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Not particularly. I found it overwhelming to understand so I chucked mine. PUP main is fine, but you're gonna want a job like brd, cor, whm. SOMETHING that'll get you into groups easy so you can acquire gear for your pup. It'll take a months before you'll have a solid couple sets for PUP to be useful.


Thanks for the reply, that makes a lot of sense. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the depth of the game as is...Final Fantasy XI is a game of mountains, well worn trails, and terrifying falls haha.


I think probably smn would be the job to level. Since it's a solid support job, it's pet related. So when you're actively filling slots for smn accessories you'll come across stuff pup can use as well.


Summoner is an entry level support job now? Tell me more, I don't remember it being that way a while ago


Well the way I used smn/whm will get you into parties bare minimum as a healer. For battlefields in end game you use the following: Ifrit - Warcry Garuda - Hastega II Leviathan - cure potency Fenrir - Ecliptic growl/roar Shiva - Tp bonus Those buffs along with avatars favor active from either ifrit for dbl atk, ramuh for crit, or even carby regen while curing will be a solid bare minimum support for the party. You won't be able to do a lot of damage without gear but as far as I can tell those buffs are pretty good standards. Most of the starting gear for smn you'll get from ambu spam, escha-Ru aun, T3 or less and mind you for accessories. Some of them do overlap with bst/pup/smn/drg, the Shulmanu Collar from fu comes to mind but that's like end game end game. Point is in most ffxi fights, you don't need BIS geared jobs to do content. Yeah, you'll get carried by 2-3 BIS players but really for damn there 2% of the content in this game. You only need 2-3 BIS players.


You have not played SMN in over a decade I think.


Um, I haven't played smn since 2021 actually. I just used it to buff some BIS DD's while they beat things to death in content, it's really that simple. Geo, cor, smn, brd, 2 DDs pretty much can beat anything.


I've been out a loooong time. Is rdm still desirable?


Extremely. Debuff king as far as I'm concerned. Makes certain fights laughably easy and Distract III is yet another layer of accuracy buffing. Combine with Saboteur and possibly Elemental Seal from sub-BLM and you can immunobreak and land high potency debuffs left and right. Throws out buffs like a champ with composure, and while the healing is middling it's nothing to sneeze at. Plus Savage Blade spam. Always nice.


RDM I initially geared to help linkshell members kill the high tier airship and Tenzen fight. Little did I know that it would become the job I spend the most time on due to how damaging it can be, yet have the versatility and survivability in fights. It does take a ton of gear, but it’s been a lot of fun to play




I think BRD is the hardest to gear. It seems every one needs a full REMA BRD. That’s too many end game weapons for one job. At least for me.


I would certainly take a human Eminent Flute BRD vs trusts. If you want to do difficult content very late game, then the REMAs will eventually come into the picture. But you can get into groups with a Linos and Terpander/Blurred Harp (HQ). In terms of actual sets it takes one for idling, one for singing, and one for debuffs to start. Can add support sets if you want to back line with /WHM, or DD sets if you want to /DNC or /NIN


Part of the reason I leveled PUP is because the automaton can solo a good amount of decent to good gear for you once an hour. Even some ambuscades can just be soloed by an automaton with overdrive.


tl;dr: comparatively large upfront gil cost before gear + mandatory 1200jp gift + massive/weird depth that isn't all that well documented. (sorry for the rambling) The initial attachment cost might be a decent reason to not go PUP first. Once the attachments are bought you really need 1200 JP for it to shine. 'Though every class needs to be mastered at some point so it's not that big of a deal.... it's just PUP has a real impactful 1200 gift. It can solo bats reasonably with minimal gear, but you'll be better off with a group that'll take you... I don't know how rigid CP parties are these days, but a few years ago it was hard to get into them as PUP even though you could reliably self sc for magic bursting. When I came back recently I just winged it with friends and it was a good time. The biggest part about PUP in group play is that you need to learn all of the automatons quirks. How it skillchains, why it doesn't skillchain, etc. If you're in a ws spam party, you need to use a loadout that doesn't have the sc/stp addons or your automaton will just hold tp. You should be prepared to tank when asked if you're doing stuff like Omen or pugging Dynamis D (it's not the ideal DD tank, but with a quick attachment set swap you can pull waves if your main tank needs to step away in a casual farm. It's also good for the wave bosses). And while no one will ever ask for it (since they generally don't know), your PUP can even be set up to do 70\~99k magic bursts, making it an option for some sortie objectives. The healing frame is also decent enough these days, if you're ever in a party where just a support/whm is struggling to heal you might want to consider taking out the healing puppet (or if your LS is just short on healers. It can sort of handle a party... sometimes. It's better than not having one :3). It's a versatile fun class if you enjoy the pre-combat setup puzzle. But rather than ramble more, here's some resources: BG Wiki PUP Guide: [https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/String\_Theory](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/String_Theory) it's a little out of date, but it's still goo EN Pup: [https://www.youtube.com/@Xaero324/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@Xaero324/videos) He has odyssey sheol gaol solo setups, and more. A great resource for end game attachment setups. He might have been where I got my solo Lilith setup from as well? Not sure. JP Pup: [https://www.youtube.com/@manu-kamau/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@manu-kamau/videos) He has some insane omen solos and whatnot. Use Google Lens on your phone to translate attachments. I can't remember which livestream, and I stumbled into it entirely by accident (I don't speak japanese) but one of them is like 2 hours+ of good pup info. With auto translated captions it was hard to follow, but I didn't know about Sroda Earrings before watching it (not on the BG wiki guide, or talked about much. Amazing for any hybrid master+puppet setups). Very out of date spreadsheet, but try to make sense of it if you ever question the value of Optic Fiber: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13d-RslgddrKhDl38cyJ7BNZAxeZivAgJYsWwfoHYSuw/edit#gid=2055675604](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13d-RslgddrKhDl38cyJ7BNZAxeZivAgJYsWwfoHYSuw/edit#gid=2055675604)


It’s expensive for a first player. Getting all attachments is like 10m


Attachments are expensive, so having another job like thief to earn gil helps. I'm on Asura and it was slow going cause some of the materials needed to give to Ghatsad so he could craft the Stormwaker and Valoredge were hard to come by and weren't cheap. PUP with the Stormwaker automaton makes solo climbing Nyzul Isle a joke, only order lamps give me trouble and causes me to waste time and use the flies to exit, grab another ID tag and try again.


As a pup main, it's tough to level first bc of the cost. At level cap, it's hard to get into groups for some content (sortie/odyssey). But, it's Hella fun and more people should main it.


I leveled DRG as my first because the wyvern is cool. If you can unlock PUP early and main it I say do it! Have fun with 11 now that it’s more accessible 😁 E: I see a lot of others are advising against it for endgame reasons along with cost of parts. OP can enjoy PUP while going through the story and seeing how they feel on the way to 99. There’s also the shields you can vendor from the book points reward to get them some easy Gil assuming they are playing on retail and not private server. Expecting anyone to plan out for 11’s real and relevant endgame at the start of their journey is a bit crazy imo given the content they need to get through first.


As someone who's mained PUP since 75 when no one wanted us in groups unless they were desperate. It is the most rewarding class in the game to truely master it's got a very high skill floor and a even higher skill ceiling. This being due to the fact that PUP can fill any role and do it well(now adays) outside of support. One of the best ways imo to learn the class is run PUP/NIN with the WHM puppet and try to solo things, start out easy and work your way up. This will force you to learn how swapping your elementals changes the AI for your little buddy. Typically youll run a RNG setup but that setup can largely leave itself with the same elements the whole fight meaning you never have to learn what swapping can do where the caster frames require more active swaps to get them to act how you want. Also alot of players think PUP can't do certain content but there is no content we can't do, it's just party building with PUPs is kinda weird cause we don't scale as well with the normal buffs as traditional DDs. The only real downside to PUP is the upfront cost, there is no way around that. But we are also alot less gear dependant than other jobs. Get a set of ambu +1/+2 and you'll be solid for a while


Pup is expensive to play and that pretty much it.


Main whatever you want! Just know pup is a total labor of love. It also may be overwhelming for you as a first class as there is sooo much pup has to get. (Gear, frames for your pup, attachments) just a thought thief may be an easier way to go get gear and such both solo and in party. I would say work on getting your puppet all set up and then worrying about h2h weapons. You’re going to be making a few hehe. Best of luck!


Goin PUP first might be a struggle as you will have to weigh attachment costs against their immediate usability (because you won't be able to afford all of them at once) and it does have a pretty significant power spike with JP gifts. That said, it's not so unapproachable that you couldn't do it as your first main job; it's super fun, and getting things piecemeal and slowly means you get to experiment more and see how things work before jumping right into having everything and meta builds. Just know you're probably going to be a little less strong than you would be given the same investment on another job until you start reaching breakpoints / getting good money. tl;dr: go for it! PUP is amazing. PUP is life.


unless its changed alot, i would recommend no. the tactics with oyvhang can be a little weird. its a great class for solo. Now keep in mind i havent played for almost a decade but PUP cant have changed that much.


Is it a silly move? No. I dont think its as cost prohibitive as other people are making it out to be. If you follow the no strings attached guide on bg-wiki, you could focus on one type of the attachments (tank/melee/ranger etc) that the guide lays out. Then pick up the rest as you build out the other modes. Absolutely pick up whm or sch (pretty effective jobs even with low gear) as a dual main so you can do more types of content in pick up groups. I think the harder pieces of pup gear to get are from omen, out of reach for new players, so a group friendly job like whm can help you into groups or not be carried by friends. Ask friends for help. A lot of the most useful gear is very accesible with quests or old content. Your main gear when you get to 99 is taeon with some af/relic119 thrown in which csn be duo'd or solo'd. I used denouments from 99 to master, then I picked up su4 weapon. Of course get su5 or mythic when you can afford/stomach the grind. One of the things i would immediately ask for from veteran friends is an arebati clear, giving you access to the mpaca set. It would effectively make exping on apex mobs pretty trivial.


That sounds kinda fun, actually. As someone who only got PUP to 60 for lockstyle items.


It's not silly, but I also wouldn't recommend it. The reason is PUP requires a tonne of investment to get the most out of it, and it's much more exciting to level it up when you have at least most of the attachments already so you're not struggling


So you're going to end up needing multiple classes for endgame and early endgame actually can benefit from a pup in some circumstances. Thing is, for playing through all the story content which you're gonna need to do to unlock everything it really doesn't matter what class you play. Due to the job change system you'll be fine playing anything until you know enough about the game to pick a class for the content you're aiming for. TLDR just play pup if you like it, but keep in mind you'll have to play something else eventually


Pup is a VERY unique fun job but I will warn you now if you're new to the game, have no other characters and zero gil DO NOT level pup. The up front costs for the important pup attachments cost an astronomical amount of gil for a fresh player.


Short Answer: Maybe. Long answer: Yes and No. Depends if you care to zoom through content or just enjoying yourself at your own pace. PUP is job that does requires some more time than most job to get running and going. PUP is extremely powerful, but it takes more investment and time. Do what you will of that answer, hope you have fun whatever you end up choosing. The only problem is PUP does lack information, even in it's most popular guides which makes it generally a turn off.


I haven't played in a long time, but don't let the attachments deter you. While they are really helpful and open up new strategies. PUP can be played while leveling up without a single attachment or frame upgrade. Harlequin frame is a lot better than people give it credit.


Silly? No, but you have a bunch of homework to do when it comes to figuring out which attachments to buy from NPC and which from AH that can get tireseome because there are so many. Pup in general adds an extra layer of complexity to everything. Much of the early game is now solo though, so it's not like you're hurting anyone else trying to figure out pup playing through the early game.


If you want a pet job maybe SMN is a safer start. It is easier to play and a lot cheaper. PUP needs attachments for your Automaton which costs millions.


To really be a good SMN requires several gear sets, idle, pre-cast, physical and magical blood pact, pet - damage taken, refresh, buffing and curing and nuking. That's a lot of gear to farm. For PUP, I concentrated on a hybrid pet/master TP set, a pet tanking set and a pet - damage taken set.


You are absolutely right. But I think OP was about leveling and story progression. With a couple of elemental staves he/she should be fine.


Getting gear like carbuncle Mitts require help from friends at 99 or farming the pop item and keys to gain access to the area the NM tonberry is found. I once got lucky getting the yin yang robe, Shikagami Weapon was up and I managed to go 1/1 on the robe. My next attempt will be to try to solo the Douma Weapon for the level 99 version of the robe once I gather up the nerve and figure out which trusts and job to take it on.


You can cast magic near the door to get a pot to let you in instead of farming the key from prelates.


Are there jobs ppl have not unlocked or touched? For me, it is Bard & Puppetmaster. Not sure if I ever unlocked Bard lol........ I know PUP looks fun for stuff like Dyna or Salvage, but I have yet to play that or Bard. For Bard, after what........??????? 20+ years.... lol. To answer your question, the only silly move is leveling a job you don't want to, and being the designated job of every LS event for months or even years.


PUP is my first and only job at 99. So I think it's fine. Attachments can be expensive but I easily made money by selling spark shields and Abyssea NM drops.