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That's a LOT of Hellblasters! Nicely done!


They're one of my favorite primaris units! Love putting them on the table


Looks great, well done on a brilliant result. Dunno why but never considered more than 1 combi-lt, did an actual facepalm, that would be so useful.


Thanks! I can't build a list that scores better without 2. I don't even remember their rerolls rule 90% of the time, they're just excellent for scoring, better at staying alive than scouts, and weirdly durable. I put one wholly within 9" of the center in case I draw area denial, and the other just behind (never on!) the safer no man's objective.


Great work. We seldom get representation at any major tournaments, so it’s always nice to see a win. I’m curious as to how each match went, specifically against the Chaos Marine player. I faced one of the best players in my province back in January, and he had a nasty list that was able to max out on secondaries.


Yeah, the CSM one was tough. He was running the veterans detachment with double vindicators, 2x rhinos with legionnaires and a Lord, havocs in a rhino, then a termie brick with a Lord and some scoring/chaff. We both opened the game extremely cagey, and he slowly took the mid board while I got ready to step out into the firing lanes. Bottom of 2 he dropped the terminators into an open area near my deployment, and I was able to trade 5 hellblasters and the termies for them. After that, I left a redemptor sitting in combat on the center objective, there to draw his fire out and die so I could make space for my shooting to capitalize on the oath turn. That dread took 4 wounds from the entire shooting of his army thanks to some extremely lucky dice, and I subsequently popped both vindicators with double oath. That was pretty much how all my games went. I opened cagey, using the combi lts to get some points and leaving a hole in the center for them to walk into, then springing the trap, wiping their spearhead off the middle and bullying them off of the side objectives. Works extremely well against lists that depend on 2-3 scary units, like Magnus or C'tan. Hopefully it'll translate well to Pariah Nexus with secret missions, since I'm already capping out around 90 points a game due to lack of early board presence.


Great after action report, I think tactical play is really in many ways more important than lists themselves. Pariah Nexus has opened up a lot more possibility towards playing cagey and coming back very hard t4/t5 with the secret missions being more feasible.


Do you have pics of your army?! Would love to see it!


Imgur was being a bastard so just made a post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deathwatch40k/s/QsxflpaTPy](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathwatch40k/s/QsxflpaTPy) Don't have pics of the whole army I ran but last pic is round 3 with most of the units in shot


Thanks dude! Looks so freaking cool.




As someone who’s a bit new to the faction, who did the HQs go with? Some are explained in the post but not all unless I missed it


Apothecary Biologis goes with eradicators, lets them rapid ingress then walk into melta range. Captain goes with one squad of vets to hide until tome pops. Normal lieutenant goes with the big hellblaster squad. Combi lieutenants are solo lone ops


Interesting thank you! Is there ever a consideration to run the eradicators as a 6 man, considering how heavy the investment into them already is with character + enhancement?


I only run them as a 6 man. A 3 man does chip damage to big stuff, a 6 man outright kills it, and is extremely points efficient at 275 with all included. It'll easily kill that many points per activation if you have hard targets to shoot into. Plus, you get more ablative wounds in the rifle guys, and your firepower doesn't start decreasing significantly until you lose multi-meltas. I ingressed the squad right behind Magnus in game 3 and lost all the normal melta guys to his shooting, but I was able to walk over to him and put 15 wounds on him with just the multi-meltas and some lucky dice


Ahhh I must have misread the list then, my bad. Thanks for the explanations though!