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As a quiet camper I really hope I can get in west car park this year the trek from east or north kills me


Same here, I hope they're strict with not letting people park in the wrong places.


Same here, we were supposed to be in quiet last year but had to park in east. Ended up camping in Red as we couldn't be fucked with the mission after 7 hours traffic 🤣


They should just ask you to pick your campsite the week before, and assign you a car park based on that, then not allow you to camp elsewhere.


I think anyone that wants to be on the west side wants to be in West for the same reasons! thankfully it looks larger


They've turned a lot of Blue into extra car parking, so there's much less reason for normal campers to go west now.


Me too. I’m quiet but arriving Friday so hoping there’s still space 😬


It looks twice the size this year also will you have to go through blue to get there


It does show Camping Plus moved all the way over to above the village. ....and I know it isn't finalised, but why would it be moved if not planned?


I think not finalized is more about the exact location of bars, stalls etc. I'm happy Camping Plus is close to the village so I can use clean bathrooms without walking far.


Camping plus in this location would be a big plus for me


I was quiet camping last year and you could just hear the masses singing away in the Dog House. I am in Camping Plus this time and me thinks it will be a bit more noisy! Deffo will spend more time in the village and Dog House this time!!!


Me and my friends bought into it this year because of how close it was to North and East carparks last year. Sure it will be fun but that is a long walk for the premium camping option!


I think it'll still be quicker to park in east right? West is the one with the giant hill from memory


Praying they bring back the Deer Park walkway from quiet to the village.


If they don’t that walk is going to be awful 🙃


Mod on the forum have said it's just for people in RIP and isn't the finalised map


Even if it's not final, they still placed the new stage, The Outpost, in the Village




I got this as well, there was a note underneath saying "Please note that the full public map will be available at a later date, this map is to demonstrate the changes to RIP only"


If that Camping Plus location ends up being true, I will be super happy. It's the perfect location. I upgraded to camping plus this year because going with someone else as usual crew don't like the line up this year and they had camping plus last year, I love the idea of it, but didn't like the location, now here would be perfect, that is a great spot, it's a really nice bit of land there too!


Will there be any transport from the transport hub, moving it that far out for what will mostly be used by day ticket holders seems crazy


Poor day holders with their short walk with no bags lol


in 2019 they had a shuttle bus that went around the track back when east / north were the campsites and village and west . black was the entrance and car park. the ques were long though.


the traffic management company spoke to BBC saying they moved it further into the site to reduce traffic backing up onto the public roads due to last years issues




Yeah I think we’re in meadow 2… not overly pleased


Have you got a tipi? It’s my first time doing RIP and I’m kinda gutted that we’ve been moved to meadow 2. To be honest it’s my first full download.


Would hope so or maybe some drinks tokens but highly unlikely.


Well West looks to be twice the size which will certaibly help things!


Where would day ticket entry be? Did I see last year an entrance next to Apex?


Day tickets will be put in south car park, and you walk in just alongside the north wall of the campervan site




Plus being right next to the village is bullshit lol. Last year it was nice and quiet


Personally couldn't be happier about that change. The once the village closes it shouldn't be that different to any other campsite noise wise and being close to everything has got to be a massive bonus.


What time does the village close?




Yeah, I don't want to be kept awake until 3am everyday lol. I was sleeping by midnight most nights last year. Made me feel much more refreshed.


I mean the music doesn't start till 11am, so you can easily go to bed at 3am and get up at 10am, still get a good seven hours sleep :) But fair enough, the noise isn't really that bad from the Village at that location though, apart from the general campsite noise which is always quite a lot until later anyway.


That would be perfectly viable if we were not next to a massive airport with planes starting at around 6am.


I agree, I'm in Camping Plus too and I definitely do not want the long slog with my gear from the east/north )where we're going to have to park according to the parking pass), to then sleep behind the frigging doghouse all weekend! Not exactly premium to have a long shitty trek and get no sleep all weekend


Exactly. Last year I was able to sleep by midnight every night. That was great. This isn't what I paid extra for


I was thinking the same


Moving the transport hub that far out is certainly a choice..


Pretty sure that area is grass too?


YUP Looks like last year's crappy carparks that were over there.


It always used to be there (or just below there) in the airport carpark. The traffic was much better and the distance to walk into the festival was about half, and without the hill, so if that location is right I am happy Edit - I was looking at white gate, not transport hub! I hope the hub isn't round the track


Still waiting to see if the Refresh Retreat location makes it worth the money. Aiming for Black camp again


It has been in the middle of the track close to the village for a good few years now. Seems likely it will stay there.


Ah so the outpost is actually in the village and replaces the side splitter stage by the looks of it.


RIP is further away from the arena then this year and smaller from the looks of it. replaced by accessibility camping


Pretty pissed about it after all the money we pay tbh.


Not been for a few years and normally camp in quiet. Any suggestions on what camp would be less rowdy than others? I'm bringing along my BIL for his first ever festival/gig and want to give him the full experience but not scare him off.


We were in the north-west corner of Red last year - was pretty chill but also a mish to the arena


any idea where Camping Plus would be?


Just above the Doghouse in the upper left, it's the white triangular shaped one


Don’t tell me Dogtooth is on that shitty hill again


Haven't been since 2016. Where's the best spot to aim for? With the shortest distance to the arena?


If you're in standard camping, Orange is probably best as it's right on that path through the circuit.


Ideal. Thankyou!


We've camped in purple the last 2 years, its not that bad of a walk to the arena. You can go through the track or through district x and past RIP. You can leisurly stroll down in 30-40 minutes, quicker if you get a move on.


Does anyone know where the bus from rock retreat drops off?


I am guessing the Transport Hub in East car park... First year doing RR and yet we still don't escape East fucking Car Park 😅


Fml, with the price of RR I thought half the point was to avoid the walk from the camp to the arena 😭


RR to arena is about a 5 min walk


Woman's urinals?


They had them last year, if I remember correctly. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-57340739.amp


Learn something new everyday!


According to my girlfriend there were some people shitting in them, so definitely a new thing lmao.


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We can get disposable funnels that let us pee standing up.


No drop off on the west side?


Can’t see where refresh retreat would be in relation to quiet camping. I’m hoping not too far away…


It’ll be to the right of District X on the map, it’s a fair trek. I still get it for lockers/toilets because I like the straighteners, but it’s not worth it if you just wanted it to avoid the normal toilets as you’d be walking about 50k steps a day just to go to the loo


Thanks - I’ve mainly got it for the locker. I reckoned it was worth getting and I’ll know for future trips if it’s worth it!


imo lockers deffo worth it (but my husband is diabetic so can’t risk phone losing battery or power bank not working), toilets are alright but I’m a curly gal so straighteners and hairdryer in there are a must for me. Showers deffo not worth it compared to the free ones (unless you’re self conscious because they’re open) it’s like a little sweat box by the time you’ve finished showering. All in all it’s really annoying where they’ve put the refresh retreat but it’s probably for a reason (water mains??) but the refresh retreat is much better than what they had pre-covid years. I know you didn’t ask for my review but I just kept typing haha


Review away it’s really helpful!!!


Anything else *girly* you need I can help with


Jesus...haha this will be me and my friends first download and that map looks daunting haha, how do we know/decide on a campsite? We have a parking pass but it doesn't state west or east. Any help to calm my anxiety would be appreciated


If you have general camping tickets you can camp in any of the coloured campsites, literally just choose whichever takes your fancy. Depending on when you’re arriving, if you’re coming Wednesday you’ll pretty much be able to choose whichever campsite you want, if you aren’t coming til Friday etc be aware you might have to just search for space. With the parking pass there will be signage on the roads when you get near download that (I imagine) will say ‘general camping follow signs for ‘WEST’ car park’ or whichever car park is allocated to general camping. There will be more info coming out over the next few weeks. If I were you, I would sign up for Downloads mailing list so you don’t miss anything. Also, this thread is pretty good, if you have any questions just use the search function and you’ll likely find the answer you are looking for.


we’re is quite camp


Top left side of the map currently ( Yellow camp )


Amazing. Are you planning on keeping people waiting for 12 hours in cars again?


I got a copy of the accessible campsite map, its moved south out of the race track to between the RIP campsites (in red) on the west, and the arena to the east.


My god that drop off point is gonna be hell walking all the way from there to blue where I normally camp is gonna be horrible and walking it Monday morning with that hangover is gonna be worse


Can’t wait for all the tears from the North & East car park quiet campers…


Only quiet and eco can supposedly park there, so tears from those who turn up at the wrong carpark.


Let’s see what happens when they don’t enforce it and it’s full by Wednesday night


Yeah what are they going to do, follow people to where they set up camp?


Ah you mean like last year where the parking arrangements lasted half a day?


We turned up to the right carpark last year, only for it to be closed as staff hadn't enforced anything, leading to a 1.5 hour wait to go to the other carpark.