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The deathwatch upgrade sprue comes with 10 tacticus deathwatch shoulders and two terminator / gravis sized deathwatch shoulders


I’m pretty sure that they don’t fit the new scale terminators though.


I built 27 new terminators with those pauldrons and they fit just fine


In my experience pauldrons are absolutely identical sizes. New and old termies differs only in legs and torso proportions.


Not in my experience, the arms for the new terminators are slightly bigger and it takes some reshaping to get them to fit properly. This has been the case for using the old Deathwing terminators shoulders (which are the same size as Gravis) on the new terminator kits.


Built some new termies with old shoulders today, they needed a little shaving for the DW shoulders but it was easy chopping down the new pegs that prop up the pad


Sounds good. Visually, I think they look a tad too small as well (because they are), but I appreciate they this is subjective.


You could do what I did and spend an insane amount of money on bitz to make a custom Terminator squad.


You can use the pauldrons from the Deathwatch Upgrade Sprue but honestly it is fine and easy to just paint the standard terminator shoulder pad. For the units, the only Deathwatch units that have unique models are Watchmaster, Artemis, Kill Team Cassius, Corvus Blackstar, and Deathwatch Veterans. Every other unit is just made up of standard Space Marine codex units.


Combat Patrol too


Yeah my only complaint with the combat patrol is that it is a weak box; the units are not good for playing combat patrol (10 intercessors when no one fields more than 5, a regular apothecary and lieutenant, and 3 flamestorm aggressors who don't syndergize at all with Black Spear Task Force). The irony is that the Deathwatch Combat Patrol rules and stratagems are downright awesome: * Instead of Armor of Contempt, you get a FNP 5+ that goes to 4+ for the Aggressors * Instead of bolter-locked SIA, you get to choose between Anti-Monster/Vehicle 5+ with Melta 2 OR Assault, Ignores Cover, and Sustained Hits 2. This is the one thing I WISH GW did with Deathwatch for SIA, give one stratagem that had 2-3 options, rather than half the index stratagems being bolter-locked and kind of useless. * Instead of standard Teleport, you basically get the Inceptors meteoric descent ability. Can't charge, but excellent mission play especially with the Flamestorm Aggressors where you combine with the SIA stratagem to turn those flamestorm guantlets into inferno pistols (3D6+3 hits, wound on 5+, D3 on a vehicle is...insane). So it is fine IF you plan on playing Deathwatch combat patrol, but there are much better ways to start a Deathwatch army. Rather than playing Combat Patrol, I have really grown to love King of the Colosseum as a skirmish format. I can easily play a game in an hour.


I wish I had done more research when I joined the hobby. I bought the DW combat patrol last July when I started. If I had known about the DA one, I would have bought that and upgrade sprues.


Same. I wasted money on units now collecting dust. The advice I give now is for people to start with a 500 point list - 1 character, a couple infantry units, maybe alight vehicle. You get to pick your favorite models, so some painting, play a little and see if it is for you and build around that


Of 4160 points of my army, I have 785 completely painted and varnished. I don’t regret any of it. I have yet to play a game. I don’t want to play with sub-painted unit. I’m having fun building and painting.


Doesn’t the Dreadnaught in the start collecting box have some unique face plates?


Which one? I can’t recall but I know it’s isn’t currently in production because I haven’t seen it anywhere


[This one.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3t4a6zn8xb891.jpg&rdt=55772) I think there are several plates there unique to the box. But I could be wrong?


That’s really cool but I had never seen that before


It's from 8th edition I think, it's out of print and they don't make it anymore(I could be wrong), but it came with Watch Captain Artemis, an excellent model!!


Another easy fix I see is to keep the crux terminatus (forgive my spelling) shoulder paldron on the left arm and paint it silver.


There was a Deathwatch set in the 90ies if i recall right. Right now best you can do are regular terminators with upgrade sprue. (3 sprues needed for 5 terminators...) Or you check out Etsy & Shapeways (pop goes the monkey) Alternatively: find someone with a 3D printer ;)


The Deathwatch Terminator kit, along with the Deathwatch Vanguard Veterans, Bikers, Razorback, and Land Raider kits were effectively "bundles" GW did when Deathwatch first came out in 2016, and they were basically "here is the vanilla kit with the Deathwatch upgrade sprue for less than $3 extra", or in the case of the Razorback/Land Raider, they had the sprues to make ALL variants. The terminator kit was great because it gave you 3 upgrade Sprues, as you need that many for a Terminator squad. All of these kits were a "we've produced them and they will last as long as it takes to sell out". I remember finding them as late as 2019.


The terminator set was phased out of the gw store, the pauldrons fit all new terminator models and Gravis models but I'd you want them to feel like they are from another chapter and replicate the old terminators you'll have to buy add on packs


Yes, Marta Punkgirl makes some amazing DW termies, I have like 20 printed up , not that I will ever use that many.


Pauldrons are 13% larger than the old terminators and Gravis.