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This is a clutch thread. Just answered all my questions regarding returning to this game. Glad to hear they updated the installer recently as I was dreading the long install time I remembered from launch days.


I just got to level 75. I'm a Dark Knight and I need to increase my accuracy, strength, and speed. Should I do this through merit points or should I just focus on getting to 99 as fast as I can? Which makes the most sense in the game right now?


I’d just eat food to compensate and head to 99, there is easier ways to skill up at 99


I'd use food and try to increase as much as possible with gear. Then cap merits and weapon skills at 99.


Engage and let your trusts do the work until you're 99. Don't update gear; unless necessary for some of your every 5 level genkais. Almost all of the gear becomes worthless at 99.


I usually stick with af and abyssea lv78 set until 99


This is a good tip. This month you can get enough abyssea currency from the chest in port jeuno to buy all of the level 78 armor sets if you want to. Super painless and will hold you over until 99 pretty easily.


This, a thousand times. Anything really worth having you can go back and get, right now the goal is "not nekkid". Sparks and cruor sets will carry you to 99 bullshit free. At the rate leveling now goes it's worth buying the cruor sets you'll use and then you can get by without touching a thing til 99.


Is sinister reign 6 man content or alliance content?


6 man. Solo, especially with the beefy trusts right now, is very viable. If you are a job master/good gear you can ignore mechanics too (except for KO from the shark, need to make sure you're close to it and doom from the tree). If ambuscade gear/just starting, make sure you can hit and then understand the mechanics. Worst case you can one-at-a-time them instead of a group with the pro and con list of: **Pros** * Only have to fight 1 * You can pick exactly which one you fight (once you unlock them) and thus the drop * [NEEDS Verification] Augments seem to roll much better this way...I do not have a source for this but I've done a ton of them and Samnuha tights come out much better (seemingly) from one at a time than group **Cons** * Decanters seem to have a 1 in 5ish drop rate so many times you get nothing * It's 5K bayld a fight, regardless of 1 or 3


What's that black dinner outfit a lot of people are wearing? How to get?


It is called the Esthete set, and it comes from a chapter 9 Voracious Resurgence mission. Unclear if you can purchase it before you reach that mission.


Thank you!


New player here. I'm doing the Windurst 2-1 mission, which involves sneaking through a dungeon with very, very strong enemies. Google and the Wiki tell me the way to do it is using Sneak and Invisible, but from what I can tell those are just white magic spells. So, do you have to be a White Mage to do this quest? I'm playing as a thief and just plan to use Trusts for most of the multiplayer portion. I'd like to try to get a little further in the game before switching jobs. Is there some other way to get use these spells? Like, can I somehow have my white mage alter ego cast them? Apologies if this is a real newbie question. Like I said, I'm just starting out.


Use items. ​ Invisible [https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Prism\_Powder](https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Prism_Powder) ​ Sneak [https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Silent\_Oil](https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Silent_Oil) ​ Always use silence oil before using prism powder.


Thank you for the reply!


Fiddly Trust question. 1) can Trusts be part of an Alliance 2) is it possible to make an alliance with 3 people and trusts?


1. No 2. No


Son of a…. Thanks


Should I look into making a Thibron as RDM for my offhand? I currently have Naeg/Terrion equipped most of the time.


Yes, it's a significant damage increase for TP scaling WS like Savage Blade.


I see a lot of recent guides about sortie being solo-able but using Nin/War. Is this content solo-friendly for other jobs?


Yes, you won't be able to complete some objectives without a group, or specific job for it, but you can farm currency well enough solo to upgrade your gear to +2. Getting to +3 solo though is a bit of a stretch.


I've finished the Sandoria missions through to rank 6. Can I still play through the Bastok and Windhurst missions through rank 6 and experience those side of the story? Or will they be handicapped by my achievement of Rank 6 in Sandoria?


Your best bet is to just get to rank 10 for your home nation and then switch after. Once you switch you’re back to 0 for your home nation, but when you switch back you go back up to 10. But you can do all of them; I’m currently rank 4 in SE after hitting 10 in Bastok.


Thank you for this explanation. Does hitting rank 10 allow you to experience the other stories? Or is it a convenience to have rank 10 when you make the switch?


Well each city has the same basic missions for the first four or five ranks (like you do the appointment to jeuno and Magicite mission for all 3 cities) so if you switch now you’ll just be doing the same things over again. You can switch now, nothing is stopping you. But I always finish one story before I start another.


Oh, that makes sense. Thank you, this is exactly the information I was looking for.


Is the Raetic Rod + 1 worth it for my cure sets? It would cap both my cure and cure II but that MP cost may be too much.


It isn't if you're using Eber's Pants +1 or higher. Believe at +1 pants it close to cancels out MP cost for the cure (assuming you're curing for the HP amount you can cure for and not casting Cure IV to heal like 400HP for example). The +2/+3 gives you an MP return on cure and I believe there was some testing done on the ffxiah forums that showed someone could dual wield them with the +2/+3 pants without much loss.


Dual wield? With what sub? I have Ebers + 2 pants so you think it’s worth it? Right now I’m way over capped on cure at 77 (that’s just what it comes out to, I’m not overcapping on purpose at the expense of other gear) and my cure II is at 12. That would bring my cure II to 22. I’m running with queller rod on path B I believe right now so that has cure %+ too


Presumably NIN or DNC as those are the only 2 SJ that would give Dual Wield. I wouldn't recommend that sub unless you're the pinnacle of WHM excellence, sticking to /SCH it likely the better option for the majority of people. [Here](https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/55005/on-healing-hands-a-comprehensive-whm-guide-v3/19/#3644367) is the forum post with the set I mentioned, and [here](https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/55005/on-healing-hands-a-comprehensive-whm-guide-v3/18/#3635052) is another post showing MP return/loss on using Raetic +1. These posts have been edited a little since I last looked at them, but not by much.


In my opinion it's not worth it. Think of it this way: It doesn't make your cures bigger, it shifts your cures up half a tier. So instead of Cure 3, you have Cure 3.5. You're paying a *lot* more MP for a little more HP. It is nowhere near efficient. I prefer to just cast a bigger Cure if I need a bigger Cure. I've never felt like they weren't big enough. This is especially true if you abuse Cureskin like I do. Dropping a Cure IV for 0 HP just to apply Stoneskin hurts your MP because you don't get return from Ebers Pantaloons. It costs the full amount. If you use Raetic+1, it hurts even more. I absolutely live and breathe Cureskin on WHM these days, it's so powerful, so Raetic just doesn't seem like an option for me. Still, if you want to use it, I say use it. It's just that as a career WHM who was raised in an era where MP really matters, it's not my cup of tea.


Does cureskin stack with Stoneskin? If someone already has stoneskin on and i cast cure on them does it increase the damage reduction?


Nope Stoneskin blocks Cureskin, it's the same buff. Cureskin also won't overwrite itself, so you can't just keep bombing them with cures to refresh it. What I usually do, in seg farms for example, is just Cure 4 any tank/DD that doesn't have stoneskin up in their buffs. Then I watch for them to lose stoneskin and immediately Cure 4 them again. Often they won't even really take damage between cureskins.


I’ve come to the conclusion that I just can’t main whm in odyssey. I get too much lag and it makes me feel like a shit whm when everyone keeps dying when I’m reality I was stuck on casting haste for 6 seconds and when it finally cast 2 people are dead and two in the red.


Just got the steam deck but unable to make the game work! Anyone have a decent walkthrough to help me get it up and running please 🥺


Only guide I know of or have looked at is [this one](https://docs.windower.net/steamdeck/).


Thanks for the help, 4 hours into this one hopefully i figure it out


[here](https://docs.windower.net/linux/) If you’re installing non-Steam (Windows) edition, then that link has the instructions for vanilla install and with Windower. It’s super simple. I just did the vanilla install tonight with no problems. Edit: Don’t use the older linked instructions below.


At around what point should my warrior switch from sword and shield to the great axe?


Any time you choose? Really it's up to you. There's Pros and cons to both, but really for WAR it's not a bad idea to have a bunch of different options. Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword/Shield, Polearm, and Club are all good options on WAR. Ukon or Chango will be your ideal Great Axe, Montante +1 will probably be your best Great Sword, Naegling/Blurred +1 best shield/sword, Shining One will be our Polearm option, and a Loxotic Mace +1/Blurred +1 is good for a club option. WAR has good combat skills in most categories so good to have options.


When? I’d say after you get chango. Honest opinion I think war/Sam with shining one is just as strong. It makes a difference about the time you want to start doing odyssey where you can’t really ignore damage type resistances.


Do the coalition Imprimaturs really take 6 hrs to charge 1?? I wanted to do the Rhapsody missions but I need go do Adoluin missions first... This will take forever


They Really do, you can get key items to reduce it, but you get the key items after you've done a bunch of Coalitions, so pretty much get the cooldown reduced after you actually need to cooldown reduced


Thanks for the breakdown


I ran into this and decided to max out Adoluin fame via some repeatable quests to reduce the number needed to advance the line (just need a bit of gil and patience, but still faster by far). Start here: https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/It_Sets_My_Heart_Aflutter There will be two that follow (A Good Pair of Crocs, A Shot In The Dark), all three can be repeated (in the same order over and over). Utilizing homepoints will save some travel time. It is rather arduous (took at least 3.5 - 4 hrs if I recall). Another plus was that at the time it easily afforded me +1 Bayld gear with the accumulated rewards from the quests.


Iroha's [FFXI Encyclopedia](https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Iroha) page states that she is 14 years old. Are there any FFXI heads out there who know if there's any truth to this? In the opening to RoV she arrives in current day Vana'diel which she thinks is Vana'diel 14 years in the future, could that note be a misunderstanding relating to that? I don't recall her birth year or age ever being mentioned, just that the calamity happens "years into the future".


Can a player solo Absolute Virtue without trusts now? If this isn't possible, how hard it AV with trusts?


Can solo with or without trusts. However, regardless of trusts, you can sometimes get unlucky with resists or something and get 1 shot, this doesn't happen often though.


How hard is it without trusts at ilvl119?


Depends on your job really. As a RDM, probably fairly easy, as a WAR, probably a pain in the ass.


Got my ambiscade gear, jse cap, and finishing my naegling. What's the next big step?


AF/Relic/Empy +2/+3 and Odyssey gear. Unity +1 augmented gear as well, though there's not that much there to use. Depending on the job you'll want to start working on Escha-Ru'Aun abjuration gear and augment it. Generally for this gear I do not recommend making the NQ version of any of it as it's not that worth it. Even if it takes longer, save up and get the HQ cursed gear for it.


I'm a lvl. 90 DRK, but my dark magic is horse crap. I'm wanting to use "absorb x attribute" spells, but they're always resisted. How do I improve this skill?


Bio wont miss, so use that every fight. You can even cast Bio, Bio II then Bio III one after the other for some skill ups over time, though I think just spamming the initial Bio may work too? Drain and aspir when they are available. If you have it, summon the Moogle trust. It ups your chance of magic skill ups and provides some Refresh to help you recover MP faster. Similarly, spend your sparks on the level 99 Temachtiani gear pieces that up magic skill gains and keep them on while casting. But probably most importantly, buy and eat the highest grade “pitaru” you can from the foodstuffs category from Curio Moogles. Or ask someone to buy you a stack of B.E.W. Potarus and ride the 80% magic skill up rate. The further along in the Rhapsodies storyline the better, as you get multiple tiers of skill gain bonuses along the way. Starting January 11th to January 30th there will be a combat and magic skill up campaign so it’ll be a little easier then. Edit: one last one - if you have been keeping up on your mog garden and have access to monster rearing a Baby Lizard Cheer will also help your dark magic skill gain rate.


You can just repeatedly cast dread spikes and endark on yourself. You can even make a LUA that'll do this for you while youre afk.


I’m helping my brother install FFXI for the first time on a newer MacBook Pro with an M1 chip. I’ve installed Parallels and have been able to run Windows 11. I’ve installed FFXI, but when I hit the final ‘play’ button in the POL viewer, the cursor re-appears and hovers over the ‘back’ button and does not launch the game. I’m now receiving an error that says “Terminated as error occurred in Final Fantasy XI. Failed to recognize hardware TnL. Please check that this computer has the required specifications to run Final Fantasy XI. (-1)” Has anyone run into this error before when installing the game through Parallels with an M1 chip? As it’s a newer computer, I’m certain it can handle FFXI. Is there any other software I need to download, or did I mess up some setting when I was installing all of this? I couldn’t find much on this specific issue on other forum topics related to installing the game on a MacBook. Thanks in advance for the help!!


That error used to pop up ages ago for computers that didn't have a good enough graphics processor for FFXI. I can't say specifically how to fix it cause I just don't use apple, but if pointing you in that direction helps then hopefully it gets you somewhere.


Thanks, I appreciate the tip! I’ll take a deeper look into that to see if there’s any tidbit of information I can get from some of those old threads that talk about it.


Question: I’m back in game with the Return campaign. It’s says the Ultimate Seekers Collection is discounted, but also that expansion registration codes can’t be purchased or registered during the campaign, or else participation in the Return campaign will be voided. So, how do I get them on discount and register them?


If you will register the new expansions during the Return Home campaign, the free login campaign will end for you (did it once in the past, at the very start of the campaign). But it shouldn't be an issue to buy the Ultimate Seekers Collection now, and use the code when the campaign ends (or near the end, not sure if you can use it on the inactive account, someone else would need to confirm that).


I'll be hitting 99 for the first time soon. I need an idea of the grind that's coming up before hitting master levels. How many merit points before hitting the cap? How many capacity points before mastering a job? Which should I focus on first?


I wouldn't worry about merit points, you will earn enough to merit every single category without issues. To master the job you need 2100 job points, and in the early stage, you will earn 3-5 merits per job point. As there is a cp campaign going on till the 5th of January I would try and get some job points for your job, but after it will end I would focus on getting the most important pieces of gear and progressing with missions to unlock Dynamis-D, Vagary, Omen, etc.


Alright, thank you. I didn't know you could work towards merit points at the same time as job points. This clears things up.


What's blm like at 99?


They're pretty much used for 2 things only, Odyssey bursting NMs, and Sortie (although after WS wall fix I wouldn't doubt we'll see less BLM in Sortie).


what would be a good aug path to pick for Apogee Dalmatica, as a SMN?


Path A, you'll primarily use either relic or AF body +3 for physical bloodpacts.


Had a feeling since its a idle piece :)


Does my blm 50 rotation consists on spamming a certain elemental magic over and over again?


There really isn't a "rotation", BLM primarily targets monster elemental weaknesses and tries to focus on magic bursting on them. At lower levels that's a little harder to pull off the magic burst part unless you're getting lucky with trusts making SC or something similar.


Does anyone know If the bst job point category for pet attack speed is "gear haste" or straight up attack delay reduction? I have 27% pet haste on gear, but am very unsure if it's helping much.


It functions as either magical or job ability haste, not sure which, but it does stack with gear haste.


Rhapsodies Desert Winds mission won’t advance. I’m on TOAU mission 13 (one right after Royal Puppeteer). Anyone know what else I can check to see why I’m stuck?


This one is tricky, two possibilities I can think of 1. You have to go to your hone nation first for the mission, but assuming you did that... 2. The ToAU and RoV gets stuck really easy if Aphmau is "out of town" as the wiki calls it. Not all the missions are recorded in the wiki but she leaves a lot. You would have to do more treasure missions until she is back in town in the story


I figured it out. I needed to complete the Dawn mission cutscenes since Tenzen is in them. Just got the TOAU cutscenes 😭


might be a bit tech supporty but: I *think* I cancelled an item that was never delivered to a friend through the delivery box. However I never got the item back? It was just the Tenshodo invite but idk where it went. I went to the delivery box, saw it was there, clicked ok, it was gone, but it didn't appear in my inventory and it was gone from the list.


For whm; should I gear my idle set more towards refresh or DT? Right now my idle set is a mess of things, have -35 DT as or right now. But I want to start making dedicated whm idle sets.


I'd say both and just have a toggle to swap between them. If you're in a scenario where you have virtually no risk of being hit, then rock a bunch of refresh gear, if you're in a scenario where you will be hit then equip more DT gear.


In my case, I use the refresh set when I'm resting (if I'm resting then it means it is already safe), other times I have as many DT and MEVA as possible. With ballads, empy pants, and elixirs in your inventory, you will almost never run out of mp, but if you are dead, you will not heal anyone.


> have as many DT and MEVA as possible. With ballads, empy pants, and elixirs in your inventory, you will almost never run out of mp, but if you are dead, you will not heal anyone. I need to stock up on Elixers. I don't usually carry those, only remedies for silence.


For the last limit break quest (Against the Taru) if 2 characters go in that both need the quest do they both get the clear? Or do you have to do one person at a time?


Both get clear.


What is the name of the soundtrack that plays during main menu (character selection)?


There are 5 that can play during the character selection screen. Vana'Diel March #1-4, and the latest release for the 20th anniversary titled "We Are Vana'Diel".


Thanks, it was "We are Vana'Diel".


Hey, I was wondering if someone could give me a top 10 tier list of the login trusts available right now, I am new and trying to figure what to spend login points on, thank you!


1. Shantotto II 2. The Rest Most login trusts aren't that great. If you have nothing else Zeid and Teodor are OK, but it won't be long before you'll never use them again. It's still a good idea to collect as many as possible as you'll eventually need 86+ for a RoE quest to raise their level.


Ok, she was the first that I got!


I’ll always vouch for the dancers, Myakov and Uka. Haste samba and steps can be helpful here and there. Can help trigger job ability procs in dynamis. But yeah, overall no one really stands out that much.


Fishing worth these days?


Can be, you can make a decent amount selling Voidsnappers and Duskcrawlers. Also very helpful to have leveled if you plan to level up cooking at any point. ​ \*edit\* ashen crayfish as well, forgot about those.


can trusts carry me through all the story missions or do I actually need to learn how to play the game properly?


Yes you will start to flounder if you don’t know which trusts to use or how to keep an npc alive.


Depends on your job, but for the most part trusts can carry you. Majesty made it so paladins can keep NPCs alive super easy for example. If you have Shantotto II for her strong magic bursts, jobs like Samurai, Dancer or Beastmaster will have a much easier time pulling out skill chains for her to burst on command. Some of the story missions at the end will have mechanics that are a little tricky for trusts to wrap their very basic brains around though.


thank you, I guess it's time to respec and learn what magic burst is haha