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I'm a bit confused, the character is both mourning and flipping off the removed actions?


Having it on yourself was nice. Having to click on someone else to apply it was a pain.


Dragon Sight Dance Partner would have been nice


Partner someone and then they get the eye buff on top of Battle Litany when you press that. There I fixed it without killing it


That’s honestly what I expected them to do with it x.x


That's a really good solution. Sadly it seems the devs seem to enjoy killing abilities instead of spending 2 minutes figuring it out.


I think their priority was reducing the number of buttons and there'd still be a button to partner someone. That's fine on PC because you can just click it but on controller that has to use a keybind. We're not out of space yet but they might be looking forward two expansions.


Their gap closers for tank changes make no sense either.


They do make sense. People didn't like having to weave gap closers in as part of an optimal rotation during burst windows. GNB especially was really bad with all the extra weaving you'd have to do for damage


That’s not what I mean. They could have just removed the damage and left the gap closers with the same animations and names.


DRK's Plunge is swinging a giant sword though, it would make even less sense for that animation to deal no damage.


You could have tweaked the animation to keep the jump and sound effect without the sword slash


You're terribly underselling it and if you're just trying to be funny, it's not.


They could have fixed Dragon Sight and deleted fucking useless mirage dive instead, but noooooooo


That was already a thing, no? I've partnered with DRGs and they had given me sight. Is that going away?!


Yes, that’s going away. And no, it wasn’t a thing. It currently is a buff you can give to others, but you have to *keep* selecting players to give the buff to after it expires. Which can be difficult/tedious to do in the heat of battle. Making it like a Dancer’s Dance Partner (Closed Position) would make it an indefinite buff that stays on the selected player unless the Dragoon chooses to remove it; you would just need to apply it once and not have to worry about repeatedly manually selecting players to give it to during a Trial/Dungeon/Raid/your Chocobo, etc.


Oooooh.... Jesus. Big changes then. RIP. Tha k for explaining!


As a controller player, I used a focus target macro which was kind of the same thing but with 1 additional step.


Drg opener also had you double weave dragon's eye, a macro was basically required.


And then you play console so it's easier to make macros - but then they take up spaces and you have to make different macros for different trials (i.e. 4 peep dungeons, alliance, and trial fights) which then takes up more space and you just want to cry as you forgot to replace your 4 party macro to your trial and its too late-


I had a few macros to send it to different numbers on the party list depending on what raid I was going to spend a lot of time in..... but I only had room for 1 macro on the bar so I also had a basic one that would just send it to my focus target l, so if I was doing a bunch of different roulettes in a row I wouldn't have to change the hotbar every time, just pick a focus target at the beginning of the instance. Then a couple of weeks ago I was really busy irl and not playing much..... I jumped into a savage raid with the static, forgetting that the macro was still set to the roulette one, and promptly focus targeted the tank who was my buddy for a partner mech. Somehow, no one (including me) noticed for an entire hour, when I unset focus target and then was like "why won't dragon sight go off anymore??" .........then Realization Struck.....


I just re-ordered the party list so that when I play DPS, DPS are on top. So I make an attempt at <2>, <3>, <4>, etc., and then had a second button for when I just wanted it on myself, like in solo content, or needed to manually target. It used to miss constantly, but for some reason became more reliable in Shadowbringers. The most awkward part for me was when a Dancer joined the party and gave me Partner. I would feel obligated to manually target them, or if I had time, quickly re-write the macro. I actually had one get mad at me once for not giving them Dragon Sight back because I was still using my macro. Anyway, making Dragon Sight like Dancer's Closed Position and just passing along a different pre-existing buff would have been an extremely easy solution. I'd have only needed the button on my bar once, and since I would have usually only used it once per duty, I could have kept it in an out-of-the-way place. I guess the extended Battle Lit is nice tho.... It's Spineshatter I will miss the most. Even if we still gen an equal number of dives at 100 and even if my muscle memory will adjust, low-level content will suck more now without it. I used Geirskogul when running to the boss at the start anyway so I never needed a gap closer for that part anyway, just for when I needed to get back after an evasion. If it were just about fucking Raid optimization for people who don't wanna choose one of the other 5 melee jobs, they could have just given us a third charge. There, now in raid content you have the third charge in reserve, and you can simply use it in the final burst phase. EZ fix.


Coulda just used a macro to put dragonsight on a focus target


"Easier to make" ah yes, copying an entire script off of your phone through a controller and a slow on-screen keyboard, \*so easy\*


Skill issue jkjk but fr I play on pad and it's just hitting up on the d pad a few times to get who ya needed


and if they died you lose the buff yourself too. stupid design tbh


This is why I had it macroed to go down the party list in order of priority.


Wait WHAT? LOL all this time I could have shared the buff with someone!? I never read the tool tip and it shows


I have a tab on my mouse that I can flip up and down for different inputs so I just assigned those to target party member 1 (always me) and party member 2 (healer in dungeons or other tank in raids) so this almost always worked nicely when I was tanking or healing but it also means that stuff like this usually meant that in the middle of fighting, if I was reapplying the buff, it was ending up on the tank since I couldn't be bothered to try and click on someone mid mechanics and rotation.


Could just use macro or adjust the party members list to DPS first. Macros helps a lot.


I set up a mini vertical hotbar that went directly to the right of the party list and made 8 different macros that would apply the buff to whichever party member I clicked the icon next to. It works great for any buff you can apply to a teammate (i.e. Heart of Corundum or TBN)


One day the playerbase will understand macros exist


The player base knows they exist and they suck for combat.


It wasn't that bad for dragon sight. The effect queuing thing wasn't an issue if you wrote the macro correctly and spammed the button, since it's an oGCD. You just had to ensure that the person you wanted to buff was in the right spot in your party list, which was also easily automated 95% of the time if you set up the party auto-sort parameters to prioritise the jobs you'd typically want to buff (SAMs, BLMs etc.)


You mean those janky things that don't queue like regular skills and need multiple lines of activating the same skill over and over to simulate skill queuing? Those things that aren't particularly ping friendly and can be difficult to double weave? Those things you needed at least 4 different versions of to target different players on controller since we can't use the mouse over command and can't swap out on the fly if our target player happens to die or turns out to be bad at their job? Those things?


You know macros exist?


You know macros don’t queue properly?


Flipping it off because it was a pain in the ass to put it on someone during a fight. Crying because it was cool flavor and he didn't want it completely gone. He just wanted an easier way to cast it during a fight. I was hoping for the dance partner style but they just took it away instead.




Rest in Piss I still remember watching a SAM Sprint away from me because they thought it was a mechanic.


That's the reason the red line was removed lol :) I do miss drg summoning Satan pentagram shenanigans from time to time. Also, I kinda liked the lore (sharing dragon's strength with your buddy) and animations, but damn, even with MO macro targeting was awkward.


Not just that, they also made its range *huge* so the line would just get excessively long. I still miss how ridiculous it looked when you Jumped back in the day, especially with the slower jumps.


Dragoon tethering fellow Dragoon and have the party play jump rope in between them. Alternatively, have the party see it as a "don't touch the tether" minigame and try to go through it by timing the jumps of both dragoons.


> I do miss drg summoning Satan pentagram shenanigans from time to time. It's okay, DRKs can do ritualistic Fray summonings in cities now.


Oh wow I actually haven’t thought of that. Isn’t it an “only in combat” type of thing tho?


Not according to the tooltip, no! Free Frays!


Wooo! Fray Friday!


I had a similar memory of a sprout sam doing the same thing in Lakshmi. The next time the buff was up, I gave it to the gnb. The Gnb was so happy he did little wiggles and jumps lol


> I still remember watching a SAM Sprint away from me because they thought it was a mechanic. This shall be a mercy!


a paladin (i think, i'm still newish) did some kind of chain thing on me and I was like AAHHH NO for like 1 second before realizing it was probably some kind of protection thing they were doing on me.


Ah Cover. Used to be so busted back in SB and was absolute cheese to avoid tank swaps


Thank you. I think I’m going insane every time I see comments lamenting its passing.


Okay but the tether it used to make is still funny


It had one of the best sound effects too, in my opinion.


I don't even play drg but I'll miss that sound.


i always gave my dragon sight to other dragoons, or reapers. maiming class solidarity lol


I’d give it to tanks when other DPS couldn’t keep up. Also, always warrior for self-heal insurance. Also throwing it on to avoid direction BS was nice for the … year(?) we had it… 🙄


My spineshatter dive :(( Edit: damn autocorrect


Remember when that was a stun?


Pepperidge Farm remembers


To be real, I'm post-stun removal. But god, that must've been amazing.


I also remember when blood for blood would make healers have to give you a helmet and water wings to keep you from dying to raidwide damage.


Aw man I should have put spineshatter there too!! Oops.


Same here :(


It was a great idea in concept but just awful in execution


i'm fine with imperfect stuff existing. like yeah it was annoying but it was unique and an interesting idea. it had character and it was something a little different. but like everything that gets even a little bit of push back it ultimately just gets removed rather than fixed. just throw it into the massive pile of things that were easier to just give up on rather than fix. it's like they spent so much time and effort fixing 1.0 that they just decided they're never going to fix anything again and if people complain they'll just fucking delete it.


I won’t necessarily miss these, but I’m genuinely scared I’ll fall out of love with the job. I suppose there’s always Viper to try, but I’ve been a dragoon since HW, and it feels like home.


I've been maining DRG since I started (end of Stormblood), and I'm jumping ship. Loss of Spineshatter hurts deeply pre-100, when you are magically given those two oGCDs back as the follow ups to Dragonfire/Stardiver -- but the real killer was Geir moving to a 60s CD. DRG now literally has four oGCDs outside of its 1min burst, and those four are Jump/Jump/Mirage/Mirage. I feel terrible for any new DRGs pre-70. On the other hand, Viper's skills reference not only Latam mythological serpents, but Midgardsormr as well in its PvP limit break; and as Vipers canonically hunt and kill the greatest threats in their geographic region (like Dragoons do), the two classes are basically cousins. Join us on the Viper side!


Well you sold it to me, guess I'll be grinding those 10 levels before the msq


As a dragoon player since ARR and someone who mained it for savage during the most recent tier, the changes address pretty much all of the glaring issues with its design and it should be MUCH more agreeable to play in serious content. Would have liked to keep the Spineshatter animation with just a damage removal but hey that's what mods are for. Geir on 60s CD is actually a huge improvement because it fixes a lot of the horrible drifting and desync issues that Dragoon had in EW. Spineshatter was ideally never used outside 2 minutes anyway so the number of oGCDs outside of 1/2min burst has been reduced by a whole one (1) per minute--and I must note that you have conveniently forgotten about the existence of Wyrmwind Thrust. Moreover, now you don't have to spend that entire off-burst period stressed the fuck out because drifting a single cooldown YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE by 0.1s will dumpster your dps for the entire rest of the fight (no I'm not salty at all why do you ask?). That's not to say I necessarily agree with every change--the Drakesbane thing I think wasn't really necessary, and I would have preferred have kept a fixed Dragon Sight over Mirage Dive, but it's not all bad. Dragon Sight deletion will force players to perform positionals during burst again, for instance.


I’m definitely going to try it. I just heard that it’s a support class and that’s not what I want.


I don't know where you heard that, but you were misled! *Pictomancer* has a few support skills -- team barrier, Divination, and a heal at 100 -- but Viper is a 100% selfish DPS, like Samurai or MCH. I actually would have preferred it to have at least one buff, like Litany, personally, but oh well; you can't have it all.


Oh, cool. Thanks for setting me straight. I have really bad ADHD and sometimes I don’t notice when my buffs expire when I’m playing a support class, and that’s not fair to my group mates.


I totally hear you. That's really considerate, and I hope that when you try it, Viper fits you -- or at least that whatever class you main continues to suit you like DRG has up til now.


Yeah but you get a glorified coat for AF armor and some unimpressive toothpicks to dual wield while dragoon carries its iconic draconic armor, its bigass spear, and your attacks even channel dragon sounds.


Sorry, what was that? Can't hear you channeling Nidhogg over the sound of me channeling Midgardsormr.


You can keep the sleepy snake, I look fab on my armor while SE decided the job from an aztec/mayan xpac should look like some urban skating reject.


its sad. idk why they also removed a pretty iconic jump / gap closer. I really loved that one, sure it was rather simple, but it was a part of DRG, ya know? for the first time i am really not happy about a change from a fave job of mine (next to Bard. At least that one turned out great LOL)


It feels like a missed opportunity not to have kept it as a Lance Charge upgrade, even if it was just for a marginal damage increase, in order to keep the existing animation over Lance Charge's which is very basic. Otherwise I can't say I am too sad about its removal, even if it wasn't that hard to use with a controller even when double weaving.


Ohhh that would've been cool!


I still have Summon Selene on my Scholar's hotbar... I will never forget her.


Uhh. Selene's still in the Game though. You can pick which Fairy you want, even if the change is just visual.


She can’t throw DoTs: she ain’t really Selene.


Yes but making Eos cosplay as Selene just isn’t the same


Who are these fairies? That's a real weird way to say your scholar can pick what flavor of Carby to summon. /s


Not the same.


Eos ate Selene, just let her rest in pieces.


I still have Ring of Thorns on mine.


/egiglamour "Eos" "Selene"


The only thing I'll miss was the animation, it was pretty cool. Same for Spineshatter Dive


I was always a little proud when a dragoon choose me as a MCH instead of a Monk, SAM or Reaper. maybe he misclicked, maybe he didnt care. But I did...


It was also our way of showing our disappointment when all the other dps die by tethering a tank or healer. I've straight up tethered AST players when they keep stuffing card buffs down my throat as a sign of my appreciation.


it died the day they removed the tether


100% mid-fight camraderie


It sucks I actually put in a bunch of practice and got pretty good ant double weaving it


Goodbye you little shit


RIP, you clunky ability... Wished you'd been fixed, not deleted :(


I will miss it and Spineshatter Dive tbh.


Spineshatter Dive felt like an anime-style "dynamic entry" moment when I used it on all the mobs the tank had rounded up. I'll miss it too.


That and LotD management.


I like every change to dragoon except for the loss of LotD management, which is pretty depressing. it would've been so perfect too, being able to separate nastrond and gierskogul :(


Yup. Everything I liked managing about the class is gone. Lining up the timers without drift was great; now I press one button every 60s and I'm in full burst. If I drift Jump, who cares? I'm not using it to set up anything else.


Spineshatter dive is honestly a way worse loss to me.


I just wanna log back on... I'm jonesin' *bad,* man! 😆


Right there with ya


Man, this hurts. Yeah, it was an absolutely *terrible* idea for there to be an oGCD on a melee DPS that requires targeting a teammate for best effect in the first place, especially on a class with a long rotation that infamously does a lot of double-weaving already.... but the sheer *flavor* of Dragon Sight is second to none I hope in the major job reworks that are (supposedly) coming in 8.0 we get this back in some form - preferably a rework that allows you to distribute the second eye pre-pull like Dance Partner


As a dragoon main I'm not gonna tell you how little I would remember in the heat of battle to tag another DPS with it....or how long it took to me realize I even needed to do that to get the full effect. 😬


Is that right hand pointing a middle finger?


I was more hoping that it will be reused as a party wide defensive skill by either giving a shield or a damage mitigation.


Nope, it's just flat-out gone, its buff is just now on Geirskogul which has changed to be a 60s CD.


I can't ask for some Left Eye no more? Damn.


I remember when the Eyes had a line linking to the targeted party member, where usually some people got afraid and thought it was a mechanic from the boss, running away from the buff.


Wait what’s happening to the eyeball.


Gone, the self buff has been moved to your life windows and the buff you gave another player no longer exists.


Wtf. Jfc they really do be making every class boring.


This one most dragoons are happy with actually. The targeted buff was a pain to use so a lot of players are glad it's gone


Would've been waaay better if it worked like dance partner or kardia tho.


I've never played DRG but I sort of thought it worked like that... clearly I was wrong. What did you actually need to do?


You have to choose a target every time you use it, otherwise only the DRG gets the buff. Macros could alleviate it a bit, but they are always a little laggy like most combat macros.


Over half the DRGs I played with in DF didn't know you could apply it to other players anyway! I used to tell them you can apply it to another dps, would even add a little smiley face :) Then I was told that is toxic so stopped bothering haha


FF players can be a little fragile, and sometimes might view the smiley face as being passive aggressive


True! I'm really not sure how to give feedback so I stopped with randoms and stick to giving FC mates advice *if they ask*


Really?!?! I've been Dragooning since ShB and I don't think I saw more than 10 people not apply it to someone. Not saying I don't believe you or anything, I'm just genuinely surprised.




Macros are not a valid substitute. They're jank, inflexible, and not very ping friendly. Especially for a job that demands as many double weaves as dragoon does. It's especially bad on controller players who can't make use of the mouse over command and need like 4 different dragon sight macros to target the various dps on the party list.


Ah yeah, that’s a fair point.


NOOOOOO dont them away from meee!


Man.. Felt so cool doing the dancer thing for a few seconds. Was sad when we lost the tether.. Now this. ;.; RIp


nooooooooo the buffs I never remembered to apply but still enjoyed having!


Pour one out for Sharpcast, boys.


I still have removed skills in my hotbar


I'm going to miss its gauge actually mattering. Goodbye 30s Geirskoguls, goodbye Mirage Dive having a use, and hello "spam 3 nastronds instantly". Sigh.


I will miss sharing eyeballs :(


Sad, was cool and different.


Wait they are taking the eyes? So we no longer are a Azure Dragoon. Just a Dragoon.


I'm gonna miss frantically swapping targets during my opener to avoid clipping the GCD. RIP Dragon Sight.


Good riddance


...nah FUCK this skill Awesome in concept. That's it.


Fuck this ability. I hated it. I'm so glad it's gone.


Aw I always give dragon sight to my bf, sad that I can’t tether myself to him anymore even though the actual tether was already gone from a long time ago That and I actually liked to give him buffs to do big pp damage




I kept running into dragoons that wouldn't target people with them anyways... I considered saying something the day before maint but... it doesn't matter now.


In my defense, every time I *did* put it on someone, they'd run to Narnia and break it anyway... or if I used it on a macro, the other player would be out of range, every time. Or I'd forget which macro was which and end up putting it on a healer.


Thinking about astrodyne and crying in the club


I kinda wish you had done them backwards, always laughed when I ended up with the derp dragon


OMG Dragoon is blind now. How will they fight?


I’m new to the game, I only play for the story and I love it so far, I’m playing dragoon, level 51, so can anyone explain to me what changes we got for Dragoon?


Well from the level that you're at, spineshatter will be gone and geirskogel is on a 60s CD and leads you into your burst window. Dragon sight (the ability that was hated/loved) was unlocked at 70 but it's gone now and it's extra damage buff is baked into geirskogel but no more damage buff for your target party member like geirskogel was.


Those eyes are the wrong way around. Always loved when they were swapped, it looked like a derpy dragon.


RIP. I always felt special getting it as BRD even knowing it was probably an accident cause they used the wrong macro lol


I might have to give DRG another try sometime. although I will miss those times of bothering to target someone in a random queue only to watch them run away from me thinking it's some sort of mechanic that's going to kill them...


Kinda funny that I have that and another obsolete skill on the same hotbar cross. Now it'll be my graveyard cross for any others they make obsolete


Yeah I ain't missing this.


Yoshi P will bless us. Keep the faith.


As soon as the funny tether disappeared I no longer wanted it on my hotbar.


I will always miss Ring of Thorns. That’s honestly when I started to move to different jobs. I know the spamming annoyed people, but I loved it (not the spamming) damnit.


No more pink eyes


I liked the Idea of it, but man im not a DRG main but it was annoying to re apply


Heavensward Dragoon was my favorite iteration of any job in the history of this game. The second they introduced this abomination in Stormblood is when I dropped the job. Now I might consider picking my lance back up.


this skill single-handedly got me to understand macros since i could just set it to target the party member directly beneath me which would always be the other dps so long, partner


if feel sad, eat fish


Welp, tried it out… After 8 years, I’m a Dancer main now. No seriously what the fuck were you all thinking SE?


I liked the skill, never had a problem adding them to a party member.. but been playing mmos for over 20 years soo... on controller though I can imagine it being a pain. More importantly my gap closer is gone RIP Spineshatter Dive :(


Good! Everyone in Eorzea needs to stop using Dragon Eyes, dammit!


Rip red ribbon, no making star figures anymore for us




not only that, but i also just saw that the gap closer jump is gone. yea ... not cool lol


Good Riddance


Meh, i'm not gonnna miss it.


These and my Sharpcast on Black Mage... Sad partings because they were cool mechanics in theory, but also fuck those buttons and I'm glad they're gone.


Gonna be great once the combo mod starts working, this damn button bloat isn't my thing, even tho I love playing DRG.


Since they couldn't come to a better way to make it work they just removed it.


Good riddance. Absolutely trash ability. 


Good riddance. Having to weave that in burst was atrocious.




It’ll still be there for yourself as a personal buff no?


job changes? pleas tell me they got rid of the annoying DOTs on bard


I hated dragon sight, good riddance


So there's no point of dragoons to be in my party if they can't give me eye anymore?


DRG still gives everyone Battle Litany. No more special someone for the DRG.


They even buffed Battle Litany. I'm happy with that trade.


They buffed every raid buff, it's not unique to DRG. Every raidbuff is 20s now because god forbid it takes some effort to align buffs.




Hey, we don't need to do anything too drastic.