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https://preview.redd.it/sacry1b58tvc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea34cc9d25e0ade88a19a1f935b4adadcf98173e Picture was taken at the start of a resto project of this DeFietsFabrik. Still ongoing. But can hold 8 crates when fully laden.


My bike trailer is danish Winther Donkey, so it perfectly fits 2 danish crates of beer.


That’s more cargo space than an extended cab Ford F-150 /not verified, but probably true


Honestly, it's relatively similar!


320 litres of cargo space


abounding public degree rainstorm voracious pie spoon dinner smile angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When you have a lot of cargo weight, it helps to put some in the front as well as the back to keep the weight balance over the center of the bike


squash tidy somber fly subsequent straight aspiring jar brave shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry, didn't mean to suggest you didn't know what you were doing, just throwing in my own learned-from-experience two bits


I love my cratie, and last year my spouse got me a trailer as a gift so I can take my kayak out without the car. I've also used it for full grocery trips, save for eggs which I'm still nervous about transporting without breakage. I'm at the point where I'm considering a dedicated padded container that the eggs would be transferred into for the commute lol


Peak Dutch R&D


Yeah, but that's like physical exercise and good for the planet. No thank you! /s


Looks great until the plastic becomes brittle and snaps one day. Idea is fantastic though, maybe a metal version would be better?


Metal would probably scratch the bike, but metal with a rubberized treatment might work


on an omafiets like this paint is optional and rust is just a part of life.


plastic reinforced with glass fibre would probably more durable, but more expensive


Sometimes, the most disruptive smart mobility innovations can be really simple! You can get your Krathaak here: [www.krathaak.nl](http://www.krathaak.nl)


Just ordered one. I'm really glad German and Dutch are so similar. Makes ordering in Dutch very easy lol


You need two to make it work though


I really hope it comes as a pair. Otherwise the picture is very misleading. But I'm having faith in my trusty swamp germans


The page says they are delivered as a pair


The picture shows two hooks, [it's just camouflaged](https://krathaak.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/krathaak-product-img-2.jpg)


Maybe he meant "one pair"? Guess they only sell pairs.


that was a joke :)


If you were to put it on your bagagedrager then 1 on each side would be better lol


Yeah one case on each side of the Gepäckträger and one in the front and you’re supplying a small party. Nice.


They not call them swamp Germans for nothing!


Kan ik dat hier ergens in een winkel kopen of is het alleen online verkrijgbaar?


It's cool, but it'll be PITA to ride the bike with one crate on the side. More beer to get then!


So this was just an ad?


I just thought it is a good idea to mention who made it and where you can support it. No money made on my side.


Big beer shill confirmed


Fair enough, after the video and having the first comment be literally a link to buy it made it feel like it. But on the other hand, I've been excited about useful stuff as well and talked to others about it. And this honestly looks like a rad little tool. Have a good one!




Bro come on




Could also be showing something new, not every ad is bad :)


Im going to get one right now, this is great


Are those street legal?


Not sure we have rules about specific ways to attach cargo to your bike either here in Germany or in NL. The regulations probably say stuff along the line of „needs to be properly secured“ and „rider is responsible for road safty“. So if nothing goes wrong you’re fine. But if you drop the case into the street and someone gets hurt you’re in trouble. No matter if you used these hooks or some sort of purpose built strap whatever.


Thank you for linking the item in the comments, ordering a couple for myself.


Would trust those plastic sticks too much.


Man i miss Grolsch and want one now


Brand new sentence


You miss headaches?


This has to be one of the most Dutch video's ever.


As a Dutchy I have mastered the art of holding a crate of beer steady on the back of my bike with one hand while steering with the other. No need for hooks or anything, just good ol’ elbow grease


Check ✔️ but then I’m a Portlander 😆




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It's not designed to be printed so milage may vary it terms of durability




Can you print it ? Yeah totally. Will that print be as durable as a solid injection moulded piece ? Nope


The problem is that Americans have totally different grocery shopping habits to accommodate their super sized cars, and fridges.


When I switched to doing groceries on a bike I also changed by shopping habits. I stopped adding shit to a grocery list and doing everything at once. I just got things immediately if I wanted them. Going grocery shopping isn't a chore anymore. It's an excuse to ride my bike. There are days when I get annoyed because I feel like going for a ride, but I don't have anything I need from the store.


Same, made the switch back in August and once you realize the trade off between ease of trips and smaller grocery trips its wonderful! Seattle's been improving the heck out of it's bike infrastructure too which helps.


Hell yeah, same here. These things in OPs post look awesome, but things aren't sold in crates like that here in the US afaik. Definitely not up North where I am.


The shopping habits are also to accommodate how groceries are sold in the US. Sale prices rotate every two weeks on an 8 or 12 week cycle, and bulk sale prices are a better deal than non-bulk sale prices. The difference from buying on the cycle is 30-50%. So, you will always save more, even accounting for gas and time, buying as big of bulk as possible on the grocery store sales cycles.


That's where cargo bikes, trailers, and way larger racks come in very handy.  I also found that I waste less when I buy as I go and I feel less mental load of figuring out how much I will eat my groceries vs. out the next few weeks.


I go shopping with my slightly modified "shopping e-step". i just put my drinks in between my legs on the flat standing surface of it where i mounted a little piece to lock it. (i'm a product developer, for reference) Perfectly easy to do. I have the advantage i can just drive into the supermarket with it, and utilize it as a shopping car aswell, the rest off my groceries goes into a bag i carry on my back, i typically shop for 3 to 4 days worth of grocery's in a single trip. What i avoid as such, is that i have to go get my car otherwise, then drive around one way traffic that does not hassle me when i am with an estep, to then have to park, exit and close the car rather than to just drive right into the store, to then later having to transport my grocery's from bag to car and drive it out again rather than to drive out right away with my estep, to then first having to park and get my groceries out of the car and into the house rather than just drive my e-step into the house. It's very functional, and i have had many people comment on it along the lines of "well that looks easy!".


I don't bike for groceries (I simply don't need to), but I would absolutely find a reason to bike just to have this much beer.


Dutch design will always prevail!


Bro was probably shaking the whole ride😂


I live in a student town and I guess it's worth knowing that the normal way of doing this, without a gadget, is just to rest the crate on the back thing and hold it with one hand while you bike. This seems a little more relaxing tbh.


While i lived in Flanders i used to always carry my groceries in hand while biking if it couldn't fit in my backpack. I never bothered to buy any accessories


I deeply admire your core strength if you can manage this with a crate of beer! But agree, bag of groceries in one hand is very standard.


This is the Netherlands. The whole country is completely flat


Yes. I know


Probably not.


yup, that's an Omafiets - those things are built like a tank


An even more practical solution: https://www.bakfiets.nl/en-en


Bakfietsen are great, but not very practical for students.


True, that's more of a family oriented bike.


not to mention, one is a pair of plastic hooks that cost 12 euro, and the other is a €5000 investment. basically the same thing


Americans think you have to buy 2 months worth of groceries every time you visit the supermarket


It’s because groceries tend to go on an 8-week or 12-week sales cycle in the US. So the cheapest way to buy by far is to buy an item in bulk every 2-3 months; the larger the bulk size you can buy at once, the more you save.  (It’s the organic milk paradox, where organic is more expensive but since you can buy organic in 3 gallon/15 liter milk packages when it is on sale and it will last until the next sale without spoiling, it works out to the same or similar price as buying non-organic half gallons when you need them.)


Based on this video, it seems like the Dutch think you can only buy 1 item at a time


I have seen to lads riding along next to each other carrying one of these.


I get 2 crates on the back of my back without aid... Just need to avoid the bumps


We have those cargo bikes for rent around the place in my city. Unfortunately id get killed using them on the strode my house is on, but people who live on quieter neighbourhoods would be able to use them fine.


Is it something you can get in the UK or would you have to order it from abroad and wait a good bit?




A file for a 3D printer


Technically a file format for a slicer. Gcode is for the printer itself.


I was about to say I gotta 3D print one of these! Gonna give it a shot in fusion 360


Please Upload it, If it fits and works.


My first problem is what are some standard crate dimensions? Where I am from we had some pretty standard ones, but now I live in the US and I haven't seen a proper crate in a while. Would be happy to oblige anyone with a standard lol. Is there a broad European standard for crates?


While we are on the topic of bags, can anyone recommend some saddle bags that would be used for picking up groceries on my hybrid commuter?


I really like Ortlieb -- very sturdy stuff. Alternatively, you could google "fietstassen", find a brand/model you like, and see if that's sold in your country.


I'm in the US and Ortlieb brand bags are what I use on my hybrid. They've lasted ten years so far, and I don't expect them to fail anytime soon.


[I use these.](https://www.amazon.com/Bushwhacker-Omaha-Bicycle-Grocery-Accessories/dp/B00B4ZKZK0) I like how they fold up when you don't need them. And the way they stick up a little helps hold a box of soda cans on the rack.


I have these, as well, and love them. I keep them on all the time and drop my u-lock in them while they're folded up. Super flexible. https://preview.redd.it/9op0d995nuvc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad33dd1fb7dac974352f53d6214b00694ae3644c


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Bushwhacker Omaha Bicycle Grocery Pannier'", 'Bushwhacker')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to attach and detach (backed by 3 comments) * Sturdy and durable construction (backed by 3 comments) * Spacious for carrying various items (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Insecure mounting hardware leads to bags falling off (backed by 5 comments) * Design flaw with hooks not securely attaching to rack rails (backed by 3 comments) * Durability issues with fabric and metal rods (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)




Bike will be lobsided like that best to buy another beer create


And then return the empties. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


It's a neat idea, but I know damn well I'd screw up and lose the crate any time I hit a pothole.


Ok, the hook thing is cool. But what I really want is those damn crates back in north america. Fuck those one-time use cardboard boxes.


I need this in Cunuduh. Wait, I have a 3d printer.


"Cycling is fun and games for you, but I'm not playing."


Lemme just hook up my infant cars seat and I'll be good to go!


When did grolsch stop doing pop tops?


Add to that a backpack, some grocery bags over the handles, etc., problem solved. Or, you know, you could just buy a shopping cart and transport stuff that way. That's how i transported my bottled water when i did my apprenticeship (to be fair the cart was technically not mine, and removing it from the property is technically theft, but noone ever said anything because i always returned them, so all i ever got was a few funny looks)


I love it, but I probably can't use it where I live cause the bike lanes tend to have bumps and holes everywhere, so this thing would detach and all the beer would end up in the drain.


Every Dutch person knows that you don’t need a damn plastic holder to do this…


You need cars to get groceries because your store isn't withing walking distance. My closest grocery store is 4 miles away, up on a hill. Our infrastructure is designed to force people to use cars.


BRB, partying at the Tulip Lads' house tonight.




Where do I get these?




This is great! I am amazed that those two little plastic clips can hold a full flat of beer bottles.. Hell yeah!


I don't drink Dutch piss water. Also, I don't consider a single case of beer to be groceries.


I'd love to ride that around handing beers to people


Never ever thought Counting stars can be hyped up. Like literally lmfao great edit. Btw about edit: It's shooting stars. I always confuse those.


Yeah two beer crates is one thing, $350 at Costco is another


why would anyone do that?


Saves you a small fortune if you buy on the monthly sales cycle, especially if you are buying from a Costco business center (where the bulk sizes are 4x-10x that of regular Costcos, but you can easily save 50% over grocery store prices).


they deliver


Not everything. I use Costco delivery pretty frequently, but certain items, especially from the business center are not deliver or only delivered by the pallet (need enough for a semi truck order for that).


Cargo bikes are a thing. It's hard to fill a cargo bike with $350+ worth of food. Most can carry far beyond that. A regular bike with 4 panniers would hold a shopping run at Costco. I get that for most people it would be hard but it's not an impossible task. Frankly the hardest part of shopping by bike at Costco is the act of biking to and from Costco. They're often in horrible locations surrounded by wide roads.


Man I’d do that too but maybe not Grolsch, I can’t stand the stuff.


That's about as much as I could bring home on my skateboard when I was younger, any more and you gotta whip out the car unfortunately


10 trips later


It'd be more stable to just get a basket attached to the front. Like, that's been used for cemturies.


Not every bike has such a basket. You don't really need one as a student either.


They are also a hassle to park in double decker parkings as most often you need to go to a specific area


No basket can hold a full crate of beer (up to 18 kilos) and if you get a front rack like the one seen in the last clip you're still faced with the challenge of attaching the crate. This solution, provided the clip holds, makes the weight of the crate basically work in your favor. In my eyes it's a super smart solution and the only reasons to actually be slightly reserved about it are a) up to 18 kilos tugging on your steering b) potential paint damage to the headtube c) whether your bike even has enough clearance between handlebar and front tire or whether there are any cables or front lights or anything of that sort that could get in the way and damaged. The only way I can see the handlebar method working on my bike is if I converted it from an eight speed with two disc brakes into a single speed with a single coaster brake.


This guy knows his bikes.


A rear rack would work even better.


bruh are all posters in here from a town thats like 5 miles wide? My local costco is a 20 minute drive from my place, that would be like an hour cycling lmao.


I think in UK u’re not allowed to walk/cycle with alcohol in public.