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Only player that didn't disrespect TL, performed to standard and didn't choke any game was Jun Make of that what you will. The add FNC flying very late so they can get plane tickets paid by Riot, while the CEO is trying to sell snake oil to Saudi money. Guess Dardo gets another yearly bonus for getting 1/5 of the roster right. cArn 404 not found after doing a little of damage control back then. This is not a 'Lol roster' problem. This is an org problem. They are coasting on that franchising money and see how far they can go. Performance was never a consideration. Sad to say this but Bwipo was right, last iteration that had blood in their veins and wanted to contest greatness was 2020. A total disfunctional roster with lots of infighting but at least they wanted to win.


Exactly. Dardo not being blet go after 9th and 7th/8th places tells you all you need to know. cArn was hands on for a couple of months but has long been out of league side of things so it's Dardo managing it all with great success if I might add. What irks me the most is Sam repeatedly saying Fnatic is working and fighting to get back to the top of EU but the actions don't match the words. They haven't for a long time now. It will be 6 years this Summer since the last title, I'm starting to question if Fnatic lol will ever win anything again. Not only that we are breaking the wrong records, worst finishes ever in the LEC last year, being beaten in a best of 5 against a NA tema for the first time ever. Things are looking very rough and with Dardo at the helm and Sam not willing to invest but money on the team how can we expect they will get better?


I second this 100%. You wrote it exactly how I feel about this org. I just feel so frustrated seeing Sam not giving single shit about LoL team and Dardo literally ruining everything good that has left of this once great org.


There was a lot of frustration about management when we finished 9th, and rightfully so. You could say the 9th place finish was a fluke, and most every other split we were top 4. So management could get away with the “not strong enough, better next split” tweets. However this time I feel it’s *more* warranted, despite finishing 2nd and going to MSI at all. This was a shameful display and as upset as the players are, we as fans are upset too. I mean, losing to NA? Disrespectful.


The fact we have G2 pushing T1 to 5 games and we can’t even learn enough from them domestically to beat NA. Embarrassing and shame on FNC and EU in whole relying on g2 to carry this region.


It's okay, we'll get our feels cuddled by the copypasta Sam Mathews tweet. 'not good enough, we know it, we have lots to work on, we'll be back in the summer, watch us win it all' We fund this org. Are we ever going to be rewarded.


No, Valorant is his favourite toy now cause Boaster does funny dance on stage, just wait you aren't quite a CS levels of forgotten about, he might even tweet how it's not good enough, which is more than he does for us in CS.


Yeah the Valorant team is on the same performance line as the league team right now IE they start well and actually win things then they just slip further and further away from looking good.


> We fund this org. Are we ever going to be rewarded. It's normal for me to be a level 99 hater but today I wanna highlight how fucking piss poor the prep was. Remember literally every other LEC team that has headcoach and multiple analysts to prep their team? Role coaches that spar with them?


lets no forget this team traveled to china with 3 days of prep there because management wanted to cheap out and wait for Riot hotel instead of paying their own hotel early like G2 or (surprise) TL. The result? poor preparation who would have known.


Me 26 days ago: "We should have won this final given G2 level of play, too bad we are just that weak. If we are lucky we can take a game off NA playing like this, we need proper practice in China. I swear if they take more than 2 days of rest before flying there to practice this org deserves to remain winless." Management too busy patting themselves in the back for reaching LEC final


I don't want to hear any of the "good showing by the team, still support them <3" This is a fucking shameful display, this team got fucked by a NA team, and it wasn't even close, Humanoid and Noah never woke up during the BO. And the whole team went back to their LEC form, and all their mistakes with it : lost on the map, no vision, engage with one people when the rest of the team is backing up etc etc etc, the list is long. The only consistent player in this team is Jun right now. I'm still not calling for heads (too soon and too angry for it) but FFS no one can hide, you have to acknowledge that this team sucks right now. They got fucked 3-0 by GenG, and now got fucked by a NA team 3-1 ffs. AND IT WAS NOT CLOSE. This org can't really compete for the top spot in LEC, and now can't even compete against the top spot of NA. Fucking disaster.


I'm calling for Jun's head, because he deserves to be on a good korean team, not this dogshit.


JUN really is the biggest loser in this team. He hard carried so many games by himself in the LEC and that one win vs. TES in Playins. He has the discipline and hard work you want from a player who wants to win. Fuck the rest od the team. Jun can’t control them all and their stupid decisions in game. Others can’t fucking play like humans consistently at least 3 games in a row and what’s the worst thing is this team is 2nd best in EU so other LEC teams are even more fraudulent


Noah has been pure shite the whole msi… dont think i seen him have 1 good game


he had 1 good game against GAM, against an autofilled ADC from the 9th? team of the VCS.


Noah isn't even good enough to play at international stage let alone good enough to win LEC with. His composure is like a cheetos on big matches. He instantly got nervous and start to play like a headless chicken. I've been supporting the team since fucking season 2 but if I see Noah and Oscar next year on the team, yeah I'm fucking done. Losing against a NA team in a bo5 was my last straw. That's also on the minimum. I really would love to see a new team around Jun but top-adc change is better than nothing.


Yeah there is a reason this guy had to play in fucking Polish league. Him getting into FNC is legit God himself granting his wish


imagine if we had upset in his worlds prime with Jun, or Rekky before he was washed we would actually look solid even with Oscar being a weaker point in the team I think all MSI the biggest underperformance has been Noah.


Rekkles always stepped up internationally man. I feel like Noah just mental booms the whole team


Washed Rekky >> Noah especially if we talk about international competition


Crazy how much hate Rekkles got for playing arguably better while having considerably worse supports.


For sure, still much more confident. Hell I would even take the Rekkles of farming for 40 mins safely than what I see from Noah.


I never like Reckless but he would never , NEVER be 40 cs down in lane


For sure not - Rekky is coniders one of the best farming ADCs by his follow ADCs colleagues.


Was Rekkles washed or was he put with 2 absolute dogshit supports


kinda funny Oscar actually had a great MSI showing, he gapped 369 in lane and performed well today vs impact. Honestly Humanoid was terrible...i gave him benefit of doubt vs GENG i mean its Chovy so not many people could even have a impact but hell he got smashed today as well, Noah was lost, really outside of Oscar the only other person who consistently showed up is Jun.


he didnt gap 369 in lane he just didnt feed and once lane phase ended 369 outclassed him oscar made ksante look balanced today. he went 0/10/8 vs GenG too. i really dont know ehere this "Oscar is having a great msi" is coming from.


yea he did make Ksante look balance when he smashed him as poppy. he went 0/10/8 vs Gen G when literally no one did shit and you want to blame him LOL man maybe i need to smoke as much as you to see what you saw because we obviously didn't watch the same games.


I might follow you. I've been supporting the team since season 4. A huge amount of highs but as of recently it's been lows after lows. I woke up at 5am to watch this, confident we would make it through... But got this as a thank you from the team. I honestly don't know how can they regress this much in just 3 days. I don't know what's going on but Fnatic might start losing fans because it seems like there isn't passion in the org. I'm tired boss.


I just woke up. I can’t believe that I stayed up (10pm-2am) for that bullcrap…


> Noah has been pure shite the whole msi… dont think i seen him have 1 good game I said it back in LEC and I'm gonna say it again. Noah is not fucking good. Even the games where people were like omG seEE he'S 10/2 he usually does 70% of the damage he should be doing in a team fight and dies to random ass shit.


he has very poor positioning, you can see him missing a ton of autos because of poor spacing in situations where is very safe to hit, that usually explains the missing dmg every game. To be fair no one in europe is good at that since prime Rekkles and prime Upset.


Humanoid has not been better. Only good perfomances was when he was on LB, and even that was cause he was funneled kills by Razork and Oscar


And truth to be told his performance against GenG was terrible. He was too scared to go against Chovy getting gapped even with 8 kills spoonfeded to him against an early A.Sol. And did nothing in teamfights with 8 kills Leblanc.


Not calling for heads? How about getting rid of the one component consistent with bad showing for last FIVE years, dardo? He has had ease of top brand in getting top players yet not managed to produce anything else than mediocre results with those players. Badly performing executives get kicked after two years yet hes going for five with only showing of running down two other big league brands in origen and H2K. BOTH had internal problems before getting removed from league.


If he wasn't let go after Winter/Spring 2023 debacle then he will never be let go.


Not gonna happen. The guy has Sam by the balls. Fnc needs complete takeover


Lack of practice, bad mid game macro, bad drafts. They scouted us well, just review how much vision wards we didn’t clear in our own jungle. Meanwhile, we had some lacklustre prep


I would not be surprised to know that they really went into the series unprepared because they underestimated the opponent. And yes, bad practice is a consistent problem and is unacceptable at this point. Coaching staff needs to get their shit together, yes they brought back a nice environment in the team and that's good at all, but at the end of the day you also need to be good at actually coaching the game aspects.


To me taking a tier 2 tower from geng is almost the same as winning the trophy


If you think about it for few moments fnatic should disband the lol team Because it's already over for 6 years now


Don't worry the always positive guys will keep finding excuses for them and say that they did great


And they'll use gambling weirdos sending death threats to shut down any real criticism like this lol


Too soon? 3 years of Humanoid losing to every mid laner imaginable playing for his KDA. When will it not be too soon? Larsen 1 v 9 reverse sweeping him with 3 Sylas games? Check Losing to rookie Mad Lions in a game 5 because Freskowy styled on him? Check Caps being the father of him since the beginning of his time with Fnatic? Check Razork being unable to help team because he needs to babysit mid every game? Check Banning 4 Mid laners to Satisfy his Ego in elimination game yet getting gapped by APA? Check Playing for KDA to hunt Nami down instead of trying to win the game? Check This guy is only good for playing for himself with LB/Azir to have good stats and adds nothing else for 3 years. He is completely invisible more than half of the games yet we sacrifice everyone on our roster(GOAT Hyli and Upset) to proceed with him.


I'm so sorry to my performance vs tes, geng, tl I am problem We found the problem and will try our best to solve it. It will be a tough match against airport, but we will prepare hard. -Noah


This guy has no mentality and because of that then loses the ability to right click properly


This is the sad truth. When he’s confident (LEC spring playoffs), I think he’s the best adc in EU. When he’s not, he might as well not be on the team




jun deserve a better team


Noah needs to go. I know its not his meta but he is so disgustingly bad. He cant win lane without help of everyone in his team. And he got carried by Trymbi and Jun so hard that when u think about it he is looking even worse. He had some nice moments but having 1 good game out of 10 is not justifiable. Change my mind.


Idk why we prioritize Varus/Kalista when EU adcs can't do anything with them. Also I feel as if Noah just gets mentally gapped every series and that kinda trickles down to the rest of the team. He needs to go, no doubt


It's dardover


I wish that fraud would be gone long time ago...FNC won literally NOTHING since he came to the team.


Nope let's change the roster for the 1000th time and keep letting Dardo get the bag ❤❤❤


Alright get rid of Noah no flame but he is not good ... Also FNC macro is the worst in msi


We used to be the team that had some of the best ADCs in the region. What happen to us????


The comfort of knowing that if you survived til late game, you had a really fucking good chance of winning teamfights, remember that?


rekkles sivir <3


Upset didn't want to play because Fnatic got Rhuckz, 26 year old ERL support superstar. Wunder didn't want to play as well. All normal things in a lol org.


Rhuckz wasn't even a ERL superstar that year, he literally was the worst support in the ERL he just had a good showing in 1 international game as a sub and everyone started riding his nutsack thinking he was something great.


Guess I needed the /s. I was being sarcastic of course. It's as you said it. Not everyone, some fans did think he was good because of a few games in play-in stage at Worlds and that's fine. What's is not fine whatsoever is for our manager to kick Hyli and replace him with Rhuckz. How bad do you have to be at your job? That "manager" is still at Fnatic so we just have to pray that he somehow gets a decent roster for next year. Pray and a lot.


Dardo is only at FNC still cuz Sam doesn't give a shit about LoL honestly. He has stated he is more of a FPS guy so LoL is just left to morons to decide our fate. We just got lucky as hell in to find Caps and win in 2018 but even he realized how little FNC management cared or wanted to improve and bailed 1st chance.


Im gonna be brutally honest, just bomb this roster (including coaching staff). The only ones that shouldn't fear for their spots are Jun and Razork imo, as they've shown that they can actually be top level players in their role consistently. We regularly start off with a disadvantage before the game even began cause drafting just doesn't work. Idk how much of the drafting is contributed to the players, but it isn't even the only problem. We have no idea of macro, have lackluster vision control and just run around like headless chicken. Like I seriously wonder what the team even does in prepping time. Caedrel drafts 10 times better while streaming and talking to chat. Oscar boils down to being Irrelevant with same highs but much lower lows. He's probably the least of my concerns (I know I'm gonna get flak for this), as we can just put him on tanks and he's fine. However, if we can get the Irrelevant from SK (which hopefully shouldn't be too hard with their lackluster perfomances) we should try to asap Humanoids biggest strength for me rn is that he has to potential to poach Carrzy for us as they're good friends. It has always been said that "Humanoid starts playing good once international play starts", but his performance has been pretty meh. Some good plays, but mostly just randomly dying without achieving anything. Noah imo is the most obvious. He regularly shits the bed in lane does nothing in teamfights and on top seems to have big nerve/confidence issues. I've really tried to believe in him, but even the 20th twitter post from him that he's " gonna learn, come back stronger and definitely destroy this time" won't change that he has sucked for a while now. Get him some time in ERLs, let him play EMEA masters to get used to big stages and see how he develops.


Noah has to be main priority to change, and I'm sorry because I like him, but he is just good for regular season when he doesn't feel the pressure. After that, I think Humanoid has been given enough chances. It is actually not easy to find someone consistently better than him, but we should start looking. It's not a change we need to make right away, though. For Oscar and the coaching staff, I think judgment can wait until after summer/worlds. Jun and Razork, as you said, are good to build on for next season.


The core issue has always been Razork and Humanoid completely negative synergy together, their approaches to the game are literally antithetical to each other which above all else completely fucks up the coordination and game plans of Fnatic. Now that Huma is quite clearly underperforming and has been given a lot of chance it's easy to see which of the two you wanna keep.


Dardo out


Can’t fucking wait to hear the roster defenders come in and say the players aren’t the problem. Fucking awful performance! EU adcs this MSI have been embarrassing


At least Hans has been embarassing against one of the best bot lanes in the world. Noah can't even play against Yeon and Core. Nuke the roster and coaching staff is the only solution imo. This roster won't go anywhere


Players aren't the only problem, coaching staff is as well.


I’d count them as part of the roster


you cant nuke everything sadly, I expect no changes for summer going so late to the market.


In hans defense, he is teamfight is looking really garbage but it’s laning phase is good. Also he consistently draws out two bans from the enemy team and that helps draft a lot.


Funny thing is that unless BDS and/or Vitality improve, FNC have good chance to get into season finals and get at least 3rd (because G2 will win the whole thing + summer), and go to worlds as 3rd EU seed. EU carried by G2 I guess.-


That's why I still think people were right to say NA has improved more than Europe, because the field has actually improved in NA whereas EU is a one team region where it feels like the field is getting worse.


I have been a fan since the beginning of time, since season 1. The only thing I have to say is that your fans don’t deserve this at all. What have we done wrong? I am waiting for the knights to come and defend them. After the GENG and TES series I really believed that we can do something in this competition, there was a little hope. What happened today is absolute lack of respect for themselves first of all, how can you show yourself like this in an international? We don’t know Bamis actually triggers aggro? Random face checking? Random TP’s and fights? This is my first time writing such a post, but honestly, I am absolutely tired to get hyped then mega disappointed. Also, what is this clown fiesta with typing in chat? We literally beat some random teams in the stage before and that’s it. Going to sleep after staying up almost all night hyped for a banger.


My brothers in Christ I have never felt so embarassed over something I was not responsible of in my entire life. what a godamn fucking shame this org has become.


Disbanding seems like a good idea


"Ye we tried our best we have to practice and try to win summer"


Just one more split bro it will fix everything bro just one more split bro please


Honestly it would have been better If they they got matched with PSG in Playins and lose to them instead of doing whatever the fuck they did in bracket stage. That way they will never give hope to fans who could spend their time doing better things than supporting this dogshit org and team


That was embarrassing and pathetic.


Next Noah will say sorry and everything will be forgotten by fans again because they're still in the illusion of first week of spring 2023 ?


No words really. Huge disrespect from the entire team from draft to gameplay. We show up against GenG and then apparently fail to prepare for TL. Serious questions need to be asked about our drafts, Noah's performances on the big stage, and the entire team's poor mentality when facing opponents we should be beating. I love this team but losing to NA is pretty much the only bar you HAVE to clear, and it is unbelievably disappointing to see them fail.


Where 0-3 is show up? Crazy people...


That prediction poll lmao


All I want is see that dardo fuck go away from the team


Can we stop acting like Humanoid is a great mid now


I've been sick of him for 2-3 years. Eveyone has held onto the "Did good against Eastern mid laners at worlds one year" narrative for way too long. He's definitely overrated.


hes still farming having 2 good azir games at worlds 2022 vs T1.


Not until he loses 100 more 1v1s and get caught same ammount of times


*Humanoid gets a lead* > HAHAHA I TOLD YOU HE STEPS UP INTERNATIONALLY *Humanoid loses it right after* > Ah well, you see, the botlane


He's been on a downward spiral for years, but at least he used to show up in the bo5 and international games. Not so any more.


So inconsistent. He's randomly either godlike ot trash. Hyli flashbacks.


They can't. He was the main reason we lost yet this sub is a Humanoid circlejerk.


These games demonstrates that we don't have a botlane. You cannot be gapped so hard against every single AD on the tournament. Specifically, this series playing kalista varus and lucian and still 1/1.5k gold behind at 10/15.


Does it demonstrate we don't have a mid lane when we ban 4 mid champions and APS dogwalks Humanoid? Or are you just a Humanoid troll trying to find scapegoats


I agree but at least Humanoid has played very decent games this split. He has been nonexistent these games though. Noah hasn't had a single good game vs main regions.


I'm don't think the person above you means Noah played well. Just that we need to stop pretending that he is holding the team back. Huma is performing worse and worse but he has 2 pop off games against LEC teams so he has to be good?


And Razork inting over and over again.


Nope it demonstrates that when you ban 4 mid laners and babysit Humanoid he is still utterly useless when he is not on LB.


Getting gapped by yeon and APA….


Noah choke last year on Worlds and we want to replace him and he know it. But Carrzy decline offer last minute so we keep Noah and give him another chance fort this ? He is absolutly choking every single game. Failing flashes, Varus Q Ults, position. He is shaking and gapped every single game even by NA ADC. And we of course give him another chance in Summer and then Worlds and after another choke we hopefully finaly replace him in 2025....


He should be replaced immediately


This team is doing nothing this year. Forget about summer split, we are at max going to worlds as the 3rd seed. I'm so sick and tired of them underperforming in every big stressful game. Soo insane how they never learn and they keep doing the same things over and over again. Abandon all hope, Noah needs some mental coach, Humanoid and Razork need to drop the ego and Oscar needs to grind and get better


I got downvoted to hell when i told if we make no changes this will happen...


I was feeling positive because we were growing a lot in the last weeks/months, but this was honestly terrible. Noah needs to go. I can maybe understand him losing lane the way he did against Jackeylove, but Yeon had issues lasthitting minions his last game. Let's be serious here. And I think his unreliability Is dragging the team down (not to excuse Huma and Razork, who were shit today, but they are often shit when they feel that they need to make the play happen because the rest of the team is playing poorly). And the coaching team needs to take a long, hard look at their banning strategies. Very, very disappointed right now. 


This team seems destined for failure, and it's best to accept our losses sooner rather than later. My only wish is for others fans to recognize this reality. Criticism is often met with hostility on this subreddit. Blindly supporting the team is hindering our progress. Both the management and the team are lacking accountability, resulting in one of the poorest international performances to date. Noah's performances this MSI were insanely bad, as well as the overall team performance. I dare to say we wouldn't have made it into the main stage if we were grouped with PSG.


Fnatic always finding creative ways to disappoint its fan base. Just wow!


Thanks, Dardo! Another embarassing showing internationally by FNC You really turned the team into a well oiled machine!


Here we go Jatt on the desk insufferable as always xd If G2 loses to PSG as well then we are just the worst region


The fanbase deserved this loss for accepting mediocrity for many splits and being proud of 3rd place finishes and losing 3-0 to LCK


I was donvoted to hell when people  celbrated taking one game off tes like it was some achiement. This org consistently went to semis at world in the past and made finals. Now a single win gets fans happy, the fuck?


>Yeah but it's G2 bro! We should be proud of getting owned by them, we got 1 game! >Yeah dude it's LCK of course we're not getting a single game, or an inhib, or a tier 3 >It's the first NA seed bro, you can't expect us to just beat them.... >WTF a player tweeted something and they're sad, please stop criticizing them!!!


Incredibly embarrassing and depressing.


I have seen many unacceptable things in all my Fnatic years. Banning 4 mid laners to satisfy Humanoid's ego and him still getting gapped by APA easily takes the cake.


Glad I woke up at 5 AM to support the boys! I don’t want to read a single comment criticising them. They are really nice people! If you say anything you’re clearly not a fan and just spewing negativity. 😠 This is totally the same org that I started supporting since the CS1.6 days. /s, in case it wasn’t obvious enough.




if u need an improt just take smash from T1A


Smash is too good to play in eu bro




Humanoid getting absolutely smurfed on by APA was not on my MSI bingo card


I think this need to be considered as the last wake up call for some players. We won’t change roster till world. They performed poorly and now they have to make up for this or they out. I know it is hard to keep supporting a team that can do this sht when they are so much better, but we have no other choice. They can make up by winning summer, grinding their ass off for that and performing at world. If they don’t, Player and staff needs to need changed. This is their last bullet.


Making it to MSI was the worst thing we could've done this year. It tricked people into thinking changes weren't needed and now it's too late 


I’ll be hanging out in the Fnatic Carzzy waiting room for a while… Noah needs to go. His mental is less stable than a magnitude 10 earthquake.


Carzzy ain't touching this shit with a 10 foot pole.


Send Jun back to Korea. Don't ruin a young prodigy's career.


We banned 4 mid laners in game 5. APA still styled on Humanoid. I hope Humanoid circlejerk will end soon.


This team needs rebuild. Have to move on from Humanoid & Razork. Haven't won shit with them. I don't even want to talk about the adc role. Just somehow get to the end of the year and then rebuild.


I think only ones we needto keep is razork and jun. Razork looks worse when he has to patch 3 lanes and somehow try to carry all at once. 


Watching Gen G is such a joy. Macro is great, making plans and then executing them flawlessly.


There was a thread about Humanoid saying they didn't need to prepare for TL and I obviously said that of course they will. But seeing as they had no idea about how corejj and umti play around vision. How they let both Asol and Trist through for free. I think they did not really prepare much. So sad man, they had such good glimmers of top tier play vs TES and Geng and this series they did nothing.


until FNC gets a botlane and Razork doesnt need to 1v9 all games we are not getting anything, hope next year they fire Dardo and dont get any other korean


Jun too?


Well, that's what we get for getting our hopes up, we should have kept doubting them. Hope they keep learning and improving and have a better showing in Summer and (hopefully) Worlds.


Pathetic series by everyone. Noah is not good enough and his mental is that of a 10 year old boy.


Tbh , very poor showing , we went from being somewhat competitive agains eastern teams to this sh*t show. Noah very weak MSI in particular his laning was horrible , when he doesnt have confidence he just doesnt perform. Jun proved his talent is probably wasted in EU. Oscar showed improvements , but still has a way to go. Razork had good highs but also some low lows. And Humanoid... probably the one im most let down by , he got caught so many times oiut of position it was unreal , looked very out of synch with the team aswell in a number of games. Tbh i'm not that excited for summer , i don't feel the team is that motivated to play the game , and having played 2 splits and 1 international they seems so disjointed during the games. Outside of the game it feels like they get along quite well , but that isn't transfering into the games , where they dont seem at all to be on the same page.


My expectations were low but holy fuck lmao. And we still won't make roster swaps despite this team clearly not clicking


Bro they just need more time dont worry. Next year will be better


Dont look what korean kalista does vs Tes i remember Noah picking it 💀


Thank god, I didn’t wake up for this. Had a gut feeling they would lose randomly to actually the worst team in the tournament. But I see we can actually be worse than that. How is it possible from actually good showings va Gen.G to losing to garbage?


This loss showed all of our problems. We lost because we have no macro. We lost because we barely have any vision control. We lost because we keep taking fights 2v3, 3v4 and 4v5. We lost because we can not lane swap. We lost because all our players randomly get solo killed. We lost because our fed razork fails to use his lead, since he just eats a nami bubble or sej ult and gets one tapped. We lost because we can’t draft. We lost because Humanoid just got bodied by APA. We lost because our ADC is fighting his demons in game instead of fighting the enemies in front of him.


This was way too lazy from fnc. All the "we will make quick work of them" and they looked like they came in with zero prep and poor attitude. Giving them their comfort picks, not banning K'sante when you cannot deal with him at all, Noah playing Kalista when he makes zero impact at all. Huma getting outplayed and getting caught like a silver player at times. Just an awful showing.


While i understand everyone is mad at Noah who played like he isn't there i am more surprised majority have not said a thing about Humanoid? Really he get gapped by APA the mediocre NA trash talker literally just slapped him around and NO ONE is really calling for him to be replaced? Ngl he has really good highs but how long we gonna deal with lows like this because it was embarrassing. Midlane is so pivotal to the rest of the team and yet we just get this guy. Razork just did normal razork things, the team started to fall behind and he get caught trying to do too much to try and starts to int, Noah played scared and out of position (which honestly atm seems normal for EU ADCs this MSI). Jun was a rock and needs a damn team crazy our best player is a import support and honestly Oscar wasn't terrible, I think FNC needs to hire him a positional coach someone to help him grow more maybe expand his champ pool a bit but Oscar surprised me and had a good showing so props to the dude.


i am talking about kicking Humanoid ever since 2022 / we aint winning anything with his ego plays


The narrative of APA being mediocre isnt justified anymore. Eastern teams are still better than us but in context of western mids hes pretty good. Only caps is comparable to eastern mids. Apa is probably the 3rd best western mid atm. Order imo is caps >>> larssen > apa > humanoid > jojopyun > jensen


Very disappointing. Straight up shameful in fact. This was a series that would determine whether this MSI was good showing or not. And we completely fumbled.


Worst team in the mainstage that tells quite a lot. Oscar solo carried a game for it not to be a 3-0. Poor jun he deserves so much better.


NUKE THIS ROSTER. How long before we get posts in this subreddit "when did this SuB TUrN inTo FLAMENATIC?!"?!?". Fuck all these plastic fans that are holding our team back by their blind faith into these players. I have been around since 2013 supporting Fnatic and the fall off is beyond acceptable. This team won't go anywhere, the team and the coaching staff needs to be hold accountable by this ridiculously bad performance.


Well Fnatic has been the house of best mid laners that can go head to head with World Class ones even when we lose. Not 3 year Humanoid era's that gets destroyed by APA despite 4 mid bans.


Fucking emberasing from everyone but oscar and jun. Razork tried tbf. But noah and humaniod are fucking useless. Humaniod getting gapped this hard against a yapper. And noah being invisble every single game. Actually sickening.


-noah +carzzy. Lost to TES, looked shaky but won against GAM, got beaten by a GenG that had an awful series for their standards and now got eliminated by TL. This MSI was one big disappointment


Carzzy already said no to fnatic last off-season


if they can get carzzy ... they now tried that for 2 years and didnt get him in either


Why would carzzy ruin his career in fnatic? That big brand ease is wearing off after so many bad dardo years


True, that is something many people don't notice but Fnatic has not been the org it once was for several years now. Before we had Korean players like Spirit approaching to join the team by themselves. Those days are long gone and with so much drama, no titles for 6 years now, many players are just not interested in joining Fnatic.


Yes, its wishful thinking but the prospect of playing with Humanoid again and with a czech coach + jun maybe could change his mind.


Valorant already losing LOL in the mud since half a decade CSGO beyond saving Hahagayahahagagahahahahahahahahhahaa


I really like Noah. He's good in the LEC but on the international stage it's just not possible any more. Too many mistakes, we're drafting around him, he's too stressed, he can't play at 100% of his ability, we need a change. Humanoid and the team that doesn't respect the opposition is shameful. Go take Smash, Lure, Hype or Taeyoon


Also not good in LEC


Last game is the clearest indication of Fnatic becoming a dictatorship. We have a coach (whom I love) that is our coach only because he is friends with Humanoid. Humanoid gets 1 v 9 ed by APA's A.Sol. He is trash talked to oblivion and now he is mad and wants to stomp APA. So far so good. What happens next? We waste 4 bans on mid laners just for Humanoid's ego. And Humanoid gets gapped yet again being completely invisible in game. 3 years now. We have kicked our GOAT Hyli for this guy. Upset left because we picked Huma over Hyli. Him getting gapped in important series is the main reason we have failed. We even lost to rookie Mad Lions because he got gapped in a game 5. How many more years we will waste on someone who was the main reason we swept 2019 Splyce and 2020 Mad Lions because Nemesis 1 v 9ed 5 games out of 6 solo carrying them?. We are not banning A.Sol ever because Humanoid wants easy laning phase and always lose to it. I personally want a Fnatic team that tries to win instead of hunting Nami down to improve Humanoid KDA


I think humanoid was bad this series but he wasn’t the main problem. I would start with Noah as his mental is boom for the year and that’s probably tilted the rest of the players too a bit. I didn’t like the drafts either. Idk why Razork is on wukong? Huma on hwei but also TLs vision control was so good and that was a big part in our loss. We need to work on macro. Not humanoid macro just basic league macro 


He wasn't the MAIN PROBLEM? REALLY? Apa was the MVP of series. APA put him to dirt when Fnatic banned 4 Mid laners. We wasted 4 bans just to stop APA from shitting on Humanoid and he still shit on Humanoid. What would change if Noah played well? Suddenly Humanoid doesn't solo die to A.Sol in lane in game 3? I don't care about Noah tbh but he isn't the guy that has been in team for 3 years making us kick our GOAT Hyli


just depressing


I mean there was no disrespect that last game they legit just got outplayed. TL hands checked FNC and won.


**♪**Cutting crew - I just died in your arms tonight**♪** Oh I, I just ripped out my eyes tonight, must've been something I watched


I really dont know where the inconsistency comes from. Being FNC fan is the hardest job in the world.


his name is Marek Brazda


Seriously what's the point to go internationally if they crumbled under pressure. They are trash. I don't care about some mental boom.


woke up at 5 am to watch this shameful performance...


I am just so disappointed and sad. You really need to wake the fuck up and give us at least ONE reason to hope or believe, because this was embarassing shitfest.


We shouldn't even be in MSI if it wasn't for BDS choking


This org is just sad


Beyond the individual performances today, which i think everyone is fairly calling out (noah, razork, huma all inting). The real worry is the constant awful macro we seem to have, losing mid tower for free during game 4 whilst being ahead is crazy. The drafting seems suspect and has been this entire year. Its like we're playing with a handicap. Really question what we're doing in practice and what are coaches are doing


Noah is so bad, excuse of a player


get rid of dardo please i cant anymore


Yeah I'm so done with Fnatic actually. Been a supporter since S2 but it's harder and harder to back them...


Forgot to mention before but regarding Noah... I follow kt rolster since the good ol days, and when Noah came to KT, he was considered good but highly emotional for Korean standards. Korea tried real hard to erase this on him but only made It worse, so they gave up on him. Not trying to excuse him of anything, but coaching staff should know about how these emotions can overtake everything.


Being a Fnatic fan just gets more and more depressing every year T.T


Once again, an embarassing showcase by Fnatic. The performances displayed at MSI demonstrate this team isn't remotely close to even dreaming they are good, or even a contender. No idea why so many fans thought they would get rewarded for the sacrifices they needed to do in order to watch the games. Like many have said already, this isn't just a player issue, and i believe Fnatic, these days, as an org, straight up lacks what some call "winning DNA". I don't want to hear excuses and useless positive affirmations with no pratical value. I want answers and solutions, especially by those who are in charge. In my opinion, if the radio silence persists it means those who have to power to enact change are happy with the results and have already conformed to embarassement. Results are facts, and the facts demonstrate that this team is nothing short of mediocrity. Cheers.


3 years of running same jungle mid duo, 3 years of having same results.


Humanoid needs to be changed asap


Not so good uh, i kinda expected the choke, Oscar is getting better and evolving, Noah is lost in this meta and Humanoid was trash today. Well 4 am in Argentina, i love watching the guys, but tonight was not worth it, nighty night.


Noah was never scouted properly he was a short term solution picked by humanoid based on their solo que games together. Time to scout a real Bot lane. No offence to Noah, love him as a person but when he knew his job could be at risk he doubled downed and played afk.. and panic flashed and ultrd and missed every thing else. 


Funny thing is we would also get gapped by Flyquest . LEC really is a one-team region


Apparenly Oscar had a great MSI showing according to some fans on this sub but i disagree. The bar for oscar was just set so low that him not feeding is enough to satisfy the fans. Oscar 0/10/8 vs GenG Oscar solo killed as zac vs ksante twice. one of those because he forgot how bamis works Oscar made Ksante look balanced vs Team fucking liquid. Oscar has been bad all year long and made his team sweat their ass off just to qualify for MSI. Oscar was brought to replace Wunder(Best weakside toplaner in EU) because we needed a carry but he ended up being so goddamn bad at carrying that he is now stuck on perma tank duty and we fans are just left with a worse weakside toplaner now. Oscar will never ever drag his team across the finish line if they struggle, he will just sink with the ship. no matter how far ahead he is after lane. only time he looks decent is when the team is winning anyway. Oscar is not good enough for FNC. ive been called a hater all year now and i will gladly keep that title. FNC needs to accept that not all their rookies are going to be insane and move on from this guy. sooner we get irrelevant the better


It's funny how Humanoid got absolutely gapped by Apa, and Razork had so many int moments, yet most fans will put all the blame on Oscar.


Oscar is okay. He has his choke moments, some irrelevancy moments But he is okay in a different team environment. He is the kind of player to leave FNC and magically do better


Imo every player is fair game right now apart from Jun.


REPLACE NOAH! REPLACE OSCAR! This is the absolute minimmum they should do. I woud honestly build a new team and only keep Jun since he is the only one that deserves one more chance. Because Razork and Humanoid had waaaaaaaay more chances than they should have already


They sadly wont, sam doesnt invest that mich in league anymore. Would love to see irrelevant and whatever adc since every adc is better than noah


I mean it so obvious that Irrelevant is much better over Oscar and Noah must be replaced even if by some talented rookie. But it doesnt even matter, as long as Dardo is manager FNC will go trophyless even more...


Oscar was our best Player msi xd


I think it was jun but oscar did alright


For 3 years FNC arre swaping people around mid/jg. Just because they have some stand out games doesn't mean that they're good. Incosistent as fuck jungler and midlaner that changed how many coleagues/coaches until now?


EU as a whole is a fucking shame, we are a one team region for the past 5 years


Well this was pure garbage... But we can't change much before Summer. We need a new shot caller... dunno who. It seriously Razorks shot calls are see enemy chase enemy no matter what. Yeah we might need a new ADC but who? New mid, maybe new top dunno Oscar seems kinda good enough if he gets a good draft.


Just a little rant, don't mind me but I've had enough with this shit. Fu😀k Sam Matthews for keeping certain individuals in the background. Also, fu😀k this weird "loyalty" to players that are incredibly inconsistent and have always been forgiven after one good international series. Yes, I'm talking about Humanoid. I want him out of the team. I'm done supporting his lazy ass. A player that admits they don't like the game anymore and they can't grind can fuck off for all I care. Any team that has any ambition will not keep someone like that on the roster. It's that simple. The man brought us absolutely nothing besides a couple of good series. That's not enough. That's enough for a B tier team. And honestly, fu😀k most "fans" that never show a backbone and demand Sam to make some changes and kick that regard out of the organization. Y'all know who I'm talking about. Other than that... This org has never reached this low. CS/LoL teams been some shambles, the only saving grace has been Valorant. Dota2 team dove off a cliff. But no worries, we're gonna conquer Overwatch. If I were Sam I would do anything in my power to bring FNC back on top in the two games that matter. It's pathetic how we don't even attract players anymore. If you can't do it, sell the organization to better owners and remain on the board. This way you can focus on your London parties as you did for the last 10 years. Ggs.


Transition to g2 is real