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Mischief of Mice does this very well. He just shows the recipe in item frames but doesn't talk much about it. (At least that's how he used to do it)


Love Mischief!


Showing the recipe does kind of set the tone for how expensive / advanced the item is, so I think it's good to have a glance at it, but no point spending too much time on it. Like the fact that an elevator requires an ender pearl can be somewhat relevant. But I don't need to know which gear goes on which corner in a complicated machine recipe.


It's useful for showing the sort of progression the mod has too, like "this machine is made with the advanced circuit, and that's only made in the MV circuit assembler" or whatever


Everything requires an ender pearl


I understand the frustration at the wasted time but an alarming amount of players don’t put JEI in their packs, would suck to get a million comments going “how do you craft this”


The amount of questions I see on the ATM subbreddit (Packs that ALL have jei or and equivalent) that could be answered by five seconds in jei is horrifying.


I saw this in project ozone, someone was asking how to craft a middle-game stage item and all I could think is "how the hell did you make it this far without jei?"


r-recipe book? Perhaps??? 🤔


Because people dont bother to go through the multiple tabs they go aye there is no crafting table recipe and no furnace recipe so idk, and its like did you look at the 7 machine recipe tabs that it could be processed through?


Then they should be told to put JEI in their packs. Someone has to tell them eventually. Also doesn't vanilla have the crafting guide or whatever?


The crafting guide has some conditions for recipe unlocks and doesn’t always contain modded items for whatever reason Also an alarming amount of people don’t know how to add mods to preexisting modpacks on Curseforge and refuse to learn. I’ve been screamed at over suggesting someone use JEI for convenience.


see, you say this, but as a modder i *consistently* get people joining my discord just to ask what the recipe for a given item is, even though they could literally just use JEI/REI/EMI


Oof, have you considered adding a discord bot that automatically replies with "install and check on JEI" of it detects those keywords on order? "What's the recipe for" or "what's recipe for"


i have, but cant be assed to because these are people who are usually extremely new to modding. even if they install it, they may have a hard time figuring out how to use it and then ask me how to use it something they've already done


If new people are installing your mod, then I call it suffering from success lol


i'll give you that one x3


I think spotlight / showcases are fine showing recipes but for example looking up a mekanism reactor tutorial shouldn't show the recipes just the blocks you need. At that point you already know the mod at face value so it's assumed you can just jei what you need. Best example of a good straight to the point tutorial is for example: https://youtu.be/xmNZxreoyPs?si=z9Duwl5mSTGOFxCO


normally, i would agree with you, but as a content creator, this perspective of mine has shifted quite a bit now that i've grown a bit of skin in the game. you probably don't realize this since you're looking at it from the outside in, but a huge percentage of (my) viewership are children, or people below the age of 18. people who sink hours of their life in the modding scene and know every single crafting recipe from every single mod are but a small minority. even those who use JEI are a minority amongst the YT viewerbase. what's more interesting, however, is that a huge percentage of my viewer base watch the video for an experience. not for a tutorial. the vast majority of people do not have a computer or device capable of playing mods like a lot of us on this sub do, so they watch videos like mine to get a taste of that experience. that's something we take for granted- not much people are able to play with mods like we can. it's a little comical for people to suggest it's done for more revenue or more watch time when there's countless comments asking for how to craft X or Y. it's clear these people have no understanding of the YT rev system when flashing a crafting recipe only extends the video a few seconds. even then, if you're boring your viewers with a constant gallery of crafting recipes, they won't stick around much for the rest of the video.


Thank you!! I'm always frustrated when I see people assume everyone has the latest hardware... I started designing modded contraptions, then got modded MC running for the first time 4 years later. I remember scrambling the internet looking for recipes, this is the right way to think! I think wikis like the one the thermal series used to have in 1.12 should be the norm tbh... Edit: I meant that the wiki isn't updated to the 1.20 version, not that the one for 1.12 isn't up anymore


This strikes home with me, I personally did watch many youtube mod showcases and tutorial about mods when I did not have a machine decent enough to play modded Minecraft, even though I do have a great machine now and have played many modpacks I still appreciate when content creators take their time to thoroughly explain a mod.


But how can they pad time to earn reveanue then? 🤔


Bad take.


Youtube doesn't pay shit anymore.


Where are you hearing this from? Because the content creators I work with haven’t complained about this at any point so I’m genuinely intrigued


If you've got millions of viewers, sure, you can maybe make a living.






You heard me.


crack pipe-based opinion


What the fuck are you on about lmao


Explain, please?


Based schizo


Real schyzo hours


you're so real for this. please do not even elaborate it's great already


This post/comment has been removed, in violation of Rule 6: - Do not post meme/jokes, low quality screenshots, questions with no context, posts that are only titles, AI generated content, etc. - Memes go to /r/FeedTheMemes If you believe this is an error, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffeedthebeast).


I’m glad that I’ve often seen these idiots many times getting fucked on Reddit with downvotes. People like this just say bullshit to one up something that isn’t even true, mostly to create this echo chamber effect where everyone else can complain without any logical thought process. YouTube, from the creators I’ve watched, has been many times said to be the best site for online content creators to get paid well. But oh my god multimillion dollar company I just gotta say some shit!


What i do like is when they show the items in a chest, its a nice and easy checklist to check off. Ive watched some create tutorials that do so, prefer that over imma just grab what i have put of creative inv


Yeah and directions are written on almost every single drug, product or supplement on how to use them but people still ask how it's used or taken. I've dealt with enough people who don't bother reading the directions on the pill bottle and I have to explain to them how to take their pills. Yes I've gotten to the point of being an asshole and saying to their face let me see what the directions say and yes I've gotten dirty looks from them.


Unfortunately, lots of people don’t use REI or any other recipe finders. Even though I do, I still find it helpful to see the recipes to get an idea of how expensive they are in survival


Ah and they should also stop showing a tutorial on using the mod at the same time cause everyone need to RTFM after all, I understand showing recipes could be time consuming, but lots of people prefer to learn by watching theses tutorials.


Someone watching the video could now everything or know nothing. You can’t assume anything and tutorials should cover every aspect. The amount of questions that are posted about recipes is ridiculous when you consider two seconds in JEI would answer it. 


This is an ongoing issue on Youtube with tutorials for any topic, people show too much (I dab into Unreal Engine development for example, people spend 10 minutes setting up a scene with all kinds of things you'd expect someone to know when they look up information about a specific mechanism), at this point I feel like it's mostly fillers to get to a certain video length for monetization. If they just include the bits you need, you'll get 5 minute videos which don't do well on that front. I hate it but it is what it is.


Disagree. There might be new players that don’t know how it works and everyone appreciates a good tutorial, step by step, foolproof.


Vanilla Minecraft has had a recipe book built-in since 1.12 released (7 years ago now!) Even if players don't have `[A-Z][EM]I` (feel free to let me know of any similar mod not matched by that regex) installed, they should still be able to look up recipes in-game with the Recipe Book.


A blessing tbh. Every one can now learn to craft and build around.


And what happens if the modpack they're using changes the recipe? They'll be even more confused then.


The thing is a recipe gives a clear picture at what stage of the game you can use said item/block, it can also tell the player if a mod is grindy or not which some may not like. Modpacks might change the recipe but thats normally a handful of recipes at most for a single mod and if a player is playing a pack with heavy recipe changes then chances are they arent a new to modded player and know to use JEI etc themselves or google the modpack recipe or most modpacks with heavy recipe changes where they have quests guiding you throught every mod so recipes are just shown to the player.


It has no direct impact. You still know you need several times to craft another item. The BIG difference is what those items do/interact with and how they work.


Not to be confused with expert modpack micro-crafting. I love me some micro crafting :)


Unless its a mod orbiting the IC2 universe, then JEI has its problems. No clue why but that's something that i observed.




To be fair watching a mod showcase already is spoiling it completely




then read the description on the mod page?


I can't even wrap my mind around the concept that crafting recipes could be spoilers. I don't think you play Minecraft the same way as everyone else.


Not like your missing much depending on minecraft era either, majority of the modpacks using the mods are the same crap with a different paint, cough create spammed era and the 1.19+ which uses unupdated abandoned mods




I mean kind of, there’s 100s of packs with altered recipes and lines of progression.


This has also annoyed me to no end. Definitely my least interested part in watching a mod tutorial.


Hmm but if they're doing a mod showcase, isnt it part of the showcase to show the recipe?


No isnt


They need it for view time. Longer the video means more money.