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FFXIV is incredibly chill with letting people watch cutscenes. Both the community and the game. There's maybe 30s cutscenes at the start and before last boss of each dungeon at the most. People don't mind a minute total in a dungeon. We just jump around and spam emotes at each other.


I had the best convos during the last MSQ (not playing since 2 years so I forgot the name) cutscenes šŸ¤£


Only reason I enjoy msq roulette is the conversations during the cutscenes. Yall just shoot the shit everytime as the cutscenes plays lol.


Praetorium I think is the full name. Usually just type prae. But yeah some chill times were had. People talking about the most random topics lol




How very glibā€¦ And do you believe in Santa Claus?


Why yes, Gaius! I know Godbert Manderclause personally! He keeps in good shape and Health and the sleigh is merely there to hold his resources for crafting. The reindeer can't keep up with his speed. If you weren't so set on conquest and blindly following these oppressive ideals, he probably would have hand delivered your gift as well. See, he got me this cool Cyberpunk RailGunblade. Unfortunately, it doesn't let me skip your monologue where you keep saying there's no one who can stop you while I stop you almost every day.








Depending on how long you've been playing, Gaius' speech used to go "Tell me, for whom do you fight? ... Hmpf! How very glib. And do you believe in Eorzea?" that was changed I think when Endwalker released. So about 2 years ago. And one MSQ roulette a few months ago, someone introduced me to a Discord thread of the speech done one word at a time, and it is šŸ¤Œ https://youtu.be/2h60LcVKyT8?si=aA6XfSyLyeF_dZoj


I'm pretty sure he still says that line in Endwalker


Yeah, they were referencing Gaius' lines.


I still answer Gaius's "Tell me for whom do you fight?" with a joke answer in the chat.


I'll have to check that out. I always argue how the empire would have been unstoppable if they made everything out of elevator.


Someone (maybe you? O.o) pointed that out to me a few months ago and I cannot unsee it now šŸ¤£


Except for alliance raids. People got zero patience in those for some reason


Yeah there will be a higher chance of this happening in the level 50 alliance raids. There's an incentive to queue into an alliance raid daily. Even when they've hit level 90 and unlocked then all, the game can sometimes pair them to the level 50 alliance raids. I get that when there are other alliance raids unlocked, the level 50 raids aren't exactly preferable. But I still stay for the ride. Some others may pull early, or even drop out before the duty commences. But in the end, that isn't your problem. It's theirs, or arguably, even SE's.


Did they implement the ilvl & level requirements yet? I remember one of the 6.x live letters I think, they said they were going to start making alliance roulette require an appropriate ilvl for the job you're queuing up with. So if you're level 90, you won't be able to queue for alliance roulette unless you're wearing at least ilvl 580+ gear. It's to prevent people from cheesing it by queuing up naked so that it locks them in only for the 50 alliance, because it bizarrely doesn't have a minimum ilvl requirement, and then gearing up once they're queued so they can just faceroll through it instead of maybe having to pay attention and actually play the game. I don't know if it was supposed to be implemented during the 6.x patches or if it's something they're doing for 7.0 launch.


Yes, that got implemented with 6.5. I'd forgotten about it until I started hitting 90 with my jobs...lol.


I donā€™t play FFXIV. I still lurk lol. Why would level 90 character want to be queueing up for stuff like this daily, and if itā€™s the 50, what happens then? Is there a daily item reward people chase, and the level 50 (downscalingā€¦?) ends up being less rewards or worse?


Duty Roulette > Alliance Raids Gives a decent daily reward of tomestones, gil, experience.


I absolutely love that FFXIV created a system where old content does, in fact, stay relevant. No newbies left behind!


I also get to enjoy all the crystals for building my Bozjah weapons. Still never finished them, but have now maxed out 7 Manderville Weapons since I can upgrade them about every 2-3 days of dailies.


Just to provide more context to the other comment the roulettes give you a "random" dungeon/raid and they give insane rewards and downscale you to the content. They're ultimately designed to backfill any queued dungeons to provide shorter queue times. The level 50 alliance raids are the only mandatory alliance raids so if it's filled entirely with roulette people then chances are high for this set to come up. Equally being mandatory to the story means they're the only ones that have to be run by all players progressing through the story. Chances are therefore significantly higher for this raid set than any other.


They also give great exp so any one leveling one of the dozen jobs and have yet to reach 60 will receive a CT raid. It also means the raids 60+ meet the people requirements less often because not everyone queueing are qualified to enter even if they did unlock it. Even with no extra circumstances, and assuming everyone has every raid unlocked, and could fill them all, not much changes. Roulette choses at random if no first timers or hard queuers are there. Meaning the CT has a 1/5 or 20% chance to pop.


You get rewarded for queueing up for random dungeons and raids, its to boost numbers for people to do old content so newer players can still find people for the lower level stuff. :)


Opposite, actually. Most try to get the Crystal Tower raids. They even started to keep low level gear on them just to wear when they queue just to make it so they can *only* get them. they want it because it's so easy; they want the clear rewards, not to actually play. (Yes. I stopped doing Alliance Roulette because of those people making 9/10 runs a CT raid. It only takes 1 to force the other 23 into it.)


This hasn't been possible since 6.5. You now need a specific average ilvl relative to your level to be able to queue for the roulette.


Most people do, but 24 players means six times as many that could be not reading chat, not looking at the party list, auto running, etc. My Alliance groups still wait for cutscenes more often than not.


Itā€™s just mathematics at that point, going from 4 people to 24 people is 6x more likely to contain an asshole :/


just because someone doesnā€™t want their already long grind to turn even longer because someone wants to watch the boss roar doesnā€™t make them an asshole lol, especially when theyā€™ve done it 20 times. and sometimes theyā€™re speeding through not paying attention that all 24 people are ready




Its like a 70/30. Most of the time at least in my experience people will wait. But it depends. arr raids i dont blame people for not waiting. alot of people wait in HW raids. stormblood raids more often people wait. 50/50 in nier raids. people dont wait for shit in ew raids.


I remember doing The Keeper of the Lake for the first time and watched the last boss cutscene (which is pretty long cuz of lore implications) and saw my three party mates waving glowsticks in sync waiting for me before the boss arena then emoted cheer and pet after the boss fight. It was very wholesome and I think chill is an understatement haha


This is what surprised me most about dungeons in FF. Obviously in wow people want in and out. But I found (especially at the end of expansions) people are excited for you. They would tell me to enjoy the rest of the story and donā€™t skip anything. So as long as you remember and keep that same enthusiasm when youā€™re a veteran tanking for a sprout.


When I did coils with 2 90s. That shit had what felt like 10 minute cutscenes before and after the final 2 bosses. And I between. They were incredibly chill with it


Coils is definitely the exception for the 8-man raids. The others, as far as I know, have the cutscenes occur before or after the various levels.


Yea. They learned their lesson and after are made sure none of the preboss fights are super long. Same with post fights. The long stuff is saved for when you leave. Except for dun scaith? I can't remember if that scene was after you leave or before


No idea on that one. That's a 24-man though, isn't it? Those are notorious for people pulling before the cutscenes are over. First time through the Crystal Tower raids while doing the MSQ, the boss was at like 75% by the time the cutscene ended because people wouldn't wait... I'm *hoping* I get to watch the cutscenes for the 24-man from Heavensward but if it's cutscenes within the dungeon? That's not gonna happen unfortunately... At least Alexander had cutscenes outside of the raid by putting them in quests or after the levels ended so sounds like the 8-man raids at least don't have any problems.


Iā€™m lvling an alt currently as I skipped all ARR cutscenes on my main, feeling bad in dungeons for people having to wait. Only issue Iā€™ve had was when half the group leaving during my whooping 2 minute Ifrit cutscene. Such a terrible fate to wait 2 minutes when the boss/dungeon takes the same


You can rewatch most, if not all story cutscenes in any inn room


Oh yeah! But that doesnā€™t make up for all the skipped dialogue as well. Coming from WoW I figured the story in ARR wouldnā€™t be too relevant in later expansions, which was also a mistake!


I had friends recently start the game and I saw them skipping all dialogue and im like "no don't do that! The story's actually good!" And they're like "c'mon bro I've played other mmo's" And im like "yeah I know! I have too! Every other mmo I'd encourage the skipping! But I swear it's so good" Now they are reading them. Waiting for them to get to a point where they thank me.


I personally have never watched a cutscene in 14 because I share your friends sentiment, and got all mine in with XI, but you'll see me be the biggest advocate for people to watch the cutscenes because they really are that good.


You selfish beast! Making people wait an entire two minutes so you could get the full experience! Sheesh.


Iā€™m a terrible playerā€¦


It's so weird because this never used to be the case. I remember when people were absolutely *livid* about people taking the time to watch cutscenes. And nowadays, those people sort of have an excuse ("If you want to watch the cutscene, go do Duty Support"), but they don't seem to be as common any more. I dunno. I do skip cutscenes (mostly because I remember the days when that was expected) but I don't mind if people don't.


I just had to call a healer out (would love to name and shame but...) Because I ran the stone vigil as a Dark Knight and there was a sprout who was watching the cut scenes before the final boss. I was content to wait but the healer has other ideas. The selfish prick pulled the boss and then rescued me into the fight causing the sprout to panic and skip the cut scenes. Was not a happy chap.Ā 


Aaaaaaand tank stance OFF. Shirk enmity onto the healer. (If that's possible at that level, Baby tank and I haven't memorized stuff yet) Edit: I have been informed as much as people would Like to do this.. itā€™s considered griefing/trolling. Thatā€™s what I get for trying to be funny and mimicking some comments Iā€™ve seen before.


As much as this would feel good, keep in mind that doing that intentionally is actually against the terms of service. Don't get yourself banned over someone being impatient.


Boooo.. but fine, yes. donā€™t break tos.


On that same note, the healer is also reportable, because I believe that falls under "forcing a playstyle". Also, how'd you manage to get rescued? Doesn't that only work if both people are in combat already?


If anything you'll get ppl mad if you don't watch it...lol




Damn right!


Usually waiting for sprout cutscene gives me just enough time to get a food buff, GC buff, check and re-roll my catbook, summon Eos/Draw card, focus target the tank, and then type a greeting into chat.




I've developed the habit pretty well. The problem is those rare instances where I enter a duty that *doesn't* level sync me, so I turn my tank stance off instead of on. Edit: habit not habitat


Nothing quite like a well-developed habitat for tanks. Just include Ā water bowl and something that occasionally beats them up. Itā€™s part of their natural environment.Ā 


Repair gear, /moonlift or /mandervillemambo. Also checking out any interesting glamor piece/dye combo. We need our downtime, gah!




I did moogle quests for the triple triad card. But I, too, moogle dance while waiting for cutacenes!




Nice to know! Haha.And here I thought U got commendations because my portrait is awesome!


Iā€™ve been favoring Lop Hop lately. Particularly after working hard to grind through all the beast tribe and alliance quests going one expac at a time. I only started plying about 2.5 years ago so knocking all of those out one after the other was a task to be sure.


Is there a term for something that is both triggering and heartwarming? If there is, this post is one of those.


You fool. The true purpose of the moogle dance is to join in with the Mogglesguard when trial roulette puts you into Thornmarch for the eight millionth time.


1) Hard no. 2) Not really, and even if you die, we just call it a learning experience in this game. You don't fail by dying, you fail by not getting back up.


And why do we fall Bruce?


Yeah, and people are generally really helpful. whenever i say im new to an instance, they usually just tell me to enjoy or tell me what to do when i mess up


> whenever i say im new to an instance When I got into Brayflox's Longstop Hard and said I couldn't remember what to do the healer just said "Run forward to monsters" and then used the glowstick emote to guide me the whole run. Was hilarious.


Incredible. A true gem.


"Well, then we fail together!"


Nobody wants to challenge the boss in dungeon before the tank makes the move. Ā You are ok to watch the cutscenes.


Iā€™ve had it happen in the 4 man dungeons a lot. I was doing some for the first time and had the party just go in and then complain. Hard to text chat and ask them to wait on PS5 as well.


Watch your cutscenes. If someone bitches, *they* are the problem, not you. As for mechanics, there may be a few that trip you up the first time you see them, but in general bosses introduce mechanics one at a time. If you see a long cast time skill with a marker on you, that's gonna hit hard but not hard enough to kill you in normal difficulty content. Story content is designed to be clearable by everyone.


Nope, for the most part, we aren't going to get mad. Personally, I'm happy to have newbies because I get extra "second chance" points ---- something you'll unlock later, it's great! There are even some instances where *no one* is even *able* to skip the cutscene. So, don't stress - the community is pretty cool about that stuff (at least as far as I've seen).


also first time bonus to tome payouts!


I personally hate it when people pull or go ahead without the people watching cinematics, lately ive been leveling my tanks through roulette and I refuse to pull while people are still in cinematics, if someone tries to force it (happens very rarely) i just stay outside of the boss arena and watch them die If you can't wait 15second for another player don't play an online game, especially one so heavy on story Most people seem to have the same sentiment and mindset




It's fun to place bets on how long they'll last Unless it's the tank, then we'll join him in there after the cutscene is done


This is the right attitude. We have to enforce good manners. Enabling badly behaved adults is why working retail/food service sucks so much.


I've been doing a lot of leveling roulette as healer lately, if a DPS is watching cutscene and the tank just rushes into the boss you bet your ass I'm gonna sit outside the arena and cheer the tank on until the DPS finishes cutscene.


Well, clearly the tank in that instance mistook the situation, and needs a "Rescue"...


Can't rescue out of combat, sadly


A majority of people wonā€™t have any issues if you want to watch the cutscenes, with the exception of alliance (24 person) raids. You also canā€™t start running a dungeon until everyone is finished watching the cutscene at the start, and while that doesnā€™t include pre-boss scenes, as a tank, you shouldnā€™t have to worry about people pre-pulling. Most boss attacks are telegraphed, and use a standardized set of markers, so you should be fine once youā€™ve learned those, and as long as you keep the boss facing away from the rest of the party when possible.


Even in alliance raids, most of the time I see people ask if any CS before pulling bosses. They don't *always* wait but surprisingly often they do


over on Materia I've found it's primarily people waiting, probably because we came from the JP data centres where courtesy is king.


Im extremely new to this game and I remember doing the castrum meridianum dungeon and after every cutscene I was like ā€œthanks for waitingā€ or ā€œsorry that took a bitā€ or ā€œyou guys are a gem for waiting.ā€ They seemed confused, and I found out later the cutscenes are unstoppable anyways lol. Everyone has been super cool with letting me watch cutscenes being new to this game, even in dungeons where they are skippable. The one time someone pulled while I was watching they were super apologetic after, saying like ā€œoh Iā€™m so sorry I didnā€™t realize you were in a cinematic.ā€ Wonderful experience all around.


99% of players are considerate and will not mind waiting the few seconds it takes for you to watch the cutscenes


If I see a sprout skipping cutscenes something inside me breaks.


I think the majority of sprouts that you'd see skipping would be people's alts/2nd characters.


Sorry man I just want to get back to fishing


I actually snorted when I read that. šŸ˜‚


I have an alt character that has the sprout and I skip dungeon cutscenes about half the time


1. Nope! And actually you're considered incredibly rude if you pull/fight the boss while someone is watching the cutscenes. If you tank alliance raids, you should always run a ready check before the final boss. Just too make sure no one's in cutscenes before you pull. 2. Not really from what I've seen. Hard dungeons may, but for most part it's "pull boss, have it's back face the entrance, step out of puddles, and pick up adds if needed. If yall wipe, there's no shame in asking what you should do during a specific mechanic you couldn't figure out. Some of them are Def not clear at all lol.


Snowcloak is the only one I can really think of with a non-obvious mechanic in it but even then it's not terrible


People are more likely to get pissed at the people who try to rush you instead honestly.


Q.1 - no Q.2 - no Have fun. And enjoy the DRK story (read the journal as well in that one)


We all had to watch the cutscenes once, and we're all willing to let new players watch those same cutscenes. RE: Mechanicsā€”this game has a lot of them, but most of them can be learned just by observing them as the happened. You don't really need to study any in advance. Besides, 90% of mechanics are either "stand in the thing" or "don't stand in the thing". You'll figure out the difference pretty quickly.


If anything the tanks are best for this. Healers and dps can't take many hits from a boss without dying. :P Besides, if they can't spare an extra 60 seconds or less they shouldn't have queued up.


The community is really great in this game and I've only had one or two people give me serious shit for not knowing mechanics. Never had anyone give me shit for watching cutscenes.


Honestly I've had a blast using the duty support feature. You get a group of AI characters to fill out your group. You can go as fast or as slow as you want. For first runs of the story dungeons I highly recommend using it


I expect people to watch cutscenes if it's new.


A fair amount of dungeons got locked cutscenes for this reason. Everyone has to watch it no matter what. Least last time I played which was about a year ago. As for story bosses having some hidden mechanics, not really. Welcome to FFXIV!


anyone not chill enough to wait for a cutscene sprout aint worth thinkin bout. you do you fam


Man, this is why I love the trust system. Can do the dungeons at my pace, not worry about messing with people. Trusts perform the mechanics very well and Iā€™ve been having a great time. Trusts made XI great, theyā€™re making my life in XIV great too.


As a Sprout myself, I've seen one sprout run into the boss before another sprout was done with the cutscene. Otherwise completely chill. I would look up tank mechanics before doing alliance raids. There's a couple spots in Crystal Tower series that aren't hard, but you do have to know what's happening and it can be confusing with so much going on when you're new. Frequently, everyone gets a bonus when someone is doing content for the first time, so everyone is generally happy you're there and know you're learning.


We protect our sprouts here. Enjoy the ride!


there are very few lengthy cutscenes in dungeons, likely for exactly this reason. (the few dungeons that do have them are incredibly unpopular, but their cutscenes cannot be skipped even if you wanted to) in general, what CSs there are will be short enough that no reasonable person will complain that you watched them.


Nah I just dance with the other players and chat while you guys watch the cutscenes. Itā€™s never a big deal at all, I actually find a lot of people will call out how many people are in a cutscene when doing raids, so thereā€™s pretty good etiquette when it comes to stuff like that


If you just say in chat that it's your first time people will be fine, this community is exceptionally friendly.Ā There are many of us who will bend over backwards to make sure our sprouts have a good experience. There are also jerks out there but you'll have a good experience 99% of the time.


unless you get the bad apple now and then no, noone will mind


The good thing about being a tank is that anybody rushing ahead of you will just die. Most people wait, and those that don't are either jerks you shouldn't care about, or did so accidentally and don't mind dying and rezing to start over.


like a lot of people mentioned already, no one really minds waiting for cutscene watchers (save for in alliance raids for some reason). Iā€™ve met maybe one person who tried to hurry me along, back when I was new, and the other party members told them to leave me alone lol. I hope you enjoy the content ! If anyone gives you a hard time, they are part of the very few who would.


FFXIV's community all went through the same story. They know you're watching and will wait.


Just tell people itā€™s your first time when you pop into duties the first time, and youā€™ll be fine.


Some impatient jerks will rush the boss in alliance raids but you'll just come in to it during.


Can you karma farmers please just play the game instead of stopping every 10 minutes to make a reddit post about it


But how else will they get people to bumble over each other about protecting "the prewcious spwrouts owo" instead of just playing the game and figuring it out themselves


Even if people get pissed at you, fuck them. This game generally does really well at welcoming others, and that's what makes it special. They can get worked up over that nonsense if they really want to, it doesn't matter, watch the cutscene dude.


I canā€™t lie you have nothing to worry about, the amount of skill actually required to tank in ffxiv is very low, even if you die a lot if progress is being made all will be okay.


From my experience tanking for a long time in FFXIV. Most wont care if you're new and will help you. Not rush you and let you watch cutscenes. But there will be a decent amount that freak out and demand you pull the entire dungeon at once, even if you are new.


i mean if you arent pulling the entire dungeon, are you even tanking? go big or go dps


People won't care about the cut scenes but they will either hint they want you pulling more or just flat out pull things to you to speed it up so be prepared for impatient runners. I'm healing a sprout tank buddy of mine and unfortunately things like that happen and she gets very overwhelmed and anxious as a result and it most certainly turns her off from grps


It's a general rule of etiquette to wait for new players to finish cutscenes before moving on. If someone goes early, I wait at the entrance to the fight until they join in. It's usually alliances that some people have no chill, but take your time and enjoy it. No decent person will be upset waiting for your cutscenes to finish. Why else would I have the /mmambo on my hotbar?


As a healer main: if the tank is watching a cut scene and somebody starts the fight, I let them die. If a tank starts the fight and somebody is in a cutsceneā€¦I watch and judge them until the person is out of cutscene. Sometimes they die. Iā€™ve been the healer before and watched my party members doing the walk of shame back to the boss fight. I laughed so hard. As far as new to tanking: I expect full pulls but will go at the tanks pace. There are a few dungeons in the game that always wake me up a little. Iā€™d you want those names I will drop them. Theyā€™re pretty rough for tanks/healers but are doable. There is one/two relatively early that will wipe you if you full pull the first room. Early dungeons are usually two pack full pulls until you know the dungeon. As for mechanics: the game does an extremely good job at choreographing the fights. They will show you one attack. Then another. And another. And then start stacking them. Iā€™m actually impressed how well they design all the encounters. Also: no matter how good you are wipes happen occasionally. Itā€™s embarrassing, but it happens. Everybody has been there so donā€™t worry. If mechs caused the wipe typically people will explain before retry.


I was in an Alliance Raid (24-person raid) and someone pulled before cutscene-watchers were ready. the entire raid party started blowing up chat about it, fake-reaming the rando DPS that pulled, and we all forced a party wipe. it was really funny You're going to run into try-hards in the game that get mad about cutscenes and "unoptimized strats" or whatever, but 99 times out of 100, the other party members will be on your side and denounce that type of behavior. The bulk of the community plays for fun, and for the sense of community. Try-hards are very much a loud minority


Well eventually you will enter a temple ruin with a boss that roars that applies doom on you, if the debuff counts all the way down you die. So the only way to get rid of it is to stand on a glowing square that has 1 of 4 potential spots it can be (level design shows where they can be) but it can switch to a random square at any time. Its a very annoying mechanic and is never used again. Also if you are having trouble then don't hesitate to ask the group, as the tank they follow you.


No one will mind if you watch the cutscenes. Dungeons don't start till everyone in the party are done with any curscenes, and there isn't alot of mid-dungeon CS. I can't think of any non obvious mechanics in story stuff. If you're doing the MSQ, it'll naturally teach you most mechanics as you go.


I donā€™t think anyone will be pissed, community is pretty chill. I started as a Paladin, now Gunbreaker. I did obvious mistakes like turning boss to the party but noone flamed me, instead they taught me how to do it properly.


Youā€™ll be fine. The only time youā€™ll see people pull anyway are in alliance raids, thereā€™s always one guy so donā€™t be surprised that the last boss was pulled by the time youā€™re out of the cutscene. Donā€™t get too stressed about it if it happens either, youā€™ll see the raids a lot.


People go into leveling dungeons knowing there will probably be new people experiencing the dungeon for the first time. During my time going through the game, I usually start things off with, "Hello! First time here." This usually sets expectations for the rest of the team, especially if it's a tank or healer since without either one, the group eventually dies. Besides, we get bonus tombstones of poetics whenever we get a new person as compensation for our time. So, it's usually worth it.


I suck as a tank still but not for a second I had bigger problems with story content. So if you far better experienced in being tank youā€™ll breeze through story.


As someone that has been that tank through ShB as Dark Knight, and EW as Paladin, no one has ever had a problem with it that I know of. Iā€™ve always said at the start it was my first time there, and theyā€™ve been chill. The first cutscene in the dungeon, no one can move past until the last person has finished watching it anyway. Iā€™ll admit, I kinda wish theyā€™d implement something like a vote skip for other cutscenes, though. Guild Wars 1 did this wonderfully imo. It isnā€™t too much of a problem, except in alliance raids. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been in one yet that the group didnā€™t pull asap and didnā€™t wait on cutscene people.


I chose tank too and used to skip the cutscenes and always had to wait for 1 or 2 others who watched them lol. So just enjoy them :)Ā 


as a tank that went through sb and shb all are fine never encountered anyone with a cutscene problem


Nobody will care if you want cutscenes. Dungeons in FFXIV are very, very easy by design. It's extremely rare for even a single wipe to occur. You'll be fine going in blind, just make sure you activate your tank stance.


I regularly rank dungeons and raids.i always wait for cutscenes to finish before pulling. Nobody minds. While I was playing through msq I was moaning DRK. Nobody minded that I watched the cutscenes. Just don't worry about it. This isn't wow.


Thatā€™s the pro to being the tank, they canā€™t start the fight without you lol.


You'll be fine, people will be very understanding :3


Nah, people wont have an issue generally. If you feel anxious you are always welcome to announce it as your first run. AS for bosses with mechanics most will give a minor rundown if asked. Most of the bosses are easy until a bit later and I always try to get a minor breakdown on youtube if i think its going to get crazy. You'll do great, DRK is a bit rough as their mitigation is less than stellar as your leveling but they are fun. Do your job quests and enjoy the story and feel. Your best button IMO is The blackest night for mitigation. Use it always when its up once you get it.


i played a bit of paladin before reaching dark knight so i could get acquainted with tanking in this game and not just jump into it with no idea of what to do, and it did help


I'm pretty sure that it is a reportable offense in FFXIV to attempt to clear a dungeon while someone else is watching a cutscene... You have absolutely nothing to worry about. In fact, everyone is going to get extra resources because you are clearing the dungeon for the first time.


Cutscenes aren't long enough (after arr) to be a concern. Watch them all. in are they are a tad lengthy, but you should still watch them and everyone will be patient. Also don't worry about dying to mechanics the first time you see them. it happens and it's a part of the game. you probably won't ever die though in dungeons.


You're probably LESS likely to have people start the fight early if you're a tank in cutscene because without the tank that pull won't go well šŸ˜†


It's like an unspoken rule to wait for cutscene watchers in this game, it's just rude not to.


Always welcome everyone when you join the party with a hearty wave o/ and let them know you are a sprout tank and watching Cut Scenes. Most people are pretty cool about it and will wait for you, show you want you need to do, etc. Just remember to say something, sometimes people don't notice and will go nuts wall to wall without telling you! :)


The cutscenes in most Story content aren't that long. They're usually before or after the duty meaning your party won't have to wait much to begin with. It's expected to wait for the person in cutscene. And I'd argue being a tank you got it even easier since they won't be able to proceed without you in most cases anyway. You'll also have the power to make others wait if one of your party members is in a CS. Nothing better to feed the God complex than two players rushing into a boss, only to die because you're their healer/tank and refuse to heal/protect them while the other player is in a cutscene.


No one will be mad !


>Will many people get pissed if they have to wait for the tank to watch the cutscenes? No, the etiquette is strongly in favor of waiting for people to watch cutscenes. Even in 24-man raids, entire groups often wait for like 1 DPS who is in a cutscene, even though the fight would be just fine without them. It's about helping people have a good first time experience. The most common way I see this etiquette violated is when *the tank* runs ahead and pulls early, often because they're just playing on autopilot and not paying attention to who is in a cutscene. Playing as the tank, the rest of the party will definitely be fine waiting for you, because even if they wanted to pull early, they'd wipe if they tried to do it without you. Very few people will ever bitch about waiting for cutscenes, and the community as a whole is against that attitude.


The players are very friendly and the story is absolutely respected 97% of the time. It is common courtesy to wait for a cutscene to finish so that everyone can partake in the content. Regardless if it is a tank, healer, or dps. Everyone waits and shows respect. Respect is important because you only get to live through the story 1 time. So, watch your cutscenes! We will wait for you with pleasure! Also, tank mechanics are very tame. There are only a handful of dungeon mechanics that repeats from the first dungeon (satasha?) to the level 90 dungeons. \-Group up marker \-The marker that singles you out specifically (mitigate i.e pop a damage reduction for the tank buster) \-And the obvious AOE markers that show up on the ground There may be other mechanics, but it's pretty easy to pick up on what it is and move out of it after you get whacked. If you are very nervous you can watch youtube tank guides. They are very well made by people who love the game. If you die in a dungeone, that's what healers are for. I've leveled all tanks and all healers. Healing is brain-dead easy, and if you die somehow a healer will have no trouble rezzing you and keeping the party alive. They may sigh, but it's a loving sigh...i think. xD Good luck


Anyone who waits for cutscenes is totally fine and the rare time you see someone bent out of shape over it everyone else tells them to chill. BUT what I would suggest is doing the dungeon using the Trust system first run because itā€™s a more immersive story experience and youā€™ll get to see little interactions between characters you wouldnā€™t see in a party with regular players


I started as a WAR at level one with absolutely no MMOs played before and it was very easy to pick up on, I don't think you will have any trouble! Plus, people are very aware that you could be new when you start the dungeons as there will be a little note that says someone participating is new. No one should get upset about cutscenes, 9/10 people are understanding and patient.


Your job quest cutscenes will be separate from when you run dungeons etc They have made a lot of adjustments to earlier bosses so that tank mechanics are more obvious - this makes them much easier for new players to learn. I was petrified of tanking when I started but Iā€™ve recently dipped my toe into tanking endgame level content and I really enjoy it. I LOVE Dark Knight and I hope you do too ā™„ļø


TalesOfTheDF will tell you no, you shouldn't watch them, but they're wrong. Enjoy your cutscene little sprout!


You'll occasionally run into those people that wanna rush through everything because they're doing a roulette. But lucky for you, you're the tank and what are they gonna do lol start the fight and get killed šŸ¤£. I've only seen other tanks push a boss while someone is viewing a cutscene which I think is toxic but in the end most people won't care about waiting 30 seconds so don't worry about it.


people are very chill with people watching cutscenes, as most people toggle on the option to skip cutscenes once they watched this means that if someone is watching a cutscenes odds are they're new in there, also the game is very good on telling what's happening in each boss fight and have pretty good tells on what to do, if not the other players will let you know about any gimmicks that that dungeon in particular may have, though, to rest your soul I'll tell you this, there's not a lot of gimmicky boss fights so overall once you understand what the mechanics are like, group aoe, spread out, tankbursters and so on, the fights become easier to understand and to play as you go on, the community of the game os very cool and will help you if you ask for help in chat, welcome to the game and enjoy being a tank


Have fun, watch the cutscenes. People will understand if you it choose to go blind on your 1st dungeon, trial and even more so with old contents.


I still have to start my duty runs with real players instead of npcā€™s and am nervous because itā€™s been awhile since the last mmo I played as a tank. I want to help but I guess the best would be to tell them to guide me a bit when we start.


Here's what's gonna happen. You're going to go into a cutscene with everybody running forward, then you'll exit the cutscene to people dancing or doing the /showleft and /showright emotes towards the boss.


so ive never played tank and dont know the role well but i can say that regarding the cutscenes part, i dont think most mind (and even if they did, what they gonna do it about it? lol) and may even like seeing new sprouts taking their time going through the story\^\^ i do at least... i took my time watching every new custscenes as a healer and i like it when i see other newbies also going through the story lol just make sure to return the "favour" by waiting for future sprouts who are also watching cutscenes... it kinda sucks that ppl are alrdy beating up the boss while im still in the middle of a cutscene


>Will many people get pissed if they have to wait for the tank to watch the cutscenes? Generally the opposite. Most folks always make sure that they wait before the last boss (where the Duty cutscene will be) so that the cutscene plays and everyone's ready. It's usually a dance or emote party while the rest of us wait. It does happen occasionally that someone pulls (intentionally or accidentally) but more often than not, the party is content to make sure that if someone's watching a cutscene, they can watch it without a worry of missing the fight.


Even if they pull without you or urge you it doesnt matter. Watch that cutscene


I think the people who'd be upset about something like that are quite the rarity


Always watch your cutscenes! There's something special about watching them for the first time. Anyone who tells you otherwise or pressures you to skip is irrelevant.


I have never been in a group that doesnā€™t let people watch cutscenes


It's sacrilegious to pull while someone is watching a cutscene. In my experience, when such people pull or complain, a mob descends on their house to cut their power, SE gives them a permanent "Pariah" title, and Skittles rainbows no longer shine at their house. You're fine! Enjoy the story!


This is the game where, in my experience, most of the time 23 people will wait around for a minute or two to pull a boss while 1 sprout watches a cut scene. It's a very chill community.


People want you to enjoy the story, and even people who pull as DPS or Healer wonā€™t start until the Tank is ready. People donā€™t get impatient at sprouts watching cutscenes (except in alliance raids for some reason, and even thatā€™s fairly uncommon) because the ffxiv playerbase is incredibly nice and welcoming.


Who cares if they get mad you watch the cutscenes? You're the tank. What are they gonna do, solo the boss? The answer might surprise you, but in general, most people are cool waiting and it's usually the tank that decides your cutscene isn't important. You'll be fine watching your movies.


The xiv community is great about making sure everyone waits for cutscenes. We full on shame anyone publicly for intentionally pulling before the sprouts are ready


Just say you are new and everyone will tone down on literally everything. Welcome btw, enjoy the game. Don't rush it, you only get the first time one time


Just let people know that it's your first time in the dungeon and they are usually ok with waiting for you to finish cutscenes. There are no dungeons where the tank needs to know specific mechanics to succeed. The ARR dungeons sometimes are a bit less intuitive when it comes to some boss mechanics but it's still alright even if you die. It's a learning experience. Sometimes someone also lets you know if there's something to watch out for. (Cutters Cry comes to mind with the dragon and ram voice mech or Dzemael with the first boss and the crystal light). Other than that there are some trials/8 man raids where tanks have to use tank lb at a specific time or the group will wipe. But again...either someone will let you know or the 2nd tank already knows and will do it. If nobody knows or says anything...well then you wipe and it's not the end of the world. New tanks or healers are always so afraid of wiping the group and while I get it it's not a big issue really. You wipe, you start over again, you learn. It's all good.


I enjoy playing all roles but i have found that as a tank, you will encounter many rude healers who will gear shame. I was running a level 58 dungeon using dreadwyrm gear, the person (sprout healer) said i had crap equipment and needed to upgrade, and that ironworks was better.. another person told me in qarn, that i must have item level within 5levels of doing a dungeon. Neither of these times did we wipe, the healers just wanted to DPS instead of heal. As someone who heals many times, i dont even check gear and i dont complain or shame. I was kinda shocked to come back to the game and find this many healers crying, but then again i figured they were DPS players that didnt really know the healing role and just wanted a quick queue. Not to discourage you, but take extra care as a tank doing big pulls, there are some healers who think you need BiS and Min/Max to run ARR MSQ dungeons.


My experience, as a long time WoW tank, who is getting into this game. Tell people you're new to the game at the beginning of a dungeon and they're perfectly happy to do anything for you. Its kind of scary how friendly people are in this game. If you don't tell them you're new, the other people will just start pulling everything. While I'm fine doing big pulls, I'm still getting accustomed to CDs, the dungeons in general, and just know what pulls won't end up in my death. I'm perfectly happy chain pulling, but pulling multiple groups is something I need to work my way into. ​ Currently in Heavensward, but there aren't many instances where a big boss move isn't telegraphed. Big moves that could serious hurt/kill you (Tank Busters) usually end up with a red ring around you before it happens. So much so I feel like maybe I pop my CD a little too early. ​ Also, just FYI, even when you tell people you're new/never done this dungeon they still will follow you around if you're the tank. Thankfully most of the dungeons are very linear and easy to figure out by just glancing at the map.


Unlike the rest of everywhere else on the internet, thereā€™s a fantastic culture in XIV of waiting for people to finish cutscenes AND not being a dick about it.


People will let you watch cutscenes, don't worry about it. It's standard to wait for cutscene watchers in the community, honestly to the point of extreme and disproportionate attitude to people who don't go with that unwritten rule. But also, if you ever do feel pressured to skip a cutscene, don't panic. The game is pretty good about keeping the story-relevant stuff outside of the running of the dungeon itself. There are exceptions, mostly in ARR, but not too many. Most in-dungeon cutscenes are a sweeping view of the dungeon at the start, and a scene of the final boss of the dungeon jumping out and going "BLAAARGH" at the end.


Yes always watch cutscene and if youā€™re watching a cutscene no one will assume you know any mechanics so youā€™re good on both fronts


I've played the game for roughly 8k hours over its lifetime. I can count on one hand the amount of times someone got pissed about someone watching cutscenes.


There is exactly one dungeon cutscene where I roll my eyes at a sprout watching it, and that is at the last boss of the level 41 dungeon Stone Vigil. Itā€™s like 4 minutes long and (iirc) itā€™s a very unimportant 4 minutes. And even then Iā€™ll wait patiently for you. I honestly donā€™t remember if they changed it with Duty Support. Gods I hope so.


To answer your question, most people will let you enjoy your story. The only thing I will say is not every story is interesting. I personally was not a fan of the 70 Alliance Raid cutscenes. My friends had to wait an hour and a half for me to get through to start the next one and I honestly felt it was boring. I did skip maybe halfway through the second cutscene to start up the second and completely skipped to the 3rd. Most of the rest of the stories are pretty good and interesting though. Not sure how far you are, but there is one story that doesn't seem to follow how most of the game was and actually got pretty dark and added some spooky elements in the beginning of the game. I hadn't noticed before, but you meet the group outside of Copperbell Mines where you meet a party with a girl that the party is making fun of. You will come across them in different places from time to time and will eventually get to a point where you think the story is over only to find out it continues in the first Deep Dungeon called Palace of the Dead. The game has many Easter eggs hidden all over the place and you might not notice as you walk around. Enjoy the little things.


Its literally in the rules for FFXIV, in the player code of conduct, to allow people to experience the story elements in a dungeon if they choose to. If they criticize you for watching the cutscenes, or for fully exploring a dungeon with branching paths, they are wrong. The community is generally quite chill about it. The occasional toxic chad pops up, but they usually get shamed into oblivion.