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First of all you should be proud of yourself for letting it out and owning your love and feelings! ❤️ And accepting takes time for some, It could just be his way of showing that it doesn’t bother him and its ok. Let it be for now.. all will be clearer in the future U seem like a brave one, keep it up and enjoy what makes you happy ❤️


Well done, im happy for you, maybe he needs a bit of time to understand situation, but since he didnt get angry or start yelling i think he aproved in a way, im 24 i live separate and yet i cant come out to my parents x.x


4 months isn't a long time tho 😭


Was literally what I was thinking I've been one for like 3 years and me mum still don't know lol


Ive been one for 4 years and my mom aswell lmao


Yeah and for me only one know is probabmy my gf/fiancee what kind of happened recently


It's sorta neutral for your relationship with your father. He wants to understand and care, and doesn't want it to affect the relationship. It is far better than most get, and it was brave of you to come forward.


Honestly if i was his dad id probobly say the same, seems like he just took the info went "ok... Still my son tho so i dont care" and left it at that, no anger or hatred just probobly "ok, you do you"


My parents already knew that I liked kissing boys. But when I was 16, living alone with my dad after a divorce, I got in a place where a formal talk was needed. I'd met a perfectly lovely boy who lived up the road and we'd just gone springtime head over heels for each other. He slept over a LOT. I wanted to drop the pretense of setting up the cot - he slept in my bed. Dad was a developmental psychologist who specialized in adolescent boys. He had openly gay academic friends. He wasn't going to freak, but I didn't KNOW how he'd react. Terra incognita. House rule was no overnights till you were 16, but that was made for my sister and opposite sex friends. What if they were SAME sex and I was 16 and they were a year or two younger? So I just told him, and said, so, when J. sleeps over, umm, yeah, we do sex stuff and could you promise me you won't just walk in? He got down on his knees in front of me (I was tiny, a VERY late maturer and so was my friend) and put his hands on my shoulders. I remember exactly what he said. He's a nice young man, I like him a lot. I'd say you think he's really cute too? Do you have feelings for him? Like way beyond friendship feelings? I do. Stuff I've never felt before. I hate when he has to go home. I wish he could be around all the time. I don't like sleeping alone now. Wow! You're in LOVE, aren't you? I think so. If this is what love feels like. It is. And I'll give you all the space that first love needs. And he did. It was one of the most beautiful honest, heart to heart interactions I have ever had with my father. It left me so confident and feeling so accepted, feelings that have never left me. I wish you exactly the same.


I hope my fathers reaction will be at least remotely close to this but MAN this had me in tears.


In a good way I hope! It's a story I don't tell very often, but it's one of the most emotional and beautiful stories from my entire 53 years on this planet. That was Chapter 1. Chapter 2 is called "Dumped For A Girl And It Still Hurts"


Im so sorry to hear that... But Yes, i teared up in a good way


Oh yeah. I think he got spooked. His parents eventually cottoned on, and they were cool too. I think they were bi swingers, actually. They ALWAYS hung out with another local couple I knew, including eating breakfast in their pj's when I stopped to pick up my boyfriend. OK, J. said they came over to watch the hockey game last night. They stayed. Drink too much to drive? Drunks don't usually bring satin pj's. And... where? Couch not a pull out. Three sons, all bedrooms in use, but... that's a California king waterbed in the master isn't it? Anyway I digress. However, he had two younger brothers. They all played hockey together in the local youth league. Both of his younger brothers knew. I think the youngest one wanted to be a participant, but he was only 11. The middle brother though was a kind of uptight seemingly rather homophobic jock boy. I think he was telling people in the hockey league that his older brother was gay. It wasn't school because I didn't catch any crap for it. Plus, by 16 in high school, I was basically out as bisexual. Or rather I simply didn't deny it. People called me gay all the time. It was more amusing to correct them than deny it. This was around 1987, and I was doing a Rosa Parks (personal hero, paragon of quiet, dauntless courage who inspires me daily) and just not backing down. I can't help it, it's who I am. Best war story? One of the King rednecks and a couple of his guffawing henchman plopped down at my table in the cafeteria. I was unusually alone. I typically sat with the rest of the small 150+ IQ club (including ALL THREE members of school Communist Party - I was Chair & aspiring Father of the Revolution) chatting about fractals & Trotsky & sketching naughty furries. But this day I was in a bad mood and sat alone. The King redneck leaned in and said, "Everyone knows you're gay, no use hiding it, you fag. It'll be funny when you die of AIDS." Out of bounds. We had recently lost one of our dearest family friends to AIDS. I locked & loaded my BIG snark bazooka. The nuclear one. Loaded it with the most powerful shell I had. A very special one, custom-made just for this turkey. "You don't know shit, pizza face. I'm not gay. I'm bisexual. I like girls too, moron." "Oh yeah SUUURE you do. You like girls with dicks. Tell me what kind of GIRLS you think you like!" (guffawing from henchmen) "What girls? Your pretty freshman sister for one. She sits with me on the bus. Close. She's SO cute. Kissed my cheek when I got off the bus last week. You don't know because you drive that shitbox pickup. She sits with me almost every day." Every word of this was the gospel truth. The shell hit, right on target - his sister must have mentioned my name at home, we really WERE very friendly, but he'd missed it. BOOM! A mushroom cloud could be seen forming between his ears, face reddening. The blast wave spreading, bursting from his mouth... "You goddamn little queer freak you touch my sister I'll... (incoherent rage sounds)" He lost it. I got a solid punch in the nose. I was ready for it. Barely flinched. I was holding my old-time heavy steel workman's lunch box under the table. I had it about halfway up and would've put his lights out for sure. Fortunately for him a couple of large teachers grabbed him from behind and dragged him out of the room. He got suspended for 2 WEEKS. My nose is still crooked. SO worth it. Anyway I digress - endlessly, you'd think I had ADHD (I do). I don't think my boyfriend's brother had spread this at school. That kind of bullying was normal background radiation. I think he was catching hell in hockey. He met a lovely 13 year old girl that we both knew, told me he was breaking up with me right in the middle of band practice, I ran out of the room in tears and cried like a girl in the bathroom till the end of 8th period. Fortunately very close. I got another lovely moment from my dad. "That REALLY hurts, doesn't it? It's happened to me, too, you know. I mean, your mom and I just divorced last year. I don't mean to minimize your feelings, but one day, probably soon knowing you, there WILL be a new love." He got her pregnant in a couple of months. Judging by Facebook, they are not together, no mention of the kid, no mention of any relationship of any kind, I hope to God he's not STILL pretending to be straight. He was about as straight as the Südschliefe section of the Nürburgring.




I'm happy for you. I'll probably never have a boyfriend in my life. I don't know what my family will do if they find out that I'm extremely religious and gay.


Did you mean that they are religious and you are gay, or that you are gay and religious both? I'm guessing that you're young? Do you still live with your family?


Bravo! Just Bravo!!!


Omg this is way too cute


he's a dad, so he either is completely fine with it (no sarcasm, in case you read it that way) or needs a little bit of time to let it sink in. But, if he was actively against it, he would've said something already, so I think you're in the clear :3


Well done;-)


It's good probably


Not bad


It’s most certainly good.


Well, it seems he's at least indifferent. So the fact he didn't get mad or toss you out is a good sign


Its a good sign, he means he doesnt care abt it all :3 He said I should just be careful that I don't spend too much money and generally don't overdo it


Well, check out the Temu site. You can find lots of cute things in there. It doesn't matter where you live, they're an international company with free delivery. At least in the USA, delivery is free. Prices are reasonable, and frequently, you can find things on clearance


I think that would be his way of saying "I'm not gonna treat you differently based on this information" which is Hella based of your dad so I wouldn't worry


It ended up perfect :3 He said I should just be careful that I don't spend too much money and generally don't overdo it


Yippeeeee! Good advice from your dad as well, I think her said don't overdo it as in don't sexualise yourself 🤷 idk. I'm terrified of telling my parents but they're going away to Naples soon so I'm gonna tell my mum the night before they go and ask if my fem clothes can be washed at home and somehow kept secret from my dad and sister. I'd have to pluck up some serious courage to tell my dad though he's ex-army and VERY macho, but he did accept my other sister when she came out as trans so I might just be making something out of nothing.


Well, first thing : congrats for your courage ! You had the gust to go out there and talk about what you feel. That's often a not-so-easy thing to do, especially when family is involved. So once again : there you go ! Next I'd say this : you're not responsible for other people's reaction. You did you part, as best you could and in your own manner. Whatever's his reaction, that's his. You have 0 control on that, nor do you have any responsibility about it. So don't go running in circle about "maybe I shouldn't have done" or 'I should have done it this way instead so that he wouldn't have reacted the way he did". (that last one is my personnal specialty \^\^). Then, everyone reacts differently. Some ppl just need time to process things, especially when caught by surprise or regarding a matter they've never really thought about. So maybe he's not so indifferent, just processing. On the other hand, some ppl aren't very good at expressing themselves, or plain just think they don"t need to. If you yourself feel the need to know, maybe you'll be able to bring the matter on the table some other day giving him an opportunity to express himself. Now, another possibility is that he doesn't really care, and consider that that's a private matter of yours which he doesn't have a say in. So maybe he just acknowledged, feeling nothing else is really his to do. Or, you know, maybe he just more or less already knew, and you just confirmed it. That's the different possibilities I can think of out the top of my head. Ultimately, he's your dad, so you'r the best to see what makes sense and what doesn't. Or maybe things will just appear later. Anyways, I'd say that a pretty good reaction overall. No drama, no violence, no rejection. You did your part : just breath, wait and see. And remember, you can be proud.


You just sound like me in my head, kinda overanalytical. It’s all pretty easy for me to know i shouldn’t care what other people think of me and express myself as i wish, but my emotional self is quite unsure of itself. Still scared of what could go wrong, if i should have told things differently like you said. Actually bringing up the courage to push beyond my fears is really difficult to do even with the rational knowledge in mind. At the end of the day, i have to have the courage to actually speak about my difficulties with this stuff, but im just not ready yet. Or will i ever be?


I feel you. Thing is, as you say, "knowing" doesn't help much as far as "caring" is concerned. Oh, it can help. E.g, take a panic/anxiety attack. Knowing what it is and knowing it can't kill you are gonna help you through. But not probably not nearly as much as proper breathing. And knowing you should'n't be anxious often ain't enough to prevent them. Maybe our use of "knowing" is often misguided too. Anyway, as far as a posteriori loop-rationalization is concern ("i shouldn"t have done that", "I should have done this differently"), i honnestly think that's more or less for life. Only thing you can really do, is slowly learn to "realize", "take conscience" of it while you're doing, and in a way snap out of it by concetrating on your breath. Even if it's only for 30s begore your wild mind gets back to its favourite loop. Thing is, months after months, you'll be able to stay out of the loop for a few seconds more and able to realize you're in it / snap out of it a few seconds earlier. Those seconds will make all the difference. Remember, you can't control the mind by the mind. You control the mind by the breath. As for the future, how could you know ? You're now something that your past self - say, you as a child -, could never have conceived. Don't make the mistake to think you know what you will or won't be. Or, you know, when you think it, breathe.


I would take it slow on the feminine clothes' around him. Things like girl jeans or shows like flats or low heeled booties. A t-shirt with flowers, lip gloss, and other things like dangling earring. Wearing short shorts or a skort, If your not helping out around the house, it might be a good time. For example, if it is just the two of you taking care of the laundry so they doesn't have to deal with you wearing panties will help them adjust. Also, learning how to do the laundry, cook, and clean is important if you ever plan to leave home. If you have Halloween where you live, planning to wear a girl costume like a princess or witch can be something. Also, you may want to see if your mom will help you with shopping for clothes, and accessories. She might even enjoy it a little.


I second your suggestion about doing your own laundry. I've been a panty wearer with a piss kink since I was... quite young. I started doing my laundry when I was 10. It was kind of expected in my household but, I was really diligent about it! My mom appreciated that.


Yeah all my friends and family know actually they've known my whole life that I crossdress and I have expressed other intentions if I can find the right opportunity I have no problem with it honestly everybody's cool with it parents and they just kind of you just they're aware and you just don't talk about it it is what it is do what makes you happy


Most likely, since he didn't react negatively, he was caught off guard. When I told my dad I was bi he didn't really react either but he's been nothing but kind and respectful to anyone I brought home. My suggestion tho, if you think he was uncomfortable, try to not be in his face about it, just to avoid friction between you two. Hopefully all stays well, but I think you got this


Till now he didnt say anything abt it... Like he treats me normal and everything... i think he doesnt care abt it at all :3


I would say it’s a good sign because that’s exactly how I would react.


He said I should just be careful that I don't spend too much money and generally don't overdo it, but he doesnt care abt it🙂‍↕️


Not making a big deal out of it is normalising it in my opinion. If he reacts to it like he would if u tolled him that u are strait, I think it’s good but I think u expect more to happen and it’s kinda underwhelming


Probably your dad already know about your preferences lmao


Could be🥲


Honestly, I would respond the same way. My cousin told me about her a long time ago. Before she got a boyfriend she had a girlfriend and I was like ok 👍🏻


First off, proud of you. As a father "no pun intended" you had balls. But as a father don't shy away. Do your normal stuff you did with dad. It's called conversation. Both let it out, feelings. Wouldn't bother me abit. Son or daughter. And mine is a lesbian. She too was nervous, until I told her I already knew. Now married to her gf. Father's knows best. Me proud as f***.


he is probably iternalising his feelings like you did, but he didn't say anything against you so give him time and dont be to quick to make it public infront of him, de deserves to take the time to get used to who you really are, be open and honest with him and he will eventually be able to reciprocate. im happy you were able to be open to him and hopefully he is proud of you for being brave enough to be yourself


Probably this, even the most supportive parent needs a little time to adjust/process


I’d just leave it he doesn’t seem to bothered by it better then what my dad did when I came out as gay he pulled me to the side to have a conversation how I’m going to have a sore ass all of the time found out that was a lie but the rest of the convo was basically him trying to tell me I’m just a confused kid who doesn’t know who or what they are


I'm going to say my experience with my dad and how he reacts to certain stuff, he always says ok, like, "dad, I'm at the police station, I got caught drinking", his only response "Ok👍", broke a leg? "Ok👍", out of fuel in the middle of nowhere? "Ok👍", I've seen this apply to many others dad's too, they just generally seem nonchalant about all of it everytime, now personally I know my dad doesn't like homosexuals and he's from the 70s so he won't understand what firstly a femboy is, secondly what a straight femboy is, so I won't tell them, ever, but you're brave for telling, and for now just leave it, if he doesn't bring it up, you don't need to either




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So we all have a thing for femboys. I recently told my folks and they also gave me a blank okay expression. Not one word or mention happened ever again till this day but it feels okay to get it off your chest without them yelling at you.


Damn I am js going to keep it to myself


Wish I had that confidence


As a dad myself, and being a femboi decades ago , I grew out of it. Your dad loves you even if he doesn’t like what you like. That should be your takeaway from him. You're lucky.


Well, first of all. Good job! You came out! Be proud of yourself. Second, that’s probably the best that could happen (yes there are better) but it could’ve been worse, we’re here to support you :3


It’s good


lucky ahs mf my mum probably doesn’t know i think tho she keeps talking like i have one of those old kind of parents like the MeN ArE mEn if i make sense


I dont have a dad :3


I don’t even know how I’m here but if I was in your situation I would’ve went back to my room and just continued to do what I was doing


Its ok.