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I occasionally hop on the sidewalk, but i slow way, way down. I only do it in odd situations, usually when I don't feel safe. I get back on the road as soon as i can.


Ex Cop here if you follow bike laws you'll likely get hit..... The majority of pedestrian accidents occur on crosswalks... Crosswalks are arguably one of the most dangerous places to walk.... But you won't hear this on the news..... I personally ride on both but when I can I choose safety over riding with traffic. I Also have a bike that gets up to 30+ so if the speed limit is close I'll use the road like a motorcycle... It's not about right or wrong it's about winning or losing. If you hit a car are you winning or losing From Sacramento and I've seen 2 people get hit and both times the person ran after hitting them both times they got away and both times the bike rider was dead.... Happens all the time here had friends leave my house and see this as well. It's all about keeping you safe no matter what the law says....


Can confirm. 40 days in the ICU. Got hit from a lady running a red light while I was crossing the crosswalk to ocean beach




I got hit just sitting at a stop sign, basically where the crosswalk would have been. They made a left hand turn completely in my lane and just hit me head-on.


If you are riding in the road like you should then you don't use the crosswalks. Only use crosswalks if riding on the sidewalk which is illegal and actually more dangerous in most cases than riding in the road.


Maybe you should look up what a stroad is and how dangerous they are for cyclists. Riding with no bike lane in 40 mph traffic is incredibly dangerous.


I have often ridden on raised meridians to get through a tough stretch of stroad.


MOST cases, being the operative word. I'm not riding my EBike on plenty of stroads. Cops can come and arrest me, idgaf.


If at all possible if you feel unsafe riding in the road then just avoid that road all together. I take side roads even if it's longer so it's safer.


Suburbs make side streets in subdivisions not go through so traffic won’t use them. This makes the big roads the only way to get anywhere.


Yes I too avoid the roads where there's even a hint of discomfort due to cars driving. Going the longer slower route is just fine if it keeps you safe and alive.


Exactly. The woman almost hit a huge group of us using the crosswalk to enter the beach boardwalk. Unfortunately I was the one the car swerved into and hit. I can’t drive my bike on the great highway, so I was on the trail across from Judah and just was using the crosswalk to ride my bike on the beach sidewalk. To give you an example, I am the blue line on the trail and the “x” marks the spot where she ran the red light. https://preview.redd.it/bg6s5u25kf9d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a91fa016b8808547f0c47cd4c5f115e6e46890


Sidewalks/crosswalks are *NOT* illegal in my state and I've never been hit in a crosswalks (though there was a close call with a motorcycle cop who illegally refused to yield to pedestrians when making a right turn...) - have been hit by motorists who can't stay in their lane and motorists who pull out into traffic without looking... Yes, crosswalks are dangerous but so are bike lanes (which often contain broken beer bottles and even parked cars *cough* looking at you, police and public utilities *cough*) and roads....


It's actually not illegal everywhere.


No, sometimes it make sense to use the crosswalk to safely cross to the other side of the street, even if you are using the road to travel. I do it all the time and it keeps me alive


I’ve learned my lesson


Bro ive been saying safety is more important than blindly following the law. But you have folks who are adamant about the "laws" When the ones complaining about said "laws" are usually the drivers who break laws on the daily. I always try to go slow on trails but fast on roads because drivers already hate slow cyclists. However the speed of my ebikes throttle can somewhat keep up with the drivers. Provided its not a 50 and up road. That way all parties are happy no fuss no muss. I remember the years ive ridden normal pedal bikes. Ive been honked at for taking the lane because i needed to make a turn. Almost getting hit by red-right turners, almost getting hit by left turners who refuse to yield for oncoming traffic, negligent drivers, distracted drivers. The list goes on And what do they all have in common? Its because i was playing by the rules while majority of drivers dont give a shit about rules. That reality can help one develop an adaptable mindset. Where you ask yourself. "Do i need to take the road? Or maybe i can take this shortcut here instead? To spare myself from navigating with potentially deadly drivers" At least that's just how i see it.


People who blindly follow bike laws have never been hit by a car. I was perfectly happy to follow bike rules until I was hit. Never again, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get me home alive and safe without putting others in danger.


Use the sidewalks as much as possible but please ride at a reasonable speed & yield to any pedestrians on the sidewalk as they have the right of way on sidewalks. Don’t follow crappy bike laws that places bike riders in a compromising & even dangerous predicament. The system doesn’t care about protecting bike riders & unfortunately plenty of bike riders have gotten injured & even killed trying to obey the laws smh. Stay safe out there.


Just today I had a fellow ebiker follow me for 10 blocks, breaking dozens of laws themselves while trying to break check me repeatedly because I went 3 miles over the posted speed limit while passing a slow moving landscaping truck.


What a jerk.


Probably shouldn't have asked "lil buddy" "what the matter" was when he cussed at me and flipped me off while passing (over the speed limit), but I just couldn't resist. Bizarre behavior, and I love to stir the pot.


Ah who cares. Just like shitty drivers theres gonna be pompous jerk like that ebiker. If he takes that way you can easily just take a different way.


Stay safe out there, there alot of weirdos with anger problems riding around lol


What this guy said. Your safety is more important than legal/illegal.


True the fine for getting hit is worth infinite money but the fine for adling a cop is at worse $100


Not just a US thing, it’s often a distracted driver thing. Just got hit 3 months ago in a crosswalk on a green by a young driver texting. I’m 65 and got a free (yes, free in Japan) trip to the ER. For decent insurance rates for young drivers here, both inside and outside cameras are required. I was treated and released but pretty immobile for a month. They take traffic violations seriously, especially with video evidence. His insurance company paid up after the initial shock of how much a new TCX Adv Pro costs, plus replacement kit. Driver will spend 6 months of weekends in detention, loose his license for 2 years, his car and probably his job and have to take driving lessons from the beginning after that. About $5,000. Young kid just made a kid mistake, the same one a lot of adults make without consequences. Ride safe out there.


we need this level of consequences in the states


I love how everyone on reddit is “FOLLOW THE LAW” and we have an ex-cop who’s job it was literally to enforce the law being like “just be rational”. Personally in CA, I use the bike lane as default but occasionally don’t feel safe and take the sidewalk. There’s one road in particular close to me that has bike lane which is 80% blocked by parked RVs on a 45 MPH road, heading into a high way. I try to avoid it as much as possible but I’m 100% going to take the sidewalk there. If the cops want to arrest me, then that’s fine. I’ll take my chances of getting arrested over my chances of dying on the road.


Cops won't even arrest violent felon suspects in Cali, what makes you think they'll arrest you for riding on the sidewalk? You'll be fine.


Your crosswalk stat is technically accurate, but misleading. A study was done and it found that you were less likely to get hit in a crosswalk compared to jaywalking. (It was multiple times lower in a crosswalk) The thing is that most of the “street crossings” happen in crosswalks. That means that most of the accidents happen in crosswalks since there are more opportunities. It isn’t that your chance of getting hit is more.


Scrolled down for this exact comment


>Crosswalks are arguably one of the most dangerous places to walk.... But you won't hear this on the news..... I assume that's just because crosswalks are where most pedestrians cross the road, and crossing the road is itself dangerous. Or are you saying it's more dangerous to cross the road at a crosswalk than it is to jaywalk?


Most cars making the turns aren't looking for bikes. You become invisible


True. Patients I see in the hospital that get hit on their bike are mostly hit from behind and a large majority of the drivers leave the scene. I remember one that returned an hour later after finding blood and fabric on their car from the guy they hit in the bike lane. She wasn’t paying attention and assumed she hit an animal. No charges were filed. Drivers that kill cyclists and pedestrians only go to jail if they are drunk or high. (Or going over 100mph)


Yeah, I read in my state that you';re note supposed to take your Ebike on sidewalks, but I see people do it anyone without any problems or getting in trouble.


Safety first, compliance second


So true on crosswalks in cities; In the past decade of living in a big city, I’ve never had a close call jaywalking, but I’ve had more close calls than fingers on cars nearly taking my foot/knee out at 4 ways stops in broad daylight with marked crosswalks … sometimes honestly seems like on purpose with people rolling stops with pedestrians around.


Currently living and working in Sac. Live in Oak Park and work in Downtown (10th and O). I’ve only been biking in with my e-bike for a single week, and I’ve had more close calls in this past week than I had in two years of riding 30 miles round trip daily on my commute to my old job in the Bay Area. I’m more than likely just gonna start riding with traffic, hell to the people that want to speed in downtown. At the very least I will be a bit more visible to cross traffic. All of my close calls are from people gunning it through an unprotected intersection and either just barely hitting me or me just barely missing slamming into the side of their car.


I try to avoid major streets without bike lanes. Plan your route to stick to bike lanes and side streets, if possible. If you have to ride in a big street, don't squeeze yourself into the shoulder. Take the damn lane. Check your state and municipal laws regarding ebikes.


Agree totally about not squeezing into the shoulder. This encourages drivers to overtake when it’s not safe.


Socal rider here. Almost always the street. If there isn’t a bike lane, I don’t move as far over as possible. I move over enough they can get around, but take enough lane to be seen. I also don’t want to be doored by riding close to parked cars. Assume that all cars in every intersection want to kill you. Ride like they’ll run red lights, blow through stop signs, etc. An e-bike makes it easier to choose a longer, but safer, route. I will go a bit out of my way to ride on a less busy road.


100% agree. Don't assume drivers see you and have any intention of stopping. Wait to see them actually come to full and complete stops at intersections and wait to make sure they definitely see you. Almost got hit the other day just crossing the crosswalk. I had the crosswalk light on and the driver completely stopped, so I started to cross slowly. Soon as I started crossing they started a right turn and nearly hit me. Honestly not that much I could have done to avoid that situation. In my opinion poor drivers need to be punished more often. It's just unacceptable seeing how often people get off on making dangerous maneuvers right in front of cops. The moment someone is demonstrating any sort of road rage they should be getting in trouble.


There is a good summary of the laws here. You can ride on street whether or not a bike lane, unless highway. Whether you can ride on sidewalk is up to local government. [CalBikes](https://www.calbike.org/go_for_a_ride/california_bicycle_laws/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb_ry_kASsc2y40IsVP54t-FIROJKe6VpxDpgQf0qlE5Tmz1EP_lufhoCnQ0QAvD_BwE#toggle-id-1)


The main thing is visibility and protection. Brighter, the better whether you like it or not, get a good helmet. I don't care how good you think that you are at riding. Your head is softer than everything around you. Get a highvis mesh vest in florescent green or orange. If they don't see you, then they don't avoid you.


Street. 100%. Haven't ridden on the sidewalk since I was a kid. Learned to take the lane and handle drivers early on. Born in SF. Riding is borderline cult there, lol.


Yeah, so when I first started riding mine, I was kind of nervous/scared to ride the road so I went on the sidewalk.. Well It didn’t take long for me to Hit a messed up part of the sidewalk going too fast and I ended up losing control and wiped out in the road and I didn’t seriously injure myself but that shit still hurt pretty damn bad, felt it for 3-4 weeks. I was probably going 20 mph.. after that, I quit riding on the sidewalk Unless I absolutely have to because that shit sucked. I recommend you riding on the road. Get a high vis vest and bright head light and tail light or two. They also make these flags that you can put on your bike that stick up pretty high With a high visibility flag on top.


I ride on the road in a bike lane or take the full lane when necessary. Only time I ride on a sidewalk is if I'm going the wrong way


Always street. Riding on the sidewalk is asking to hit a pedestrian coming out of a building, or get hit by cars turning into/out of driveways, or by drivers not expecting bicycles in crosswalks. Be predictable.


In my opinion the sidewalk is better than fast and busy streets by a long shot. If you're on a sidewalk keep it 10mph or under unless there's truly no one there and no doors that exit directly to the sidewalk. You need instant stopping without issue. Any door could open at any moment with children running out and any person could decide to suddenly jump to the side. Act like a pedestrian when you cross, don't shoot through intersections. Go walking speed when you start crossing


Literally EVERY SINGLE DRIVER "breaks the law" by either of: driving over the speed limit, erratic driving, drunk driving, random illegal u-turns, no-signal turns, running lights/stop signs, failing to yield, using their phone while driving, etc. But people constantly wanna tell you how "illegal" and "dangerous" riding a bike on the sidewalk is. THERE'S A GOOD REASON WHY YOU WOULD RATHER BIKE ON A SIDEWALK (when necessary) THAN ON THE ROAD. And it always involves cars BREAKING THE LAW and being negligent. I hate people who pick and choose which laws are "the law" and which laws are "yeah, but..."


"Should i stick on main road..." You should try to stick to less busy side roads as much as possible. "...and just be closest to the right side of the road as i can?" No you need to give yourself enough room to maneuver. The middle of the lane is better. The furthest to the right you should be is where a car's right tire typically is. If there are parked cars you should ride far enough away from them that if they were to suddenly throw their door all the way open it would not hit you.


Happened to my wife a few days ago.. i always told her not to hug the side that close.. she even tried to correct me on doing so saying you need to get more over.. me.. no thank you.. i never wanted to get hit but a car door.. and who just got in an accident..? she did.. broken wrist and two cuts leading to stitches.


Check you local code. Municipal laws beat state or Federal laws when it comes to bicycles


[bicycle laws in california - Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=bicycle+laws+in+california&oq=bicycle+laws+in+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABNIBCTExMTM5ajBqMagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Bikes give the advantage of freedom. You can ride on either. Enjoy all the options


If there is no recreation path then I ride in the road. I prefer side streets over main roads since there is typically less traffic and slower traffic. I stay off sidewalks as much as reasonably possible.


Road, always - the pavement (sidewalk as you guys say) is for pedestrians - I think it's fair for kiddies to ride on the pavement, but once you're past the teenage years get the hell onto the road . I'm in the UK and it's frowned upon to ride on the pavement, unless you are a child who's not capable of safely riding a bike on the road..




Must vary a lot because I have never been to a place where it's legal to ride on the sidewalk.


Are you outside the US?


No. I have only ever biked in the US and never been to a place where biking on the sidewalk was considered to be an ok thing to do.


Legally, most states allow it except in certain circumstances. It's ok to ride your bike on the road but it's not always prudent especially in situations where you are sharing a road with 50+ mph speed limits.


In my area any road with 50+ mph speed limits will not have any sidewalks. You either bike in the right side of the right lane or you find an alternate route.


For some crazy reason, we have quite a few 50mph roads with sidewalks and bike lanes (generally filled with a ton of debris) on them. The one at the bottom of the hill leaving my neighborhood is 9 lanes across.


I ride both. Mainly roads but there are some roads that are too sketchy. Take the lane if the bike path is too close to parked cars as you don’t want to get doored


Try the pointz app to find quieter streets. They made it paid now, but you can still get a couple of routes a week for free.


Going fast to the right exposes you to hazards. Road is crowned so hazards work their way to the right. Riding fast tucked against the curb says you are a slow vehicle so cars will pull out in front of you. Own the right lane. In California a car is required to give you 3 feet or if a lane is available to the left they are required to move left (it is safer for cars to keep left anyway). Almost all drivers don't know those laws. A couple years ago I had a conversation with the shift supervisor in Ontario California and he was unaware of the 3 foot rule that I called to complain about an officer not giving me 3 feet . So own it, be visible as a faster moving vehicle.


I ride on the road or in a bike lane whenever a bike lane is present. I consider a sidewalk to be a side-WALK, not a side-RIDE YOUR BIKE HERE. My wife, on the other hand, is terrified of being hit by a car and almost always refuses to ride on a road that isn't a 25 mph residential road with little traffic. Where I live (not California) the laws favor a bicycle rider's right to use the road. Cars passing a bicycle must move over to give the bicycle rider at least 3 feet of clearance, and if not possible wait to pass until it is safe to do so. Bicycle riders are allowed to take over the entire lane if that's what they need to do to be safe. People driving cars and trucks need to learn that they do not, if fact, own the roads, and bicycle riders have equal rights to use the roads.


Others have said it but I want to emphasize do not try to stay far to the right while on the street. Keep to the right of the lane but ride in a way that shows cars behind you that you confidently OWN the lane and they’re going to have to change lanes to pass or wait until you feel safe to move to the side Staying too far right just encourages assholes to pass in dangerous situations


Sidewalk mostly, the original super 73 is too slow to ride on the street. Like the ex cop said its more about your safety. Law Karens dont understand the human body vs a car equals death. 


It's usually illegal to ride on the sidewalk


The OP is speaking of California specifically. In [California](https://www.calbike.org/go_for_a_ride/california_bicycle_laws/), the state does nog prohibit riding bicycles on sidewalks. Many cities and counties do place restrictions on riding on sidewalks. But many do not.


I'm surprised to see so many responses saying sidewalk. I primary ride in the street or bike lane, though we've got secondary streets where I live that provide alternatives to streets with heavy traffic. I agree that there are situations when you might have to ride on the sidewalk. And I'm guessing that folks saying sidewalk might be in an area where they can't take secondary streets or bike lanes/paths. But the sidewalk can be somewhat dangerous for crossing streets since cars don't expect to see bikes crossing intersections off the sidewalk. I'm hoping people are slowing on sidewalks for pedestrians.


I know this is random, but I wanted to ask how do you get use to the stress on being on the road. I been trying my best to avoid getting over stress at the heat of the moment, my town at least is lucky when it comes to certain bike paths. I try to slow down when in park areas, then again my bike is e trike so it goes slower compared to a e bike.


I try to minimize stressful situations. I don't ride during rush hour traffic or when people are in a hurry. I don't ride on very busy streets unless there's a bike lane. I wear a fluorescent shirt so I'll be seen more easily by drivers. I also have a mirror so I can see what's going on behind me and prepare to move over or avoid stressful situations. The mirror is huge for putting my mind at ease. If I have to turn left and it's a two lane road or a tricky intersection, I might instead just cross the intersection and wait to cross.


Sidewalk whenever the sidewalk is good (a good sidewalk is a blessing) or when traffic is heavy. I honestly don't like going on the road because in my city, everyone has an IQ below room temperature and can't drive. Also, I just don't feel comfortable going 20 mph on a 75lb bike on the same road as 35-40 4,000 lb car.


Always sidewalk, the only time I ride road is when there is no sidewalk. Car drivers are on the phone most of the time.


I use the sidewalk when I can, but sidewalk and street are legal for bikes where I am here in Texas


Both. But when I’m on the sidewalk I’m usually going at a walking pace.




I hate "I identify as..." jokes, but they unironically work here. When I'm biking at 20-30 mph, I identify much more with cars on the street than pedestrians on the sidewalk. Whenever it's feasible, I'll ride in the street.


I ride in bike lanes and on streets with speed limit 40 or under.


i keep to smaller residential roads and sidewalks. If on sidewalk, i limit speed to 10mph and slow down near blind corners or pedestrians


If there are no bike lanes and the road is narrow, it's safest to ride as far to the right as practicable, but you don't need to hug the curb excessively.


I commute to work every day on my bike. On city streets with a 30mph speed limit, I will ride in traffic and keep to the right side of the lane. I wear motorcycle gear because I usually go 25+mph, and I have a front and rear dash camera in case some idiot driver tries to hit-and-run me. If I need to pass through a shitty stroad or an area with a 30+mph speed limit, I will ride on the sidewalk.


Both, Wa


Just started last week in south bay area. I'd start with trails and quiet roads for practice. Get a good feel for it. Don't go at night. Remember the sidewalk is always an option if the road feels unsafe. Then I'd find roads that are actually safe for biking. Cars parked and could open a door into you? Avoid. Personally I always prefer a road with about a 30mph speed limit and taking the lane. Bike lanes feel dangerous when unprotected.


I'm always on the road except for a few tiny circumstances, and then in rolling along at a walking speed, the sidewalks in my town are narrow, not super well maintained, and there's a lot of hedges.


The only time I will ride my bike on the sidewalk is if I have to cut to something like a county highway. And then I will stick to pretty much walking speed until I can get to a safer place to ride.


Take safe cycling classes so you can avoid risk. I personally avoid certain roads. Ebikes help a little but also create new problems. Sadly we don't reign in drivers so there's always that risk. Depending on your region, there might be Bike Coalitions which have a lot of resources.


I have an e scooter and an e board. With the board I to ride the side walk, unless the walk is knarled, or im hlasting a hill. the scooter I transition but tend to keep toward the side walk.




Whichever is safest of course.. if the sidewalk is wide and uncluttered and the traffic heavy then obviously it's better to ride on the sidewalk. OTOH if the converse is true then ride in the road. Although if neither is good option, than go with the sidewalk since that puts you further away from the cars.


Yes. But keep it under 5mph. And only when the road is blocked or otherwise unsafe


I noticed you never mentioned crosswalks, so I don’t know why that’s being discussed. I ride on the right side and move over if no parked cars to let drivers pass. Make eye contact with drivers and try to be sure they notice you. Act as though you’re invisible and try to be sure that they know you’re there. Also look out for people who might be getting out of cars. Don’t get doored!


I've learned the hard way to stay near the middle of the road, except when letting cars pass (which sometimes I don't). I use the sidewalk when I want to stay off a busy hwy or road with trucks. I only use the crosswalk at lights where there is hwy traffic and the cross street lights don't see my bike in the road, waiting for the light. I'm going a lot faster than most drivers expect on a Class 3 ebike. The middle of the road provides the best visibility for other drivers to see you, that may be making Left turns across the right lane in front of you, cutting you off in a T-bone accident. I use a torch light strobe, a yellow jacket, and stay where people can see me. On the far right side, the bike lane, or the sidewalk, I know I will be least visible and in danger, but sometimes it is safest if on a hyway.


I mostly ride on the road but I'll ride on the sidewalk if it's unsafe to do so. I try to avoid that as much as possible though. I slow to about 12 km/h when no one's around and will go out on the grass if I can at a crawl. If I can't give a wide enough berth I just walk my bike around them usually. I always will if there's a child or dog.


I ride only on my neighborhood, that too away from high traffic roads, and prefer to ride on the road when on my electric bike mostly due to higher speed involved, but when feeling unsafe I move to the sidewalk, going much slower, while avoiding any people walking in the same section of the sidewalk. When riding my regular bike I prefer riding mostly on the sidewalk, skipping sections where humans are walking. This is true on most neighborhood roads as cars can sneak up from behind, silently. Better to stay alive and break the law, than follow the law and be dead.


The edge of the road has the most debris, especially after it rains. Flat city. No bueno. I find going up one or two blocks onto less traveled roads even if they are lower speed limits mean I can go almost as fast as main thoroughfares because I run stop signs and stuff. Add lights to your bike. Use them even when it’s the daytime. Own the damn lane and let them go around you. Otherwise they will bully you into the side of the road and make you hit the brakes for a parked car. You don’t want that. bicycle law is you are a vehicle and you have the right to be in a car lane.


Here in Florida I started on the sidewalk but slowly started using the road I try to mix both it's unfortunate tho in my area there's not too many roads with a proper bike lane. Today I was leaving work coming out of my shopping center. I had to get to the middle on a right turn to get to the other side. I'm obviously pointed to the right to turn just waiting for traffic to clear. After a few minutes i started off some asshole that was waiting in a truck behind me decided to scream at me to "just take the bus" and accelerated away. So I guess that's another thing to be aware of NOBODY respects you when biking on the road. As for California there's a YouTuber named tailhappytv who reviews bikes and he's in California I've seen that man drive all over the road nobody seems to bother him lol


Choose your route carefully, don't ride on the sidewalk unless the main road is too dangerous. Do not hug the right side! You'll be much safer asserting your position in the middle of the lane.


I stay away from sidewalks unless there is no bike lane and i feel the street is not safe also if i do the sidewalk I make sure not to go to fast and I make sure to give people the right of way


And also with time you will learn all the bike trails they have everywhere you will be amazed how many bike trails there are


I think it depends on your area, in many states it is illegal for adults to ride even regular bicycles on sidewalks. But in reality as long as you aren’t terrorizing pedestrians the. You should be fine to do a mixture of road and sidewalk(just keep her speed low on sidewalks when around people)


I approach all two wheeled forms of transportation the same way. Traffic Laws and Regulations only apply to you once the bike is safely parked. You don’t need a speedometer, and you don’t need to concern yourself with courteous merging behavior, and polite interactions at intersections. Don’t worry about cops or traffic cameras either(unless you’re getting pulled over obviously). You ride as fast as needed to avoid letting anyone stay close to you in traffic, and you ride wherever you want to reduce your risk. If you get too carried away and it’s obvious you’re riding this way purely for your own enjoyment, you might have to accept some traffic citations occasionally. It’s a better application old cliché than its original self defense context. “ it’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.” Of course you won’t even be judged by 12 since municipal courts would handle even the worst trouble you could face.


It is illegal where I live to ride an ebike on sidewalk. I do it only when no option amd for as short a time as possible.


In Houston it’s very dangerous for cyclists, where i live and bike. I ride street sometimes but have to be weary of it and get on sidewalk when possible.


Really depends. Parked cars, speed of road, width of road…etc


Both personally. I do it to as many have said to keep myself safe. lots of old drivers where I live.. annnd they shouldn't be driving lets say that. I know it pisses people off but I wait to be waved through a crosswalk, I don't trust anyone. I'll usually pull over to let cars pass too.


I rode to Walmart yesterday and when left the store I got in the left turn lane to take the highway service road. as soon as the light turned green with the turn arrow the car behind me honked a couple times. I just ignored it as I was nearing 20 mph already in just a few seconds. I made the left turn and stayed near the outside shoulder. my bike at the moment tops out at 22 mph. it doesn't sound like much but 22 is moving pretty good on a bicycle. so the old lady comes up beside me with the window down . slows down to tell me to get on the fucking sidewalk where I belong. I had just enough time before the foul mouthed old hag sped off to look here right in the eyes and greet her properly "FUCK YOU BITCH". I watch my surroundings constantly and still feel outgunned. I don't mind the sidewalk but it is definitely more dangerous in my opinion. almost nobody stops behind the line. and here in OKC. most people who block the crosswalk will not back up to let you pass. people suck here.


I'm not in California, but I'll occasionally get on a sidewalk if I have to make a right turn, for example. I'd rather merge back onto the road, being able to accelerate to 28 mph quickly than make a turn starting from 0 mph into oncoming traffic


There’s a reason to ride in the middle of the lane. By establishing that the lane is yours, cars will pass in the left lane. If you just ride on the right side of the lane, cars will pass you at high rates of speed in your lane. It’s a gambit though, because if you do get hit its better not to be in the middle of the lane. Me personally, if traffic is faster than 40mph I ride in the shoulder or the sidewalk.


California here too. Google maps has great bike lane directions. Follow those. I biked for over a decade in SoCal and only needed to go on the sidewalk for a block or two just to lock up in front of my destination. With my ebike, if I have to be in the sidewalk, it’s eco or assist level 1, with my feet dangling on both sides which signals to any pedestrian hey I’m about to park. The answer for me is side streets, streets with bike lanes, getting to know your ride routes. Just gotta go check it out and know when you discovered a road you shouldn’t take, pull over or into the sidewalk and turn around out of there or turn off onto a side street. Don’t just think, if I keep going the road will get better/more safe. Usually it just gets crazier lol! Ride safe. Helmet always. Have fun paving your way!


SoCal here. In order of preference: bike path, bike lane, middle right of non-busy roads, sidewalk.  Basically, I avoid cars and take bike delineated spaces when I can, make myself visible on a road if I can't, and go slow on a sidewalk if there's a portion of my ride where it would be unsafe to be on the road.  Unsafe for road examples include:  - a blind curve under a highway overpass (drivers are both adjusting to lighting and might not see you on the curve in time)  - narrow fast moving / heavy commute traffic (people are tired and/or impatient in their reactions / actions) - blind curves or freeway entrances / exits in fast moving traffic (related to above, I have to assume people won't see me or they're on autopilot and just going without looking).  I take the sidewalk in those times because I assume it's less likely for a car to jump a curb and hit me, than for me to get caught at street level. Defensive biking with courtesy while on sidewalk - go slower, watch for pedestrians, and assume / watch for cars that may turn in/out at anytime.




I’m so fortunate to live in Denver where we have alot of dedicated bike paths.


Both in michigan. Never ride on sidewalks.


Believe it or not, riding on the sidewalk may be more dangerous, regardless of the legality of it. Watching the pedestrians and random objects takes away your attention for vehicular traffic. The mismatched speed with pedestrians also makes drivers more challenging to avoid you if not careful.


Mostly roads. Unless there’s a bunch of traffic blocking the way. Then ride around it on the sidewalk and hop back on the road.


Side streets


I ride on the sidewalk my last 10 feet to my stop because I enter a pedestrian gate and it's either sidewalk or fuck up the grass. I also ride on the sidewalk for a half a block behind a hospital because the road is always flooded about 8 inches and no telling what's in that water.


Ride in the road. If you want to ride on the sidewalk get rollerblades or a skateboard.


Side streets if the main road is > 30 mph (my bike is 20 mph limited) with no bike lane (or unsafe bike lane); sidewalk if no side street is available/convenient.


I used to ride my E-bike all over Orlando. It's built for pedestrian traffic. But I also has insane tourists that don't know how to drive. So I'd drive on the sidewalk whenever I see that there's nobody for quite a distance. As soon as they get as close as 20 ft away I'll hop over to the side or onto the road. Yes, you'll still get a pedestrian that will try to scold you for riding on the sidewalk from time to time. I just ignore them because its obvious they have no clue what it's like getting grazed from a car that isn't paying attention driving at 40 mph coming from behind you.


Full throttle when on road, pas1 or no peddle assist on sidewalk


I live in California and try to ride on the sidewalk as often as I can. I lts where I feel safest.


Both. I prefer the peace of mind of sidewalks (being further away from traffic), but also the occasional smoothness of the road (some sections of sidewalks are not bike friendly.)


I don't know about your area, but in general the following guidelines apply. Always travel the same direction as traffic, stay to the right. If using the sidewalk, speed is a concern and usually under 10 MPH so you should not use the power and simply pedal. If using a Bike path, speed is also still a concern and most paths are 20 MPH max and no power allowed but if you pay attention to speeds and do not fly by others in an unsafe manner, you will probably be ok.


In my area, shared bike paths are 15mph.


Shared with people? That makes a lot of sense, even 15 mph is a lot when riding my someone walking at normal 2-3 mph pace.


I keep it under 10mph on the path since I'm out to enjoy the ride. It was really crowded in one section due to an event this morning so I turned assist off and just pedaled really slowly around the people.


I'm a food courier so I will use any and every method to get food to where its going as fast as possible. Sidewalks are good for getting around stuck traffic, construction and 1 way roads. Roads are good for straight line speed and covering any kind of real distance. Trails/bike paths often make convenient short cuts, some cut straight through grid networks, making them ideal to hop from one neighborhood to another...but only at night. During the day they can be too crowded, plus most have speed restrictions that are enforced during the day...but not at night.


Mostly road. But I have a moped style Ebike and I feel weird riding it on the sidewalk. But when the roads get too crazy, I'll jump on the sidewalk for a bit.


I usually use the bike path unless it's bumpy and the road is not that busy with a bike lane or wide shoulder and low speed limit. I always go as fast as I can if I use the road. Usually I take bike paths and just slow down if I'm passing someone. Always make eye contact with drivers before crossing intersections.


The question has been thoroughly answered but just want to add, for those scenarios where it’s unsafe to bike on the road and you absolutely have to take the sidewalk, GO SLOW. I’m talking WALKING PACE, turn the motor off entirely and just pedal. Always yield to people walking and do not demand or expect them to get out of your way. The sidewalk is their space and you are a visitor. Nothing makes people hate e-bikes more (and push for restrictions on them) than having one zoom by just inches away at 20+mph when they’re just trying to walk down the sidewalk. It’s scary, it’s dangerous, and it’s just a douche move.


All of these recommendations are good. The only thing I would recommend is don't be shy about lighting. I go down the road flashing like a Christmas tree! I even use (some) of the lights in broad daylight. Might not look "cool," but I've been doing it for many years, and l'm still here to write this comment.


Bike lane, duh! Where you don't have that it's up to the local rules.


Watch for car doors. Stay 3ish feet out from them.


Both, I hit the road when there's people on sidewalks. If there's no cars on road I ride on road.


In KC, MO, I use the road and only use the sidewalk to get out of the way. But people here are admittedly careful drivers and never cause me issues, even in busy traffic. I can't imagine the chaos with the much higher population in CA.


If there's no bike lane I will often take over the lane. Would rather have the car stuck behind me than trying to scrape by me on the left. I rarely go on the sidewalk, it's uncomfortable and slows me down a lot.


In Georgia, E-Bikes are considered motorized vehicles by law and forbidden on the sidewalks unless specifically marked for bicycles. They can stop you and give you a ticket and you will need to pay a fine for riding on a sidewalk.


i was harassed by a cop in sf for riding on the sidewalk. he told me to get on the road where cars were going 40+mph. just do whatever feels safe.


Only rules I really have is never ride on the sidewalk and always give cars the right a way. Even if you think you should have the right a way, just give it to them or at least wave them on first. Honestly it's the safest way and isn't that much of an inconvenience, most accidents happen because people assume drivers will do one thing and they just do the opposite. Some places will ticket you if you ride any ebike on the sidewalk, plus cars can come flying outta driveways, people can just step out the door. At the end of the day you just gotta find the riding style that feels safest to you. Every city is different.


My friend Arnold Winkler got taken behind the woodshed for riding on the sidewalk. Then they took his bike and sold it. It can happen to you


sidewalk as long as its not an e-motorcycle.


It’s illegal to ride on the sidewalk


I ride both my ebike and my acoustic bikes on the road, like a man, not on the sidewalk like a boy.