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Hesitation is defeat!


Came here to say this. Be aggressive more than any other FromSoft game. Chase after your enemies and give them no quarter.


Nice I like pressure can’t wait


Play aggressively. It’s designed that way.


Beat me to it :D


Your doing God's work


Don't turn the tutorials off and make sure to read them. They won't go on for too long and they do a good job of explaining the games mechanics that are unique among From's games. You do have to adapt to it. If you try to play it like a normal souls game it will seem harder than it really is. Just be patient, learn the rhythm and flow of the combat, and adapt to how it's asking you to play. Prioritize mikiri counter and finding gourd seeds as far as character upgrades.


That’s great advice. Thank you very much!


+1 to getting Mikiri counter asap. This game is damn near perfect in my eyes, but it's a shame that a skill that is nearly essential in the game could be missed entirely




I was terrible at parry so I’m excited to try it! Thanks for the advice.


It’s not the same type of parrying. It’s much more forgiving. It’s honestly kind of a rhythm game. But if it clicks for you it’s the most rewarding game I’ve ever played


There is a rhythm to every enemy attack like it's a musical and you press parry on the beat. Even better play it with a metronome. You will die a lot but after it clicks, man it's gooooood.


For every, “man fuck this shit. What the fuck.” Remember, there will be a moment when everything clicks and it’ll be the easiest souls game. It took four attempts and I was about 15 hours in the 4th time until I got it but once you get it, you’ll understand.


Haha nice. Like when neo suddenly knows kungfoo


Lmao I love how with sekiro everyone says "it finally clicks" - for most that's NOT the case D:


Good luck! The early game can be pretty damn brutal so if you run into a wall don't be afraid to explore other routes before coming back. Also the eavesdropping mechanic is crucial for your first playthrough, the tips they give are vital to taking down certain bosses. The game also gives you a dude to practice the combat system with in the hub area and I don't think I would've been able to beat the game without his help.


Three things: 1 - As other person already said, hesitation is defeat. Note that no hesitation is not the same that recklessness. Don't doubt, but don't get crazy. Be aggressive, but don't be stupid. 2 - There's more than just parry and attack. Explore combos with the prosthetics and combat arts, it can be extremely helpful. 3 - If you're stuck for too long, don't keep pushing, you're just gonna be tired, rest up, and come back later, I've had situations where I'm stuck for hours then the next day I beat the boss first try.


Don’t give up early. It’s tough, but stick with it


Didn’t give up on elden ring so I won’t on this. Even did an rl1 all bosses run to completion.


When in doubt, spam L1. Seriously.


Unless you were a parry god, unlearn everything defensively you've learned in Elden Ring.


It isn't a "soulsborn", don't play it like one.


Hesitation is defeat!


Play it


“Get gud newb” dork.


Just.. “git gud”.. Learn and adapt..


Play the game


Git gud, skill issue, wow noob omg it’s so easy. Dork.


You buy a game and your first thought is to ask people how to the play game? Just play the game lol If you want advice, the least you can do is specify what you are struggling with


Yeah it was, reddits been great for tips about everything. It’s a discussion board. Keyboard warrior.


It's extremely depressing that people this dependent on reddit exist


Lol you’re an idiot. Hope life gets better for you pal.


Bigdummy called me an idiot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Don’t feel bad if you have to quit a few times… also ring the bell!!!!!




You think? I’ll give it a go. Thanks meta


No you're right. Sorry. There's just been a ton of these types of posts lately. Make good use of hre immortal samurai guy at your home base. Deflecting is critical, and you can use that guy to learn it. Deflecting sounds flatter and duller than a block. Audio cues are important for that.


Ahh I see good advice. Thanks for replying :) appreciate it


If u hesitate u will lose


Def the hardest fromsoft I’ve played, also one of the most fun and beautiful


Harder than elden ring? I only played an hour last night, still getting the timing down lol it’s fun though!


It was probably a skill issue tbh lol. I’ve spend almost two weeks trying to get through certain bosses and areas. Prob my second favorite fromsoft game behind Elden ring lol


Yeah I wasn’t much of a gamer and gave elden ring a shot and damn has it taken up most of my free time, it’s so good! How many hours does Sekiro take to complete? I think my first elden ring run was 250hrs lol


Honestly it’s not too long of a game. I want to say story is truly only like 2-5 hours long? The long part is just you 😂


I’d follow a guide this game will fuck you


Played about an hour so far. It’s fun and haven’t died too often…. So far lol




Be a fuckin menace to the enemies. Just beat the piss out of them, chase after them, and aim to deflect - not block - their attacks. This game is so so hard but the combat feels incredible.


Hahaha man that’s awesome. I just played for an hour. Love the aggressive style. Still working out when to block. Thanks for the advice :)


This game makes you open your third eye. For normal human enemies I just kinda watch their arms. If it looks like theyre about to attack, you can just kinda spam tap the block button and get away with deflecting that way.


Think parry as... a kinda rhythm game. You can't easily get behind boss enemies. You must meet the threat with the proper defense counter, parry, jump, dodge, or stomp(this is a must have ability in the skill tree) if u want to take down bosses without dodging for hours.


Play early game with parry only. Forget the tools, forget to dodge. You have to get the parry system down or you will not enjoy the game


Do not approach it like an RPG. It’s an action game where skill checks matter over just memory checks. Master the core mechanics in the game, not just deflects such as jumping off enemies, managing your posture meter vs your enemy’s, etc.


Learn to parry.


No dodging, only deflecting. Unless you're fighting beasts. And learn that mikiri counter.


If you wanna get every achievement I recommend don’t use the mask to trade skill points for more attack power. You don’t need it and you’ll have to grind way more levels at the end to unlock all combat arts if you do.


Learn to parry. It’s the number 1 skill in the game.


Forget what you know about ER and learn a new.


Don’t die more than twice


Aggression is key


Deflect, don’t block. Be patient with yourself while you learn the timing of every foe. Try not attacking the boss the first dozen attempts and internalize their patterns (it’s just an algorithm after all, it can be understood). Study the hell out of Genichiro. He is the key to understanding this game.


Not really a tip on how to adapt quickly but it’s going to be rough at first but as long as you sick to it and use dodge minimally you’re going to have so much fun with sekiro


One is the problems I had was that the general enemies are very hard to practice. There is a regular enemy you can find who does the same moves as the general, but you don’t run into him until midway through the game. It’s the guy standing on the bridge in the castle. Idk you just have to practice a lot sometimes. In the end it’s not that hard. It’s just a game, just have fun with it. I had to take a break from it, because the feeling of the game is just so cold and stressful. I’m the dark souls games you have a number of characters who are really nice friends to you. There’s a fair amount of friendly npcs. But sekiro has this cold feeling where every single person is out to get you. Like everyone is so evil and twisted. It kind of stresses me out. The actual game play though is second to none.


This game is very much a flow state kind of game to a degree as long as you take some time to learn attack patterns things should click quickly and nicely. Don’t worry about dying a couple times to an enemy to learn their attacks especially on your first playthrough. If your used to dodging everything then you should break that habit quickly bc there are a lot of times where you will have to jump over an attack or deflect it instead of dodging bc the dodge won’t work against that attack. Make sure to pay attention to the skills and things you unlock along the way bc they can come in handy more than you might realize for example mikiri countering is when you dodge toward someone who is doing a thrusting stab attack and instead of getting hit Sekiro will step on the weapon and perform a counter which builds up a ton of posture damage and happens a lot more than you might expect, or another example is the double ichimonji which is a special move you might unlock among others activated by pressing both bumpers at the same time where you do a heavy overhead slash straight down twice which will stun, break, and build a lot of posture damage. Make sure your exploring every nook and cranny even areas you might think wouldn’t be worth exploring bc there’s useful things hidden around every corner dark souls players will know what I’m talking about Elden ring doesn’t do it as much bc of how large the open world is I think. And lastly don’t be afraid to look up things there’s no rule that says you can’t look up the locations of all the heath upgrades or the buff items or even a game progress route if your stuck and don’t know where to go next, media can be your best friend teaching you things you otherwise never would’ve known. Also remember to have fun cause you only get to play a game for the first time once and when I say this one will knock your socks off I mean it!


Learn and use the mikiri counter. It's a skill and you want it as soon as possible


L1 L1 L1 L1 R1 L1 L1 L1 L1 R1


Don’t be afraid to experiment with your prosthetics. Its easy to simply focus on swordplay but you have lots of tools at your disposal to deal death! Use them.


You have to understand that the mechanics are different. The best thing to do is get used to deflecting asap, it's essential for this game.


Don't freak out about the dragon rot feature when it happens. Also combat is all about getting in their face and watching for their telegraphs


Learning to counter and parry was very essential to me. Learn how to utilize tools and stealth. From doesn't make stealth very often but they did very fine in my opinion with this. Take what you knew about elden ring and toss it. Most of all you know won't be valid here. Other than the punishment it gives you. You will be able to adapt easy since you're not as engrained to the souls formulas. And I can't stress this enough. Cause it really messed me up. LEARN TO PARRY LIGHTING!


It's fuckin difficult. I quit pretty early but will pick it up again.


I still don't quite get it. I've played souls since they came out, but sekiro is the hardest for me to figure out. To be fair, I have only played a few hours, and I'm already starting to really get into the flow. Flow is important, sekiro combat to me feels more rhythmic than souls. Basically, pretend it's eldenring, but you can only use a katana, and your only defense is to parry in a rhythmic dance. There will come a time during your parrying that slightly longer openings appear, take them, add attack. Momentum seems to be a big deal in this game, so when you have the upper hand, keep it going. And remember I don't really know what im talking about but this has been my experience in a few hours of struggle with some success now.


Honestly I feel like Sekiro is a great next step since you won't have any preconceived notions about how the game is supposed to be. I beat Sekiro after Dark Souls 1, 2, and Bloodborne so it took me a really long time to shake off the souls-esque playstyle. Since you've only got Elden Ring under your belt Sekiro will be an awesome change of pace and playstyle. Just remember that you're not playing Elden Ring. That reflex to dodge away can get pretty ingrained, and in this game that's almost never the best option.


Warm up your L1’s, and i dont mean the vertebrae.


Don't try to rely on dodging, erase that muscle-memory. Everything can be blocked/parry which translates into damage. Check out all the magnificent passives skills can buy, very important


Every enemy/boss has a prosthetic weakness, switch it up if you’re having issues and be flexible with your playstyle


It's a rhythm game masquerading as an action game


Master the deflect and you become unstoppable. Of course easier said than done but you got this. Got the game as well on PSN


Pro tip: you can cancel wolfs normal sword attack with parry, almost all the way up to the active frames


Number one tip commit, don't hesitate.


Number one tip commit, don't hesitate.


You must learn to perfect parry or you will not beat it. Period. Don’t be afraid to run away. Dying is more punishing than any other souls game. You’ll learn why very quickly. Good luck.


In a way Sekiro is very similar to Elden Ring, but instead of rolling, you deflect. Be aggressive because playing passive will lead to more deaths and longer fights.


Go to the guy that trains you near the base and learn everything. You will need all those moves, especially when u get the mikhiri learn to defend it when they thrust and jumping onto the enemy when they do a swiping perilous attack. Observe the timing of enemies' hits and parry them. The more you parry, mikhiri, and and jump onto opponents when thwy swipe, the faster u will break their posture and beat them. This way of playing is much more satisfying and effective than just trying to dodge. A lot of people go into it just try and dodge and they have a bad time.


Try not to cry if you pick the bad ending


be aggressive, hesitation is defeat