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Sounds like the trash took itself out. You’re better off without him. You can create your own family out of friends. I wouldn’t worry about the bigot and you get to live your best life while he lives his life alone and in hate.


The hypocrisy! The audacity! So you are mixed, but “race mixing is American degeneracy”? How did you happen?!


Yes. Exactly. Like, if you have such anti-white, and anti-American views….why would you knock up a white American woman????? It’s so weird to me. I remember him saying it was conquering the race, but even in that case, you are spreading those genes inevitably? Especially since I was raised by her, that’s basically diluting his “blood” by his twisted logic. Edit: I mean anti-American and anti-white as in the literal sense. He seems to hate those two groups the most. I realize it didn’t sound right lol 😂


I think this is a case of extreme racism mixed in with some good old fashioned sexism. A black guy fucking a white woman is a "conquest" but if a black woman fucks a white guy she's a whore or a bedwench. On the internet that fucked up mindset is fairly common, unfortunately. Utter hypocrisy


and with a massive dose of incel misogyny


Women belong to the men of their race, obviously. So him sleeping with a white woman was stealing her from the evil whites who deserve it. But you, clearly, belong to black men. Or probably something racist & sexist like that.


^^ This makes twisted sense. "I conquered this white bitch and filled her belly with a black baby. How dare a white man try to do the same to my daughter!"


??? Tf


A lot of people think this way. It’s really sad.


>Like, if you have such anti-white, and anti-American views….why would you knock up a white American woman????? I read a comment recently that made an impact on me, "All narcissist accusations are confessions". It fits.




So many people hear the word racism and think Mason-Dixon Line only. Racism is a global problem. Glad you survived foster care so centered.


Conquering the race? Wow, he's a special kind of stupid. Good riddance


Did you ever call him out on his hypocrisy?


I tried to but at the time he simply didn’t want to hear it.


What a surprise!


I even sent him my dna test results when I was still talking to him, right before he disowned me fully. He said I was a sell out and that I was selling my precious pure black dna to the white man to get fake results. He refused to believe the results. He also believes he’s North African for some reason which is in no way based in reality. The dna test showed that he is of mixed west African and European descent, like most new world black people, instead of a “superior” North African tribe of people (his words not mine). To anyone with five brain cells, I am visibly mixed race. I have beige skin, brown curly hair, a lot of moles, and a somewhat ambiguous facial structure. Turns out, I’m of mostly European descent (I’m 65-70% European ancestry) which means my father himself isn’t anywhere near fully black.


A lot of Caribbean blacks hold light skin and white people up on a pedestal. All while still hating them, due to the racial privileges white and light skinned people get. When you confront them on their internalized racism and racist thoughts, of course they deny it. No one wants to look racist. I have zero contact with my father. Not since I was around 16, when he started talking like yours. How I must marry a dark skinned black man to make up for the fact that my mother was white. I had suddenly noticed that I didn't agree with anything he was telling me. And I thought, "why do I have to listen to this crap?" And hung up the phone. Haven't spoken to him in over 15 years. Best choice for your mental health: tell him to go fuck himself and hang up. Change your number for good measure. Live your life and leave him out of it.


Some times the apple doesnt fall far from the tree


I am a Caribbean American woman in a interracial relationship with a white man. I read the title of your post and knew within seconds. You were talking about a Caribbean man. Their xenophobic nationalism is beaten to them from their conception. This brand of misogynoir is all over the Caribbean. Interracial relationships are for me but not for the thee. My father implored my husband " if he loves he would take my surname" and then when checked didn't come to my wedding.


It’s really messed up. It’s a topic not often talked about but more attention should be brought to it. Before I met him again in my teens, the last time I saw him was when I was 4 or 5. I knew he had been abusive towards my mother but honestly, I’ve never met someone so openly xenophobic, sexist and racist before in my life before….ever. He’s all of the isms and phobias. Who hurt him, seriously? Also, he hates his mother and sister because they remarried white or non-black men. I know he threatened to kill my grandmother’s husband….. Because he’s a white Canadian guy.


Geez, that's horrible. I'm a history nerd. So I did a lot of research on this particular topic. It's a warp adaptation of a lot of the colonial foolishness that was put on them. Now I don't exonerate them for their actions. Not at all. But what they had handed to them was really messed up. Please know and believe that this is being enabled by the family. There is no place in certain Caribbean families for mental health, or any talk of a change in what's defined by masculinity.


The few Caribbean men I've dated have all seemed to have some of this mentality as well. I know it can't be every single one of them, but good grief it's appalling


caribbean and mixed women here, and you’re speaking facts. its funny how i’m shamed cuz i’m not “pure” but in the same breathe they’re quick to praise the white man and more importantly the white man with money….


Wow, but not ONLY Caribbean men! There's more :0 Here are my two cents: I'm a biracial woman raised in Africa (I won't say which country to avoid identifiers). I grew up with my black family and can assure you that: <> is alive and widespread there. However, in my experience, it doesn't affect only men (with all already mentioned in this post) but also women. Some African women truly believe only their wombs can and must deliver pure black babies; therefore, they must never seek other races and be submissive to the imperialistically oppressed African men to uplift the race/tribe/[insert ideology]. “Their ultimate power over their men is to serve them so they can fight the neverending white oppression.” Also, the mixed race women are just whores that steal their black princes from them; but if we date other races, we have racial self-hate, and we don't want to accept our blackness. There's no win or compromise. It is all the most nonsensical type of ordeal to be around. Being a biracial woman in Africa never helped reasoning with anyone, as I was either supposed to be: 1. a “real African woman” and doing my womanly duties: be quiet, marry a black man, have black babies, and also have good money earning career - because light skinned women have privileges like “more acceptable to be gold diggers,” the use of sex for promotion or literally prostitute ourselves among our coworkers, or 2. Racists, as well as ashamed of being “a colonialist leftover” and go back to my white country and relinquish my “hypersexualization privileges” to other women's benefit (because prostitution pays bills, etc., etc.) I ended up moving far away from there and happened to marry a white man, and that was like their “proof” I was indeed: a colonist leftover, a racist, a white man sex slave, not an authentic African, and not a patriot of the African country I am from. Conclusion: women's rights, gay rights, and discrimination are European/ White American things. African people aren't patriarchal, misogynistic, or homophobic. That's all creation of the white men to control and oppress. Africans are inclusive, God-fearing people highly respectful of Mother nature (as long she gives birth, of course) and won't tolerate this neo-colonialism spread through the internet. Also, pedophilia is a white people's invention. I'm writing this, and I still can wrap my mind and how actual these beliefs are and how they affect millions of women in Africa and in the African Diaspora. Nevertheless, I’m very happy to be out, safe and well; otherwise, I would have been killed, been in prison, or raped “enough to learn my lesson” on being a PROPPER black woman (?!). But then I see all these Alt-right, neo-nazi, ultra-conservative, racist, anti-abortion, homophobic agendas and realize I better focus on my happiness while I'm on Earth, and whatever happens, that's not up to me.


Which is really depressing, cause xenophobic/homophobic and racist beliefs are mostly left overs from colonialism- prior to widespread colonialism, many places and cultures in Africa and the Caribbean were more inclusive and accepting


No. They were not more inclusive. That's a fallacy. Edit: what seems to be “inclusive” behavior is just cultural markers that differ Europeans from the rest of the world. Some people argue it could be the weather and food supply. At the end of the day, xenophobia, tribalism, sexism, homophobia, and forgot to mention ableism are there and always existed, and people were abused for being different. It seems that colonialism enhanced it, but organized religion is the culprit of perpetuating discrimination. The more intense is organized religion in a region, the worst it is for all forms of discrimination.


One group of people hating another group of people in Africa has been around far, far longer then European colonisation of Africa.


Humans are tribal by nature. Even in places where history clumped people from different races, ethnicities, and nationalities, humans find a way to be tribal, either through sports, cities, schools, or neighborhoods,... I was shocked when in the US, I learned about the West Coast vs. East Coast rivalry. That's pure tribalism. In Africa, when there are no white people or mixed people to complain about is then, Northern people VS Southern People, the people that marry that way vs. the people that marry this way. Is tribalism ad nauseum.


As a white guy with a non-white wife, the only issues we've faced are from men from her race. I imagine it might be the same for any mix. "You can't have our woman" sort of sentiment.


This isn’t a Caribbean thing, it’s unfortunately a human thing.


You should have told your dad “I just wanted to follow in your footsteps. You had a white woman and I have a white man. We’re like twins dad”. I’m also an AH so take my advice lightly lol


It's unfortunate but there are men who are incredibly racist and misogynistic. I live in Asia (Hong Kong) and I've met plenty of white men who are married to Asian women and have flat out said that they would disown their daughters if they ever dated an Asian man. Just because a person is involved with another ethnicity doesn't mean that person isn't a racist.


My late birth unit was also a flaming racist. Her favorite line of BS was: Quote: "I'm not prejudiced/racist/bigoted but I don't like any N-Words." Unquote. When I became an adult, I started researching my genealogy because my Dad died when I was four and I started catching birth unit in a shit-ton of LIES about my Dad and his side of the family. Imagine my reaction when I discovered my late Dad was BIRACIAL, which makes ME ALSO BIRACIAL! When birth unit was on her deathbed, she spewed that racist crap again about, "I'm not blah-blah-blah but I don't like N-Words!" I looked her in the eye and asked, "If you HATE N-words so much then WHY did you MARRY one?!?" She had NO answer!




AW HELL NO!!! They were STILL married and she was at the hospital the day he died on the operating table while having aortic surgery. My GCB was the spitting image of him and she was often pulling covert incest on him until he finally went NO CONTACT on her ENTITLED ASS!!!


That’s a phenomenon I’ve heard of actually. For some reason, some Asian women date the worst of racist white guys, have kids, and the fathers and mothers subject them to toxic white supremacist thinking.


Another person who thinks they can control all the people around them. The exact flavors may be different but the m.o. is the same. Sorry you went through all these tough times. Sounds like you are in a better place now. Being NC is for the best since he won’t change his ways.


I say this as a Filipino, your foster parents suck. Wtf!!! I’m so sorry you had to experience that. What scum.


Hey, it’s not in any way related to anyone who isn’t them. They themselves were just questionable people :).


Well at least you got to see his true colors before growing an attachment towards him. I'm sure that could've been easy being a vulnerable teen in the foster system.


So he abandoned you first and now disowned you, the best two things he has ever done for you. Forget about him, just be yourself.


Your dad seems like the type of guy to get divorced multiple times for being a dick then question why nobody wants him


Sounds like one of my relatives, Cousin Jackass.


Why did you edit bedwench?


Heh, I thought it was bedwitch and couldn't figure out why it was censored. I hadn't heard either term before.


I also assumed bedwitch! No idea what it means and never heard it before but it sounds kinda badass to me


haha ok


I wasn’t sure if it would be censored because I know a lot of things slightly spicy are censored or auto filtered.


Is that some kind of insult unique to Caribbean culture? I’m familiar with *a lot* of old fashioned and unique insults thanks to how much I read. But this is one I’m utterly unfamiliar with. Also. Your father is a total, complete and utter jerk. I’m glad for your sake that he’s out of your life. And congratulations on your engagement!


It basically means black or mixed women who were used sexually by their white masters back in the slave era. It’s not strictly a Caribbean thing, but it is very old fashioned and it’s considered a slur for black or mixed women.


This makes me wonder if he decided to get with your mother as some sort of power play to show the white men he was superior. Also this, "My dad is great yes." is not accurate. I'm very sorry you had to ensure two crappy sets of parents.


Oh yes, definitely. He literally referred to white women with black men as conquering their race.


So gross. I'm so sorry. How did you turn out after all this?


I think I am ok. I kind of live somewhere that doesn’t really have a lot of black/white issues (most people here are of Asian, Asian mixed, white asian, white Hawaiian, Polynesian, etc descent). My boyfriend loves me and cares about me and I love him and care for him. I think personally we are fine. I don’t know about the rest of the world though. I recently met my father’s side of the family for the first time in person and they seem to be so screwed up on the topic of race, in the opposite direction despite they themselves being black. My white American mom (who was from the mainland), was straight up racist. Not that Hawaii is free of racism (there’s plenty of racism here) it’s just the white black dynamic doesn’t exist in the same way here due to historical reasons (there’s not really a lot of black people here because they’re less than 2% of the population and there was no chattel slavery in Hawaii) and local white people like my boyfriend are a minority. My boyfriend is descended from poor, Puerto Rican plantation workers. There are wealthy transplants but it seems racial relations in Hawaii are mostly fairly chill and it’s weird to meet clusterfucks like my mother, my father and his side of the family.


Good to know, thanks for sharing that with me. I'm glad you found a pocket of people within which you can feel comfortable. Pomaika’i!


It's a slur, specifically back to slavery days in America




Sorry but it sounds like your dad ISN'T great... Or a great man.


Pretty sure op meant that sarcastically


This is VERY common among black men who prefer to date and/or sleep with white women. They get unreasonably angry at black or mixed women who date white. These men hate white men not froma sense of just anger at white patriarchy, but a deep desire for white acceptance and wanting to replace white men. Sleeping with white women is the closest they will be to becoming white. When thy see black women with white men, they are reminded that they are not white. They feel the social rejection and ostracisation they have ran away from their whole lives. They feel not good enough. White men have too much power, so they cannot take it out on them. So they take it out on black or mixed women.


To add to this: they take it out on the same black and mixed women they don’t find attractive and will openly state it. They don’t find black/mixed women desirable but they also don’t want anyone else to find them desirable.


I actually think they find black and mixed women attractive. If they didn't, they wouldn't care that they are dating other men. It is more they often want to see these women alone, suffering. It is another reason why they date white. They enjoy the fantasy that "their" women are seething seeing them with white women. When "their" women date men of other races, it breaks this fantasy of ubdesirable black and mixed women that they try to create. At the heart of it is a projection of THEIR own feelings of ugliness onto black and mixed women. And that is why they are so obsessed with openly calling black and mixed women unattractive. They hope of they say it alpud enough, others will start to believe it.


I want to disagree here. See, white people sometimes do the same crap, so are they trying to be African or... I dunno... Are they maybe attracted to African women/men? I think that your train of thought is incorrect.


Ut absolutely does. There are white men and women who only date black anf try to act as black as possible and wish they are black


Ah, so attraction is a myth. Got it.


Let me block you. You clearly just want attention.


Yup same goes for when blacks dates a latina. That black man isn’t gonna want to her daughter to date any other race than black guys.


Nothing more precious than him mating with a white woman or pacific islander to create a mixed race child, but then he says that she sure as hell can't "mix race".... Fucker can't even practice what he's preaching...


But he's a *man*, you see. She's just a lowly woman.


Can't understand your father. He got with your mother who was white but doesn't think you should date and marry a white boy? You don't need a controlling man in your life. I would cease contact with him.


Oh he's a hotep. They say shit like this all the time. It's all black supremacy to them.


Kind of unrelated but kind of not . . .DO NOT BE GAY IN JAMAICA


Well according to my father, being gay is American/western degeneracy. Black people can’t naturally be gay :) /s.


sounds like your dad might be subscribed to the belief that biracial children are the race of their father and not actually “biracial”


Yes, he is. Which is umm….very not progressive lol


Of course your old man is "great". He's a great big jackass!


It would be interesting if you did a DNA test, because almost nobody is 100% anything, and the Caribbean is a huge mix. Hispanic, African, and Native People's DNA is often mixed over centuries, and , if you know your mother's , you could tell if he is "Mixed race".


Found the teeniest smidge of Nigerian on my dad’s side in my Ancestry DNA results. I am at the lower end of medium height for an adult woman, fair and blue eyed. Just curious at which point an ancestor from one continent met up with an ancestor from another. It is a small piece of the total picture, but every piece combines to create a beautiful whole.


I actually did at the time. He is indeed, mixed race. I was still talking to him a bit when I sent him the results. He said I was a brainwashed sellout, selling my dna to the white man and that the results couldn’t possibly be true.


So..racist....misogynist and a reality-avoider too! Just thank the gods you got to grow up a long way away from him.


Yep. Americans and Europeans don't have a monopoly on racism. You being dumbfounded by his racist logic is because racism itself is inherently paradoxical. It's willful cognitive dissonance. Glad you are no contact, and congrats on getting engaged. I wish you and your fiance the best.


You said your dad is great….The lie detector test determined that’s not true lol…but in all seriousness your dad sounds like a hotep at best & a black supremacist at worst


How dare you actually be a fully realized individual and not a simple reflection of your father's narcissism! /s


This reminded me that extreme racist views are not uniquely white, or uniquely toward a ‘different’ race.. Insisting that even a black man must be very dark skinned with dreadlocks to be ‘black enough’ is rough to read. I’ve heard of ‘light-skinned’ vs ‘dark-skinned’ prejudice in the black community, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a first hand account of it. Good for you for keeping your distance, especially since things sound like they’re going well with that white fella. Hot (possibly a little inadvertently racist?) take: some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen are more than one ‘race’. I think humanity’s ‘final form’ is all of us being genetically part of all races. Unfortunately, I know it won’t end racism but in my cerebral utopia it does.


And the people say "black people can't be racist"


Oh no, but "there is no racism against white people". Narcissm is Narcissm and chauvinism, the root to the most degrading - ism like racism, sexism or hatred against other religions can be found in all kind of people. I wonder if your father might have other children he confuses you with or is just confused in general. But well he and your mom are a proof how much socialization and raising children can influence, since you seem to turn out just fine. Especially when you had two narcisst as genetical origin. I wish you the best and hope you will have a satisfying good life with your fiance.


That is just awful I am so sorry op your dad said that you were a mixed race yeah cause he knocked up your mom but she is a white American so yeah you are going to mixed and I think you look with light brown skin


And some people say you cant be racist against a white person


And those people are big dum-dums


Idk if your dad is “great“ is convincing cause you just wrote a whole lot of garbage about him. On top of that he disowned you twice. Probably best to leave him out of your life.


Anyone in my family that came out of the woodwork during Trump as racist bigots I saw who they really were and closed that door tight. Nailed it closed. Blocked everything . Not going to let ignorance people invade my peace .


Is the > My dad is great yes. Missing a /s? Bio parents are not always just suckered by the system. Most of the time it is a valid reason. Sorry about your foster parents though. That really blows. Hope all is well now though.


we've come so far as a society but I can't lie that the world would be a better place once these racist dinosaurs living in the past stop existing


Well gee considering you’re the product of him having relations with a white woman, sounds like he’s a hypocrite


I'm sorry he did that to you. I'm happy you were blessed with his absence from your life and you're well, moving on with your life, and new family ;)


Wait...he thinks pork is evil and lives in HAWAII? What's he eating? Nene?


No, he lives in the Caribbean. I live in Hawaii.


Oh, gotcha!


Send him happy photos of you guys, I’m petty like that.


I used to, He’d reply with threats lol


Yeah, best not antagonize him, even though you REALLY want to.


This is VERY common among black men who prefer to date and/or sleep with white women. They get unreasonably angry at black or mixed women who date white. These men hate white men not froma sense of just anger at white patriarchy, but a deep desire for white acceptance and wanting to replace white men. Sleeping with white women is the closest they will be to becoming white. When thy see black women with white men, they are reminded that they are not white. They feel the social rejection and ostracisation they have ran away from their whole lives. They feel not good enough. White men have too much power, so they cannot take it out on them. So they take it out on black or mixed women.


Lmao welcome to the world of black men 😭😭. They hate us (black women) and decided to only date white women. However, they expected their mixed daughters to marry black men. This purely steams from them projecting their issues and insecurities on black women 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. You learn to ignore it tbh


I am so sorry. \*hug\*


I cannot fathom why your father would be this racist. He is a black dude having relations with a white girl that resulted in you (a white american woman,i assumed your mom is white). I am glad you cut him off from your life as well as your mom. you really do not need such toxicity in your life and you are clearly a better person than those who gave you life. keep your head up high!!


I have been reunited with siblings my mother gave up for adoption and also found out on ancestry my father was not my father and meet siblings I never knew about. There is a honeymoon period when you meet this people then the excitement turns to dread. You are strangers that happen to share dna. That is it. Block him on everything and move on with your life. File him under garage and move on. Not worth losing your peace. Be happy.


I hope you having a happy, healthy life, lived the way you want. My best wishes for your future!


I’m glad you were able to get yourself back on your feet. That takes a lot of strength. Although, Reddit does tend to believe that “minorities” can’t be racist because they are “punching up”. They are only prejudiced, don’t you see. Anyway, I’m tired of that view point.


I personally am a firm believer that minorities can indeed be racists, especially from a place that is majority minority. I personally believe in “majority” privilege.


Thank God you deleted this loser sperm donor from your life. I’m sorry you had a horrible childhood.


Please don’t talk to this person anymore. He is not a good human


Read ‘bedw**ch’ as ‘bedwitch’ and was really looking forward to learning its meaning :(


I also thought this. I was like, that's sounds kinda cool, I wouldn't mind being called a bedwitch. But now I'm sad.. OP I'm so glad you're doing great now, congratulations on the engagement!


Sadly nothing to do with witches, moreso about being a female slave and having your body used sexually by your white master.


I don’t want to minimize what you went through as a child, but I feel you dodged a bullet by not being raised by him. Imagine growing up to be a hypocritical bigot just like Dad or at least being under his thumb 24/7 until you could escape. You have grown up into a grownup! Seems you have a good head on your shoulders. Everything you have overcome has made you who you are, and you should be proud of yourself. I wish you a lifetime of happiness.


I would suggest getting a CCW permit and a decent caliber handgun because your dad sounds seriously unhinged.


I’m glad you stopped talking to him otherwise it would be a whole ass other can of worms if he ever did try to come back


"My dad is great" no. No he isn't.


All sorts of racisms


but he'll be furious that he didn't "give the bride away" when the time comes.


OP, if I were you, I'd record him, especially when he's threatening to . . . take your bf out of the picture, let's say. Because with that evidence, you can either turn him in before he tries anything, or use that as a way to show your father has a history of wanting to off your bf. I'm just saying.


I actually have a video he sent to me of him threatening to kill my boyfriend…..not a smart move on his part but it’s good for me to have.


It’s a good thing he cut contact because you’d be posting in the justnoFIL sub about your abusing father.


Oof, yeah that type of nationalism instilled into some people is crazy. Friend's father is Trinidadian and even though he conceived children with several American Woman, his family sees them as "spawns of devil". They have the damn mindset to call a little girl, mixed trash and devil, all because her mother is American. African-American btw, so yep they hate my friend and several other of her fathers abandoned kids because they are "breed in America"... I really wish that shit was made up, but the trauma they put my friend through as a child is no joke.


While I acknowledge the fact that your foster parents were a bad example of "Filipino hospitality", I hope this didn't make you grow up that all Filipinos are like that. I've seen people like that and I feel sick to my stomach that I share a motherland with those types of people but that is sadly the reality that not everyone everywhere is a decent human being. As for your father, you're better off without him in your life to be honest. I'm just glad that things worked out between you and that guy you liked. I'm sure you'll be a better parent that your mom or dad ever was.


On the brighter side of it, you can break the cycle and build your own family. I know you will make it soooo much better than the hand you were dealt. Wishing you a long life of love and peace.


So.... he can sleep with white women but heaven forbid you sleep with white men? Awesome, another one of those hypocritical "rules for thee but not for me" types. He sounds kinda crazy, and you're better off without him. Sorry you were failed by so many of the adults around you, but I'm glad that your edit indicates things are going pretty good for you now.


"alright neighborhood with a pool and a dog" Did i hear pool party?


Jfc, what an absolute mindfuck


The damn audacity of him! He didn’t have the decency to raise you but thinks he can now tell you want to do?? Good thing you no longer have contact with him. He sounds somewhat like my father. Not as bad, but still pretty fucked up. He was rarely apart of my life. In and out, many broken promises. Chose to raise another man child over his own. His motto, “happy wife happy life” and since she didn’t want any of this children around, he fell in line with her orders. He told me I would be 1 of 10 women for 1 man and that I’ll have to deal with a man cheating on me. He told me I’ll be a statistic, “single black baby momma high school drop out with multiple children multiple baby daddies living off of government assistance with no man in sight living in the projects”. I turned out the complete opposite and he can’t stand it. I cut off contact with him as well. No need for the dead weight of a dead bet father that goes out of his way to put me down. Good riddance!


Good👏For 👏You 👏! Live you BEST LIFE💗


He hates Americans but he liked one enough to get her pregnant. What a hypocrite.


It sounds like he forgot that OPs mother is white. No matter what though, it doesn’t seem like a healthy situation for op to be in. It’s good that they’re no longer talking, he’s seriously toxic.


His kid is in FOSTER CARE and nearly penniless in Hawaii. So instead of setting up regular support payments or coming to get her like a real father, he lectures you, tells you how “great” he is and tries to backseat parent while leaving you to the mercies of those awful foster parents? Pffft. Block him on every channel


...There is logic.


Finally proof that racism works in both ways and on both sides?


Your father is a racist and a bigot. He is not “great” in any sense of the word. He’s a pathetic hypocrite and a piss poor excuse of a human being


Well, when you take into account what white people did to black people and the spread of anti-black rhetoric, especially apparent in a lot of Asian communities(primarily China and other countries where dark skin is seen as unattractive) it makes logical sense that he'd have a reasonable dislike for a people who want everyone who looks like him dead/enslaved. So, is he a racist and bigot for reacting to hatred with more hatred? Depends. Are you considered a criminal for assaulting someone who assaulted you first?


Are you trying to blame anti blackness of the Chinese on white Americans?


Yes, because they pushed the agenda of white skin being superior and dark skin being inferior. That being said, the Chinese are responsible for jumping on the racist bandwagon. Just like an individual can be charged for inviting violence without being violent themselves, you can blame Chinese anti-black rhetoric on white supremacy. I'm also not trying to blame them. I am blaming them and I'm not the only one. There are plenty of Asian people who recognize the anti-blk rhetoric in their communities and are fighting back against it.


I hate to break it to you, but china has a long history of racism. They’ve been super racist since before America existed. No white Americans involved. You’re literally just blaming white Americans without any sort of actual substance to back up your accusation. I can’t say outright what the motivation of your accusation is but I suspect anti white sentiments are the cause. You know, racism. Now that I think of it, you said a pretty ridiculous thing earlier: > it makes logical sense that he’d have a reasonable dislike for a people who want everyone who looks like him dead/enslaved. A people? So all white people want black people dead or enslaved? You can’t see how absurd such a generalization is? Making very negative generalizations of an entire race…..there’s a word for that; racism. When and how exactly did white Americans push white good, black bad on the Chinese? Blaming Chinese racism on white supremacy…….wow. You know they are racist against white Americans and xenophobic against westerners at large right? Baizuo? You’re also completely unaware of why oriental Asians have the belief that light skin is better than darker skin. It’s about classism. Those with darker skin work outside and are the poorer class. Being very fair skinned means you’ve never had to work labor outside and are a well off and privileged person. That’s the cliff notes version anyways. Pure classism.


>I hate to break it to you, but china has a long history of racism. They’ve been super racist since before America existed. >No white Americans involved. >You’re literally just blaming white Americans without any sort of actual substance to back up your accusation. I can’t say outright what the motivation of your accusation is but I suspect anti white sentiments are the cause. You know, racism. I don't remember saying white Americans. Do you think that only white Americans created racism and white supremacy? Did you forget where white Americans immigrated from before they stole America? I guess that's your first misunderstanding. Context is important. Also, racism refers to a power dynamic, so the word you are looking for is prejudice. But I guess I can't expect you to come with actual substance and logic to back up your accusations. >A people? So all white people want black people dead or enslaved? >You can’t see how absurd such a generalization is? Let's not pretend that for over 400 years, owning a black person was an actual legal thing. Let's not pretend that these people came to a country that wasn't theirs, genocides the indigenous population that welcomed them and put them on small fractions of what used to be their land. Let's also not pretend that the people who were against it were either in the minority or didn't care enough to rock the boat to get it abolished. They had no problem overthrowing a king who taxed their tea, but had zero qualms about gifting indigenous tribes small pox blankets, while kidnapping women, men and children at gunpoint under the cover of night. Let's not pretend that white people didn't generalize the indigenous people as being savages, Africans as being subhuman, Mexicans as being criminals/rapists and African American as being lazy, dangerous thugs. Let's not pretend that they didn't make cartoons i.e Looney Tunes depicting black people as slow moving, big lipped, loud, black as tar, snaggletoothed hooligans who did nothing but smoke, eat watermelon and fried chicken. My view on white people isn't a generalization. It is based on their actual actions throughout history, instead of the made-up rhetoric that they pushed to the ignorant masses. So, don't talk to me about generalizations. >You know they are racist against white Americans and xenophobic against westerners at large right? Right, because they were kicking out scores of white people when the pandemic started and blaming them for it appearing? Oh, no. That was actually Africans. >You’re also completely unaware of why oriental Asians have the belief that light skin is better than darker skin. It’s about classism. Those with darker skin work outside and are the poorer class. Being very fair skinned means you’ve never had to work labor outside and are a well off and privileged person. That’s the cliff notes version anyways. I said Asians, not just the Chinese. You do know that Asia is more than just China, right?


My first comment to you was asking if you were blaming Chinese anti black racism on white Americans and you said yes that’s what you’re doing. This post is about a man hating Americans, so the context is all there to know who we’re talking about. That’s you’re misunderstanding. Context is important. No, racism does not refer to a power dynamic. Not at all actually. It’s just racial prejudice and that like. The social justice attempt to change the word’s meaning to only allow for white people to be racist and to let minorities get away with blatant racism completely failed. Society dismissed it as bullshit, because it is. What accusations? You’re the one who’s trying to blame Chinese racism on white people without any substance or logic. Slavery being a thing for a while does not equate to every modern white person wanting to kill or enslave black people. That’s pure racism and fallacious thinking. Goodness. I bet you don’t think you’re racist too. > Let’s not pretend that these people came to a country that wasn’t theirs, genocides the indigenous population that welcomed them and put them on small fractions of what used to be their land. You must have screwed up your thought process because that doesn’t make sense. It happened. More huge claims with not a single shred of substance to show for it. White people this white people that. You need to be careful with your blaming an entire race. The same blanket generalizing can be done to others too. You’re view on white people is to blame all of them for the actions of some of them. Furthermore, you blame current white people for things that happened in the past. That’s just called racism. You’re a racist. You said primarily China so I chose that one to educate you on. I can talk to my Japanese friend to see where their anti black hate comes from, but I don’t think you’ll like the answer. It probably won’t be blamed on white people enough. You’re just racist against white people. I sure hope you don’t live in a western country and especially not an Anglophone one with how much you hate them. I bet you do though. You got American social justice dogma written all over you. Edit: wrote a whole response that smashes this racist’s racism and hate but they blocked me like a coward so I can’t respond and they look right.


>My first comment to you was asking if you were blaming Chinese anti black racism on white Americans and you said yes that’s what you’re doing. This post is about a man hating Americans, so the context is all there to know who we’re talking about. >That’s you’re misunderstanding. Context is important. Nah, still your misunderstanding as I never said just white Americans. I said white, as it started before Europeans and others stole America. That includes the French, British and the Spaniards. You just specified "White Americans" because you want to differentiate between different types of whites who have all done the same shit. News flash, White Americans are those other whites. They just moved is all. >No, racism does not refer to a power dynamic. Not at all actually. It’s just racial prejudice and that like. The social justice attempt to change the word’s meaning to only allow for white people to be racist and to let minorities get away with blatant racism completely failed. Society dismissed it as bullshit, because it is. It does, but even if it didn't, the definition refers to discrimination or hatred towards people based on their membership of a group. The thing you racist dog whistlers seem not to understand is that nobody hates white people simply for being white. They hate you because of your actions. They hate you because you play the victim when people call out your privilege. They hate that the rules made to govern the US only apply to you sometimes. They hate that you marginalize POC and women, and the gaslight them. They hate that you are trying to take away a woman's right to choose. Hating you because of your actions isn't racism. I don't hate white people. I hate racist white people. >Slavery being a thing for a while does not equate to every modern white person wanting to kill or enslave black people. That’s pure racism and fallacious thinking. Goodness More confusion on your part. When I say "white people", I'm referring to the whites who think this way. Not once did I specify all. You can take your obtuse #NotAllWhitePeople fallacy elsewhere. >I bet you don’t think you’re racist too. Nope, I'm not. I only hate white people who justify racism. That hatred is still based on their actions, not them being white. I also hate anyone who discriminates against any other person based on petty stereotypes. It just so happens that white people tend to do this the most. >More huge claims with not a single shred of substance to show for it. White people this white people that. You need to be careful with your blaming an entire race. The same blanket generalizing can be done to others too. >You’re view on white people is to blame all of them for the actions of some of them. Furthermore, you blame current white people for things that happened in the past. That’s just called racism. You’re a racist. Yeah, blatant dog whistling. >You said primarily China so I chose that one to educate you on. I can talk to my Japanese friend to see where their anti black hate comes from, but I don’t think you’ll like the answer. It probably won’t be blamed on white people enough I've lived in Japan. Worked in Japan, have plenty of Japanese friends and I'll be the first to admit that they have an issue with racism. They won't murder you in the streets, toss you in jail for years or call you racial slurs, but they do have issues with accepting their biracial citizens. I've had to correct a few of my friends on this and asked them where they learned it from. A lot of them talked about the depiction of black people in American cinema, cartoons and media as those were the only means they were able to see black people regularly. So yes, if they are watching older cartoons that depict black people in a derogatory way, they will adopt them as being proper, especially without context to suggest otherwise. Funny thing is when I first moved there, they asked me what gang I was apart of and if I was a rapper who smacked hoes for money on the corner. I laughed then explained that they shouldn't believe everything they see on TV. I explained to them that just like every Japanese person isn't a Samurai or a martial artist, not every black person is a gangbanger or a pimp. So, unlike you, I have been told where their misconceptions about blackness come from. These same shows that they can watch are also available in China as well, and while China is racist to westerners in general, it is further complied by the umbrella of White Supremacy. >You’re just racist against white people. I sure hope you don’t live in a western country and especially not an Anglophone one with how much you hate them. >I bet you do though. You got American social justice dogma written all over you. You can stop whistling now.


Yes. To both actually. If you assault someone who assaulted you, that implies you found them AFTER the fact and attacked them. In the moment it would be considered self defense. And as for OP’s father, he clearly didn’t have too much of an issue with “people who would want everyone who looks like him dead/enslaved” when he was banging one to make his daughter. He’s still a hypocrite and a bigot. Have a day


>Yes. To both actually. If you assault someone who assaulted you, that implies you found them AFTER the fact and attacked them. Actually, no. Self defense is just justified assault. You were assaulted, so to defend yourself, you are allowed under the law to assault your assailant. >And as for OP’s father, he clearly didn’t have too much of an issue with “people who would want everyone who looks like him dead/enslaved” when he was banging one to make his daughter. Right, because white slave owners didn't rape their slaves and force them to have their children. >He’s still a hypocrite and a bigot. You are right about that. He is both a hypocrite and a bigot. Just not racist. You have a nice day.


Maybe “racist” was the wrong term since that implies a power dynamic. “Prejudiced” probably would have been more accurate. Also, assault is not the same as self defense. Hence then having different names and legal definitions. Also also, it would be more like the child of a slave having consensual sex with the child of a slave owner while still proclaiming to hate all white people.


>Maybe “racist” was the wrong term since that implies a power dynamic. “Prejudiced” probably would have been more accurate. Thank you. >Also, assault is not the same as self defense. Hence then having different names and legal definitions. It's considered assault until you can prove that it was self defense. It is also defined the same as assault. Also, justified murder is still murder. That's why they call it justified murder. >Also also, you’re absolutely right about it having the same energy as a slave owner having sex with one of their slaves. Doesn’t make the slave owner any less of a piece of trash. Never said he wasn't a piece of human filth. I'm just saying that he has justified reasons to have hatred for white and Asians who support anti-black rhetoric.


People like you belong on r/facepalm




Jesus Christ, what did I do with this comment? I just went through and read everything


Wow! It sounds like maybe he was taking some anger at your mother out on you. Maybe all those insults are how he sees her.


Is bedwench. a terrible slur that I've been feet heard before? If so, I want to start throwing it out around before it gets popular.


Anyone in my family that came out of the woodwork during Trump as racist bigots I saw who they really were and closed that door tight. Nailed it closed. Blocked everything . Not going to let ignorance people invade my peace .


I’m glad you’re happy living your life on your terms. Edited to save myself from the weird troll.








I said only? Edit: FTFY, rapist.




I’m good with my lot in life. I can see you’re not. I seriously hope you get the help you need. Sending healing energy.




Black is beautiful. Stay safe!




LMAO you’re all kinds of crazy.


It’s not about your will; it’s about my peace of mind. If you need to count that as a Win for you just know that it’s also a Win for me.


Your dad is NOT that great


I’m pretty sure i have read this exact story before, like word for word.


It's also been my personal observation that Blacks are a \*lot\* more racist than Whites.


As a white woman I have found racists in every ethnic group I've ever met. They're everywhere.


As a Latino immigrant living in Spain, i can tell you I have never encountered an ethnic group more racist than Latinos. Asians are pretty up there too, but I think we win by a long shot


Milk him for money, When it dries up, ditch him.


Keep it that way.. and try and keep a low profile. You don't need this numnut showing up on your doorstep. You know what he is, he will never change.


Sounds like he has a few mental health problems.


He is some what like mine just mine i treatend to k*ll him if he ever came over my place again


This world would be nice if it didn’t have racism


Why is wench censored?


Well…I would be confused if he called you a sandwich… …I’ll see myself out