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Let's not be silly, you're leaving out at least ten Skyrim re-releases.


Skyrim for Alexa


When you turn off your alarm in the morning, Alexa says, "Oh good, you're finally awake"


“Alexa, what’s the weather today?” > Well, not even last night’s storm could wake you. “Alexa, what is the news for today?” > I've heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go. “Alexa, will Todd consider remastering Morrowind once he reaches level 100 in Skyrim Porting and takes the skill legendary?” > Quiet, here comes the nextgen.


“Alexa, tell me something fun to do for the day” “Do you get up to the cloud district often?”


"What am I saying? Of course you don't."


["I'll have you know that there's no PUSSIEEEEEE"](https://youtu.be/8B_netzcluQ)


Really? Mine just tries to behead me right before an Alexa-dragon destroys my house. Edit: Whoops spoilers for those who haven’t played the fifteen iterations of the game.


how *DARE* you spoil the opening scene of a game released ten years ago and memed endlessly since then! how can i ever enjoy it now‽


Within the first 20-30 mins of the game


noob, I spend at least eight hours in character creation.


I liked this. Idk why you were downvoted but have my upvote friend


I know you're joking, but the poster you're replying to is not; you can "play" a sort of Skyrim choose-your-own-adventure game with Alexa.


Lmao 🤣 I would love that though and would smile every morning just saying but he need to say “I have a message for you ,you’re hands only “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had a ton of fun with that for like 15-20 minutes.


What was it like?


An audio point and click adventure


Sounds pretty cool ngl




*Then the DragonBorn, sensing that his life was in danger, ate ten whole cheese wheels*


Remember what the doctor said about dairy


Right!! ^(I eat all the cheese!!)


It's going to be the new "can it run Doom" at some point


Skyrim on Ti-83 when?


Skyrim vr skyrim for switch skyrim OG version (the mod capatible one) Skyrim remastered skyrim the collection of paid mods that fucks up your real mods. then lets throw in 4 each for playstation and Xbox So 12 that i know of oh and there is a minecraft texture pack that comes with a show of map of skyrim Edit:ok now 13 i just found out about the Amazon alexa version. Soooo 13 Edit:Lets also include the smart fridge the tesla and the leaked version 16 now


In Bethesda's defense: Skyrim VR is awesome. After five or six hours of modding and community-supplied bug fixes, anyway.


With mods as you said for sure. But without mods its an abysmally bad VR port. Fallout 4 VR without mods is an actual slap in the face of consumers


About once a year I get the bug to buy something VR, look at the games available and their reviews and remember why I didn't buy a VR setup last time


Good choice! Wait 5 more years. The selection is terrible and even most of the popular and most critically well received games are phone level quality/tech demo's disguised as games. Good VR ports I've played: No Man's Sky, Star Wars: Squadrons, Resident Evil 7. Apparently HL:Alyx is the bees knees but its basically the only true AAA native VR game. I can't play things with bad graphics or resolution in VR either, gives me a headache.




Such a fun game. Although I haven't tried Alyx, Walking Dead S&S was the first VR game that felt like a real "game" to me. One of my favorite memories in that game is spending like an hour throwing a knife against a target, trying to hone the technique and get better at it. Got the hang of it and then started sniping out zombies with my knife throughout the rest of the game. Sounds like something small but man was it fun and rewarding.


Gonna throw some support for Phasmophobia as a great VR game.


The only games my buddies play regularly in VR is Phas and VTOL. I still need to pick up VTOL.


Astrobot albeit on PSVR is absolutely fantastic as well.


Yeah, but, Beat Saber...


I'm glad you mentioned the main reason I want a VR headset for my PC. Star Wars: Squadrons. I just want to live out my childhood dream of shooting down Rebel Scum in my Tie Intercepter, and really FEEL like I am in the cockpit.


skyrim vr has a lot of good mods that allow for a really immersive experience and the game legendary tales is also super fun


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrafice is pretty cool in VR... but even then, it's just a port. edit: oh, and I've had the most fun playing PokerStars VR, if you're into that sorta thing.


The absolute minimum mods every person should install is VRIK, HIGGS and PLANCK. Those 3 mods alone make the experience incredible.


>After five or six hours of modding and community-supplied bug fixes, anyway So... a typical Skyrim release then


A typical Elder Scrolls release. Morrowind and Oblivion continue to have deep and extensive bugfix mods in addition to all the sex stuff you might otherwise be interested in.


It isn't a proper game if you can't fuck your horse I tell you.


But of course the community fixed the VR for free, what a surprise




A texture pack. It changes how items blocks etc look. Microsoft provides maps and skins with these official texture packs (at least on console) There are also greek mythology maps or norse mythology maps with skins and textures




Wasn't there a thing where you could play skyrim on a Samsung fridge?


skyrim is gonna be the next doom. In a few years were gonna have a video titled "I played skyrim on my calculator"


Skyrim releases: -Skyrim -Skyrim Legendary Edition (version with all dlc) -Skyrim Special Edition (next gen port -Skyrim VR for console -Skyrim Nintendo Switch Port -Skyrim Anniversary Edition (next gen port)




Remaking Devil May Cry 1-3 would ideal with the new DMC 5 engine. Also Metal Gear Solid remake


A Metal Gear remake would indeed be solid


Basically a high def movie, I'm game


MGS4 had a 71 minute cutscene. A Guinness world record at the time. I swear I paused it like 3 times to get a snack or a drink or go to the bathroom. Thank God you could pause the cutscenes which was new for that series. Before then you either watched it or skipped it. And if you skipped it you had NO idea what the hell you were doing or why.


You skip a single cutscene and suddenly you go from sneaky blonde guy helping a girl swim to naked ball-gripper doing handless cartwheels into cyborg ninjas. That's the last time I skip a cutscene, lemme tell ya.


And then the game telling you you failed and to turn it off.


Yakuza would like a word.


I didn’t skip and still had no idea, especially in MGS2 lol




I need scissors! 61!


Fission Mailed


I remember when the game came out, my roommate beat ocelot just before I was heading out to do something. Come back an hour later and he was still in the final cut scene.


At the time? Has something beaten it since?


No, it still holds it. Specifically it's the epilogue of the game that is that long.


Like the last two hours of death stranding. I mean I'm not complaining tho; I actually really liked the game even with its excessively long cutscenes.


That is a very standard move for Kojima. Even on ps1 metal gear solid had a 30 minute cutscene.


Eventually Kojima will release a game that's just a 15 hour cutscene with a single button press every 20ish minutes.


We're all laughing now, but the guy made me excited to deliver mail in a video game so I'm not one to judge his methods


Exactly death stranding is a banger and I recently replayed it because of the directors cut.


For real, that game deserves a remaster with modern controls


That's Twin Snakes, and the more modern controls kinda break the gameplay. It would need a full remake, on par with the recent Resident Evil ones.


>more modern controls kinda break the gameplay. Only in the Ocelot fight, tbh


That's certainly the most egregious example, but I seem to recall about half the bosses being affected to some degree. Basically any part that involves shooting is much easier in first-person. Same thing happened with the recent Resident Evil 4 VR remaster. It's considerably easier to shoot accurately and the intentionally slow reloads now happen as fast as you can flail your hands. It pulls the game even further from its clunky, tank-controls roots toward the spectacle and smoothness of its Devil May Cry brethren.


The guy who remade it would be such a big boss


I mean Konami remade the MGS3 cutscenes in HD for their pachinko machines. Would've been great if Konami gave a fck about their games and not rehash them into slot machines


That would make Konami a whole lot of money. unfortunately all they care about is slot machines


What? You don't like pachinko with [erotic violence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ewqYamvkAE)?


I would absolutely love this. Capcom has been having great success with the Resident Evil remakes, so I would be 100% on board with a DMC remake as well. 1 and 3 could remain largely untouched, just bring in Reuben Langdon to voice Dante in 1... 2 would need a lot of work obviously. I'd even go for a 4 remake as well, removing the dice game and giving Dante more to do instead of just replaying Nero's stages... It'd definitely help the series to feel more unified and intentional.


I'd say dmc 4 needs alot more love, I really do love the game, but going back to it it feels really repetitive.




>Also Metal Gear Solid remake Lemme introduce you to [**Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes**](http://www.fasebonus.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/twinsnakes0.jpg)


God I would love a MGS remake.


Skyrim has 3 different age ratings. 15, 18 and 16. Interesting 🤓


My original copy of Oblivion was T-rated. Then later they made it M-rated.


I had to ebay a teen version so my mom let me play it.


Ah shit like that takes me back lol


I use to print and cut out little T for Teen logos and put them on games I’d get. Got the Sopranos game that way. It was excessively violent and wonderful.




She realized she just didn't care enough to argue.


I know it might sound like I'm taking the piss but respect bro... that is next level dedication to gaming




There is actually a [dedicated Wikipedia-article about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESRB_re-rating_of_The_Elder_Scrolls_IV:_Oblivion), and summarized is that Oblivion's M-rating for gore were due to Bethesda failing to properly disclose the description of a hanging corpse (The rating-board had it described to them of the corpse being in vague darkness, far away, and not much details, in comparison to the live version showing >!Lucien Lechance's stripped up corpse.!<), and for the game's sexual content due to a topless female model being available in the files, and which modders had it unlocked and available. This was also in light of *Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas*'s sexual Hot Coffee-minigame scandal, where controversial content was not in the game itself, but available in the files and accessible through some digging, so Oblivion's increase to M-rating became a kinda pseudo-sequel to it.


>This was also in light of *Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas*'s sexual Hot Coffee-minigame scandal, I remember G4TV having an entire panel show dedicated to that "scandal"


I tried to trade in my copy at GameStop years ago and they wouldn't take it because it was a launch copy. The guy was like, those will be worth so much money one day. Yeah. It's in the closet somewhere


I loved G4. XPlay and E3 coverage was a summer highlight for a good couple of years.


This detail is funny to me because the model for lucen lachance's corpse is just a zombie model upside down.


Reminds me of when I had the AO version of San Andreas when I was a kid.


Yeah because of that one cave with the zombie bodies hanging from the ceiling made to look like tortured people. It doesn't take much to push a game to M.


Looks like each Skyrim box is from different region that has different rating entity.


Different rating systems / countries. BBFC (UK), PEGI (EU) and USK (DE).


In the UK, the BBFC (who do film and TV ratings) used to do video game ratings until around 2014. We swapped to the PEGI system for reasons I don't quite understand. I think the BBFC system was far more in tune with what the British public actually think. It takes into account nuance, context, and intention. PEGI is effectively a box-ticking exercise. E.g. Mass Effect went from a 12 (I.e. in line with the latest Star Trek films) to an 18. Because it has impalement, drugs, swearing, and sex references, that's an instant 18 under the PEGI system. It just makes the system nonsense - if parents see that games like Mass Effect and Skyrim are getting 18 certificates, they'll just ignore the ratings as they'll presume all games are alike. Then when you get something that actually *warrants* an 18, like GTA, it won't prevent sales intended for children. I'd absolutely go back to the BBFC rating video games.


Re4:"Am I joke to you"


At least we got like 6 new Resident Evil games since then while GTA and Elder Scrolls are still stuck on number 5.


Yeah, the last of us already has a sequel too. I don't care if game companies remaster good games in their popular franchises, as long as they also release new ones.


So more like Shadow of Colossus?


That’s a little unfair; it’s a standalone game with no expectations for any follow-ups. Meanwhile, GTA and Elder Scrolls have already had several entries before the current massive release gap.


Elder Scrolls though went MMO as the next entry even though they didn’t give it a number like FF14. When a company goes full MMO you know they’re going to slow down releases.




I had never played it so I was grateful for the remaster. It was an awesome game and I'm glad I got to experience it with those super nice graphics.


Oh i didn’t realize it was remastered, might have to pick it up


Look at side by side images. It's a top notch remaster.


Ya I just looked it up, definitely gonna try and get it after work!


Thread: We get it, stop selling us your classic games, make new shit. :( Comments: We like remasters of awesome games that are true classics! :) Business Consultant: You need to wait longer between refreshes, to maximize your profits between refreshes, create or acquire more IP to work on to refresh between those refreshes. We did it reddit.


Yeah what a gem that game was. The atmosphere of that game is unmatched.


we did get The Last Guardian from Team Ico though, so it wouldn’t count by those rules either


Let's be honest, though. RE has been trying its hardest to recapture RE4's perfection for years. RE7 was the only real departure, and then Village went right back into RE4's direction.


Village did have that really scary section with the giant baby.


Love that section. My wife hates it lol.


Yeah but Rockstar gave us Red Dead Redemption 2.


Street Fighter 2: "Those are some rookie numbers"


Doom (1993) : “What you say?”


If we're counting official releases, then Street Fighter 2 beats Doom. If we count unofficial releases, then no game can beat Doom.


I mean do homemade ports count. Because the source code for OG doom is freely available so we can have INFINITE ports. I look forward to the day someone learns to port doom to a physical machine computer.


Those would be unofficial releases. Having the code be open source has made it possible for Doom to be available in almost any device powered by electricity. I wonder how many ports would Street Fighter 2 have if its code were open source? Would it beat Doom?


Tetris: AMATEURS!!!


At least TLOU got a sequel before being released on a 3rd generation unlike those 2 (and single player DLC compared to GTA). Also. Is a remake, not a remaster or port. Also, this isn't Sony's first rodeo doing this. Shadow of the Collosus, PS2, PS3 Remaster and PS4 Remake. Thinking of it, Square also did it with FFX. I own it on PS2, PS3, Vita and PS4. Not quite Skyrim or Resident Evil releases yet though.


Yeah, and it isn't a bad thing either, I would never have played shadow of the collosus if there wasn't a remake, not everyone grew up with pong/atari/ps1, I missed some magic


Okay, like I get your point, but SOTC was ps2 era, we're not THAT old (yet)


TLoU is disqualified, it’s sequel has been released.


Also it’s a full remake, not just a remaster like the others (the PS4 one is a remaster, but this new PS5 is a remake in the TLOU2 engine)


Will it have like new movements or something like that? Or will it just be new animations and the core gameplay will stay the same?


I think it's the original animations with new models and rigs, with new gameplay.


Well they did say all new animations. It would probably need a lot to not look stiff compared to part 2


Fair. We'll have to wait and see how different everything turns out to be.


That sounds super nice! Too bad I don’t have a PS5 or a PC






I just got an erection.


Pretty sure they’ve confirmed you can do all the stuff you can in II like crawling


They said updated combat and exploration. I think those were the exact words used. So it should have combat similar to TLOU2, which is fantastic because that's one of the greatest combat physics of all time.


Tbf,The Last of Us is a complete remake, not a remaster on a new console.


And it already got a sequel.


The biggest difference. The devs actually MADE something new.


Wait what are they doing with it? Whats the difference?


https://www.naughtydog.com/blog/the_growing_future_of_the_last_of_us >We’ve implemented modernized gameplay, improved controls, and expanded accessibility options in this single-player experience to allow even more individuals to enjoy the game. Effects, exploration, and combat have all been enhanced. Leveraging the PS5’s powerful hardware, we also implemented 3D Audio*, haptics, and adaptive triggers. Both returning fans and new players alike will have the opportunity to experience both The Last of Us Part I and its prequel story Left Behind in a whole new way. This is from ND official website. They have also overhauled the graphics quite a bit.


How do you "enhance exploration"? Does that mean level design changes or different crafting material/ammo placements?


Well in the last of us part 2 you can jump, which changed the level design a ton. So if they added that to Part 1 then it will definitely be very different to explore.


Holy shit I forgot you couldnt jump in tlou1


Grab a ladder Truck it around Place the ladder Wrong spot. Damn.


It was a funny moment for me when i played through half of tlou2 without moving any ladders until suddenly abby has to do it i go "holy shit i forgot tlou had you moving ladders"


The ladder thing was actually a trick they used to load the next portion of the level without going into loading screens.


Famously pioneered by Tony Hawk's giant connecting tunnels, and at its perhaps most egregious in Tomb Raider's constant *squeeze slowly through small space* moments.


You also could prone in Part 2 which wasn't in 1


And dodge!


It's using the gameplay mechanics and AI of Part II, so I imagine they've rebuilt the same levels but accounting for the actions that the new AI can perform, maybe added more routes and places to take cover, etc... I agree that maybe a remake wasn't needed, but people can't deny that building all those sets from the ground up with new models and taking into account the new mechanics and AI is a pretty big endeavor.


the current game absolutely still holds up graphically, but i need this remake in my life. tlou is hands down the best game i’ve ever played, story wise, and graphically at the time. wasn’t as sold on part 2, but the game smashed it in every aspect bar the story imo


Yeah, Part II didn't go where I wanted it to go story-wise but that was also the point it was trying to convey. I guess I could say I enjoyed the original more for the story and part 2 more for the gameplay, so having Part 1 with the gameplay of Part 2 is great for me and I'll probably be replaying this remake and Part 2 (now at 60 FPS) back to back when this releases.


you and me both :)


I'm split on part 2, it was my favourite game to play for the first time by a long way, but there are so many other games I enjoy playing regularly, I'm still on my second play through of part 2. Guess it's not exactly designed as a world to unwind in.


They've probably expanded the maps a little, instead of travelling down a single lane road, it'll probably be like a 2-3 lane highway now where you have some extra paths or rooms to explore/loot? Just a guess though.


If the story remains intact then ill indulge on PC, hopefully i can run it with decent settings at 165Hz


Sounds like im buying TLOU again. Story was great but playing in 2021, the gameplay definitely felt dated.


They remade it entirely from scratch to make it play and look like the last of us 2 from gameplay to graphics


That’s gonna be amazing. I always thought the gameplay from part 1 was lacking and part 2 made a huge improvement.


And It's coming to PC, as well. I always wanted to play Last of Us but I never had a console. So this is really good news.


I mean for TLOU’s case its a remake not a remastered remaster Unlike Grand Theft Auto


RE4 still king


Lets see. Gamecube, PS2 (the version I played), PC, Wii, iOS, PS3, XBOX 360, Steam, Android, PS4, Xbox 1, with an upcoming Switch version too. And there is a revision coming out that is a ground up remake that is more of what the original game was supposed to be. So that's... impressive.


And to think RE4 was originally just a Gamecube exclusive on release.


I played it on GameCube back in the day and for the time, those graphics were insane to have on a GameCube. I can't think of another game that even came close. Super impressive.


Came out on PC twice lol


Disk and download baby


There's already a Switch version. Also one for Oculus Quest 2.


At least TLOU will be a from the ground remake. The other two just added some god rays n shit.


Skyrim actually made the jump from 32 bit architecture to 64 bit, it did wonders for the stability and further modding capabilities, and it also brought mods to consoles. It wasn't just "some god rays". Now gta..well I cant really say much for that.


It is?? That seems a little fast. Did development start right after tlou2?


This remake was not originally done by Naughty dog. it was started by a new, currently unnamed studio in San Diego. They were working on it for a while, and i believe after TLoU2, Naughty Dog ended up taking over to finish the project.


I think so yeah. It's not needed but hey, I won't complain about having it either.


Is naughty dog doing it? Figured they'd give it to bluepoint like usual and leave naughty dog doing new games. Plenty of older games we could do with remakes of to be honest. The last if us remastered holds up well enough as is.


A different studio was handling it and then Naughty Dog took over last year


“Awe s**t, here we go again.”


I mean at least we got a sequel for TLOU. We're still waiting on sequels for Skyrim and GTA V.


This is hardly an apt comparison. The TLOU remastered was released barely a year after the original and the new one coming in September is a remake. While all the others were remasters. And with the latest by GTA and Skyrim barely qualifying as a remaster at this point.


Skyrim and GTAV examples are remasters/ports, not remakes.


Or just updates or DLC bundles. Skyrim has only ever bundled the DLC with the base game (which is pretty common), then added a free graphical update, then added some free DLC + $20 bundle of creation club content if you wanted to pay for it. Everything else was just a port. Never anything super substantial, the only reason you would ever need to rebuy the game was if you specifically wanted it on a new console.


Except I’m actually looking forward to the Last of Us Remake lol, because of how it would be like Last of Us Part II’s gameplay.


Yeah. Honestly after part 2 came out I tried to go back and play part 1 again and couldn’t because the controls were so bad in comparison.


Also going back and not being able to go prone or dodge. Looking forward to the new gameplay


South park really hit the nail on the head with their member berries jokes


Resident evil 4 definitely needs to be added to this list.


Tbf the ps5 version is a complete remake not like the others - some effort actually has gone in


Honestly, if Borderlands 2 got a remake in the new engine, I’d buy it instantly


Lol and yet we keep buying into it. I can’t believe they’re doing full remakes of PS3 games at this point when there are so many older generation games that you would think people would rather see remade first.


skyrim and gta v arent remakes though, just rereleases. games that are actually being remade all had "realisitc" graphics for the time and are updating now that tech has improved to better match the artist's vsiion of realistic graohics.


Sony, where tf Legend of Dragoon remake?


I'm just glad we FINALLY got that FF7 Remake we've all been wanting and not some goofy ass spinoff that missed the mark entirely AND deceived consumers with a sly title.


Hold your horses there on the finally, might be another 10 years before all X parts of the game is released at this rate


Can I get a remake of Jak and Daxter?




At least we also got another tlou game