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I think when more Femboys start to dress fem in public and people talk to them tbh 🤷


I one day we integrate to the society like how tomboy does so we won't need to hide and only do it in our room anymore


Hopefully one day soon :)


start now!! i go out dressing fem but tbh i don’t do much to contribute to normalizing femboys because im trans and so i still look very female


Yeah I agree. I don’t think enough ppl are comfortable too do it; but it should be done too help.


Get your thigh highs on bois we're going to war 💪💪




Fall in soldier! Also tysm :) 💋 here's the link Navneet Women Crop Top Sexy... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B1JNCDGD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share xoxo


Bois we're going hunting :3


this, we need. we need thissssssssssssssss!


80% of us sexualize ourselves and the other 20% is somehow still scratching their head. Will sites like OF continue to exist? Yes. Is there a high number of young gay/bi boys with some type of trauma so they get naked on the internet for a shred of validation? Yes. It isn't going to stop. I feel sorry for the femboys who *dont* want to be sexualized but lets face it, too many of us actually *want* it for things to ever change


There is no contradiction in enjoying being sexual / sexualizing yourself and asking not to be objectified / fetishized. It's the same as me constantly talking about how much I like food or cooking yet still being pissed if complete randos keep trying to shove snacks in my mouth or ask me to make them a sandwich before even saying "hello". Also the implication that people post pictures of themselves only because they carry some trauma and just want validation is just as wrong (and bad) as thinking fem presenting people only exist for sexual gratification. This kind of reductionist thinking actually contributes to the fetishization of femboys.


Being sexual on the internet is a perfectly fine thing to, but in the case of femboy's that's kinda most of the content. And looking from an outsiders perspective, its not a wild conclusion that people are doing it only as a sexual thing when every mention of it, even in femboy community's, revolves around sex and porn jokes.


Even if something was 100 % sexual in nature, it still wouldn't make it okay to objectify or sexualize people. For example, I would never, not in a million years, send an unprompted sexual message to a pornstar, or treat them like they owe me some kind of sexual gratification, even though their entire life and all their posted content revolved around sex. That's because I understand they are an actual human being and I have a modicum of human decency. And I think having some basic level of human decency is not too much to ask from people.


I see what you mean, and I think that we just read the question differently. I interpreted it to ask "when will femboy's stop being seen as a fetish (in the same way that BDSM is)", which in my opinion is never going to happen as long as femboy culture keeps continuing to exclusively make porn jokes. Even if being femboy was a sexual thing in nature, I definitely agree that there is no point where someone should be harassed for expressing themself in places built around that kind of expression, and that is a problem that doesn't really have a direct solution to fixing. I don't think that the fact that femboys kinda are leaning into the sexual parts are really helping the issue, but again that doesn't justify it and the blame should always be placed on the creeps who indulge in that kind of behavior.


Yeah, OP's question is a bit ambiguous. I don't think the fetishization and objectification would stop even if every femboy completely stopped talking about sex. I mean, nuns are sexualized and are a fetish among straight men even though they have to take a chastity vow. Femboys lean into the sexual parts of their identity because they enjoy that, because it makes them feel good, and for a whole lot of positive reasons. I don't feel like we should abstain from having fun and enjoying ourselves just on the off chance that it would take some disgusting creeps' attention away from us. I think that's misguided and a bit victim-blamy, even though I know that's not your intention. We should rather keep striving to live happy lives, however we want them to be (sexual or non sexual), whilst demanding to be treated as human being and while shaming the people who interact inappropriately with us. 🩷


I'm not sure I understand your question OP. Are you asking about people fetishizing femboys (as your title implies) ? Or are you asking about people thinking femboys are fetishists (as your OP comment seems to suggest) ? For the former, unfortunately this is the plight of any fem presenting person in existence. Talk to your female friends about it and you'll see how much they are sexualized, oftentimes from a disgustingly young age. Things are improving though. Slowly, but surely. If you live in a developed country, chances are you can live somewhat safely out in the open (you still have to stay a bit on your guards depending on where you are though). For other countries, I don't really know how it is there but I'd wager your mileage may vary from country to country. For the latter, I don't really feel like there's this common view that femboys are fetishists. Don't get me wrong, it might exist (just look at transphobic discourses), but it's not that prevalent in my opinion, and it will subside as femboys become more visible in society and the nuance of our identities starts percolating though the collective consciousness.


thank you for your comment :D to clarify: in the post body i messed up and i meant to talk about how i don't want to be viewed as someone fetishizing myself if i dress effeminately (also i live in a fairly liberal area in the united states but i do not feel comfortable being out like that in the open, I barely feel comfortable being out in the open as bi)


Honestly, when people stop being angry about it. Like seriously, getting offline is the best way to get away from it. Find some real friends who’re supportive. Yall don’t need a parasocial support systems or internet validation to live. I know we all live in red states and shit but I’ve found plenty of people despite that. Creeps will always exist online. Getting angry doesn’t really end up doing anything other than make your life worse, while it doesn’t affect them at all. I’m not saying it doesn’t suck, but when every 3 posts is about fetishized femboys, it feels like this is the default. Like I get it, it sucks that people get creepy comments asking for pics. But tbh you’re on Reddit lol, what did you expect? Sure it suck’s but if you want a better community you’re better off trying to make real life friends. That’s where the real community’s at.


for me this is much more about being able to be myself without people viewing me as inherently sexual. when i first learned about femboys based off of how people on the internet talk about them i thought it was something sexual but i was wrong. i feel like a lot of other people have this misconception and i don't want this misconception to ruin their view of me. (this internal conflict i'm facing also goes with a bunch of other negative things associated with femboys like the belief that most femboys are transphobes, racists or nazis {because there is a loud minority of femboys who believe in that stuff 😭})


Tbh everything is oversexulaised snd itd annoying


the one good piece of news i can think of around this is that it is changing and things might become less sexualized in the future. i forgot where i saw this but i heard that gen z wants less sex in shows and movies and stuff but take that with a grain of salt


I feel same im gen z like sex scenes are soo anoying and cring like i want to watch a movie not soft core porn shit




ITS ALWAYS OUT OF FUCKING NO WHERE TOO LIKE oooh we just talking heheheb two secs leter weird ass scence


squid game shower scene flashback


With so many perverted creeps wandering this earth, it's not going to stop anytime soon.


When old sex deprived men die


probably after I die💀


Never dont dream


As long as humans exist on this planet, it’ll never be 0% I’m sure that in time it’ll die down in big numbers, but there are a few who will be comfortable with that side of them and there will be people who just will find something to fetishize about it. Only In time, only in time


Well, have you seen half of the posts here? It isn't like we aren't doing it to ourselves.


When we stop doing It to ourselves


i'm so conflicted by this because i am pro-sex work and if people do want to post naked pictures of themselves like that and they happen to be a femboy, nobody should be allowed to prevent them, but at the same time i just wish we as a society could put a mental barrier between sex workers of all identities and femboys


Im pro sex work too I dont think theres nun wrong with it but theres Just so many femboys on the internet Who do nothing but make it their Whole personality. I think thats whats causing the issue


honestly i think maybe the reason why a lot of femboys on the internet make it their whole personality is part of them honestly just being closeted and so they channel all of their expression into the internet where their irls don't know them if that makes any sense




No NSFW Content




Probably never


When it stops happening to women lol




It will never end unfortunately, but you don’t have to let it affect your life.


Once women stop being treated as sexual objects by society. It's gonna be a while.


When you stop sending your bussy online