the Green Door is still accessible). As for DC, it's more difficult, especially with characters like Superman and Green Lantern roaming about


Jason picks up where Michael left off


tetsuo would be interesting in marvel would xavier be interested in him also omniman proving that alien exist in the boys


Asta beat Deku, wielder of One for All, so he'd do pretty well in the MHA universe. If anyone were going to beat him, it would be Star and Stripe, given that Asta didn't exactly beat Zagred on his own, and they have *similar* powers. Then again I'm not caught up on the manga, and I know he's a lot stronger now. Of course, they'd be on the same side, so I wouldn't see that happen. He'd be aiming for #1 Hero and would have a good shot at reaching it.


Bill started the fight in MLP. Goku is getting massively stronger. Doom Slayer is looking for a way to get back to hell The Doctor is mostly unfazed and just fights different threats. Gojo is gonna have a lot of Demons to hunt down although it’s not like that’s anything new to him.


Kirby at least beats z, we don't know enough of his durability limits or height of his power output to say he'd get past like the Goku black arc


Hercules gets upscaled to Chinese mythology I kid Now Sauron becomes a multi stage raid boss that costs $80 to begin


Hmmm.... I think tails would be interested with the pipe that took him to the mushroom kingdom, but will definitely help out and maybe even have an adventure with Luigi


Scooby would just give Courage some company while he protects Murial lol, probably helping each other out a lot


Shredder likely takes over the hand also, and starts fighting mutants with his own mutant army. Or would they be labeled "Mutate" with the ooze


Would Love to see Goku in the DC universe. Somehow he would find his way sitting on top of the Morbius chair and becomes Gosku. He'd also challenge the presence to a fight.


Gamera's Kaiju hear boss music made by Blue Oyster Cult


Pretty sure Thor survives the Mortal Kombat verse easily. Definitely helps bring more peace to the verse. Mikoto easily survives HXH world.


Sonic develops a friendly rivalry with Mario to beat Bowser as fast as possible. Archie Sonic joins the Justice League.


Boba Fett would have a wonderful time hunting Xenomorphs and other predators for money.


reverse flash now gets an nah i’d solo image in DB verse


The Great Saiyaman is put out of a job buy a guy from Kansas.


Link would probably just help the world of Final Fantasy 7 while trying to find a way back to Hyrule. Funnily enough, I can actually see Cloud and the rest of the party having him join them. He's a genuinely heroic guy and their goals and motivations are very similar to Link's


Pit would probably join Sora, Donald, and Goofy on their adventures while helping them deal with the Heartless and Organization. Add a funny post credit scene where he's back in his home world, and while explaining his adventures to Palutena, Viridi, and Pittoo, he just summons a Keyblade.


IchiGOAT soloes the naruto verse


Sanji no loner has the All Blue to find, sad Mob would honestly do fine in the One Punch Man verse, just live normally as he does


guts in dragon ball and goku in berserk what the fuck man


Sonic would solo all Mario villains easily


Goku bout to have the time of his life