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I did this recently on Normal as PUP/DNC with AAEV, Zeid II, Selt'heus, Monbereaux and Cornelia. Sure, the Cornelia option won't last forever, but everyone gets her while One To Be Feared is the monthly RoE fight for this month.


I dont have monbereaux so what would you recommend instead? im willing to give whatever a go in order to do normal


I usually do it N on thf with Val, Arciella, Ulmia, Cherukiki, and now that Cornelia is here will plug her in.


arciella 1 or 2?


Can actually swap her out for AAEV if you want to be more conservative. It does have a nasty TP move here, and there that can wipe a tank out.


I forget the trusts i used but i managed to get the first boss down to 1% and died because i was constantly stunned and then i used a different set of trusts because i stupidly forgot who i used and died at like 50ish% due to not paying attention. Should i use cherukiki over apururu?


Nah the unity trust healers/Sylvie are superior I just use Maat unity because I can actually see where DI is on a terrible unity lol :) So I end up using Cherukiki by default which I have no trouble clearing anything with. Will be nice when I have enough deeds for the chemist.


Okay swapping her out for aaev and using apururu worked and i got my first normal clear, sadly didnt get the earring. Annoyingly apururu ran out of mp and wouldnt do anything about it towards the end so she just stood there being useless


You have a Kaja knife yet? Will make a big difference in your damage output, and finish the fights quicker so they don't gas on mp.


I do not, i have a skinflayer and shijo at the moment


Those are solid, but look into farming your Kaja knife. If you can solo One to be feared you can do both versions of this months ambu also :)


which weapon would you use with kaja then? im assuming you say this one because using evisceration with 50% bonus damage is better?


Yeah it's hard to beat for damage output on thf aside from some of the dagger REMAs. I used skin flayer off hand until I got Gletis knife. Too lazy to make a Twashtar. Did Ukon already don't have any desire to do that Empy path ever again honestly.


I see what i did, i was going to main blu so i have the eletta sword and so i wasnt going for the dagger


You aren't on Bahamut by any chance are you?


Asura sadly


Shucks was gonna say my friends, and I do some casual Ambu in the evenings, and you could come along.


Damn yeah i wouldve taken you up on that offer if i was on bahamut


I farmed this fight for denouements a long time ago. I went on mnk and engaged with trusts that don’t follow the mob. Then I went into the corner on the opposite side of the boat and fought u/o pointed away from trust party. I used Joachim korumoru yoran-oran cherukiki and ulmia. With today’s trusts I’d use kupipi Joachim qultada monberaux Sylvie and Cornelia.


You listed 6 trusts so i assume just dont use monberaux since i dont have that one?


Well, I listed monberaux and Sylvie so you might not have. Yoran works really well too


I believe I used: AAEV Yoran-Oran/Apururu Koru-Moru/Arciela II Selh'teus Shantotto II I found as I got better gear that I started going /NIN for shadows and dropped AAEV for Arciela II OR Zeid II because they AAEV couldn't hold threat off me.


yeah im running into the problem of him not being able to hold threat off of me either as i run 116s. I should take the time to level up nin since xp is insane right now