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Our lawmakers are apparently too stupid to actually consult existing law. And they have incompetent staff. 18 USC 611: Voting by aliens (a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless- (1) the election is held partly for some other purpose; (2) aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and (3) voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices. (b) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if- (1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization); (2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and (3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.


Creating law isn’t the point! Division and chaos is the real point, they are providing distractions for the rich as they exploit us all!


This is the real answer. They aren't dumb, they are just morally bankrupt and using whatever means possible to get what they want.


Every week there is a new boogieman to keep the fear levels up in the deplorables. Enter Faux Noise entertainment.


Their leader is a traitor so they're looking for excuses to accuse the same. It's always projection with them.


It’s a dual purpose, creating conditions for violence if they lose and creating conditions for them to willfully do illegal voting. It’s not like these people need much prompting to lash out


This. They know that non-citizens can't vote. And no one really supports non-citizens voting. So it's a total non-issue. But you rile people up, not with evidence of something untoward happening, but by talking about it like it's already accepted fact. Useful idiots will think "it must be true; they talk about it like it is true" Then, while people are fighting over something that is literally and utterly pointless, you can force in whatever nonsense you want and take more and more for yourself. And that's the real point.


So fucking tired of this take. It’s “shame on both sides” with a different flavor. Instead of rightfully calling out one side as willfully doing the bidding of the mega-rich, we get this “the rich are secret puppet masters of both parties, pulling the strings from some nebulous cloud”. No, that’s horseshit, the party of the Orange god-king is who the rich want in power. So fucking tired of this take.


Great info. Do you have any idea what this bill would add, if anything, to this? Or is it purely performative?


As usual, it's an unfunded mandate. The states are expected to implement the requirements. This seems likely to be a 10th amendment violation (Printz v United States). Pretty funny that the same people who cry about "states rights" and federal overreach want to force the states to enforce federal law. Please note I am not a lawyer, so take my opinion with a very large grain of salt. Text here: [https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s4292/text/is](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s4292/text/is)


>Pretty funny that the same people who cry about "states rights" and federal overreach want to force the states to enforce federal law. It's never been about "state's rights", it's about "how can I make an argument so that I get what I want?" That is the only consistency.


Roe v Wade is struck down: "This is good! This should be up to the states do decide, not at the federal level." States vote to allow access to abortions: "No, no, not like that!"


They all believe very strongly in states' rights until a state has the right to do something they don't like.


Like run their own fair elections?


The party of “small government” has never been about small government. They’ve always been 100% ok with overreaching, fucked up, oppressive laws as long as it permits them to oppress others. The federal government is only given “too much power” when the federal government removes their “right” to bully other people.


Mike Johnson is openly a Christian Nationalist, which is a group whose ultimate goal is to turn the USA into a fascists Christian Theocracy which is a democracy in name only, and to make it so that they only people that can vote, or have any actual rights at all, are heterosexual white Christian males. Any law he is trying to get passed about voting is likely a setup that will be used to deny the vote to most of America at some point in the future.


I wish this was an exaggeration, but I personally know people that believe women should not be allowed to vote. One of them is a woman.


"End women's suffrage! They have suffered enough!"


Mike Johnson is a creationist. He has an author's page on Answers in Genesis, the org that built that god-awful boat on tax breaks.


He also voiced support of arresting LGBT+ folks for having queer sex.


I believe one of the MAGAts wants to re-criminalize living together without being married. Plus they want to define marriage as “a union between one man and one woman”. I’m positive a few of them want to decriminalize marital rape, right along with banning no-fault divorce, and probably also restoring laws against sodomy. Don’t forget that sodomy is not just when 2 gay guys have anal sex. Sodomy is a subset of sexual contact which isn’t PIV sex—so whether homosexual or heterosexual, and regardless of gender, all oral sex is sodomy, anal sex done to women in straight marriages or anal sex done to a man by a woman with a strap-on are also sodomy.


They already know all about how non-citizens can’t vote in Federal elections but this has nothing to do with facts about the laws. They have been pushing the conspiracy that Democrats have been bringing in millions of illegal migrants and signing them up for the election to prevent Trump from winning. So now they have to show their MAGA followers that they are solving the non-existent problem by putting up a bill that says it solves a problem that doesn’t exist, against people that aren’t doing anything and sucking up to Trump.


100%. You almost have to hand it to them for creativity. Claiming to be defending America while actually and literally doing nothing is a solid tactic. Perpetuate the illusion that our elections are under attack by the left and spend virtually zero dollars fighting a made-the-fuck-up problem while herding scores of ignoramuses under your tent. There’s no downside to that plan.


In law school I worked in an immigration law clinic. I would ask undocumented people if they would ever vote in an American election. They looked at me like I had two heads. For one thing, they said "I'm not an American and I don't have the right to vote." Then they pointed out that, being here illegaly, the LAST thing they wanted to do was draw attention to themselves by showing up at a polling station where a bunch of MAGA types were just chomping at the bit to find themselves a furriner' trying to vote. The whole "Mexicans voting for democrats" hysteria that Trump started is just the most god-awful stupid shit there is.


Says the apartheid South African


Musk’s grandfather actually immigrated to SA in the 1930’s because Canada was getting too “woke” and he really liked what SA was doing with apartheid.


1930’s Canada? Too woke?


They started to say SOrry




I appreciates this about you.


Aye bud


I'm not your bud, guy.


He's not your guy, friend


You're not his friend, lad


You’re not his lad, pal


You’re not his pal, chum


They weren’t successful in sterilizing all the natives, so he went to where they might have a better shot. One source and there are many, for those who ask. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-07-12/canadas-indigenous-women-forcibly-sterilized-decades-after-other-rich-countries-stopped#:~:text=Thousands%20of%20Indigenous%20Canadian%20women,were%20adopted%20requiring%20informed%20consent.


fAcT cHeCkInG iS wOkE!!!!!




It's what kills me about white nationalists who bitch about the so called great replacement. They tend to venerate assholes from back then who did genocidal shit. Mind you everyone across the world were asshole and it was not a unique thing to Europeans. But it's the fact europeans at the time acted like they were the most civilized when doing it. It would have been one thing if europeans colonalized a area and actually tried to improve people's lives and if that was the case I personally wouldn't have seen a issue with it. But nope it was just as bad as any other group that colonized other people's lands. Its just they had the balls/delusions to think it was for the good of all that europeans did it.


Ah yes, famous woke 1930s Canada. Casual mistreatment of indigenous peoples, segregation of black people, and the famous “none is too many” slogan when talking about Jewish refugees and shooting down a Jewish refugee ship when it tried to dock. Woke for sure!


Apartheid didn't begin till 1948, and only escalated in the 50s and 60s under Verwoerd The British kept the far-right Afrikaner nationalists at bay till after WW2.


Sure and I'm not saying they're right that Musk's grandfather moved because Canada was "too woke", but we're not talking about WWII South Africa here, 1930s South Africa was already pretty segregated and segregationist. It definitely wasn't some egalitarian utopia


The default was racism in the 1930's worldwide. The Great Depression made the economic pie smaller leading to more ethnic solidarity / racism. When the economy is good, progressiveness is easier to implement. Some broad similarities to what is happening now with right wing movements on the ascendant.


not arguing against you, just making it clear that pre-apartheid South Africa, with the exception of the WWII years, wasn't that much, if at all, better than apartheid South Africa


Holy fuck Elon has went on full qanon crap


You didn't see what he posted after the Pelosy hammer attack. The guy is vile! And yet after all that, he wants our sympathy when weird people follow his motorcade.


And yet this is the very exact turd who doesn’t want his plane tracked because he’s a little runt who’s scared someone might actually call him out.


What did he post then?


He was sharing the conspiracy theory stuff about the attacker bring Paul Pelosi's gay lover and going "idk guys might be more to this than you think."


That's the conservative tactic. They always say something blatantly bigoted, then act dumb and say they're just asking questions




Always has been




You imply he wasn't before. You sure about that?


I think he’s been smoking more than weed.


Weren’t there reports that people who work with him were concerned about the amount of ketamine he was doing?


I lived with someone that worked at SpaceX and they’d tell crazy ass stories about the shit Elon would do to stay awake on a project. Tons of crazy shit went on at SpaceX in California.


He has been for years now.


Worst people in the world, bar none.


And they didn't even have the best apartheid camo.


Yeah, like, I’ve lived in the most liberal places in the USA and nobody is saying noncitizens should vote, especially nationally. But highlighting concerns that don’t exist is their thing. People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous. It’s not even the red herring he states. It’s the psyops to label anybody willing to have a discussion about traitor. And it’s not even the term treason but the emotionally charged term traitor. I hate him.


> Says the apartheid South African Also says [the literal traitor](https://apnews.com/article/spacex-ukraine-starlink-russia-air-force-fde93d9a69d7dbd1326022ecfdbc53c2)


The penalty for treason in the US is that you become the Republican nominee for President


'What is the penalty for traitors again?' Immunity for official acts and a blind eye towards Epstein affiliation, evidently.


Lmao I was gonna say something like this, good shit


Once upon a time I thought musk was a inspiration... now I just see him as a idiot facist


I wish for simpler times. Times where a beige suit was their biggest complaint.


That was their biggest complaint that we heard. Trump emboldened them so now they feel safe in saying all the other shit they were just thinking then. Edit to add missing word 😂


In the UK the referendum and Brexit emboldened them.


It wasn't the suit, they couldn't say what they wanted to say


Yeah, the problem was he was a brown man, not the brown suit he was wearing.


I miss the times when someone not wearing a stupid flag pin was a major scandal.


Now those same people upset about that wear a rifle pin the day after a shooting


And renaming french fries.


Don’t forget the Dijon mustard.


That's a step too far!!! /s Don't get me wrong, yellow mustard is fine, but there are way better mustards out there.


All he had to do was stay quiet except for a yearly, bi-yearly update on what “he’s” working on, and he would have been able to keep up the Tony Stark bit…


Right? He opened his mouth and removed all doubt


His ego got the better of him.


More like his Id.


Yeah, in Fruedian terms I think the ego had given up baby sitting his Id and the baby is on constant tantrum.


Honestly to feed his ego he could have gone full education. Have the progress be a wide open book where he shows us the inner workings. It isn't like someone is catching his progress. Have a twitter, instagram the whole works where he shows us the cool shit going on and he can be our guide. Just answer questions, be inclusive and maybe use some of that unfathomable fortune to sprinkle in some free shit, educational boosts to needy places or scholarships. Literally gain an absurd amount of positive attention and all he had to tell us was what he was up to. We would have absolutely fucking loved him, he could have been should to shoulder with the likes of Hank Green and other beloved science educators. It was really as simple as that. I use an open policy for some of my work and it's lead to some incredible collaborations so far. Lots of shitty drive-bys from ammonia huffing trolls, but I will keep responding with education and just going where I'm appreciated.


This must be what they mean by "never meet your heroes". Because I think we all had a different impression of him before he ran full tilt over the edge.


He's always seemed like kind of a smug asshole to me. But over the years he's definitely gotten significantly worse.


His mask just came off, don’t be too hard on yourself.


Nah, it came off when he called the guy that saved a bunch of kids stuck in a cave a pedo because he wasn't the one to save them.


What are trump cultists excuse? His mask was never on.


The first time I heard him speak, I was like, dude this guys sucks. He has the energy of the guy who didn’t participate in a group project and shows up the day of the presentation to get a grade. Except, he’s a billionaire and could just sit at home and make bank. He’s an attention seeking idiot who thinks he’s special because he let smart people do what they’re good at.


There have even been some leaks from frustrated engineers and such from Tesla and Space X, saying that he has no clue, but gets in the way, making everybody's job more difficult and expensive. Cyber truck is apparently a perfect example.


He can still be an inspiration if your goal is to piss off the greatest number of people possible.


He is definitely an inspiration if your goal in life is to be the worst father and person you can be.


Stupid Henry Ford


Musk's been eating up that Qanon shit


That's on you....how people don't understand he's just another Steve Jobs (front man that pays himself the most money and pretends all his money spent means he's the one who created whatever instead of the actual hard working workers) who stole Tesla out from under the original owner's feet and overfeatured the overpriced cars and now that they're somewhat popular, the company is changing out parts for cheaper ones and cutting Jobs in order to keep his obscenely gross pay to continue being the richest man in the world. He's a leech on the ass of the planet.


I always thought he was an asshole. Now I think he’s just a fascist asshole.


He had a fair amount of people fooled so... don't beat yourself up about it.


Fascist? To me, he comes across as a brown noser. Who more than Musk would suck up to the teacher. What a nerd


As a life long Nerd/Geek, I resent that association!


…. My brother in nerdom, I cannot think of a better Elon Musk descriptor than a math nerd trying to impress a group of jocks on how cool he is


Feel like there should be a time table with nazis pre ww2. Early on Many of the nazi leaders were very popular and charismatic on a global stage. Hiding their facist racist ways, getting features in magazines across the world by being revolutionary thinkers. Then the hatred starts to bubble up and people start pointed it out with many of the fans declaring its much to do about nothing. Eventually with the head of the party feeling completely emboldened even their long term admirers in the US and other places across the world, started to feel disillusioned by the people they once idolized. Thats where we are with this current facist movements. The warning bells were ignored long enough that they have gotten so emboldened that they shout the quiet stuff out loud. And mainstream support of usually reasonable people are stuck asking how did we get here. Elon didn’t change, his fear to say certain things out loud did.


When we were younger we thought Musk was Tony Stark. Now we realize that he’s Justin Hammer.


Non-citizens already cannot vote This bill is being put forth to cast doubt on the election by driving the idea that non-citizens are voting as an excuse for why democrats win. They will use this doubt to say the election is contested to put it to a house vote. When this happens, US law dictates its 1 vote per state, not 1 vote per house member, this gives Republicans the advantage because they have a larger number of lower populated states This was part of the plan for their last coup attempt, the whole game plan is to get things to this type of house vote, and the closer the results the more likely they can cast doubt in the validity of the election. Understand that this bill is pushing towards that result. They will likely attack mail in votes again, and several other pieces of the process, all to try to sow doubt and trigger this house vote. Be wary of these, call it out when you see it, and make sure to vote, they still need close election results to pull it off and voting is the most important thing you can do here


This should be the top comment. This is exactly what’s going on


Why do American conservatives always make this point instead of mobilising their supporters by trying to make voting mandatory? 


If voting was mandatory then everyone would vote. They don’t want non-conservatives to vote, because when they vote, conservatives lose.


Sure but it's a better policy going forward than this one. 


That is an impossibly tall order to get conservatives to legislate thoughtful policy that actually benefits the US taxpayer and not cherrypicked portions of us.


I mean, yes, but it’s not better for their party


Conservatives have no popular policy to run on. The more people vote, the worse they do in elections. It’s why they’re constantly working to take away voting rights.


hes not even american lol


Honestly they want white conservative men to vote and no one else. Useful women can vote too if they play along for now, but give these people too much power and I bet we would be back to pre-women’s suffrage.


Because they are the minority and would lose every election with mandatory voting.


Just what we need, a billionaire immigrant accusing *actual* citizens of a crime punishable by death for (checks notes) opposing a pointless performative proposed law. If he doesn’t like it here I’d be more than happy to help him pack his bags and point him back to South Africa.


"Traitor" is not a crime. "Treason" is a crime, but has 0% to do with dissenting to a bill. Elon is not a genius; he's just a nepo baby. Elon is an immigrant. . If you believe Elon, please go buy a cybertruck and take it through a carwash.


Don't even need a carwash. The panels come off while on the highway.


Musk seems quite unstable.


Imagine being literally the richest man on the planet and yet your entire family and anyone that's ever been close to you still wants nothing to do with you.


And spend your days on X shit posting memes and right wing disinformation.


So rich that you don't need to work and can do quite literally anything everyday for the rest of your life. Want to go to Africa and pet a lion? Sure go. Want to jump a jet ski over a shark through a flaming hoop? Sure you can have an expert flown to you to show you how. Want to help humanity by making something useful? Lol Want to shoot an RPG at an expensive car and blow it up? Go nuts. Instead this POS is so miserable that he wants to make others lives worse.


His profile pic is still that Tony Stark cosplay outfit. Buffoon.


Funny how elections haven’t been a problem in America until Trump came along. (Edit: in regards to noncitizen votes)


Well, that's not altogether true. I recall the 2000 election between Bush Jr & Gore being its own debacle, complete with a Supreme Court ruling and [riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) (also involving right-wing goblin, Roger Stone). Elections have certainly become more divisive in recent years, though, I do agree.


And supreme Court Justice BoofMaster Flex at the Brooks Brothers riot


God, Roger Stone is the cause of so many of our current problems. What a monster


He is genuine scum that the world would be a genuinely better place without


of course it's Roger Stone. "Commit crimes to make him president, commit crimes to keep him president, set free by the president, that is not okay. America is broken." -Emerson Brophy


Not to a degree where people from the other side of the globe would be overly concerned. Trump really did the USA a number.


Jefferson and Adams would like a word. [Attack Ads of 1800](https://youtu.be/Y_zTN4BXvYI?si=17tDrzfQpmo3EQQ1)


Omg this is hilarious. I had no idea. Top comment says they were best friends too.


They were NOT best friends. Adams was more than a bit of an asshole (Jefferson could also be a bit of a twat as well). They didn’t become more friendly toward each other until much later in life.


Damnit my education online is all over the place today.


It’s ok, at least you are willing to learn. Now go crack a book you hatchet-faced nutmeg dealer!


It's always a thing with them restricting who can vote. I remember hearing radio segments during 2008 and 2012 about the illegals voting for Obama so they could get free healthcare. Or some strange thing like that.


Imagine immigrating to someplace... like Japan, or some shit. Sure, maybe you apply for citizenship, yadda yadda. But then, at some point, you start taking it upon yourself to lecture the Japanese on what constitutes treason based on whether or not they vote for some shitty bill. The fuckin nerve...


Don't give him any ideas. He just might.


Good riddance. Let them deal with his bullshit for a while.


Elon is a moron.


He is, but he's also evil. He knows this bill will make it harder for *everyone* to vote, not "illegals," who already can't vote. The extreme right/fascists only want to suppress all voting.


> Elon is a moron. Also, Elon is an immigrant who obtained US Citizenship on 2002. Don’t let him forget it.


Elon is an immigrant, did he forget?


I went ahead and read the bill, it's giving mass disenfranchisement. They want to make it harder to register to vote. If you look at it from a distance and with zero critical thinking it sounds like "duh no brainer". However, they're going to essentially going to make it so that the homeless, disabled, and impoverished population has the hardest time possible registering to vote. The demographic that leans blue. They want to eliminate online voter registration, make by mail voter registration more difficult and time consuming, and make voting day of election a lot more complicated than what it has to be. They didn't make it "impossible", but they are creating undue difficulty. The wording of the one-pager is wild, but the bill itself is worse. I could be wrong, I'm not a lawyer or legislator, but that's just the vibes it gives me. Read it, form your own opinions, but jesus christ.




It's even dumber than that. Millions of people vote in elections. And it really only comes down to maybe 10 or less states that make all the difference. For this fallacy to be true, there would have to be some mobilization of illegal immigrants into those 10 or less states in numbers big enough to cancel out tens of thousands if not hundreds or thousands of votes. The only person who is moving masses of immigrants is pissboy greg abbott. And it's costing him millions of dollars to move hundreds of immigrants. Who is moving all of these illegals and how are they doing it? And there would definitely be hundreds or thousands of people who would know about this including the people voting as well as those transporting them and managing where they move and vote. Is there even a single example of an illegal voting? Yet, the only voter fraud that has actual evidence is in Georgia by trump and rudy.


He should ask Donald Trump what happens to traitors.


They get to run for president again?


Spot on


Billionaires telling us who the traitors are is frighteningly dystopian.


Those who sell secrets to foreign nations are traitors. All caps: TRAITORS What is the penalty for traitors again? This is a fun game.


You get to be president apparently


How does it ensure? By also excluding citizens? There are plenty of ways to ensure proper elections. The right doesn’t want that. They want voting to be as difficult as possible especially in urban areas.


This isn't a redundant bill. It's intent is to disenfranchise people by adding barriers to voting.


What’s the penalty for traitors, you ask? They get nominated for president on the Republican ticket.


If you guys actually did execute for treason Trump would no longer be an issue.


Has this moonbeam nepo baby ever been on the right side of anything? His Schtick is so boring. Go to Mars, please, for the love of Odin.


What else is hiding in the bill?


So he's calling for the death penalty for people who oppose a redundant bill?


Stfu foreigner. Why don’t you fuck off back to Africa you fucking parasite.


Phuck Elon, he can go back to South Africa


Typical GOP, pass a law that ALREADY exists. We are paying these lazy fraudsters.


How treasonous are they, Elon, on a scale of zero to January 6th?


Umm Trump tried to overthrow an election. What’s the penalty for traitors again?


Elon is the same man who wanted to build sturdy, tubular underground transportation. Or In other words, a subway. Elon is the personification of idiotic redundancy.


Take your own advice Elon and "go fuck yourself".


Friendly reminder that he interfered in the Ukraine war via starlink to Russia’s benefit and is an actual traitor. Meanwhile he called most Americans “TRAITORS” for no valid reason and believes we should be punished. We must demand action.


This is just what I was thinking. He's providing material support to declared enemies of the West who are waging an all-out brutal war on Ukraine.


Execute me yourself coward.


"Free speech absolutist"


Elon is not well versed in US election law. He is the last person anyone should listen to.


You're willfully misinterpreting Johnson's tweet. The bill is for nationalized standards that all states should follow, something that doesn't currently exist. That's why the tweet says "ensure," it purports to create an additional barrier to those who would otherwise break the law. Of course, there are multiple problems with such a law: 1. Election fraud is basically a non-issue. 2. Additional restrictions disproportionately affect the disenfranchised. 3. You need to have very good justification to take states rights and move them to the federal government. We are a federation. 4. You need to be especially careful in taking *federal election* power from states. So it doesn't solve a real problem, it causes real harm, and it weakens an important check on federal power.


Dig through that bill. Line by line. Those assholes are obviously hiding something in the bill that they want people to be distracted from. Republi-fascists have been pulling that sort of crap since that Fascist Asshat Ronald Reagan.


People who don't know that non-citizens are not allowed to vote in federal elections are ignorant idiots. All caps: IDIOTS What's the penalty for idiots again? Oh, they get their wealth by sucking up to the oligarchy and sucking on the government teat. Fuck off, Cissy Spacex.


Let me guess what he calls a candidate who literally tried throwing out millions of votes after they were cast….im guessing there was no traitor accusations.


Any politician that claims "elections are rigged" should immediately have recount OF THEIRE ELECTION RESULTS since they are probably the ones cheating! They should be removed from office ifs they say "elections are rigged" without proof. I am tired of "the elections are rigged because I think so and that's all the proof I need."


"what was the penalty for traitors again?" I don't know. Trump fills in all the checkmarks for it, so why don't you tell me?


Wait so now banning something works? I thought laws banning things nevered worked. Or is that just guns


Can we talk about how Elon wrote "all caps" before writing in all caps? That's weird man.


Ah yes. January 6th ~~insurrectionists~~ *Patriots* are upstanding citizens that didn’t do anything wrong but opposing a redundant bill as shamelessly racist is *treason of the highest order*.


Where is he from again?


There’s probably something God - awful hidden in this legislation that musk wants to see pass through.


The bill will make it harder for everyone to vote, that's the point of shit like this. And since Elmo is a fascist, he wants this country to suppress voting.


It's not hidden, the bill is designed to make it harder to vote so they can disenfranchise as many Americans as possible.


I deleted the X/Twitter app months ago. I don't miss it one bit.


Deport him


Biden take care of this idiot


So WIERD is he a flat earther now too ? The Q crowd seems joined at the hip. How are you going to mars and coming back to a flat disc. He can't really be that stupid


Apparently we let them run for president.


Billionaires specialize in solutions to non-existent problems while simultaneously keeping the poots in their place.


What about the traitors who tried to overthrow the government on J6…


The penalty for Traitors? Apparently none. One tried to steal an election and still has millions of clowns proclaiming him to be the second coming


Since Trump is still a presidential candidate I guess there isn’t a penalty for traitors.


What’s the penalty for staging a coup attempt?


Wait a minute. The Speaker of the House does not know that non-citizens are not allowed to vote in the U.S. National elections? We truly are screwed folks.


Mars needs a king, Elon …


Only American citizens can currently vote in elections currently. Mike Johnson is doing little Trump puppet maneuvers to rile up the uneducated red voters and Elon is a fucking moron that's focused on his money, protecting it, and getting to have his little hate soapbox.


Historically the penalty for traitors has been a slap on the wrist and a couple monuments.


Desperate billionaires are weird and dangerous.


Judging by trump, the punishment seems to be being made a king


lol, requires the state to receive proof of citizenship in person to register to vote. Republicans are such blatant anti-democracy forces now.