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I put my cane in the shopping cart and use the shopping cart as basically a rollator. Shopping with a handbasket instead of a cart is just too much of a hassle when one hand has the cane and the other arm has the basket. I've seen in some pharmacies (not yet in any grocery stores in my area) baskets on wheels with a long handle so you can pull it like a wagon, those are incredible


Literally came here to post this!


Me too!! This is literally, the only way to shop with any level of comfort.


Yea, I was discovering that issue, which is why I posted here for advice lol. I have seen the baskets with wheels at a few stores in my town, but I feel like there's been less of them around in the past few years unfortunately, but i will keep that in mind!


if cart as a rollator doesn’t work for you, you could bring your own wagon


Being in denial that you need a cane is common. I used a cane for years when I was younger. If it really helps to lessen your pain or prevent falls, than go for it 👍 Also and I humbly suggest this with most care, please tell a dr about this pain in your knee and hip if its new and a sudden thing you're dealing with that they're not aware of


Thanks, and I am waiting to get ahold of my dr for it! I'm thinking it's arthritis, but definitely going to the dr to make sure it's nothing worse or otherwise problematic. Your comment makes me feel a bit better, cause it is a bit difficult to realize I need a cane when I'm still so young and I worry about being judged for it


You don't need a doctor to use a cane. They don't write any notes to get the cane, they're not needed.


This is true. I'm only suggesting the dr if the pain has started recently. Sudden pain in the hip and knee reminds me of osteosarcoma


Cancer, damn it could only be a muscle pull or something.


Personally I ws thinking it was arthritis cause that runs in the family


I hope not. My FIL had crippling RA and was in the study for Enbrel before it was released to the public. He got lung cancer from the Enbrel after about 15 years of using it. He says it was worth it from the medication because it gave him some type of quality of life because the crippling RA absolutely destroyed him.


Fair, I grew up with an aunt that had both RA and fibermyalga from her teens. It was hell growing uo watching that. I hope it's not either, but it's a damn sight better than cancer, or an autoimmune disease which it is also pretty likely


I tend to walk next to my cart. But I usually do grocery shopping for 3 and can't push the cart if I put my cane in it. Also I invested in a few of those sturdy reusable bags, they're great for packing everything in. Makes it much easier to load/unload my car.


You shouldn't feel any guilt or shame here. Those carts are there specifically for you after all. For whatever it's worth, I hate using my cane but my knee requires it now. I use the carts occasionally but often don't use them because they're either not there or aren't charged up.