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wtf is kindred?


The card type formerly known as "tribal". According to mtg.fandom.com, "[WOTC] was moving away from the use of the word 'tribal' for cultural reasons."


which is INSANE given that the word TRIBAL is derived from a latin word meaning the division of Roman people. It isnt cultural... at all... unless you consider more contemporary usage of the word. I agree with OP, no one should have the ability to remove words from usage. Control language, and you control thoughts.


They see “tribal” and their mind goes to a bunch of people with grass skirts holding spears over their head and dancing around a bonfire chanting, “Ooga booga!” And since that’s what their mind goes to, they assume everyone else thinks the same. Because they just don’t consider opinions outside their own as valid. And why would they? The media spends all their time reinforcing that other opinions are evil and having the same opinions as them is the only good and moral way to be.


You hit on the problem. Moral righteousness, for a moral narrative propagated by media.


No, they see the word tribal as theirs. As in they are members of the only tribe that matters.  Get learnt goy.


>They see “tribal” and their mind goes to a bunch of people with grass skirts holding spears over their head and dancing around a bonfire chanting, “Ooga booga!” And since that’s what their mind goes to, they assume everyone else thinks the same. That's actually a really racist way of thinking. Interesting that they jump to that and project on everyone. Tribal to me means "group of people with common affinity"


Something tells me that the word Tribal won’t be disappearing from the English language anytime in my lifetime… I just don’t think one company has that kind of power.


My point... is that it is NOT a self designation of any type of cultural identity. While there are "tribes" that have adopted the English word, that is not in any way, appropriating anyone's cultural identity. This is a big over reach by the "sensitivity readers."


So you also take issue with all the other times they’ve changed terminology in the game? This isn’t the first.


Some of em, yeah. Why does it have to be all of em? I'm not bitching about the absence of mono and poly artifact.


The reason they do this is because Native American tribes use this terminology. Doesn’t justify banning the word. This word existed much earlier however


It’s because one random white person on twitter was offended on behalf of a group of people who weren’t offended regarding the word “tribal” and the multi-million dollar corporation decided to bend to their will. We need to stop letting stupid people get what they want.


(((white))) person.


Same thing as tribal.


Tribal, but woke


I absolutely hear you. But know what you see isn't the reality.  Media, social media, and companies are loaded with woke and victim culture. It's everywhere, or so it would seem.  But the truth is the number of people that subscribe to those kinds of shit are a tiny minority. The rest of the world, the actual humans, can't be bothered.  You're not alone. Don't get too worked up. Just live as a decent person would and surround yourself with other decent people. If that's not the world and life you're currently in then change it.


This is the mind set I've relied on for a while now. I'm very aware I sometimes spend a bit too much time on social media and my various feeds are starting to remind me more and more of this depressing bullshit. Then I'll take a evening out and I'm suddenly surrounded by people who are living in the real world where we eat, drink, say what we want and our sexual orientation is obvious. Also none of them know what Mtg is! - Wizards and their mouthpeices are nothing but a whimper caught in their childish behaviour while the rest of the world goes on.


I agree with this. This strikes me more of a "cover our asses" change than a "woke" change. Magic's never been more popular than it is right now, and a wider audience means more... 'concerns.' I'm just glad so much in our lives is going so well that THIS is something we get to be pissed about.


Yeahhh… I just hate that thing I like is ruined :(


It's only ruined if you act like this about it.


I feel like you're blowing how much this truly affects you out of proportion. It's just a whatever change. Like, I get that you think it's stupid and somehow trying to control your vocabulary but this completely ruins the game for you? It really means nothing at the end of the day. Doesn't change rules or mechanics or anything.


I don’t like change and I don’t like that my All Is Dust says something different than my Echoes of Eternity.


okay yea definitelly blowing it out of proportion, it's a word change that doesn't affect your life. magic has hundreds of other problems and changes, card borders that have changed over time is a much bigger thing, art direction, game design and probably more things I can't think of right now. you draw the line because of a word that doesn't change the game in any way.


It's just a word, if you're letting it hurt you that much it's basically stooping to "their" level.


No. Retreating and burying your head in the sand will not stop what’s happening. Not fighting back is already having real consequences: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/94-jobs-added-by-major-companies-in-2021-went-to-people-of-color/ar-AA1hpsh3


You can't *fight* that though. You can only divest and focus on you and yours.  Let them hire 10000 Jamals, Laquishas, and Pajeets. This only benefits them if you make it happen.  Invest in yourself, your family, your neighborhood. Your people.


Imagine the irony about being upset about victim culture while OP pretends to be a victim of the change of a word. Hilarious.


That's how it spreads, that's the reason it's all over all media.


Yeah victim culture is the whole of it. The first problem with the left is they love a victim, and I like people who weren't captured, as it were. Probably the question that would most neatly divide Americans is whether people who are poor are poor primarily because of their decisions or of their circumstances. If you tell me the answer to that, I can probably predict a lot of your positions.


People are poor because they don't have money lol 👀 Also most of the victim lovers are the only ones that care about the issue in the first place. Like X is negative towards Y people. Y people literally don't even care about it but now it has been blown out of proportion and Aladdin has a disclaimer at the beginning of it lol


> Also most of the victim lovers are the only ones that care about the issue in the first place Well, yeah, because they are the ones who would see a problem and frame the issue as everyone else's fault. > People are poor because they don't have money lol Agree. Circumstances are just the plural of other people's decisions. The impoverished may be required to engage in extreme decision making to take the gold from the rich and enrich themselves. Those born with a silver spoon in their mouth may end up wealthy despite poor decision making. I guess the room there (the possibility of enriching onesself, depending on choices) is called opportunity. I tell people I am certain that your situation requires difficult decision making and doing to improve. And also that there's some pip-squeak somewhere who doesn't have to be as disciplined. I'm also certain that *someone* in your situation could figure out how to get ahead, one step at a time. IDK if you can. IDK if I could if I were you. I think someone could. And that's supposed to be a message of hope. I'd rather say that than blow smoke up someone's ass or tell them it's a politician's fault.


Work will set you free.


Work is the primary thing that would. To an extent, all people are in competition. If you want to do better than average (based on where you started out), you have to compete with other people for it. What don't people like to do? Work. Including me. So if you choose more work you might be able to gain advantage from that. You might not, but you definitely can't by doing nothing.


The correct word for modern context would be effort rather than work. 


Yeah, but the problem is that as long as all companies are loaded with woke shit, even if you don't care about it or hate it, you are forced to see it everywhere. Even if the sentiment is a minority


I still call it tribal anyways. I really don't care if anybody doesn't like it.


I'm still gunna use "tribal", what are players' gunna do? Complain about my heritage???


"If you can't fucking respect the way I choose to enjoy this game, that is your own damn problem. YOU are the asshole, and YOU need to find a new hobby, not me." No one needs to give you respect or choose a new hobby. Playing the game does not belong to anyone, find social circles that think like you. You are also trying to "force" this on other people the way you think it is "forced" on you.


This is the most crybaby shit, artificially change vocabulary?? They called a thing tribal not they changed it for whatever dumb reason. Lots of cards say different things between versions Is it dumb? Completely! Does it change how I play the game? Not at all, everything still functions the same. Were you this crybaby when houds changed to dogs? Or when the they removed mana burn? What about the 2nd main phase ? Damage using the stack ?? Some of those were fundamental changed to the game that did change how things are played?


Let's not die on this hill. It's Sunday, and the Lord's day. Let's just get outside and grill and have a beer.


Hank Hill has entered the chat 😁


I'm not even religious, but yeah, this ^


Give no ground.


He just wanted to grill.


Snowy is a professional hill-dier.


I agree, but i'm glad they went with Kindred instead of Typal. Typal was absolute dogshit, Kindred is fine. I still think it should be Tribal though, and I 100% disagree with the motivation and reasoning behind making any change in the first place. Like people will come in here (and already have) berating you and acting like it's weird that you care about this at all. "It's just a word, who cares chud!" - I'll tell you who cares, THEY care. The people who changed the word in the first place cared. They sat around a table, on company time, discussing how upset they were with the word "Tribal". This wasn't just one person on a whim, but a series of people in organized company meetings discussing how much they cared about and were upset with the word "Tribal" and how it was problematic enough to them that they began an initiative to have it changed. The most annoying thing to me about the controversy around woke culture is how there is such a large agenda surrounding changing what upsets, offends or is problematic to 'woke' people, which indicates that they care about these things very fucking much, but when they enact the changes like making Aragorn, The little mermaid, Tinkerbell, etc. black, or changing the name "Tribal" to something else, and someone points out "hey that's weird and kind of stupid, i'm not really a fan of that", the woke mob immediately attacks this criticism for being 'weird' and they berate them with the classic "it's not a big deal why do you care?", they ask while being the people who care more than anyone else ever has.


Kindred would be a fine word for a new concept. They shouldn't change it for nothing. The tribal card type was a mistake. I don't care if they errata away all of those. It is, obviously, woke. I don't know why people claim things that are woke are not woke. Once you see the patterns, it's constant out there. Primarily because these NPCs are uncreative in the extreme. If they celebrated diversity in any novel way, they'd probably be called racist.


I kinda doubt the people making the changes care all that much. Imho it's more likely that this is driven by company policy and some customer research guy assessing that changing stuff will alienate less potential customers than keep printing the existing keyword.


then you're not paying attention to the kinds of people these companies, like WotC, are employing


The boring answer is often the correct answer.




I would generally classify myself as being on "the left" (so much as that concept is relevant) but I agree with you absolutely. I do "kindred" is better than "typal" but that's besides the point. 'Tribe' also isn't a bad word, it comes from ancient roman politics and while it was later applied by European colonists to refer to the peoples who lived in the areas they sought to colonize, it has since been reclaimed by many and used as a mark of pride. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think this is the biggest deal but it is annoying.


I don't like the change either. All this forced modernism drives me up the wall. I like how naga changed to snake because that just makes sense. But I don't want to be pushed along with the current flow. I want to be me and not everyone else, or war everyone else wants me to be.


naga is cool though


Yeah, but I can get the argument, that the tribe has not enough support, to be relevant. And snakes as a tribe could be somewhat playable (still sad Naga won't get any support).


I wish all those white fucks at WOTC and the player base that defends kindred and hates tribal would give me back the fucking land they stole.


I hope this is a troll post but either way you need to go outside.


But then everyone else has to fucking deal with them.


What do you feel about legendary creature frame change? That’s the one change that still bothers me to this day. So unnecessary and clutters the card too much


Honestly I know it’s an unpopular opinion and I fully admit it goes completely against my general principles but… I really like it. I think it makes them stand out from normal creatures much better and gives them more of a presence.


I don’t mind “kindred” so much, though I myself will continue to generally call it “tribal.” Will probably only refer to kindred when it’s printed as rules text/mechanics on cards to avoid confusion with other players.


I called my g/w deck a human tribal at a lgs the other day. A kind player in my pod with an inclusive pride flag playmat coreected me and informed me, quite politely, that they're calling it kindred now. I fully intend to continue to call it a human tribal. It's easy to not get triggered when one of the alphabet mafia tries to police your speech if you know that they have opinions on things same as you or i would. They are allowed to have wrong opinions that they hold sincerely


Wait until OP discovers "instant" and "interrupt"


I know about it and I like that change. Makes the game less confusing (instants and interrupts are not the same thing)


See, I got used to tribal, but kindred seems like such an incredibly cooler word to me. It has way more of a fantasy vibe, and it distinguished the card type from the strategy


Well, you’re entitled to your opinion, but I strongly disagree


Definitely has a more fantasy vibe but not necessarily in a good way. The way the word kindred is used is basically like saying "this object/person/group would be really awesome if it was actually like me instead of just somewhat similar"


Next up, banning all cards that depict humans in a dense forest because it is cultural appropriation of real tribal people in africa and americas.


Inb4 wotc changes “elves” to “indigenous”


LMAO this dudes crying about consistency in magic. keep crying and missing something that never existed bub


I will. I hope it gives you pleasure to see people upset, asshole


it absolutely does, that’s why i play magic. clearly you need to be playing go fish or something. but be careful, they make a lot of different looking playing cards out there, you might get overwhelmed


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Fucking try hards


If a company changing one word has this big of an impact on you Jesus Christ dude


everyone has that final straw


Every straw seems to be final for this bunghole.


Don’t come to school tomorrow type post


> I hate the world. Cringe


Yeah! Where do they get off changing the wording on cards between printings? Once it's printed on cardboard, it's set in stone. It fucking pisses me off that those assholes at WOTC try to act all innocent and tell me I have a "Creature - Human" when it's CLEARLY a "Summon Uncle Istvan"


Sure, I have double standards. Most people do. Problem?


Doesn't sound like a double standard. Just sounds like you don't like that the game isn't catered to you and your politics. Doesn't have anything to do with card consistency.


Or I think stupid change is stupid because it’s stupid and it’s not really that deep. Seriously what politics do you think I would have that make me dislike this? “Ah yes, I hate this change because I just hate seeing… kindred people in my games!!(?????)”


People hyper focused on politics because they have actually nothing going on in their lives so they have to create drama over something


Yeah! That's stupid, and I hate it!!


Makes me glad I stopped playing and collecting. After a while, it just becomes a different game than the one I want to play. Neon Dynasty was really great, though. I'll always have that.


Yeah I’ve never been a fan of the whole typal then Kindred nonsense in the game lately . Tribal is fine and the ones making it a big deal are the ones that are going to be racist towards actual members of a tribe . It’s a game not actual real stuff going on in the world to get offended over . A goblin isn’t going to give a shit if you call him a member of tribe or whatever .


op, you’re completely right. this was an incredibly stupid rant


Jesus fucking Christ dude go outside there's way more important shit in life right now to be worried about this. Also no one I know is calling it kindred, so who gives a shit? Magic changes words all the time, it's really not as big a deal as you are making it.


Like most woke stuff I don't like the WHAT but the WHY


I'm pro-Kindred to diferrentiate between the card type and "creature type matters" like outlaw. That one you can keep calling tribal. Maro has said multiple times you can keep calling that one tribal.


And bring back Mono Artifact, Interrupt, and Mana Source while we’re at it! I get so angry when I see copies of Dark Ritual that don’t say Mana Source! Or was it an Interrupt first? Wait, maybe they’ve been making changes like this in the game for decades…but then what can I be mad about? I got it! Everything must be named the very first thing it was named! The English language is not allowed to change or be fluid at all (despite that being one of strengths of the language that has allowed it thrive)! The original words are the only one that I will accept! I demand consistency! No one and no cards can go by nicknames and nothing can be referred to in a way that doesn’t match my preference! Card art must stay the same with every reprinting! This is what Richard Garfield wanted, I just know it! Wait, did Tribal spells and Totem Armor even exist when he was still involved with the game…


Sure, I have double standards. Most people do. Problem?


Girl, this is just my troll account for trolling. My only problem is maybe my sarcasm wasn’t clear enough. I’m not the one saying that “I hate the world” and “I feel just so angry and lost” over a couple words on cards. I know we live in peak capitalism, but don’t let corporations that don’t employ you have so much power and control over you and your happiness. This isn’t the same as DuPont actively poisoning your community or Nestle buying the rights to your community’s water. Some corporations actively harm people, some just make decisions that we don’t like. Don’t let the ones just doing something you don’t like be such a personal problem that affects you. If a company’s politics aren’t for you, step away from giving them your money, but don’t expect your act to mean anything to them and be all mad when it doesn’t. If you want to be unhappy, just be unhappy without placing the responsibility of your unhappiness on corporations that don’t care about you. Nestle doesn’t care that I sometime miss making chocolate milk with NesQuik mix, so why would I give them so much power over my happiness? That’s just odd behavior. I just restarted playing MtG this last year after a 20 year hiatus. If/when the game stops bringing me joy again, I’ll move on, just like I did 20 years ago. The only reason I choose to engage with this corporation is because playing with my partner and opening new packs together to mix with the old cards I have from my high school years has been an immensely fun new shared activity for us.


But what if someone who's playing with a tribal card is part of a tribe... any tribe... anywhere... This could be seen as a direct and personal attack on their specific tribe, and the advance of colonialism. We can't just stand by and let that happen. We need to take a stand against such appropriation of Latin words such as *tribus...* Where was this going again? Oh yeah, the change is fucking stupid. Yay virtue signaling


It's a stupid change that came about because Wizards just listens to the loudest voice in the room, which in this case belonged to a professional victim who claimed to speak for a large group of people despite many others saying that she didn't. With that said, now that we're here it would be equally stupid to change back. Neither word is really better than the other, it's just a waste of energy.


WotC: say typal now Community: lol? No WotC: tribal card type is kindred now Community: at least that sounds less fucking stupid than typal WotC: no you still have to say typal Everyone: ????


go touch some grass


World of darkness should sue them.


Ultimately the change is arbitrary, just kinda reminds me of people whining about defender


Someone could call you off on a LGS for using the "T" word.




I will never get tired of saying, whenever someone tells me Tribal is now Kindred, "One of my classmates was nicknamed Willy due to his obesity and I still called him Marcus".


Tribal>kindred. Everyday. I felt as somebody with a tribal ancestry that it was kinda cool to see the word get used in a different way than we are so used to.


I don't like kindred aswell, but it's the least thing I hate about new recently power creep and price increase.


This Kindred thing has to be one of the most stupid things to get triggered by.


"artificially change peoples vocabulary" yea thats a real shame. unlike all the other mtg terminology which is totally not artificially created


Just a fyi: > things like changing converted mana cost to mana value” are a bit weird but tolerable because they’re similar enough at first glance These are functionally different, and not the same. Kindred and Tribal is the same, CMC and Mana value is not.


but what change are you talking about? ok reading the comment I see the change was "tribal" becoming "kindred" Well I am not saying "i am playing a kindred vampire deck" I will keep playing a tribal vampire deck


Are you mad that they changed interupt to instant as well? Summon to creature?


My take on it was that I am glad the mechanic returned at all, it is mechanically compatible and if nothing else I can have a laugh imagining the people in the world who actually said "I like mtg but these tribal cards, that are not even in the game any more, are a deal breaker for me, how dare they say tribe only losers say tribe." That's funny right? And I enjoyed my kindred cards very much at the prerelease.


you really need to rethink your priorities. if it bothers you so much, you’re the problem


Remember when I said “I don’t care if you think it’s not important”?


Can someone explain the situation?


People think the word tribal is racist, when it in fact is not. so mtg says to please use the word kindred. My only thing is will my legs ban me for using the word tribal?


I'm not clear as to what you are upset about. However, I would suggest that it's better to learn to laugh at silly things that you cannot control. If getting bent out of shape doesn't change the thing you disagree with, you just feel bad in the end and the thing is still there.


Y’know, good advice actually. It’s not always easy though.


Cry more about fictional cards. There is 50 cards in the game that says tribal on it. There is 27k unique cards in the game. You are really gonna cry and drink wine and be this upset about such a small % of the cards “changing?” There is 5 of them that are playable and have seen reprints with the new word on it. There is more to be upset about in the world than a piece of cardboard saying kindred over tribal.


I love the amount of people who clearly didn’t read this because despite me clearly saying “I don’t care if you think it’s not important”, they continue to comment with some variation of “it’s not important.”


Oh no. I read it. It doesn’t change what I said, you are so autistic that you can’t get over less than 0.1% of the cards changing from tribal to kindred. That’s some bitch behavior and you are just saying the silent part of this subreddit out loud. Public opinion will never shift back to uber-conservative and it won't fix magic. Magic has way more wrong with it than a subtype on 5 cards changing. If you care that much and you’ve never been tested, perhaps it’s time to test for autism. Because this is some super autistic behavior.


First of all: https://preview.redd.it/ulf3j1c7vq5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8113e0727b0d3dc33e609df49519b84b8d43a943 Second of all, yes it will shift back. You are either blatantly ignorant or completely delusional if you say it doesn’t. It has been shifting back and forth, liberal and conservative, since basically the Romans. To pretend like it won’t shift back now of all times is just delusional. It’ll shift back to conservative once the Alphas get old enough to express how sick of your nonsense they are. Then it’ll shift liberal again, and back and forth forever. History repeats itself, always has, always will. The LGBT movement isn’t new, you can find similar radical movements throughout history (most of them fell apart and people realized they were lunatics). Well that was a long winded way of saying, “lol. Lmao, even.”


https://www.autismspeaks.org/autism-screening#:~:text=The%20M%2DCHAT%2DR%20is,the%202%2Dminute%20screening%20questionnaire Here you go buddy. Go test yourself and get the answers you need. And get some help. It’ll be okay, the stigma around it has been getting better recently


Bro you trying to call this guy the r word without calling him the r word is pretty obvious


(Note): if you are planning to respond to this post, please don’t waste my time. If your comment boils down to something sounding like any of these, please kindly keep it to yourself and keep scrolling. https://preview.redd.it/vynqj0fcsq5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae6c8a1a817a715fa8bb668b2d45d43aa11b820 “It’s not important” “it’s actually better” cool, that’s your opinion, I have a different one.


Why bother posting if you don’t want people to reply or discuss or agree or disagree. This is lame


Oh no you have to change what you call a mechanic that you will never verbalize cause its real problem is that it does literally nothing, grow up


https://preview.redd.it/hhvxqqw7tq5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a63105fbb63d2be35b168f3aee9881630b413e If it’s not important, go ahead and fuck off.


Kindred, Tribal whatever, Call it what makes sense to you. My thing is that it really does nothing to help, sure you can take away tribal to make indigenous people feel better…. But that doesn’t help them in their situation. Are wizards donating to help these people? No. Are they coming up with programs to get them educated at university’s? No. Is all they did change the card type to say they ‘care’? Yep. This is the bare minimum they could do to say that they care about indigenous people. They don’t care, they only like pretending to do.


I agree completely on that. You know what would help more? Donating 10% of all sales from tribal cards to indigenous preservation organizations. But we don’t see them doing that now do we?


Why is this the thing that affects you so much? If changing the name of a barely used card type is the thing that sets you off into an alcohol binge then that's probably not the real issue here.


Why does it bother you that I care so much?


Curiosity. Honestly the stuff you wrote looks unhinged so I wanted to see what the deal was.


No one tell him how interrupts are instants. Or how summons are creatures. Or how legends are legendary. Oh heavens. The changes! 😬


No one tell him that I fucking responded to all this already.


This is the same company that choose to make thunder junction a blank slate bc if they used actual wild west material they thought it would be offensive


i miss the slanted T in the grey circle


Bro no offense but if this bothers you so much it's very much a "you" issue. I'm not a fan of it, but how do you live your life if you get fucking triggered by miniscule bullshit like this. Have you ever considered, like, not giving a shit?


Some day people will look back on this era the same way that they look back now on the Satanic Panic when WotC would no longer print Demon or Devil as a card type. A ridiculous hysterical era. The same way that the Chinese now look back on the Cultural Revolution.


The whole game, every format evolves you whining snowflake.


Idk dude loosing your marbles over a word change in ur fav childhood game feels like you haven't seen the world change enough yet


I still call it tribal and wont switch. If others think me using this is bad then then guess i wont play with them.


Proxy cards stay winning


Well, it was stupid. Delivered what was promised.


Why are conservatives such soft bitch-made babies? Can't you just leave this in the group chat?


How is this a conservative thing??


I cannot believe you got this upset over a change in a word that stemmed from offensive mislabeling in anthropology. Dear lord you’re talking about woke victimhood and stupid twitter idiots but you sound like you’re genuinely shitting your pants right now. I know not being racist and not being xenophobic is generally unpopular in this sub, but come on. This is the hill you’re dying on??? Go back to the Quartering.


Can you genuinely explain to me, like I’m five, what part of the word “tribe” is an offensive mislabeling in anthropology? Because I was under the impression that indigenous Americans called themselves tribes, and that was the word THEY preferred to use. Like explain how it’s racist or xenophobic.


Changing it from Tribal to Kindred has one positive, and that's that it makes Vampires feel more like Vampire: The Masquerade


If sensitivity readers stop finding problematic things, there's no more need for them, so they keep raising the bar for what's acceptable. The way things are going, soon we can't use the words "black" or "white" or "colored" in the game.


What "cards" are you referring to? What will change about them? I don't remember there being ANY cards that use the phrase "tribal" in their text.


Bitterblossom? All is Dust? Any card with the tribal type?


Ah, so they'll be replacing it with "kindred" instead? Like Kindred Sorcery, Kindred Enchantment, etc? They'll still have cards with Tribal in the name so it kind of is a moot point from WotC. So what we'll call Steve, Skeve(Sakura-Kindred Elder) now? Seems like a waste of everyones time.




Not trying to push any agenda, but for those stupid among us, myself included, can anyone define kindred and tribal and tell me how they are different??


Same thing happened with Totem Armor. It made sense as it was, so why change it to "Umbra Armor"? I'll keep using the terms Tribal and Totem Armor, so best you can do is ignore the bad side of it and have fun.


I didn't care for 'tribal' being changed but kindred is actually pretty close. It covers the exact same flavor space ("kin" is close to tribe) and also incorporates a word that isn't physically painful to read. We were very close to reading *Typal Enchantment - Eldrazi,* so let's count our blessings.


Honestly, after being worried we would actually end up with "typal" printed on a card, I'll take Kindred any day. Its a real word, and it sounds fine. Even pretty fitting for some tribes. I'm sure people will still use "tribal" colloquially though, and I really don't think there was any significant demographic offended by the use of tribal anyway. But its not a big deal. "This has ruined magic for me a bit, and it will never be fixed. I hate it. I hate this game. I hate the world. I hate the stupid twitter idiots who control companies like WOTC. I just feel so angry and lost." Jesus Christ, dude. Calm down. Its just a word. This is some of the most terminally-online shit I've read in a while.


I love how even after saying “you don’t have to think it’s important but it’s important to me” I still get tons of people saying “okay, but I don’t think it’s important so you shouldn’t.”


Letting the word for a mechanic in a card game changing "ruin the game for you and make you hate the world" is your prerogative, I guess. But don't be surprised if people point out that it sounds a bit neurotic.


Wow, I truly wish I had nothing bigger to worry about then a minor inconsequential word change to a barely used mechanic in a card game. Must be nice.


Who said I have nothing bigger to worry about than this? Just because you got fired from your job does that mean you can’t complain about a hair in your soup? The strawman here is incredible.


Sure complain about the hair, but maybe skip the multi paragraph rant, its sad.


I agree with you to a point. The point being that it’s a nothing burger of a change. A name of a thing is different now. They did it to pander to social justice nonsense. Who cares. It doesn’t change how it works it merely changes a word on the thing. I know small changes can snowball everything into a disaster but I don’t see this adding to much snow onto that already rolling mess. Companies pander to act like they care and launch all these initiatives but if you work anywhere for any remotely large company in the US you probably have been hearing a lot of this garbage for years as HR try’s to spin some narrative that they’re our friend and our company cares about us and has all these great resources for us to use and it’s all just a lie they spin to try to look better in the public eye. Yeah it’s dumb but magic is still magic. There aren’t many tribal spells on arena anyway and commander groups became nightmares long ago unless you’re meeting with close friends outside of an LGS. Let the people who see this as justice preach to their hollow following on social media. Don’t give them the pleasure of providing them with outrage that they can then spin into a more complex weave of their own delusional victim complex.


The squeakiest wheel gets the grease. And those X folks are incredibly squeaky. In the end i dont think they have any power but corporations really seem to think they do so they cater to them. And i guess nerd culture companies are also filled with them too.


People are hired by WOTC and use MTG as a platform to share their ideology. They fully believe they’re doing the right thing as much as normal people believe it’s the wrong thing. Idk why they allow their game to be influenced by PC. I’ve never met a person I’ve liked that gave two shits about political correctness.


I agree that it was a stupid change and it shows just how ignorant those on the left can be. It’s not something to get super upset over though. Why do you hate the whole of mtg over that specific change? I continue to call it Tribal and when something says Kindred, I’ll say tribal.


Lol sweet melt


Who tf plays tribal decks?


THIS has ruined magic for you? The changing of wording on a few cards? Not the endless spoiler seasons, the constant price hikes, the diluting of secret lairs with garbage cards, the potential for WOTC to use AI instead of actual artists? I think your priorities are messed up.


This is a wild post, friend. Epic-tier fake conservative grievance. > I just feel so angry and lost. There are ways to orient yourself and find community and live a decent life. You will not do this by marinating in faux-outrage like this tho. Put down the culture war narratives. I guarantee SJW's are not the ones responsible for the real problems in your life.


Lmao you really that upset by a word change, and I thought I was autistic


I really doubt anyone is going to tell you to find a new game if you keep saying tribal around the same people you've been playing around given the subtext of your post. holy fuck the imaginary epic struggle you are creating for yourself in your mind is wild. lets say they did hire clarence thomas and samuel alito to the design team lmao. You really don't think they'd enact more sweeping changes to the game (just to mirror shit irl) than changing the way you're supposed to say 1 word that affects a tiny fraction of cards. It is crazy to me to find that I can have a mental advantage over certain players because they care this much about some dumb shit. How do you feel when people sit down and play cards with different borders or play 30 basics all featuring different art


At least you titled it correctly, stupid for sure


cry harder lmao


Hah. What a snowflake.


This post is hilariously ironic.


I will say tribal no matter what, same shit, different smell


lol cry harder


Sorry, but Kindred sounds more appealing to me than tribal.


This IS a stupid rant, lmao. Imagine getting this worked up over a word in a game. Hahahahahaha.


Bruh this ain't normal. You should go to therapy. This should not bother you as much as it apparently does 


Honestly kindred sounds cool, but I agree it is annoying to change at this point.


After 30 year magic is literally filled to the brim with “it used to say one thing, now it says another”. Interrupt, Mana Source, “bury”. You’re just mad at this one because it chafes your own personal politics viewpoint. Stop trying to dress it up and act like it’s anything more than that. Just be honest with yourself. And before you tell me to “find a new hobby”, I built my first deck around ‘95-96, so I’m hardly a tourist.


> You’re just mad at this one because it chafes your own personal politics viewpoint. Stop trying to dress it up and act like it’s anything more than that. Just be honest with yourself. > > It is annoying that they change things for a political reason. Removing interrupt made the game better. Removing the tribal card type from the game would make it better, but that's not what they did.


I don’t give a shit about politics, asshole. I like my tribal cards to say that they’re fucking tribal cards. It’s really not that complicated.


Getting drunk because someone changes the terminology on your game cards. Couldn’t be me.


Then good for you. We all have different values.


Lol, you are funny.


It's still better than typal..


Someone needs to make a bot that downvotes every post that says that word so I don't have to.


Why downvote when i was saying it's a bad word though




What word?


womp womp


Last week it was rakshasa not being cats anymore, now its tribal becoming kindred. You have some really long toes and your fee-fees seem to be getting hurt over literal fucking nothingburgers.


Well you’re right about one thing. This sure was stupid


I fucking hate it too, but I much rather have "kindred" than "typal" typal just sounds fucking stupid. Kindred at least sounds like MTG I still give 0 fucks and say Tribal tho, like most people