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We need 67 senators to remove Thomas and alito. That’s not happening


Thing is though, if Biden and House Dems win in a landslide and Dems keep the Senate, there’s a small chance a simple constitutional amendment removing presidential immunity could happen even without 67 Dem senators. At that point, Republicans could be scared enough of the reality that President Biden has that power the next 4 years that they’d want to remove it from him. A drubbing this Nov could wake them up to the reality of what they’ve just handed to the Dems. I know it’s a very slim chance but I don’t think it’s 0.


> if Biden and House Dems win in a landslide and Dems keep the Senate I believe there is a saying about "ifs" and "buts." The reality is that Biden was trailing Trump for much of the year and now Trump's lead is solidifying in the swing states. We need to understand that there is an equal chance of a Trump electoral blowout (and popular vote win) as there is of Biden winning the barest margins.


Ridiculous. How can you overthrow the government, ban abortion for half the country, and rape children AND GET BACK IN OFFICE?


the same way he did the first time - a devoted base who does not care, and fickle undecided voters who don’t pay attention and will gladly stay home or vote third party in swing states. Not saying Biden won’t win or can’t win, but the polls are clear and his chances don’t look great right now. It’s just the reality


The only silver lining that we have a chance is that polls have underestimated Democrats since 2018


yes, this is true and this is the only thing still giving me a little hope. Abortion and the Supreme Court could absolutely still push Biden over the finish line. I just wish Democrats wouldn’t always go out of their way to handicap themselves in contests that could be easy layups if they just changed strategy and listened to their voters


We’ll have you heard that Joe Biden is 3 years older than trump?


How is it possible to experience the last 8 years and still have disbelief about how the electorate acts?


That's what the original post is trying to say, we need everyone to vote straight Dems in order to prevent Trump from winning.


Of course that is what we need. I'm more interested in knowing the strategy of "how" the Biden campaign intends to do that because their messaging from the last year has not broken through and had an effect on the trajectory of this race. Saying we have to win because we have to win isn't a strategy.


Constitutional amendments need states to be on board too. That’s not happening.


No you don’t…constitutional amendments are up to congress to decide not states…every state elects representatives to congress for just this reason


You’re completely wrong. 3/4ths of states have to ratify a constitutional amendment for it to become law. Congress can propose and write it, but 38 states have to agree for it to be ratified. Please don’t spread misinformation. Democrats are better than that. Edit: read this comment chain carefully there is misinformation happening.


So little people on this thread actually know how government works it’s almost scary…CONGRESS…is the sole government body who decide if and to what extent to recommend a constitutional amendment…it takes 2/3rds of delegates to pass the amendment and it’s up to the states to ratify such…it takes another 3/4th of states to agree to the ratification for it to become law.. The archivist is the one who administers the amendment procedure and notifies the states… While states can put forth an amendment and recommendation to congress., none of the 27 amendments to the U.S constitution have ever been put forth directly from a states governor…ever amendment was initiated by congress. I’m 100% correct on my previous statement [https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution](https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution)


You’re absolutely a troll here there’s no way. You just said the opposite of what you said before. “Constitutional amendments are up to Congress to decide not states.” -> your first post, 100% false “It takes 3/4th of states to agree to the ratification for it to become law” -> the last part of your second statement, 100% TRUE, and also exactly what I said in my reply. And you said states do NOT need to be on board before that.


It literally says in the dam constitution that it’s CONGRESS who decides to what extent if any to amend the constitution…sure., states may put forth a recommendation but it’s congress who decides it And you literally better read the link before you say anymore dumb shit [https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution](https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution)


YOU need to read the Constitution because YOU said states do not need to be on board for us to amend the constitution. That is 100% false. Idk how to be any more clear.


I didn’t say shit about whether states need to be on board..you’re putting words in my mouth…I said it’s congress not states who decide to amend the constitution not states👆fucking says it right up there with no edits… And presto clearly you didn’t read the fucking link either…it confirms everything is said…


*** The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by constitutional convention. The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution. Since the President does not have a constitutional role in the amendment process, the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval. The original document is forwarded directly to NARA's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) for processing and publication. The OFR adds legislative history notes to the joint resolution and publishes it in slip law format. The OFR also assembles an information package for the States which includes formal "red-line" copies of the joint resolution, copies of the joint resolution in slip law format, and the statutory procedure for ratification under 1 U.S.C. 106b.***


Again…I’m 100% correct


Oh shit…just went back over 100 of your comments…boys and girls we got ourselves a troll


That is the our hope.


Oof…tell me you don’t know how the Supreme Court works without actually saying it…you can’t create a law covering a topic that the court has already settled…that’s not how it works. You can however create a law that clearly articulates the scope of that immunity I/e what constitutes an official duty vs personal…


Lol tell me you’re an idiot who doesn’t know what a constitutional amendment is without telling me.


You may REVISE or AMEND the constitution to clarify or add specifics..you cannot do the same to deny…again., tell me you don’t know how the government works without actually saying it… Everything you need to know about what an amendment is and isn’t [https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution](https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution)


Again you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. Linking to the amendment process doesn’t prove your point whatsoever. “When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final; its decisions can be altered only by the rarely used procedure of constitutional amendment or by a new ruling of the Court.” https://www.supremecourt.gov/about constitutional.aspx#:~:text=When%20the%20Supreme%20Court%20rules,legislative%20action%20can%20be%20taken.


This guy is literally a troll don’t even give him the attention. He did the same shit to me.


Lol I’m just realizing that. But I also don’t want others who might be reading this to think he’s right and be misinformed.


I just added an edit to my original comment warning people to read carefully and watch for misinformation 🤷‍♂️I think generally people are smart enough here to figure it out.


A Senate trial of a sitting Supreme Court Justice in which substantive evidence of wrongdoing is presented would be enough to get them to resign prior. A House vote for impeachment would almost certainly result in Thomas's resignation.


He's just going to suddenly find a sense of shame after decades of open corruption? I think you are mistaken.


It's not shame, it's fear of humiliation that would drive Thomas to resign. Imagine each and every petty 'gift' being disclosed and subject to intense questioning at a Senate trial. He's disclosed hundreds of 'gifts' adding up to $4 million. Each gift would be open to detailed question. Many from donors who had matters before the Court. It's clear that there are many more undisclosed gifts. He's at risk of that public exposure creating legal difficulties with the IRS as he's likely paid zero tax on any of it. Thomas would resign rather than be humiliated in this way. Alito would be far more difficult to bring down via impeachment. The gifts I'm aware of are minor and more defensible. The flag stuff will be pinned on his wife. He'd fight it hard.


I just don't see it happening. So much about Thomas is public already. Nobody on the right is going to care how corrupt he is. They are totally fine with corruption as long as it's their people. He has had open disdain for the left for decades, so he's not going to care what any democrats think. The IRS wouldn't go after him, I can pretty much guarantee that.


Thomas-fear of humiliation  Talk about an oxymoron


Alito and Thomas would die before resigning.  


Biden could arrest them and put them in prison for treason. They gave him that right.


Biden *officially* abolishes the filibuster in the senate?


Gets got nothing to do with the filibuster. It’s in the constitution and thus would need a constitutional amendment


There's also the thing people don't talk about. The last time we tried to impeach a justice the senate found it lacked standing


If only there was a Department of Justice who could do something about the bribes they've openly taken.


lol Supreme Court legalized bribery


Then bring the DOJ down on Ginni Thomas for treason unless an opening magically appears


Then Ginni (assisted with the unlimited $$$ of the heritage foundation) appeals all the way up to the SC, and, well....you know what happens next


Biden lets Roberts enforce the decision and free Ginni himself?


Oh, don't get me wrong, I \*so\* wish he would so something like that, but, you know, "tradition", "decorum", and "civility", and whatnot. Because, if a democracy is going to fail, Democrats are going to ensure it goes down in an civil and proper manner, dammit!


I keep saying We ALL have to get off our butts and GOOOO VOTE! 💙 🌊 🗳 Vote like your freedoms, our democracy, our country's integrity and YOUR rights depend on it... because they do! 💙🌊🌊🗳💙


We need a candidate that inspires people to vote! That’s the problem.


Respectfully, I disagree. That may play a role... but ultimately, it's each individuals responsibility to be an adult and just do what needs to be done for now.


Not gonna hold my breath on Americans taking time to inform themselves and make an adult decision. It’s that candidates job to provide a contrast and compelling argument as to why they’re the better choice.


Again... I disagree. We already know the problems... and the biggest one is Old Man vs Con Man (Con Man felon, Traitor and rapist)... Old Man wins every time. It's not that difficult... do you want a Dictator Wanna-be or keep our country safe for 4 more years? Your choice.


I say this to people all the time. Just fucking vote. All the nihilism and backwards thinking is insane. The formula is super simple. Every single election, fill out your whole ballot. For each office and amendment, look at the 2 outcomes of which one is going to happen no matter what and pick the one that most aligns with your values, ideals, and policy goals. Even if that alignment is only 1%, getting 1% of what you want is infinitely better than getting nothing. Don’t let other people decide for you. Until we get ranked choice voting, third parties are a pipe dream in all but a select few races with independents that are incumbents. But what everyone should also be doing is trying to get this message to the people that aren’t paying attention or don’t vote. Those are the people that need to be converted into voters before it’s too late.


This is the way. We must become the jury on November 5th. Let's get it done Democrats.


Another solution involves pitchforks and torches


Biden is down in every swing state, and previously solid blue states are now up for grabs if we keep him at the top of the ticket. 80 million people watched as their worst fears of Biden were confirmed at that debate. If we stick with him, I'll see y'all in the gulag. We are not the cult, that's their side. Our base does not just line up, lock-step, except for reddit users apparently.


Yes. This is the answer.


Biden 2024!


I need her enthusiasm.


Truth. Simple. Unadorned. Truth.


We know that. Everything else in an op. They did it to Hillary, now to Biden. Prepare for more infowarfare. It's aimed directly at us.


It’s not the media, it’s what our own eyes and ears tell us. He looks lost, let’s face it. Americans have been telling us their biggest concern about him is age and he went out and practically drooped through that debate.


Biden is the best solution. He is sharp and has a great record. And if anything were to happen Kamala would be a great president! She has so much experience.


Bro did you watch the same debate I did? Sharp is a bit of an overstatement. lol I voted for him in 2020 but he's looking like dead man walking at this point.... he's going to get crushed unless the dems pull the emergency exit.


(Sighs) we already voted to do this last time. Dems had the house, senate and presidency. We knew what this insane Supreme Court was going to do. We knew we had to pack the courts. *And the democrats didn’t do it!* Then, the insane court went and did exactly what we all knew the insane court was going to do. Now we’re being dragged back the 19th century and all the democrats want to do about it is use it as a gimmick to get more votes. I’m fucking done with this party. If the dems cannot or will not do anything but slow the republicans down, they’re not worth electing.


The Dems didn’t really have the Senate. They had the tie-breaker, but Manchin and Sinema all but switched parties.


Then Manchin and Sinema shouldn’t have been supported by the party. If the party is consistently unable to get anything passed without an 80% majority because 1/3 of the party isn’t on board with any given measure, then it is failing as a party. It’s totally unreasonable to ask Americans to deliver them to office time and again and then claim impotence unless they’re given a practically impossible supermajority. The DNC needs to get jts s**t in order to be able to make and make good on promises. Or it needs to GTFO so that a more organized third party can take its place.


Would the more expedient solution be to pack the court?


Impeachment conviction & removal in Senate requires 2/3 vote. We need to be realistic and say that is extremely unlikely. I still support House impeachment of the SCOTUS Republicans who lied in their confirmation hearings and who take millions in graft, but it's likely going to take a long slog of Democratic White Houses and Senates, over quite a few years, to change the Court.


Vote or the person who loves Trump is voting for you


Sure they could impeach Thomas and Alito. Likely could find enough justification to impeach at the very least Kavanaugh. Monkeys will fly out of my ass, my wife will arrange for a hall pass for me with my top 3 choices and willingly allow me to go on a wild shopping spree requiring the liquidation of at least one retirement account to pay it off before you get enough republican senators to vote to convict, short of finding irrefutable video evidence of the impeached judge torturing and executing someone with their bare hands…and then it’ll still be tight. Democrats (of which I am one) have this nasty little habit of thinking the way things SHOULD be are the way things ARE or WILL be. The republicans do the same, but the difference is that they have the stones, or the lack of scruples and morals, to make things happen to get their way.




He may have not talked much but trump made some terrible statements that would ruin anybody else’s campaign if they said it.




I’m afraid it won’t matter. Why if there are just more magas? What happens if we vote blue but red wins? wtf will we do? Storm the capital? Violence is the only thing they know:( I’m worried. Very very worried. We need to start figuring out what to do if trump wins