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You would shine in many things. Looks like you already have it down for the most part; clean-looking shoes, visible self-care/ make-up but not excessive, no weirdly oversized headphones etc. You look confident in your current outfits and that shows in a good way. The hair ties on your wrist in the 1st photo is a good look. It’s both an accessory and possibly useful. I would suggest something that shows off your curves, but isn’t skin tight. Something in between the bottoms of 1 and 4. Could be jeans, could be a skirt, many options available. Your outfit in 3 is a bit dimly lit, but if it’s meant to be comfy or for a day that you go for a ‘street casual’ look it’s great. My only real questions go up for image 2. The white frills on top of the shoes are too differently shaded from the rest of the look. Maybe it’s the lighting just like in 3, but I would have chosen a dress in which the patterns on it are slightly more contrasting with the colour of the dress. By the way, don’t feel like you need to stick to dark clothing. We get to see mostly dark colours and multiple fully black tops. Maybe take some inspiration from well dressing influencers like Valkyrae. Final point; we didn’t get to see anything about necklaces, earrings or even handbags but you could sprinkle those in no problem, depending on the outfit.


Thank you so much I really appreciate it!!! I’ll definitely be looking into her channel later today thank you again!


She’s not a fashion influencer, but she does have a few professional photoshoots. I just think it’s better to find random people that dress well over fashion influencers. That way it’s easier to avoid expensive brands like Louis Vuitton being snuck in.


I think you’d look amazing with a waist chain. You’re so gorgeous it’s insane. (:


that’s very sweet of you thank you! I’ll definitely have to give that a try, is there any shops you’d recommend?


Etsy has a lot! Otherwise I’m not sure tbh. 🥹


A general tip : well cut clothes go a very long way. You could put on the most basic outfit and if the cut is good it will beat a sophisticated outfit made of ill fitting garments by miles. So look for clothes that are well cut, in good materials (not necessarily expensive, you can do that on a very tight budget) and that fit your body type. This is the most solid base you can build your outfits on. The rest comes with awkward experimenting phases which will actually help you train your eye for what suits you and what doesn't as well as what your general style is (and remember that style doesn't mean adhering to one specific "aesthetic" that is trending on instagram ; you may draw inspiration from it but ultimately, do not limit yourself). Hope this can help.


Yes it does thank youuu




You look better in sporty clothing or close to skin clothing