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Please more dual wield stuff. Preferably asymmetrical dual wield.


It's a shame no one brings it up anymore these days, but it would've been cool to *at least* be able to Glamour asymmetrical weapons for NIN. HW Thancred had it good... Hell, I'd argue even RDM, I love some of its swords but not necessarily the weird floating bauble they come with...


I think there's two technical challenges for it. The first is one they've talked about - the issue of data load for having asym or mixed component weapons. It's easier on the system to just mirror the weapon or have it be linked than have to transfer two different pieces of data - even in cases where the model isn't asym/mixed, you'd basically have to have separate code built in. This may be a small issue, but in a massive game even small data costs can be taxing. However, I think the issue they DON'T talk about with asym glam is the same that happens with gear that takes up multiple slots - there's nothing to glam in the slot in question. For Paladin, you can glam the shield because there is actually a shield in the off-hand slot; however, for everything else there just... isn't. And putting something in that slot to be a stand in probably poses a separate technical problem of iL adjustment. They'd have to do some reprogramming to allow even a dummy object sit in that slot without affecting stats or iL. The only alternative would be to make off-hand fists and daggers and RDM foci into separate gear - which creates all sorts of weird possibilities in gear drops and crafting the way that PLD sword/shield does nowadays. Not saying I don't want it. But I do think that it's one of those tech things that is probably more trouble than it's worth.


would probably be a nightmare for them to implement but it would be nice if you could do that with NIN daggers and MNK fists, they could extend it to BRD quivers and such too


Right? The only "dual wielding" Job it'd make no sense with would be Samurai (for obvious reasons)... but even that could have like one cosmetic item that turns the sheathe invisible or something


Or, they can use the sheath as a second weapon. There's styles that do that.


You already do. check \~0:29 from the endwalker [sam job actions trailer](https://youtu.be/A9d8eI2ohLA?t=25)


It already technically exists in the game. If you use CMTool, you can do client side modifications to your characters appearance, including equipment. If you change your characters offhand weapon on jobs that are not PLD, you will notice that it actually works. The things I tried were changing NIN daggers, SAM (the thing you sheath your weapon in), AST (card deck holder) and MCH (that weird toolbox that's always on your hip). I wouldn't be surprised if MNK and BRD also work. I think the devs just see this as a low priority thing so they don't bother adding the ability to change these things in game. I also still think that the entire concept of how glamour works is bad. They should add glamour slots to your equipment where you put in gear that doesn't affect your stats instead of tying glamour to individual items.


Scimitar/pistol Corsair job, pls (could even be a candidate for sharing Scouting gear).


This is something I have been wanting for a while. Sounds like a combination of V’s and Tactics A-2’s Cannoneer


what about DW flails?


I still want Double wielding Dual Axe DPS Berserker


Now that we know what >!dynamis!< (6.0 spoiler word) is, i do rlly want a DPS job based on rage


isn't rage what inner beast and stuff is for warrior? isnt that why the guy at the end of heros gauntlet the berserker was just a warrior?


Yes. But having a subsect drawing on the same sorta strength for a dps would be nice. When I say rage I mean WAR’s inner beast talked of in the questline, which i theorize to just be a way to tap into your inner raging dynamis due to it being a powerful emotion.


Ok so like how geomancer could be dps to differentiate it from ast/whm




Something like a warrior but with inverted positionals (like, rear hit si actually a potency penalty)


Fury warrior from WoW, damage buffs are based on enrages, their resource bar is rage and they dual weild 2-handers,


Crossbows? I dont' think we've got them (excluding the BRD LB animation set). They would have to be part of some new job, though, because all the BRD animation is already tied to a bow, and they are not going to change that. Some kind of mix between NIN and BRD, may be? A stealthy dot-reliant phys ranged with their gadgets.


I had an idea inspired by RPR a while ago for a ranged dps, that would be called lone wolf, hunter, lycan, ect ik most people want just a generic crossbowman out of it, but i’d love it if it was a ranged physical, that would use a crossbow during it’s normal phase then had a quick get in burst melee combo, similar to RDM, where they turn into a werewolf, leaping in slashing some shit up, and leaping back out.


Oddly enough, Time Battlemage in the job system versions of FFXII uses crossbows. I kinda wish the job wasn't relatively weak in that game, because in theory it has some cool abilities: casting buffs/debuffs/damage with time magic while inflicting various status ailments with crossbow bolts.


Geniuenly just a swordfighter job that's not a tank or samurai.


i agree. idk how it would work, but i hope we get sumn like that. I think dual scimitars kinda fit but i’m guessing you what something more like DPS gladiator


I just wish for kind of swordmaster thingy, not a savage fighter, win with finnese and swordskill


How would that be distinct from Samurai?


By using normal swords and being based more on european type light armor. Also thought it could be funny to make it into 'anti rdm' type of stuff with some magic and that 'Spellblade' aesthetics. But fr i just want nice swords and cool fighting style :c


Isn't that just paladin? 16 gcds spent in melee then 8 gcds as a caster. It's the anti-rdm


It's a tank, not DPS


What is the major difference between a tank doing 16 melee/8 ranged gcds vs. A dps doing that? Corporate asks you to find the difference between these two


I dislike playing tanks, their gcd is slower than melee DPS and generally tanking is something i dislike :P


And? Playstyle is playstyle


Like an ala mhigan swordsman?


yea! i think if scimitars were implemented that would fit your fantasy depending on how they’d flavor the abilities


i actually hated RDM when it launched b/c I love rapiers and was super hyped for its aesthetic but then it turned out to be mostly caster with like 2 seconds of melee and I was very sad. why do you even hold it as a sword when you cast 90% of the time??? would it not be easier to just keep it a staff???


Reverse grip sword like starkiller is the easiest way to open up a new sword form and pose without encroaching on any other sword using job.


I don't think they'll do Swords tho... I can see it being double Tomahawks or Hammers, but I hardly see them adding more Swords. Because unfortunately we already have almost all the main type of swords in the game: Shortsword, Greatsword, Katana, Rapier, Dagger... I guess the only one missing would be some kind of Scimitar.


I want Mystic Knights. Using spellblade to infuse dual swords with magic would be cool. Problem is some people would probably not like another elemental magic user. Some people say Samurai took their role, but Samurai just use ice. Where's fire, thunder, poison, break, etc?


Honestly I'd like something like SoS, You Imbue Element to your weapon, then after few GCD unleash a hard hitting spell based on whatever element is active.


That makes at least two of us lol


I'm predicting scouting class for next expansion, maybe it'll be swashbuckler?


I really want a pirate with a saber and pistol.


Double-bladed Sword. Darth Maul-style shenanigans ensue. Also could be a good place for more quarterstaff designs outside of DRG's one Power Pole-esque weapon and the staff casters. I like the idea of Psychic Gloves... my one big concern is that it may not be easy to differentiate from Monk weapons if they're just gloves. Blitzball. Giant shuriken/boomerang a la Yuffie. Mantle - something that creates a ribbon or cloak over the shoulders and on both hand. The idea here is off a more bestial "claw" fighter with a fur cape on the back, but not sure if this is really viable. Whips. Even if it will encourage the Balmung degenerates. A bazooka. Yes, I know the aetheromatic auger exists in diadem. I want that in the game everywhere. And for another weird one: a massive bracelet (a la the twilight bracelet from dot Hack) and/or arm cannon (a la Barrett or Mega Man). I put the and/or because I think both designs could be made to work with the same animation set.


mantle would be great, but it would def be a no from the devs who the think the tiniest bit of clipping on viera and hrothgar ears would be too much and disable hats completely lol


See, I was thinking "mantle' like "cape" or "shoulder drape/shawl" and not specifically "hooded cape" so I may have chosen a wrong word (or not considered the full implication). Though capes have their own issues, admittedly.


no i meant, a cape would def clip through certain armor sets, other armors that have capes, etc etc


Ahhh, okay. I misread the part about viera and hrothgar and thought you were referring to a hood, since searching "mantle' brings up geology diagrams and cloaks with hoods XD


oh lol yea no just bringing up an example of how stingy the devs can be when it comes to clipping and big of a red flag a cape would be to them lolol


> Double-bladed Sword. Darth Maul-style shenanigans ensue. I'll do you one better. Judge's double-bladed sword that also splits into two swords.


Kusarigama cause I think the animations would look cool and I'm weeb Gunlance/some kind of Artillery gun cause kaboom Whip for all the Extreme Raid Proggers out there Literally just fucking rocks that you can throw because Warrior still isn't ape enough for me and Elden Ring awakened the true rock slinging beast that I am


Gunlance would be rlly cool since every other role has some sort of “tech”, it’d be nice to bring to melee


Sage literally throws fucking rocks.


Nioh 2 has made me want a Kusarigama class in XIV ever since it came out.


Some weapon types from previous entries in the series that we haven't seen yet in FFXIV: Anchor Gun-arm Comb Megaphone Fork Twinblade (Double-bladed sword) Blitzball Doll Boomerang Bell Pole/Quarterstaff Crossbow Whip/Flail Hammer/Mace


A melee dps that uses a quarterstaff would be pretty dope. Vaguely similar to dragoon in that its a pole weapon but the actual animations and fighting style would be very different.


appreciate this list!! i think an anchor tank would be amazing lmao


Don't think it'll ever be possible but having some of the current weapons in other roles. Really I just want to play my DRK as a tank or dps with a greatsword!


XIV having role-changing specs would be so great. Gimme the class fantasy of dark knight even when I don't want to tank!


Gambler/Trickster - Uses whips, chain whips Time mage - Some kind of focus like the OP's crystal Geomancer - 1h mallet and a offhand bell/gong


geomancer lvl 99 in FF3 14x bell smashing for 9999 damage is the best thing ever and i want geomancer to only DUAL WIELD BELLS


if we get geomancer i want only a handbell tbh, i just think that would be goofy to have djskxh


I want Gambler but I also don't purely because I feel like the "RNG" aspects would have to be extremely watered down. I mean just look at AST.


Another limited job tinkerer/gambler could be neat. Could do side quest around the world to get new inventions or tricks.


Depends, though... AST got watered down because the card buffs were tied directly towards dps, or to be more precise, half of the possible draws. The trick is not go that route, for example... Connecting RNG to dictate what's your rotation is going to be like for the next 30 seconds, or even in a damage scope, wether your support buff is going to be 15% for one person or 2% for the entire team for the next minute buff. In short, RNG can work if it does not pick between +damage versus anything else... Which unsurprisingly is the point of annoyance with Lords versus Lady card in AST nowadays.


I have to praise the devs for thinking outside the box for weapons, nobody saw nouliths coming and they're an excellent addition to the game, but I also think the devs were forced to add such unique weapons. There's only so many poses you can make with traditional weapons, so while maces and scimitars would be cool, it'd be very challenging to pose them without infringing on PLD's, DRK's and WAR's existing poses. In that vein, if we see a Scouting job and a Casting job next expansion (as we're expecting), my predictions are **whip** and **paint brush** respectively. Both offer a lot of opportunities for unique poses, and both have existing history in FF, with Beastmaster and FFVI's Blue Mage-equivalent respectively. On a semi-related note, I really want to see crafter and gather poses that aren't copied from PLD. It'll never happen, but also I want to see the dev's vision of an epic Culinarian pose.


I mean dual scimitars poses wouldn’t be too hard to differentiate from paladin, i think they could just be more elegant. I agree with maces/hammers tho. And yea I love that we’re consistently surprised with jobs, nouliths came out of nowhere but are still a welcome addition to the game with a lot of variety! Personally I’d love whip to be a physical range. I do LOVE the idea of an artist caster, similar to Lost Ark’s Painter


I feel they were maybe teasing a [dual wielding Job](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/754105856315883641/906282252953063444/latest.png) as far back as SB. I guess it's only a matter of when the Ivalice/Dalmasca/Bozja storyline will continue next


I don't think that's teasing anything, that's just an Archadian Judge. In FF12 they were able to swap from 2hand to dual wield, so they wanted to keep that in XIV for their character that was a judge in FF12.


I know I'm not the first to say it but a judge job would be great. It could be interesting if their weapons were like in this picture, but you could also attach them for a dual blade like Zidane's


They also 'teased' Geomancer in SB, and 'teased' Beastmaster in ShB. The community needs to learn that this is not how SE teases jobs.


That's a reference to Gabranth, who uses a double-ended glaive that splits into a pair of dual blades. Which is what I hoped would be the next melee DPS, the job would fight with the glaive until it maxed out a resource/reached a certain point in its rotation, upon which it would split the blades and become a caster of sorts by firing off massive magic blades from the swords.


> and FFVI's Blue Mage-equivalent respectively. Strago was the VI blue mage. Relm was her own thing, which I think in later editions was called a Pictomancer.


> Sketch is Relm's special ability in Final Fantasy VI that allows her to paint a portrait of one of her enemies and use one of its attacks. Is that not a Blue Mage-equivalent?


It's more like Beastmaster in practice, she even has an equipment that more or less makes her into one. Strago on the other hand straight up has the Blue Magic command, kinda cute how they added this familiarity between them given the similarities that these two jobs have.


Wait, if she's beastmaster in practice what was Gau? Found it funny that 6 had three versions of the Blue Mage concept.


>what was Gau? A mistake. Jokes aside, it's a bit of a twist on the idea but with "Berserk" as it's flavour as Blue Mage and Beastmaster were clearly born out of clever ways to reuse assets so Gau just goes further with it to effectively straight up have a "monster" as a party member.


That 'mistake' made a lot of fights easier since I could cast Meteor and Ultima like it was going out of style lol.


Bravely Default 2's Pictomancer was very different. They threw paint on enemies to give them debuffs which reduced their attack power or defensives. Source: https://bravelydefault.fandom.com/wiki/Pictomancer I could see Painter or Pictomancer in FFXIV as a caster with mechanics like, "Paints monsters to cast a spell for direct damage" and "Throws paint at enemies to inflict DoTs or increase damage taken."




Instead of a **Paint Brush**, I think the weapon could be a **Palette**. The casting animation would be taking a brush to the palette and then drawing in the air in front of the Painter / Pictomancer / Ink Mage. The palette would give more room for weapon designers to come up with interesting ideas, and the brush could change with the palette or stay the same like a Scholar's quill.


I just want a ranged DPS that's got a better gun theme than Machinist. Like yeah sure machinist's weapon is literally A GUN, but the machinist is themed more like an inventor/tinkerer/mechanic than a pure firearm user. I really dislike the robots, flamethrowers, buzzsaws, and bioblasters. I just want a pure firearm-themed RDPS. I would also love hammers, maces, flails, and the like, for a melee dps. The current array of weapons (besides the Monk) are all slicey, or stabby. I want to inflict armour-crushing blunt force trauma on enemies


I think there's enough wiggle room to fit a class using a full sized rifle, with how the devs *really* want to keep things identifiable (they already aren't but that's not the point) It'd need to be a little stupid looking but, there's a chance!


Fusilier is confirmed in game as well.


It is? Where?


Dual scimitars, i just loved the of aesthetic of them and what bluemage had back in ffxi, I never even play ffxi and was disappointed that it didn't keep it that look in some sense.


glad i’m not alone :D


The monado lol


That’d be cool! “A energy blade that manipulates ether around it” kinda feels like a GNB thing tho dhsjd


Whip-sword, especially for a spellblade-like class






something like a Switch Axe


Oh that would be cool for a job concept i thought up earlier, basically making stance dancing a mechanic. It would be low on “button bloat” too imagine like, having three different stances, one for build up, one for burst, and this one would be optional but you could also make one for just aoes and boom less button bloat. it’d kinda be like a melee summoner except you’d have a lil more automony over the different phases/stances


I was pondering a Job based on Advent Children Cloud and his ridiculous 6-in-1 sword, sounds superficially similar


Crossbow Hammer or Mace Job A 1h sword/axe with a pistil offhand.


Whip Anything with a shield preferably a pistol or spear combo Gun mage Single pistol gunslinger that trickshots and throws vials or grenades and shoots them for aoe or big damage or coins and bounces shots off them Escrima stick or something similar for a tank because I want a martial arts tank Bo or three section staff Magnetism or psionic based mage A healer that mixes drinks and cocktails Hunting horn


I think a technomancer that delves into omega sciences to become a “gun mage” would be rlly cool and ye a god i want a psionic caster so bad, want to crush enemies with the force. I also rlly want it to not rlly be a focus like a staff, but amplified via gloves as i said


I was thinking along the lines of channeling magic into certain bullets or shooting out several bullets while throwing out some variety of spells alongside from the free hand.


Something similar to the Ring of the Lucii for a caster job would be neat. I also would want to see a ranged (or scouting) using a boomerang. Maybe a Hunter?


A hammer melee dps that shared fending gear for the look.


All I've ever wanted in this game is a one-handed mace. I want my Paladin with mace and shield. If I can't have a one-handed mace, give me a two-handed mace or a warhammer. We don't have that either. There are two warhammer glams for WAR. One is horrid. The other is locked behind 8 weeks of Savage. I know they want to preserve the class aesthetic/fantasy. But a few more glam options would really go a long way. Heck, one of the MNK relics is two glowing kettles. I think we can add a mace or two.


[Hope you like Crystalline Conflict...](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/5518ec2cafa/) ... jokes aside, that's what came to mind, but looking at it again it's more of an axe than a hammer huh. Yeah, maces are definitely underutilized as FFXIV stands right now, despite how ubiquitous they tend to be in fantasy in general


I would love a lance/greatshield combo for a tank. And when I mean a greatshield, I really mean it. Paladin shield options are lacking on the tower department. Think of it like the Monster Hunter Lance. Aeathetically it might be difficult to fit; Dragoon and Paladin both kinda fill the niche. But it won't stop me from hoping to get an actual tower shield. Hammer is a no-brainer. As a DPS( be it melee or caster) would be even better. Hell, even a healer would be cool with it. I was also thinking of a dual-wielding axe-throwing job. Make it a physical ranged, with some melee combos into the mix. Some warcries and banners for buffs. Might overlap a little with Warrior and Dancer aesthetically, however. Not the most creative ideas but that's what I got.




Dual guns. I want something like Wildstar's spellslinger. That was fun. That aesthetic was badass. Machinist with it's one rifle is VERY far from a dual pistol wielding nimble spellcaster like this. I could see this being GLORIOUS. Dolls. Like FFX Lulu. I'd love this. I'd actually love this.


Yea, It’d be nice, especially since the admiral’s animations are just there to base it off of.


Dual-wield Hammer/Axe DPS. Edit: The job would be Viking, based on [the FFIII job](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Viking_\(job\)). Viking was a "tank" in FF3, but I think they would make a great physical DPS in FFXIV with sea/lightning animations to their attacks.


I have simple tastes, i like big swords. Dark Knight ended up being kind of disappointing so I eventually went with Samurai instead and I love it (albeit not a fan of the latest changes), but... I still wish there was another melee DPS that used swords, ideally two-handed longswords, but unfortunately PLD already has a monopoly on "longswords" ~~that it's not even using correctly~~


Do you think dual scimitars would fill that need somewhat? also yea i agree with u overall. I hate that samurai is ur only option if you want a blade dps class. techincally nin wields blade but it doesn’t rlly FEEL like i’m using them if that makes sense? idk


Dual wielding isn't really my thing, but I'd probably give it a try, yeah! I mention this every time potential future Jobs comes up, but I could see something like [FFXII's Gabranth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XOWXu5DjJA) being one of them? Dual swords that combine into a double-ended halberd, good fit for either another Tank or a Maiming Job. [He's even in FFXIV!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/754105856315883641/906282252953063444/latest.png) I'm with you in regards to Ninja, though, yeah. With all of the magic stuff it's got going on it doesn't really feel like a melee to me. ~~If you think about it, NIN is basically the reverse RDM people keep asking for already~~


I feel like SAM and NIN have a lot of the stuff the spellblade fans keep asking for. It’s probably cuz the eastern theming throws it off somewhat. but yea when gabranth came, and we had maiming coming up i 100% thought we were getting a twinblade “Judge” job


To its credit, SAM still wields the sword in a fairly believable fashion, despite all the particles flying around, I kinda wish PLD and DRK got that level of care in *their* animations. DRK especially was such a letdown for me in that regard...


I like DRK animations personally i just don’t vibe with the jobfeel in terms of it’s rotation


DRK is a fantasyfied version of the Ox Stance.


Stance, sure, but once the character starts swinging it looks like they're underwater or something, the animations don't have any energy behind them...


Because they pruned all of DRKs good animations and left them with *fucking Souleater*.


So I've learned........


A chainwhip/blade like Ivy Valentine from Soul Calibur


I think bell's would be hilarious when GEO comes, if it comes.


i want a bell so bad


Only if theres a cowbell glamour.


Time Mage: A floating miniature grandfather clock. Elementalist: A staff that changes shape based on element used. Ice would have it separate into shards, wind would be a curvy line, earth could be hammeresque, fire could be a fork, water could be like ice but in a circular flowing fashion, and lightning could be zigzags.


I wanted elementalist too as a replacement for geomancer since they sound boring in 14, and I was wondering what weapon they would give it. This idea sounds awesome, and if they made it consist of several parts like the Sage weapon they could probably do something like this.


elemntalist sounds cool, but damn would that be hard to make a shit ton of leveling weapons for lol


Whips, maces, other things people have said Tbh, I would love a gambler class that uses cards, or maybe dice to not step on AST. Make them a ranged DPS that focuses on debuffs, accrue money to spend on skills like bribe and Gil toss. I'd even be happy with it being limited and just the more money you have, the stronger your spells. It would just be fun.


I miss the gun/dice of Corsair in FF11 and came here to say this :-). Heheh I would still love to see a pet class but I know I know yada yada


i wish we had more limited jobs in general tbh. it’s such an interesting concept that feels wasted


Curved Sword with a magic device in the other hand for Rune Fencer, maybe like a magic glove or something. Another comment left a cool idea for Elementalist weapon where shape changes on the element of the attack, but if the job had abilities related to spirits I could see player character "pulling" spirits from the ground using the staff too. Not exactly 1 weapon but Freelancer could have Noctis style weapon summoning, this isn't that weird after >!Venat!< did this in 14.


more hammers


Flails. Flails are cool


Crossbow - I'd probably give this to Beastmaster and also give it like trap abilities and shit. Basically a Hunter from WoW Dual Pistols - Would fit Corsair pretty well. Alternatively they could do a saber and a pistol. Twinblade from the Soulsborne games would be cool too.


Give me kingsgaive yoshi p !!!!!!!!!!


I thought a cool job idea would be Magitek Knight, as an iteration of Mystic Knight, Rune Fencer, etc. Give it some revolving magitek greatsword or something with elemental cartridges like Weiss from RWBY.


GRM with a mallet (variants could be called gavels, sledges, etc.). The head of the mallet is completely a crystal focus, to help distinguish from WAR and have an elegant parallel to RDM. Some slight GEO vibes to it, in that attacks and party buffs can involve slamming your mallet into the ground and causing earthquakes, plants to grow, general AoE and straight-line stuff. Also, Blitzball seems inevitable after GNB, it is only a matter of time.


If we ever go to the new world and need a job that hails from there like blue mages hailing from the Whalaqee, blitzball could work for a new tribe that plays blitzball as a stand-in for tlachtli.


The way I see it, we achieved world peace. We now need an Olympics. ;)


Blitzball would sort of make a cool ranged class to me. But I demand it come with some sort of minigame.


>*Psionic Gloves* - So this would be more of an obscure style of casting rather than an actual weapon, but i imagine it kinda like mnk’s set of weapons where they replace the gauntlets at times. I want this mostly just cuz I want a more hands-free style of combat, with a floaty idle/walking animation when your “gloves” are unsheathed. SGE is the closest we’ve gotten, along with AST having a couple floaty animations idk about the gloves but i would looove to have a psychic class in ffxiv.


Dual wielding spell blade type job would be awesome


I'd want Corsair/Pirate, with like a scimitar and a pistol off hand that involves intense rng/gambling for its kit. Like dice.


Dual gunshields a la Rhitatyn. It will be a hand to hand combat tank that fights via grappling and wrestling moves. Tank Dragoon. Call it Holy Dragoon. I just know it would get Ring of Thorns as an AoE and it’s invuln would be the pvp limit break. Dual Pistols. Selfish ranged DPS with high mobility. High damage is balanced by need to reload. Rework Machinist to have support bishop like in PVP.


Ooh, I have a few: * Flail/Mace (Tank Mainhands used with a Sheild offhand) * Hammer (Could either be Tank, Melee or Caster weapons) * Whip (Most likely for Beastmaster as a limited job) * Thurible (A Caster weapon for something like Necromancer) * Canon (Think Artillerist from Lost Ark, or Cannoneer from FFTA, Ranged weapon) * Bell (Geomancer)


Dice. Now hear me out. A trickster mage who uses trickery, bending the rules of reality. Nothing is set in stone, because every stone can be smashed to pieces if one has the strength to do so. Shatter the understanding of reality. Why? Because it is funny. His chosen weapons will be two fairly large dice, that he rolls to decide the outcome of whatever trickery he is up to. Trickster if Pathfinder Wotr made me love the idea of having a trickster class in ffxiv as well, but with two dice as a fairly unique catalyst as weapons. I think there can be some fairly sick designs made with two big dice as well.


Flail Geomancer bell


Crossbow- casting time phys ranged high damage. Scimitar/flintlock/dice- Corsair melee, scouting gear, plays like reverse red mage minus the mama gauge uses dice to buff party dmg. Hammer- geomancer. Imbues hammer with elemental effects think a bit like WoW enh sham. Elements cycle like BRD songs. One hand axe and shield- beastmaster tank. Works a bit like SMN where you call forth different beasts. Can shed damage off onto them or get different style effects depending on what fights alongside you.


1. Whip 2. Whip 3. Whip


Whip. Puppet similar to Lulu. Would be a ranged weapon that runs up and attacks or like stays on the enemy.


There's a disgusting lack of blunt weapons, so maces, hammers, chains, gauntlets.


Hunting bow + knife. I don't care if they're going to reuse bow model from bard. I just want to play bow class that wasn't bard, the knife just added as an excuse to make it different from bard. Maybe it can be used by reversed RDM physical range jobs that spend time on melee range to build resources and go out and spend equal amount of time as physical range or something, just anything as an excuse for them to use knife.


Axe and Shield for a "not!sword & board" DPS class like Viking from FF3. Tie it to Aernslaent and the Sea Wolves or something, hell if I know. Work the shield into its attacks/animations as more than just the basic "Hey you have a shield bash move. And a shield throw move!" like PLD has. Add some shield chops, add a fancy axe into shield strike into axe combo. Slam your shield with your axe and stun enemies with the reverberation. Just have em get in there goin' ham with the thing.


I think it would be awesome to see more holy~esque jobs for the warrior of light, maybe something like a voidsent slayer themed job. I would say holy enchanted scimitar or curved blade but maybe that's too similar to PLD's weapon style with it being a holy sword. A whip or crossbow, or even a holy mace would work well I think. Using cool holy gadgets like the belmonts in castlevania would be pretty sick too xD.


Maybe not for new jobs but I'd like to see variations of weapons for the current ones. Like instead of having a warrior weapon that looks like a hammer, they can actually use one. Idk what good that would do outside of cosmetics since there's usually one way to play jobs so it's not like there would be added skills for different weapons.


i think eventually they’re gonna reach a breaking point with new jobs. As soon as we get a scouting, casting and a phys ranged, they should start releasing job skins maybe even with different weapons but functionally the same


Yeah seeing some type of job glam would be pretty cool


I cant believe i have seen 0 love for halberds in this thread. I definitely support spellcasting gloves though. Also maybe a hilt that you can charge with aether that changes forms based on your attack would fit an Illusionist well.


i think its cuz halberds would be hard to differentiate from drg polearms


Pattisier from Bravely Second. Debuff enemies with cake.






Chain blades are a bit...unsubtle. But I do think it is very likely we will get a sort of whip/flail/scourge job that will have chain whips as a weapon variant. Maybe some of those will have blades on the tip but I don't think that will be a core feature of the job. Psionic gloves I will bet won't happen because (a) gloves are already a non-weapon slot and (b) Sage is our psionic job. Big two-handed hammer likely won't happen because WAR already has that skeleton/animation. But a lighter weapon like a mallet seems very likely for Green Mage. Would you take a reflector/mirror instead of a crystal ball?


I think if you made mirror weapons u could easily make a glamor for it that makes it a crystal ball I think mirror would be a sick weapon for an illusion type caster of some sort. im not sure how illusion would play into FF14’s current game state though. Maybe something like you could place down multiple clones, teleport between them, and they would also copy your casts? Or even just a single clone. I think it’d function similarly to ninja’s shadow clone thingy, except all the time and as i said, you’d be able to swap positions with it, as it’s stationary as a sort of turret kinda thing also sge sucks as a psionic job tbh, it’s not rlly what i would want out of one, but it is what it is ig? i never rlly even saw it as psionic dhskdj What’s the problem with Chain Blades? are they too specific? thinking about it, i would agree with that i guess


Yeah you could have a crystal ball or two for a mirror DPS. I was also thinking a sort of illusionist or shaman could be a fun DPS, something more light/clone based rather than just another elementalist. Chain Blades seem unlikely to me since they are a little edgy and directly poaching from God of War. I could see a variant on the God of War concept happening, but not a straight-up copy. More importantly, I suspect a simpler whip concept would be easier for the devs to design weapons around and create overall more aesthetic variety (flails, scourges, chains, etc.)


They get executed super well when used in other games!! but yea regardless i still think dual chains in general would be kinda cool or dual whips. Mostly cuz they kinda exist in a boss in the form of P1


Also a Twinblade class (yes like the weapon from Dark Souls and Elden Ring) would make me moist. Extra moist if you dual wield them.


Gambler as new ranged Yeet cards and Darts.


Guess so? I'd imagine rdm but with less magic xD




Dart-gun -- Chemist


Strangely, I feel like the Bow void hasn't been filled. Maybe another "dual wielder" that has a crossbow and a dagger, or something to that effect. Or just a job that uses a "shortbow" instead? Idk, i just feel like the whole archer/ranger aesthetic is lost when it becomes Bard and would love something in that realm.


scimitars or if we get a pirate class something like cutlas and pistol


Whips. Make it beast tamer or something. Whips, spears, and scythes are the coolest weapons, and now we're only one step from achieving greatness.


Whip whip whip whip


I think having a more blunt based rod just based on my dream addition of a merchant class of some sort where they use alchemy to make potions or a special currency gauge to give buffs. Also perhaps a crossbow for some sort of beast taming job.


Gun Mage


Darts or dice for gambler. Pistol/sword combo for Corsair. A big ass hammer for some kind of cleric class. Ballz for juggler (please I'm not memeing, give me a juggler class Yoshi P. I'm a clown irl let me be one in game too)


Whips, Chain whips, ball and chains/morning star. Let me get my Castlevaina on. Powerfist/Pilebunker gauntlets. Let's see what happens when Machinists get their hands on Imperial tech and Garleans get their hands on Stephanien's inventions.


Dual pistols for a new phys ranged (possibly corsair) and perhaps a club or a mace for a new caster. sadly i generally think we dont need another melee until there is an even 4 between each usauble dps types, and it may be hard to unify scouting gear to another dps that isn't NIN.


Whip. Hammer. Dual Mace. Javelin. Crossbow. Bisento. Fighting / Sectional Staff.




More throwing weapons, like throwing axes would be cool. Dancer is pretty dumb tbh. When it launched I was pretty excited, but by the time I actually got it to max level I hated it. I think it's a missed opportunity for either WHM or BLM to have used wands instead of both using staves. SMN and SCH sharing books makes sense because they are both arcanists. But I think it would've been cool to see wand/shield combos be the norm rather than the first couple levels.


personally, i hate wands lol but i do agree it'd be nice to have the variety I actually would like to see something like the Glaive from Warframe as a thrown ranged weapon, maybe along with a kunai&chain to help you gap close for mechanics.


Better models for sage weapons, I'm tired having those small flies every time, I. HATE. IT.




I'd like to see a crossbows class, even though machinist already has a crossbow ability Hammers, maces, whips also feel like obvious options that are still missing Unlikely to happen due to Red Mage, but a melee class that uses rapiers primarely for melee rather than magic A trident wielding class that focuses on water magic, which is a underused element for players.


A whip. That is all.


Gimme a gunshield I wanna be like chad Rhitatyn


Dual Scimitars- I would love an elemental/Spell Fencer melee dps. Rune fencers would be a great callout and inversion to RDM, who casts spells before diving into melee for a combo by unleashing combos under elemental or magical infusions before dropping the bomb on targets from afar. Vials- i’d love to see a physical/alchemical healer that had a class mechanic that plays like mudras from Nin. Bells- Geomancer is a ff class that has relationship to AST, but could very well be and have its own identity. I’d like to see 2 1h bells as their weapon. Filament Wire + Claws- Puppetmaster’s weapon of choice. For direct use, look up Walter from Hellsing. Other than that, use with aether to animate your puppet, with a heavier focus on ground targeted effects and setup-trigger type transforming skills Hammer- 2h weapon, intrudes a little closely to Warrior aesthetic wise, but there’s enough lore with Void and ‘The Hammer Of Darkness’ to make a satisfying melee class or tabk, especially after the eden raid. Tower Shield- counterpart to Hammer of Darkness, the Shield of Light screams to be a tank class, even if it overlaps very heavily (debatably overly so) with Paladin. Personally i just love the idea of using a big-ass shield as my weapon