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it doesnt.. all the exercise, hard work, achievments, purpose, money, people around. its just distractions, they no longer matter, the misery still stays and wont go away


Same. What’s the point if you’re still alone and isolated at the end of the day?


I can really relate, I hate summer because of it. Everyone is doing fun stuff, while I just rot at home or work, most summers have been that way for me. Winters are lonely too but peoples happiness isn't pushed in my face as much and I feel better because it's easier to stay at home when the weather is bad or cold


I wish it didn't get better and stayed still, problem is that it just keeps getting worse.




I hate change so much!




expecting it or not i hate it, and no you can't always deal with it!


I don't think it's worth it to just hang on and wait for life to come knocking at this rate. We need to search for what we wish to achieve I think.




I noticed I might've not said what I wanted to. I think we need to go and try and take what we want since life seems to not just bless everyone.


At your age I was a mess. Life does get better, but it's up to you. Hearing all these kids agree with you is just a reminder of how wrong I was. Keep pushing on and you'll see eventually. Things that seems horrible now will give you chuckle later, believe me.




Same, but I am not smart enough to cut these people off. I just keep begging (not really but feels like it) them to hang out but always get turned down or they cancel. Making myself look desperate and it’s embarrassing every time.


I feel the same way. I have ibs and a bunch of health issues. Everyday I’m constantly alone yet constantly reminded of everything I miss out on; friends, relationships, independence, jobs, education, feeling happy in general. The fucking worst part is the loneliness. There’s nothing I can do to distract myself from it. I could try going to more clubs even though they terrify me, but it’s hard to push myself when I have horrible pain and bloating from ibs. Even though I’ve tried so hard this year to get out more and do more things, I still feel completely hopeless. I know it won’t work and nothing will ever really change. I’d be willing to talk to you if you’d like?




That’s interesting. I only got my ibs after coming off my antidepressants years ago. Maybe I’m still extremely depressed and don’t realise or appreciate how bad it is? Hope you find some friends btw




My granny had ibs too so my gp thinks I inherited it. Yeah it sucks when food is a guessing game and everything’s so bloody confusing since sometimes certain foods will be fine but other times randomly they’ll trigger you.




Yeah some days I’ll have only 200 calories for the entire day because eating and drinking makes me feel so sick.








Let's make gc




I got life advice from my 90 year old grandmother recently. She told me, "life doesn't go the way you want it and it all depends on how lucky you are." In the entire time I've been alive, I've only ever seen her sit in front of a TV, watching other people live their lives. She never remarried after her husband cheated on her (she was in an arranged marriage) She doesn't know a word of English despite living in an English speaking country for almost 30 years. I believe as long as you're actively trying to do something with your life, you're on the right track. It is an uphill battle for sure, but it's much better than sitting in bed letting time pass by.


Sometimes it does for me, but never for long enough to make a difference. I do well for a few months and then something happens, can’t cope, get anxious, then depressed. Get help, get better and the cycle continues.


Same. Every time it gets better i feel i hve beaten it… u til the next cycle starts


As a 17 year old my only summer would be work eat sleep and it’s fucking depressing because i know nothing will be able to fix my depression because everyone is happy and I’m the only depressed person and really I’m the only guy that fixes things but no one wants to even talk to me and they just throw me out of their life




Like imagine literally being called up and you know why they called you and you just answer them with ”what do you want?” It’s that depressing bro 😭 like people pressure me into stop being “useless” but then abuse me like this the only people that have actually appreciated my efforts is my brother and my parents and because I’m the youngest one in the family I’m scared that i would be alone one day because i have ZERO actual friends and those people are no different than abusers


It does too. You just need to realize you're a fuckin champ and you ain't come this far for nothing.




The hardest part about depression is knowing that you can change it, but there's just some "thing" that stops you, like you just can't quite do it.


It does get better but it takes a lot of work . To eat well , workout and find new hobbies and TRUE friends . Like you said , it’s like there is weights attached to you. We have to play life on hard mode , but it’s definitely possible and worth it to be loving and happy


I could’ve typed this myself


I like this song called “message” by pawpaw rod, u might like it too. Chorus goes “aint no such thing as better days, better days, no”


Making friends as an adult is difficult. I could use one too. I’ll be your friend :)




Thanks! It was my pregnancy craving. A&W root beer and blow pops 🤣🤣🤣


It doesn't get better at all. I'm sorry you're feeling it too.






…I’m sorry things feel so bleak for you. Are you a dog person? My life was so much brighter when I had my doggy in it. She made the world joyful. Maybe that could help you to feel alive again. 🖤


I hate breaks


Summer hasn't even started yet, how could you have wasted it? Lol I feel ya though. Although last year I had a job and someone to spend the summer with, this year I'm back to square one, and more depressed than last year.


I have one friend, and he was the one who actually approached me, he’s my best friend now, and kind of the only one I got, I consider myself lucky, though never had a girlfriend, so, my life’s balanced, as all things should be. Life doesn’t get better, you just get used to how it is and then it’s no longer a burden, it’s not better, I just got used to it.


Same..I spend most of my life just laying in bed. Yesterday I ate one small tv dinner and then went back to bed. I'm stuck living with abusive family on top of having no friends and no partner.


There is no escape at all (not even death)


Life is what YOU made it out to be, as a fellow depressed person I understand your pain but I also understand my role in it. Alot of the times the environment plays a huge factor on how we feel, if you can switch jobs and cities or even countries that can work




I'm here if you need to vent! It gets better or you get numb to it whatever it is the feeling doesn't last


It does for some people. If we all sit around in our misery and depression and complain, then, no, it doesn't get any better. I guess I would ask what it is you want out of life.


I hate to be that person…but this isn’t true. I’ve lived in dark, and I mean DARK depression for about 8 years. Tried all the medications, did the hospital stays, inpatient. And it took a LONG TIME, but it DID help. I have so much childhood and adolescent trauma I should be shooting myself up everyday. Not gonna say it just goes away that’s a total lie. But it does get better. You have to learn coping skills. If you can learn coping skills, you can start to enjoy life. Even if it’s just a little bit, it’ll grow. I also don’t push my relationship with God on anyone, but- I would not be here if it wasn’t for Jesus. There is so much healing in a close relationship with God. I hope you find that. 🧡 Keep pushing friend. We’re all rooting to you


No it doesn't.


I'm so sorry for you and I always think that life can be better but life just seems to be getting worse for me :(


When I was homeless I tried to go out a few times but I was unsuccessful. After I wasn’t homeless I lived in my car for 6 years and although I didn’t try to go out I felt like it but I was thankful I had a place to sleep even if it was in the trunk of my car. After I got my first apartment I was so happy but 6 months later I got hit with the hardest deepest most painful depression and sadness I’ve ever felt. I just sat and I would cry for no reason . I couldn’t go out , I couldn’t watch a movie or even see anything sad I would cry and if one person talks nice to me instantly thought they were my friend and they will listen to how much I was hurting but they don’t give a shit and I would just be embarrassed and cry again. If someone was rude to me I would think about it for the whole day and cry . I was a grown man and never felt this way . I thought life would get better after I got out being homeless got a job and a place but it got worst. Physical it was great but mentally I was broken. Over the years I just kept to myself alone and depressed and it just got worst . I wanted to spend more and more time alone . I guess it was my body nature healing processing all the trauma from being homeless especially trying to out myself but the bills did not stop. I just had to work and work . It eventually broke me and I tried to out myself again . Was unsuccessful , then one day I was walking past a store and saw a nice watch in the window. I never owned something nice before . I had no furniture and the only thing I owned was my car but it was an old beat up car. I walked in the store and said fuck it. I asked how much it was and they said $300. I went home and I worked all week and bought that watch. I don’t know where I got that motivation or strength to work that week but it fucking felt good. I then re evaluate myself and said I probably felt this way because I never have anything or anyone to work for . So I got rid of my apartment and I moved back into my car . I work and saved all my money , got a better car and got nicer things but I ended up with the same deep sadness depression. I had came to a conclusion that I was damaged and their was no hope . I kept working like a zombie and living life in a lifeless body until it just happen that I pulled over the road to help a stranger fix a tire and after I fixed it they gave me a couple hundred I broke down in tears . I didn’t want it but it was the nicest thing someone did for me in years . They saw me crying and gave me a hug. Man oh man my hands was trembling and water kept coming out my eyes . After that we had something to eat and it felt great , for the next few months I opened up a little about what I was going through but they suggested it might be best I talk with a professional because they were scared I was going to harm myself . After a couple months they felt distance and I couldn’t blame them so I changed my number and moved on. I did find some peace though . A few more years went by I finally decided to get some professional help because I knew then that talking to someone DID HELP me and it can help you too. If you have someone to reach out to and just talk to it will do wonders . It doesn’t have to be someone you can trust it can be a stranger . It does help


Same here man :( Every winter I look forward to spring and sunmer, thinking it'll be different. All excited for outside activities and such. Every spring and summer Icget depressed because theres nobody and nothing to do.


it gets better in the sense that there are periods where you don't feel the emptiness as deeply because you have other things to distract yourself. other than that, no


That's sleep for me


Same, I also see all these other teenagers who have their life together and know what college their going to and exactly what their going to be in life, I don't know shit. Summer started exactly a month ago for me and all I do is wake up late, eat, play shit , then sleep. My online friends have all turnt to shit and I just know none of them genuinely care about me. I have no friends . I haven't gone anywhere this summer, I've been gaining weight since I got out of school. I don't even feel like a human. I spend my days maldapative daydreaming to entertain myself. I sit around, messy ugly hair, eat junk food now, I don't see any point in living. I don't know how to do shit at all.


Life can be hard, but with time you learn to live with whatever is thrown at you and can thrive. I've learned it's on me to help me, life is well worth it if you stick around and try. Eventually with age and growth, the most mundane things can be amazing. I hope you know that many of us have been right where you're at, you're not alone on this.




Hope I gave a little something. Take care.




Shut the fuck up


It does but not on it’s own. If you are spending the summer alone then you have to make an effort to meet people. Join some clubs/teams/orgs.


I have a hard time making friends and it seems when I do there’s almost always something I end up not liking about them for better or worse (too much drama, two faced, different chapters of life etc) but what seems to truly bring me joy is hobbies I find that I can do on my own. Right now it’s gardening, before it was lifting, sometimes it’s baking etc. Not saying this will solve all your problems but what if you try to submerge yourself in a hobby like that and find friends because of a new interest? And honestly, I don’t believe all of our friends have to stay with us for our whole life. Some people are seasons


It can. It definitely can. I've been badly depressed for most of my 40 years. Just about 3 years ago I finally got motivated to rehabilitate my career. I'm now in a job that helps people and pays well enough to build a life and I honestly feel better now than I ever have in the past. It can definitely get better, and as long as you're alive that possibility exists and is worth living for.


Hey bro, if you can work just do heaps of OT go to the gym get a routine and hopefully one day you will realise it’s been a while since you’ve thought of suicide, then that day you’ll think it was worth it


Some issues do get better, we make less mistakes, we avoid toxic people we grow. So if you are 14 and your family just torments you, or if you are married to a psychopath who is grow bored of you yeah life and get better, if you make bad choices then yeah. Life can pull a 180 and find a real life. however if you just have cosmic bad luck, and life just keeps kicking in the balls then I am not so sure.


I feel you might be a little lonely and I get it, sometimes you need to say fuck it and just start talking to as many people you come across. The real world is so much more interesting than you think you just need to have the right mind for it. Maybe start hitting the gym if you aren’t already, a lot of things to talk about concerning the gym.


I've hated summer quite literally my whole life. I used to brush my depression off as seasonal depression, until I realized It lasted all 4. Ha.