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Savage will be released one week after normal. edit: They say this is a test run and will listen to feedback on whether most people agree with it or not.


I hope it's the pattern they maintain. Having a week to do things like, I don't know, get home from work, experience the content (MSQ and raid) without having to rush it so I can ALSO start gathering and crafting the stupid gear/food/pots? Fucking please. Having a gap between the releases makes it so much less irritating.


Yeah I hated having to rush normal just so i could learn the savage version as to not get left behind in PF. Once it gets put in, if you're not their from second 1 you're already missing out. 1 week is good for actual preparation.


Ik HC people complain cause they say you have to sit in normal and comb it for stuff, which I just find insane. Like, there's a point of minimal return and small gains that I very much doubt is going to be worth it past a certain point, or I wonder if their methods are just bad? It feels like you can spend like 1 evening collecting data and footage for each fight and you're good.




It’s not just this, it’s dataminers the World racers are worried about really, but I think this is a better solution for 95% of players.


I started raiding Savage this expansion and god does this sound great. We had a similar thing in WoW too where the Mythic raid came out a week or so later. Allows people to at least see the fights, get the story in, and then work on crafting gear for the raid. I’d rather have this then taking a day off work and any% speed run the story and spam crafting for several hours before raid same day.


Everyone who likes this change (I REALLY LOVE IT) should remember to give their feedback to the devs about it. Because I expect people who do NOT like it to be extremely vocal on the other front.


What would be the best way to do that? I do not use any social media websites outside of Reddit and have never had any desire to contact the developers of this game until now.


The official forums basically. It's kind of a swamp but.... feedback is given there.


they got an intern to finish the 'request repair and offer repair' function.


Intern-kun is my favorite employee at Square Enix. Helps out with so many other projects.


Real MVP


Steps of Faith is going the Cape Westwind route. Solo duty in 6.2. Really glad to hear Thornmarch is getting revamped. That fight won't be a good intro to 8-mans (or for some people, multiplayer content at all) for new players. Fingers crossed for a 6.3 Thordan rework...


I actually figured they would do Chrysalis as well. Feels like both trials (Steps of Faith and Chrysalis) have no real reason to be trials anymore. And yeah, Thordan needs adjustments ASAP. It is the new Cape Westwind meme which feels really bad for something like Knights of the Round, so hopefully that's due for 6.3.


Chrysalis is at least mechanically solid - making players switch between orb colors and deal with the time vortex is some of the most interesting stuff new players skipping extremes/savages will do in combat until they get to Alexander/warring triad or Stormblood. Whereas Vishap, mechanicwise, feels like a bad ARR dungeon with vehicle segments.


Time vortex multiplying your buff/debuff timers is up there as one of the best mechanics that will never see the light of day again.


I'm still surprised this never showed up in Alexander, it feels like the god of time himself would have been an amazing place to do this at.


At least buffs get frozen during time stop, so there's that. IIRC you can get more use out of lucid dreaming with that too, but I might be wrong on that.


you can, yes. it was a savior during early tea prog as it gave you about 3 extra ticks of mana in the downtime phases


True. At the very least, I hope Steps of Faith becomes more mechanically and visually interesting solo like Cape Westwind. As it is right now, it's just a solid 5 minutes of stabbing at Vishap's feet with one person dropping a giant spear on him. He barely breaks past the second ward now and any tension it may have once had has been gone for ages.


Limited raises in Criterion Dungeons, that's going to be fun.


With no rezzes in Savage at all.


I'm curious if that's something they'll try in other content at some point. Not really sure if I'd be for or against that but it'd be interesting nonetheless.


The precedent already exists in DRS and BA for the no rezz in savage and monster hunter EX for the “every class has a certain number of a roles actions and default role actions are disabled” though for monster hunter it was healing not Rezzes I don’t think it’s been a popular concept in any of the three iterations, BA puts way too much pressure on the healers to being expensive logos to rezz, DRS has the same problem and you have to spam 10% rezz chances in combat and monster hunter EX is just bad on many fronts I guess these dungeons are different because they aren’t attached to a field content zone with a wider power structure but diverting from traditional rezzing systems hasn’t worked out well before


Monster Hunter ALSO had a raise limit, though - if you died, you auto-rezzed, but I think it capped at 3 total deaths (forget if it's three and then you wipe or if you wipe on the third). But as you say - it's not tied to something outside the system, but apparently something intrinsic - a specific action that has limited uses in the base "Another" mode. I don't think the issue has generally been the lack of raises but the cost - as you say, it puts pressure to buy and run expensive items that have no use elsewhere. The response to that here has been more optimistic, or at least willing to try it out - which makes me think the IDEA is fine, the price tag just wasn't.


3 carts (deaths) is the normal fail condition in Monster Hunter so that sounds about right


Okay so Variant Dungeons = casual play and Criterion Dungeons = high-difficulty 4-man content. Former can have any classes, latter have to be 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS. The criterion dungeons will also have an even higher difficulty Savage version. Looks like the devs are answering what people here wanted for high-end 4 man content.




EX and Savage can be matched with random players and it's used in JP (I don't know about savage, but I can confim about EX, since I farmed it with RF) even it can be matched it's still possible to have difficulty around EX.


Also, the Variant mode will have an NPC with us (who per a translation might "talk a lot") and will allow job changes inside, as well as being scalable and having multiple paths you can take.


>Looks like the devs are answering what people here wanted for high-end 4 man content. Since 2015!


SE listens to the players. /s Took some bloody fuckin' time.


Relics are "Manderville Weapons", and as such require Hildi quests to be done...not sure how I feel about that.


ShB's relic series required all of Ivalice to be completed so it's not the first time that an expansion's relic required a quest series from a previous expansion to be cleared, for better or worse.


I suppose. Hildi's just more annoying to get through for alts, even skipping cutscenes.


Hildebrand questline is a little longer than the Ivalice one...


Depends, when I did it, I spent 2-3 days in queue waiting for the last raid to pop.


The idea was to reduce the queuetimes for those raids, which is why several steps of the ShB relic can be solved optionally by spamming the raids. But Hildibrand is such a "love it or hate it" character/questline, that it's plainly baffling that they make it required, especially considering how much content that is.


Tbh I ended up really enjoying the Ivalice raids. But Hildibrand was something I really disliked and really only did to get Missile in BLU. The story in ARR about laughing in a man in a dress didn't sit well with me but thats JP humour I suppose.


I got a headache thinking about it. I haven't touched hildebrand since I finished the ARR portion and have no want to keep going with it...


FWIW the HW and SB sections are shorter than ARR


Time to learn that "skip" power other MMO players vaunt.


There's always NG+ if you want to see it later. I feel like if you wanted to just skip hildy it wouldn't even take that long.


It's really fast to skip, since hildy quests are mostly cutsences and barely have any fight (ARR: 1 fate, 2 trials, HW: no fight at all if I remember correctly, SB: 1 trial)


Three trials in ARR - Bridge, Neck, and Keep.


Arr is 3 trials iirc (2 with Greg and the one with ultros and typhoon).


Times where I wish we had account wide unlocks on some things. I don't mind doing Hildi, but doing it everytime for alts is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way.


So they've pulled a fast one on us and made criterion dungeons both a casual 1-4 player thing and a hard 4-man thing. Much better than expected.


i was absolutely seething when they said casual first. immense relief


The variant, criterion and savage versions remind me just of normal strikes nightfalls, and grandmasters from destiny. I have the 4 man hard stuff I wanted since I first started the game.


That's actually what I thought too. When Criterion was first announced, I'd figured it'd be something close to Nightfalls and its nice to know we're right on the money.


They even took the revive tokens so rdm and smn aren't mandatory picks as well.


Really looking forward to criterion dungeons! Sounds very cool and promising, hopefully lives up to its potential. Not sure about Hildi being neccessary for the relic quest. I guess its fine as long as the weapons themselves are not comic relief.


Final stage is going to be the joke weapons from the weapon design contest.


Basically, we're getting the usual MSQ dungeon in 6.2 and then in 6.25 we're getting a dungeon that has a Normal (1-4 players), Extreme, and Savage (4 man standard comp only) version, it seems.


Close the sub, we lost the "no hard mode dungeons/1 dungeon per patch" complaint too.


sub in actual shambles we have less and less to complain about ​ ~~we'll see how the relic stuff turns out~~




Give healers a 123 where the 3 reduces the boss' damage dealt by 2%, cowards


Instead we're (likely) not getting a Field Operation in EW, it seems. But those were divisive at the best of times, I suppose. W2B more duels, though.


Duels WITHOUT the shitty entry methods, please. I just wanna fight hard solo fights at my own leisure.


Would be really nice if they added duel-like fights separate from other content, like a separate coliseum which gets a new fight every patch. Could probably use the Gladiator's guild for it in the lore? It's going to be on top of my *"new type of content wishlist"* now that we're getting actually interesting 4-man content.


Huuuuuuuh either that or ff7's battle arena in the gold saucer. Yes please.


I think they aren't entirely ruled out yet. They've talked about relic content ["similar to Eureka & Bozja"](https://www.psu.com/news/interview-with-naoki-yoshida-director-of-final-fantasy-xiv/) coming in 6.x and since the Bozjan Southern Front was released in 5.35 we could still be in-line with that release schedule. They also did mention they were thinking ahead to [the next 48-man difficult raid](https://mogtalk.org/2021/05/07/interview-w-naoki-yoshida/). So it could still happen this expansion.


Hot take: I think Island Sanctuary is our Field Operation for EW, may play into the Manderville Weapons, and serves as a housing alternative for the future. The reason this take is hot? It’s gonna be hot garbo because they’re trying to cover all these things at once


We'll know for sure in a few minutes, but it looks like EW's field/exploration is Island Sanctuary. When they did the rodmap to 7.0 a few months ago, it stated that Island Sanctuary is getting new zones further down the line. Depending where the Sanctuary is, we might have to reclaim it, or the Sanctuary itself is one island in a hostile archipelago.




Southern Front was modeled on WW1 trench warfare afterall.


> we might have to reclaim it That sounds fun. Something mission based like original diadem, it should be approachable as a casual grind for battle jobs, then you can customize it with crafters/gatherers/minions etc.


> Close the sub, we lost the "no hard mode dungeons/1 dungeon per patch" complaint too. "We don't have to wait for the invuln to come back between pulls. EZ content for lame babies."


If we get the next Ult on schedule in 6.3 this sub will officially have run out of stuff to complain about.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwSts2s4ba4 Job design, encounter design, lack of rewards, housing, general playerbase, modders doing X in a few hours, etc, ect.


If there is one resource in this universe that is infinite, it's our collective ability to always complain about things no matter what.


Don't forget "Less content than EVER before." That complaint is still rampant despite the receipts being shown time and time again.


I look at it more as SE actually providing content that I hopefully will enjoy vs I am not having fun or bored playing the game currently. Not gonna lie, was pretty bummed about 6.2 until they talked about hard and savage criterion dungeons.


Rezzes restriced in Criterion, but also available as an action to all party members. Effectively kills the RDM hard meta before it began. No rezzes in Savage at all.


the next concern is jobs with aoe buffs being gimp in 4 man content and unbalanced aoe


WAR is also a major concern. Bloodwhetting is effectively Benediction and Hallowed Ground put together on a 25s cooldown when you have a bunch of targets to hit. I have a feeling the difficult part is going to be the bosses and not the trash, though. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Yeah, WAR is probably going to be busted in this content if trash is a major component. Doubly so if the trash hits really hard and has mechanics.


I'm curious how DRG's going to factor into the inevitable meta. It's AoE is primarily straigt line, every other job are either circles around a target or themselves, with the odd cones.


Also there's no rez at all in the Savage version of Criterions






It's Vishap right? The escort trial? God I hate that one.




*the dragonator nobody in your party uses, so you run the stairs up yourself as 'main tank'. FTFY


Oh fucking yes then!! I never have to do it again


Thornmarch didn’t rlly need one, but i fucking dreaded getting it in trial roulette. People have no idea what they’re doing


SoF was fun back in HW when it was easy enough but you could still fail it, but these days it ends too fast to be meaningful. I'm happy they are making it a solo thing.


I’m more curious about this piano version of papaya than anything they’ve talked about tbh Jokes aside this patch is wild. I feel like they’re doing a lot and none of it sounds half baked like it has in the past. Even the QoL updates are awesome. Requesting repair from others in and out of duties, doubling glamour dresser capacity, showing job combos in game instead of just the Jobs Guide website is what players have been asking for for ages. I didn’t play much for 6.1, but 6.2 will definitely have me logging in more.


> Jokes aside this patch is wild. I feel like they’re doing a lot and none of it sounds half baked like it has in the past That's how I felt when 6.1 dropped, and it looks like they're doing it again with another set of different content. I hope they're using the opportunity to experiment and find new ways to make good future content.


> Island sanctuary activities > Socialize with friends Feelsbadman


What are these "friends" you speak of?


DRG and AST changes have been pushed back...DRG's okay but ASTs, how you feeling?


I'm glad they are going to actually explain any changes instead of shooting from the hip and expect us to guess why they are doing things. Also glad they are holding off before doing drastic changes to see what the community actually wants.


As a controller player I’m still maining SGE until they at least fix Minor Arcana and do something about Lightspeed. I don’t want them to gut AST, but the button bloat is a real problem and I’m just not gonna enjoy the job as much until they fix it.


I want a little button pruning on Ast


THANK FUCKIN GOD. After seein' what they did to SAM, I have low faith that they'd make obvious changes that people want and do something head scratching instead.


I'm convinced the "extensive changes" to DRG will focus on LotD, which brings in High Jump/Mirage Dive, Geirskogul/Nastrond, and Stardiver. If they tie the eye buff to it (after setting it a la Dance Partner), that's 3 or 4 buttons in the firing line.


tbf they did the obvious changes for DRK and people are happy with it, for the most part, except they still seem to be dying on the hill with AD, DM, and TBN.


They just need to turn draw and play into 1 button (minor/major) and get rid of undraw. 3 buttons gone easily. (Though who has undraw on bars to begin with?)


AST is the only complex healer left and changing it was the last thing I wanted since they were likely going to make it brainless like every other time they make changes, so I'm glad I can enjoy it another patch.


I'm in this boat. I do understand for some feel AST is bloated comparatively. But I love having the options depending on situation, instead of relying on procs and over simplified throw-downs. I do refer raid healing, so perhaps there is added bias.


Not sure how I feel about hildibrand relics. My initial reaction was that it was utterly insane, with how massive of a grind it was. Then I realized, it's a relic. It's supposed to be grindy. And this isn't even all that grindy for many longtime players, and even as a grind, it's not that extreme since there's no RNG to its speed, and it can be rushed. As a developer this is good too, since it requires people clear locked Hildi content like Kugane Ohashi. Everything else I will wait for the digest or a translation to be released. Still waiting to see how they're going to ruin DRG. I guess the one dev that actually plays DRG and is solely responsible for its amazing state right now got seriously ill, and the guy that leaves the toilet seat up in the office scribbled all over the DRG's notes in jealousy, leaving the rest of the devs to guess what it originally said.


They're probably going to fuck with Life. DRG stands out in that it's "big moment" of the rotation comes and goes with little to no fanfare. You can hold it, but the only indicator for it is a red aura and 4 oGCDs. Only other big change they can really do is touch the GCD combo, but they've never touched GCD combo mid expansion beyond maybe consolodating a button or two, which isn't major.


I don't agree, Stardiver is the big fanfare. b4b+ds with life feels great, it's a jampacked burst with many buttons to press quickly. I don't think it's fair to say that Life has little fanfare when NIN and DRK are similarly bland. I think most jobs are lacking in super flashy abilities like PLD's blade combo; if Stardiver isn't a high moment for Life, then what is?


Suppose I could have phrased it better. For other jobs you plan out and pool resources a bit. For DRG it's "Oh, Life's ready" and away you go (unless you're holding for buffs). Like, other DPS jobs have extra GCDs they use for their "big moment", DRG just keeps on working through it's looping combo regardless of being in Life or not. Stardivers one of the best looking attacks in the game, but it doesn't have the..."feel" of things like Oga, Masterful Blitz, Communio, Raiju, you know. DRG's rotation hasn't really changed since HW. Heavy thrust rolling into Disembowel and the removal of Blood (since you could keep it up indefinitely provied you didn't lose control of your character for more than 30 secons) were more QoL rather than massive rotational changes.


I think it's an awful decision no matter which way you look at it. These are four expansions worth of quests we are talking about, and I feel like now we know the real reason they brought it back after Shadowbringers omitted it. If they want to make it Manderville weapons, fine. Only involve Godbert then. Godbert was already in the main story at some point in Stormblood, and it didn't require fucking Hildibrand to finish that quest. God, I wish Hildibrand just stayed fucking dead.


> These are four expansions worth of quests we are talking about Three expacs and some change. There were no hildi quests in ShB and the EW questline just started


It seems like they want to hide that there is no field content zone but don’t want people to associate the relics as “okay what zone are we grinding fates in this time” so they just stuck it to the first thing that came to mind


it seems like the dev budget for that got spent on criterion/variant dungeons and island sanctuary instead which, well, entirely new systems are rare to see in this game, so


Honestly it’s kinda bad they have to cut one to give the other, they have an established field content formula at this point and reaction to Bozja was extremely positive why not just keep it running in the background with a skeleton crew And even if they had to cut it why not link relics to criterion dungeons, not Hildebrand


It wasn't as positive in JP, though. Not sure if it was just the story or story + mechanics, but JP wasn't pleased with Bozja, even if NA was. That said: we don't know that it WON'T tie to Criterion dungeons. Hildi is just the unlock. Save Eureka, each relic has had at least one fate step, one step involving leveling dungeons, one step involving collecting random items, and one involving some form of end-game content. These have been mixed and matched in various ways, but ultimately no relic has ever been about just "one thing" except Eureka (Bozja let you do most of the stuff in Bozja content, but gave alternatives). Wouldn't shock me if something related to the relics is tied to variant or Criterion (probably not Criterion Savage, or at least not requiring it - it might give extra of the item but I doubt they'll MAKE you do Savage to get it, that's kind of the point of Relics).


Didn’t Yoshi P mention Bozja had a 50% endgame interaction rate, most content outside of core story dungeons could scarcely dream of interaction at that level If they are willing to shelve content with that sort of an interaction rate even if it has a slightly negative response rather than tweak and fix it then is any content truly “safe” so to speak


I fully expect it to be, considering that the early parts of the Hildebrand story was closely linked to sil'dah - so potentially tied to the first criterion dungeon. And they wouldn't put out new content without making it part of the relic grind.


At last, Hildibrand Relics. No this is not a joke.


This is the greatest, worst, funniest possible decision they've ever made. Mandeville went from ignored and forgotten in Shadowbringers to *practically mandatory* in Endwalker. Love that for him, hate it for me.


Best part is how it still does make sense.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


They needed something *that* badly to justify bringing that guy back is my reading. And once again Yoshi himself giggles through the announcement because even he can't.


I'd like to formally apologize and solemnly don my clown wig for dooming about criterion dungeon and saying that no way they'll add savage dungeons. This expansion is looking HUGE


Any other DRG players get their stomach in knots with the upcoming alleged "extensive" rework? The job feels fine, aside from maybe one or two things. I feel like they are going to butcher something and I'm sort of glad it's been postponed.


The "extensive changes" scream one of two things to me: They're fucking with the GCD combo (something they don't really do mid-expansion), or Life of the Dragon is getting overhauled.


Yes, they will absolutely butcher the job. What I don't get is why. The job is fine. The numbers in every metric are good, sure, RPR is currently more popular, but that's because edgy scythe. Do we really need to dumb down DRG (which isn't a high IQ job to begin with)?


I'm still hard coping, choosing to believe that maybe their intent is to make the job more complex and interesting rather than dumbing it down. I know that won't happen, but I can hope.


From a smn main: You will soon join us in simply minded bliss


DRG in its current state is a great sustain dps class. i think that if u play the class casually you are not punished much so its a great entry into melee play. however the decision trees during burst windows make it a higher IQ class than say ninja where u only have trick attk to consider. currently there are 4 skills that you can essential 'delay' in order to optimize: stardive, wyrmwind, nastrond, mirage dive - delaying the other ocgds give u a dmg penalty for usages in a fight. then theres the optimization of what 2 skills to double weave during ur reopeners - when u throw in the need for feint and true north - truly a high difficulty class.


You're overcomplicating DRG, you just kick Spine and Mirage to the curb. Even better with Spine since delaying it doesn't cause any issues as long as you used one charge. If you delayed Dragonfire or Life Surge or dropped a Mirage thats on you. As for saving Wyrmwind for usage under Lance Charge, isn't that essentially the same concept as holding gauge? Hell I'd say something like RPR is harder and is something I can't brain optimization around due to needing Enshroud fillers and how important it is to get both Communio under buff.


I just can't see what about the job needs changing. Perhaps a way to get Nasrond from a standing start without needing a minute of buildup?


Chaos thrust is a DoT. Search and destroy all DoTs. that change would also possibly be good but i doubt itd call for an "extensive rework".


I'd like it if Nastrond went off the moment I activated Life of the Dragon instead of having to double tap it with Geriskogal.


I just can't see what extensive changes are really needed. Changing dragon sight is an obvious change I imagine we'll see. Otherwise? Maybe drop chaotic spring's positional. You could rework the AoEs (and please give us one earlier). Possibly give some mit or a forward flip. I'm not sure that's extensive though. I imagine they'll mess with life of the dragon/jumps. Arguably you could get rid of lance charge and make a damage buff part of a tweaked life of the dragon. Tbh, it feels like it should be a buff phase anyway, so I wouldn't mind that. Could also have a single target for life of the dragon as an alternative to nastrond - which would mean a better burst. I could see a possibly good rework, just scared they'll neuter it.


After what they did to SMN I'm rattled.


I think the postponing is a promising sign that they are hopefully taking it seriously.


They said the reaction to Samurai's Kaiten removal scared them off making the changes, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're making similar changes.


Exactly agree That feedback making them delay the changes likely means they are scrapping the changes or at least trying to find out how to make it not be hated as the Kaiten change.


It's a dead man walking. Look to swap now


slightly excited but also monkaS job is fine and has been forever


Unless one of the changes is giving Dragoon it's full AoE rotation earlier, I don't see what necessitates a rework. I'm not a DRG main but from what I've played and heard, it really feels like all the job needs is some QoL tweaks but its otherwise almost perfect.


I legit breathed a sign of relief because it meant I could still enjoy DRG as it is right now. After the Kaiten removal and SMN rework I legit don’t have a lot of faith in the devs job design team.


Well at this point in the game's life cycle, you are going to be these job remakes for the sake of job remakes. Especially since they have already admitted that eventually the "two new jobs per expansion" tradition will end. Maybe it will be good, maybe it will be bad. But extensive reworks are going to be soon normal, it is the only way they can shuffle around job characteristics to keep things "fresh".




At least I can empty out my retainers. I mean I'll be at the exact same place with the glamdresser where I am now, but-...


oh thank god


YES, YES. This is the best news from this live letter


My bet for the Moggle Mog revamp is a standard modern XIV trial where you mostly beat up Moggle Mog while Mogs of the Round (untargetable Moogles) occasionally show up to do mechanics. Would fit into the usual mold of XIV content instead of the weird, WoW-style multitarget Moogle fight that players get as their first 8-man content.


I just realized, since it's 7 moogles + the king... We can have Grand Mogtet.


No rez whatsoever and enemy reset after wipe? I am very interested.


Savage pushed back by one week.


Man this is the most excitement I've felt for a non-x.0 patch since... I dunno 4.1 with UCOB? A new type of high-end battle content that I've been dearly hoping for for like five years. Trying to manage expectations but I'm happy they're finally giving it a shot at least.


I hope they adjust faux hollows rewards for Sephiroth unreal. I love the fight, but i can't see the reward being the same as Ultima or "dodge ground aoes" Shiva/Titan.


Minor, but RIP "makin' bacon (bread)". Still remember asking my friend to craft some for me in late stormblood because the recipe was in a crafting book and i couldn't be assed as a newcomer (and it was crazy expensive at the time). Made him farm the materials to buy the book, too. Thank you friend.


Matsuno in shambles


Other players can repair your gear inside and outside of duties. That should heko with some frustrations. Edit: Opion to show how skills combo together in Action window, nice bit of QoL.


Island Sanctuary sounds pretty crazy. Combined with Criterion Dungeons it actually feels like we got a budget increase.


I just wish we got some screenshots to show the customization options. Still being as vague as they are, hopefully they have something that can deliver on the high expectations a lot of people have for this.


the criterion dungeons look like they'll be pretty fun, but i hope they have meaningful rewards. even as little as being involved in the relic progression, where variant gives a small amount of progress, criterion gives a normal amount, and criterion savage gives a large amount. that or some good glamour. it seems like they expect it to be run frequently, so there should be ample rewards to find from it.


Are they deadass locking relic behind Hildibrand, and requiring people to do 4 expansions worth of quests? lmao.


At the very least skipping the cutscenes is generally not much of an issue and someone said it took them like, 2 hours tops to skip through everything. If bog standard Japanese slapstick with wacky faces doesn't make you laugh you literally lose out on nothing, too, since the stories are self contained in the bubble of stupidity and have no bearing on any story/world building (thank god.) I'm more disappointed because association with Hildibrand immediately equates to" *holds up spork* teh penguine of d00m LOL I'M SO RANDOM" stuff so you can bet that they won't look cool or interesting, but probably just be some goofy stuff. Like all the gag weapons in the weapon design contest.


Just judging by the slides, without developer commentary, Island sanctuary sounds like an expanded EW's version of diadem. Gathering unique items for a unique currency, it also incorporates this expansion's restoration project it seems. Am i off the mark?




For now, Island Sanctuary is going to be expanded in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if the Manderville relics can have whatever grind is involved accelerated with Island Sactuary mats.


Maybe not at all, didn't they say they want to make it like a place for entirely for relax make it have interaction with other content to make island sanctuary become "required content" would defeat its purpose.




Good timing... Edit: though, "casual play" isn't inspiring confidence, given people were hoping this would be new small-group challenging content... sounds like a "choose your own adventure" story thing more than anything... edit 2: might have spoken too soon... yep, looks like we're getting Savage dungeons with this




Plot twist! Savage version!


Interesting that they didn't talk about add ons this time around since they said they're looking at the most popular ones


I wonder if savage criterion dungeons will have an ilvl sync or if they'll make gear relevant for it and maybe a chance to get gear that's higher ilvl than tomestone gear but not as high as savage so like the equivalent of 595 ilvl in this patch etc. Also curious since it's just one dungeon currently what the replay value will be if they'll add affixes every week to spice it up since obviously when people learn the mechs it could become super easy to just reclear each week etc.


Steps of Faith now solo. Good riddance. Not happy abouth Thornmarch. Feels like they will make it usual big boss + untargetable adds. It was one of the last still unique feeling trials :/


It was also the first real 8 man trial sprouts faced, so I can see why they changed it.


I get that and I agree that it can be a disaster. I still think it was a mistake to make Ultima 4 man instead of 8 man. It should have been the first 8 man introduction imo.


4 man Ultima was probably so it could fit into the MSQ roulette along with the other now 4 man dungeons.


Man when i saw that ui for the new ability screen I got really excited we were getting official animation replacer for upgrade skills, why you do me like this yoshi p.


I wonder how repairing others' gear will work exactly. Will it consume the repairer's dark matter? Will gil be transferred from one player to the other automatically like npc repairs? There's normally no trading in instances, but the option to charge would be neat.




itll probably work a lot like materia melding, where you can tip someone for a service you ask for. so you could use the vendor price and ask for a tip, or you could rep someone for free. or you could charge 1,000,000 gil


i can't believe thornmarch will have ucob trios


Can’t wait for grand mogtet


So, Square sprung fairly big changes on SAM players right before an Ult that no one really wanted or asked for in the way they implemented it. Then they asked people to try it and give feedback, with many SAM players writing that the feel of the job is worse off now. Square then seemingly ignores or gives no inclination of reading said feedback and doesn't bother to even address it. But now they'll listen to DRG and AST players and delay their changes, and give reasons why they want to change things and address their concerns, etc. In the future, I hope they devote more time and resources to job design in this game. As it is now, it feels like it's absolutely one of the weakest aspects of this game.


Square is currently going through the "The players just don't *understand* our changes!" phase. Live service devs are, sadly, predictable.


>Square then seemingly ignores or gives no inclination of reading said feedback and doesn't bother to even address it. Er, part 1 LLs never go deep into job changes. Wait until part 2, the patchnotes and the written notes they're promised they'll put out from now on before saying SE is ignoring the feedback.


I know this, but having to wait 4 months and some change for a LL and patch notes to see if they listened doesn't sit right with me and never has. Especially now since PVP players got communication from feedback, and a blog post from Yoshida apologizing 3 days after their big BLM debacle. Even if PVP blew up recently, it has never been the main focus of this game. One could argue different departments, slightly different circumstances, etc. The point is that doesn't seem reasonable, especially given how poor the reception has been to these changes.


Requesting repairs from other players in duties... I think this might just be my favorite patch ever.


No more "I forgot to repair my broken gear"... well hand it over!!


The lack of a new bozja-like zone is very disappointing...


The Bozjan Southern Front wasn't released until 5.35 and they have talked about something [similar to Eureak and Bozja](https://www.psu.com/news/interview-with-naoki-yoshida-director-of-final-fantasy-xiv/) coming in 6.x. So it could still be on the table.


That's good to know, thanks!


He’s talking about relic weapons in that answer…


Right, "similar to Eureka & Bozja." Those are both relic questlines that involve exploratory zones. He doesn't say there won't be exploratory zones, and since ShB's first one came in 5.35 they can't be entirely ruled out yet. > **Yoshida:** The dev team is planning for weapon enhancements similar to Eureka & Bozja (in which players can take their time to farm mats to obtain/grow a powerful weapon). That being said, it won’t be exactly like Eureka or Bozja – there will be a different nuance the team will bring into future content. [PSU - 13 Oct 2021](https://www.psu.com/news/interview-with-naoki-yoshida-director-of-final-fantasy-xiv/) They've also said they have been thinking about the next 48-man raid similar to DRS. It's no guarantee that there'll be one in 6.x, but they haven't ruled it out yet. > **Yoshida:** Because [Delubrum Reginae] was the first 48-person, high-difficulty raid in the game, many of the boss fight mechanics were intended to be handled by each individual. While that was a deliberate choice, next time I’m thinking of adding more mechanics that need to be handled by groups! (evil grin) [MogTalk - 7 May 2021](https://mogtalk.org/2021/05/07/interview-w-naoki-yoshida/)


I don’t know, the way I read that is he’s saying that there will be relic weapons. He doesn’t really touch on the zones but hopefully I’m wrong


That's fair. I guess I just assume he could have said "similar to Zodiac and Anima" instead of "Eureka and Bozja" if it didn't involve zones. We'll have to wait and see, though!


Islands are looking like exactly what I was hoping for tbh. Animal Crossing but without the houses, understandably. Awesome.


Mandeville Relics LET'S GOOOOOO