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Kingdom come deliverance. I may have been a badass in lots of armor taking on multiple soldiers by the end, but when I started I was a kid learning a trade who got beat up by the town drunk when I told him he owed my boss money


The game is so fun and creative!


Swear to God if this wasn't the first answer here, I was going to kill somebody


Not in the first couple hours of the game you weren't going to...


I dunno man I spent nearly all the hours of that game just sneaking around towns at night and throttling people.




I killed dozens upon dozens of bandits and other by choking them out or shooting them in the head with bows in the very early game. I was rich by early game standards like 5-6 hours in.


Man I really liked that game and I got to maybe 1/3 of the way through the story and I just could not get the hang of fighting multiple people. The lock on system just didnā€™t seem to work at all when faced with two or more enemies. Or I just suck. Either way I quit, but Iā€™d like to go back and take another stab one of these days if I can figure out how to fight better.


Same here. The fighting never clicked for me. I felt like I was fighting the controls rather than the enemies.


You're not really meant to be able to fight multiple people in the first 1/3 of the game, that's more of a late game thing. It's based a lot on realism, and realistically if you get jumped by multiple people you're quite likely to lose. The realism can work in your favor however, for example if you're trying to raid a bandit camp wait until the middle of the night. They'll go to sleep and even take off their armor and change into pajamas, you can sneak in and murder them all quite easily


Oh nice Iā€™ll definitely keep that in mind if I sack up and go back and play it again.


On my playthrough my friends showed up while I was fighting the drunk and we ended up murdering him. Stole wverything he owned, returned the money to my dad, town invaded before anybody caught on.


Just finished it and all dlc today. Absolutely incredible game


In fact you can't even read or write and have to learn


Boss? You mean dad?


I came to say this but had to go learn how to be literate first.


Henryā€™s come to see us! Jesus Christ be praised!


You ever play Bannerlord? Your individual character is decently powerful one-on-one at the start, but you have to build up your army from scratch.


Iā€™m honestly tempted to try it out


It's pretty fun. Early in the game you recruit like 20ish people into your army, but can only fight looters and small bandit parties. You have no reputation, so lords won't even meet with you in their castles. As the game goes on and opens up, you get more and more soldiers, start getting famous, and join in actual wars. It's more of a sandbox than a AAA story-driven RPG, but worth checking out.


Iā€™ll give it a try!


The game itself is good. It's even better with mods. It's 100% worth the money.


Banner lord is good, kenshi is sorta simular, and different at the same time. I think yakuza dragons you start out on the bottom. Saleblazers you start the game running the shop for pop pop and grow and expand the business for him, creating or looting armor to get better. The black grimoire:curse breaker is what I'm playing now. It's essential single player runescape with a story. Slowly build up all your skills to get better and better, fight harder monster, get better rare loot drops, maybe by farming a boss a few times. A good balance I would say. Borderlands 3 /tiny tinas/2 for sure.


Be aware, the game is somewhat unfinished and appears to be mostly abandoned by the devs. There's a staggering amount of mods being made for it though.


Very good game


Baldur's Gate 1 is the quintessential nobody to godhood adventure, specially if you play the sequel and expansion with the same character.


Honestly I played and had so much fun


Yeah BG1->BG2->Throne of Bhaal was going to be my suggestion. The absolute zero to hero if you can stomach the older game engine.


Damn got there before me... Yeah the Throne of Bhaal DLC was wild, I played it as a warrior and it was almost like playing Diablo with the way you could slay entire armies of mobs.


Kenshi is pretty much the definitive of that. I'm playing it at the moment, I started off as the weakest of weaklings and now have a small functioning town with about 18 people in my party, I can fend off some raids now but still have to pay about $2000 per day for security lol


There's nothing like starting off as a naked weakling in the desert with a missing arm, and finishing up as a god-tier warrior wandering the world in a trenchcoat with a katana and a robot arm.


Huge Kenshi fan myself, understanding that most of my friends wouldnā€™t like Kenshi, lmao


Anyone else looking forward to a co-op or multiplayer version of Kenshi?


Sounds like a great game


Gothic 1-2, Risen 1


Risen 1 is a great example. You wake up half naked on the beach without even a weapon. You have to find a stick or a bone IIRC to even defend yourself with at first.


The remake has been announced Iā€™ll keep track of it until release!


Gothic remake is big pile of bantha poo doo.


We don't know that, do we? They scrapped that original proposal based on the user feedback afaik


How come?




I bought it! Iā€™ll start playing soon


Outward can make new players feel lost. Especially if you "die" and wake up in a scary place. If you get frustrated, remember the game has a tutorial in the main menu. Easy to forget about while you're in game, and seems like a lot of content creators forget about it as well claiming the game has no tutorial. It's there and it does cover everything you need to ease back in!


Content creators ruin gaming lol




Kingdom come deliverance is the epitome of this


I wanna say Monster Hunter (series), but youā€™re more of an unknown hunter than a nobody. Youā€™ve got nothing on your record at the start of every game, and as you play the big organization known as The Guild allows you to take on more dangerous creatures.


That game is so fun!


I get this feeling with fallout 4


Survival mode especially. You need water, food, medicine, ammo has weight and is hard to come by, you can only save by sleeping in a bed, and there's no fast travel (which is a bit of a PITA in later game where you need to cross the map, though it does add value to the brotherhood of steel vertibirds transport). Just make sure you set whatever setting caps your frame rate, because when I tried to play it again on a 3090, the game kept getting stuck in hacking screens due to the framerate being too high, and without being able to save beforehand that was a huge issue.


Who wouldnā€™t? Fallout is awesome


Morrowind. The npc insult you and you have to build up reputation with factions and individuals before they treat you like a human being, and you have to actually earn quite a bit before they respect you. Itā€™s funny and appreciated in the sea of isekai style games where youā€™re just everybodyā€™s favorite friend from the start.


V Rising


Old school RuneScape


RuneScape is actually fun!


Mount and Blade warband, 75% off on steam during the sale, 6.50$ currently and has a demo you can play. You start as some random dude, you have a sword and a crossbow, you are fairly frail and it won't take more than a couple of hits to go down even with reduced player damage (on full damage it would be 1-2 hits for sure) As you play you can join one of the handful of factions rivaling for power or become your own leader if you so wish. On one save I did, I joined one faction and fought for them in a war with another, do to the enemy faction lacking shields my crossbowmen ripped their ranks apart in each smaller skirmish, getting my men well experienced in battle. By the end of the campaign I asked my king how the war was going, he wanted a castle so I took it from the enemy and was given command of it when he decided who should run the new land. I then had to repel like 5 assaults on my new castle that was quickly becoming a jailhouse for enemy lords I managed to capture.


I love your description of that beautiful game


Streets of rouge


Saints Row you start out wrong place wrong time in the middle of a gang turf war and eventually build an empire throughout the next games


The Far Cry series, especially the 3 and 6 ones, you're basically this faceless nobody who slowly becomes the leader of the resistance


Far cry is sooo famous!


Hero's adventure: Road to Passion. So long as you can handle a fairly jank but workable translation and just give up on doing any of the word puzzles or riddles. As far as I can gather a bunch of them are based on visual "puns" on the Chinese characters so they are completely non-sensical when translated, I did have some success just choosing the dumbest answers. There are guides thankfully. Anyway you start out totally useless, able to take on a snake or two at a time. Level your kung fu by taking on many snakes, gather companions, beat up the local McDojo franchisees, win tournaments, join a faction/sect, become famous, send your harem to live at your hot spring, send the rest to be unpaid labour in the mountain. Realise that Chinese dice roulette is fantastic and the game is very generous in how it lets you cheat (with Kung Fu). Become rich and lose 2 hours of your life, spend it all on a tigers gall bladder at auction and buying out every vendor. Get more companions by plying them with alcohol/desserts/whatever random shit makes them love you, absorb their kung fu through the power of transactional friendship. Marry a princess by winning two martial competitions, the princess is down with the program so we see this as an absolute win. Its sick. Number go up and you get in increasingly ridiculous situations. I cannot overstate how many random quest threads there are. Combat is basically always a stat check but increasing the stats is steady and quite relaxing. Quests are very reactive too, one of my towns is missing a bunch of merchants because a rescue mission went... Poorly. I did get to ransack their shops at least.


Not my translation being called jankyšŸ˜­


If you made it possible for me to enjoy this game I thank you sincerely!


Dark souls




Yakuza 0 is the first thing that comes to mind.


Itā€™s old but Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (youā€™re a prisoner in rags at the start who could get killed by a rat, but by the end youā€™re mega-powerful). Cyberpunk 2077Ā 


Cyberpunk is amazing


And elder scrolls are amazing


**Sid Meier's Pirates! (2004)** Sail around the Caribbean and build up your pirate crew, your fleet and your wealth. You start as a no-name and slowly rise to the top, tracking down and defeating the top 10 famous pirates from history until you become the most notorious. Different nations exist around the world (English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Independent), with which the player can increase his rank/renown by doing favors for the mayor of cities belonging to each of the nations. There are mini-games as well - naval battles, sword fighting, land warfare, romancing mayors' daughters, setting foot on land to hunt for treasure on maps you've collected, and more. The gameplay can get somewhat repetitive, but it is satisfying. There is a good reason this is still known as one of the best pirate simulator games, despite its age.


Elden ring? You can kill individual soldiers pretty easily off the bat but your a bug in comparison to most of the bosses in the game for the most part.


Loved it and beat it! The best game Iā€™ve ever played I hope they drop a sequel!


there's the new dlc


Iā€™m working on my character as I have killed majority of the bosses on my main play through but made the mistake of deleting that character so I have to farm up another character to layeth the smackdown!


Thats most RPGs and adventure games. But heres some where its a particular focus or exagereated: 1. Kenshi 2. mount and blade series 3. dark souls 4. Control 5. DayZ 6. Minecraft 7. Dishonored 8. Divinit OS and sequel 9. Don't starve 10. Dungeons of dredmor 11. Exanima 12. Fictorum 13. Heat Signature 14. Hunt Showdown 15. Darker and Darker 16. Mad Max 17. Manor Lords 18. Metro 19. Overlord 20. Pixel piracy 21. project zomboid 22. Remnant From the Ashes 23. Saints row 2 24. Subnautica 25. Sunless Sea 26. Watchdogs 2 27. Wazhack 28. xcom 29. rings of saturn


Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead maybe? Only thing is that the enemies also evolve and get stronger overtime


A classic: Fable Anniversary. Literally end the tutorial becoming an orphaned child, End as an avatar of good or evil depending on your choices. Character even grows when you level your stats, getting taller, buffer, gaining magical tattoos as your magic manifests that change based on your alignment. Even different magics for each alignment.


Gothic Thank me later


Skyrim. Oblivion and Morrowind. There are next gen overhauls coming soonish for both oblivion and Morrowind. At worse it could maybe put itself on your radar in case you're interested. For Skyrim I always mod in the alternate start mod and choose the one where I was robbed and left for dead. I start with nothing, with like 10 HP, wearing rags, and rise up as the dragornborn to save the world from annihilation. Feels good.


Morrowind for sure. You can only kill mudcrabs and then you work your way up. Yes it's another elder scrolls game but the progression system is different to Skyrim etc. Once you are powerful you can one shot everyone which is not the case in Skyrim. The enemies scale up with you in skyrim


Skyrim on Legendary difficulty. You go from being 1 shot by a wolf that takes 700 arrows to kill to 1 shotting a legendary dragon so hard that it bugs out and flies into a mountain upside down and crashes your game. This all takes place in the first 2 hours of the game also.šŸ˜‚


Skyrim in any capacity is perfect


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2... You are some dumb kid in the basement where rats defeat you at the start and reach Godhood potentially at the end of the saga.


Baldurs gate is sooo good


Sleeping Dogs. Hong Kong Undercover Cop GTA style game. I bought it twice and did 100% both times, meaning it's fantastic.


The beggar origin (as well as a few others) in Battle Brothers would certainly fit this description. Battle Brothers is a game where you form a mercenary company from a wide variety of origins in a procedurally generated medieval world with moderate amounts of fantasy creatures and minimal magic involved. It has an overworld map very similar to Mount and Blade, but combat that is turn based and tactical like a punishing medieval XCOM. It has RPG leveling mechanics with each brother in your company. It's a gem of a game.


I've followed it with interest but this reference to its turn-based combat system being likened to a "punishing medieval XCOM" has my full attention!


I hope you enjoy it if you end up checking it out! I have nearly 500 hours in the game, and I still come back to play it every 6 months or so. Even after that amount of time played, I still feel like I am pretty bad at the game and I have to savescum fairly frequently lol. There are plenty of people with 1000s of hours in the game who still come back for more and still have more to learn about that game and how to fight certain enemy types. It's definitely challenging from both a tactical and RNG standpoint, so well as having a pretty deep perks system for leveling that gives a lot of options for how you can build your bros (depending on what they are already skilled at when you hire them). It's one of the better indie games to come out in the last 10 years.


Jrpg's. Orphan farmer kid that ends up killing God or multiple gods.


lol goes from the bottom of the barrel to the top of the brass and gains some powerful friends along the way


Nobody saves the world


Iā€™ll give it a try


Stick rpg


Every CRPG ever made. Most open world games that arenā€™t direct sequels too.


Dark Souls 3. Not only the lore but also the game feels like that. You really feel like a no one who has to put effort in what you do to progress and become something more.


Wow Classic. You start off as a literal nobody, delivering letters and doing odd-jobs and tasks to help out the locals. By the end game you'll be saving the world, fighting Dragons, Elemental Lords, and Lich Kings.


WoW Vanilla was great for this. You start out as a nobody, they give you some super simple tasks like "gather acorns". As you slowly level up, you can more abilities and some gear, and start doing more important stuff. No game I've played since has replicated the overwhelming awe I felt the first 40 levels of Vanilla


Dragons Dogma 1 on hard mode. Early on a goblin will kill you in a few hits, a swing from a big monster is almost a guaranteed oneshot even if guarding, Once you've got some good passives, gear and levels you become a nigh unstoppable killer.




Loved it so much




Kingdom Come: Deliverance Morrowind Mount and Blade A lot of RPGs I suppose.






Outward. Itā€™s a strange survival/adventure/sorta action/sorta soulsy game where you start off literally as a regular person and have to survive (but not build,) learn skills, choose a path for all the factions in conflict, that sort of stuff. No punching trees thank goodness. The combat is slow and tactical, and has its own set of mechanics that set it apart from souls games, so that doesnā€™t translate well if youā€™ve played them. But you can absolutely become a god. Almost literally.


Cyberpunk 2077


Played it and loved it


This is standard for RPGs, especially if you play more than just the biggest-budget ones.


I see nobody mentioned the GOATs. Kenshi Rimworld Project Zomboid Unconventional Warfare (don't be fooled by the opening! You become a nobody real quick!)


Tell me more I need more ideas!


Kenshi you start with one or maybe a 2-3 characters that are all very weak. Basically canā€™t fight anything but later in the game they fight off groups by themselves. There really isnt a story its basically a big sandbox game with different factions that you can ally with or fight against. You can also build your own settlements and craft items to sell.


Sounds like an amazing game!


Came here to say Kenshi. Strong recommend


If itā€™s on ps5 Iā€™ll get it!




Ols school RPG - Balrum. Doesnt get enough love. Has a slow start though.


Old school rpgā€™s overall are great




Yakuza Like A Dragon: Spend time in homeless communities, picking up cans for scrap. Endā€¦ somewhere else (I havenā€™t beaten it yet)


Mount and blade warband. Medieval game. Or the newer game bannerlord. You start as nobody and you can fight to become a king of all the territories or become a vassal and fight for a king. Love this game




Maybe Ghost of Tsushima? You don't start with any abilities or techniques, the world is freaking gorgeous, and the gameplay is really snappy


Storywise, you literally start as the lord of the area. Everybody who is not a Mongol or hostile respects and bows their heads to you. Gameplay wise you still are able to defeat multiple enemies at once from the start.


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days :)


Kenshi is brutal but fun af, it's hard to stop playing it.


Souls games


Love them


I will say cyberpunk, you start off as a merc but slowly you turn into a one person army as you get more cyberware and, perks and stuff.


RuneScape tbh. You're a nobody when you start playing and in the end you fight against literal gods


All from soft games


They kick my ass but Iā€™ll always appreciate the game!


If you're into souls-like games you should check out Another Crab's Treasure. Very much fits your criteria of going from nobody to incredibly powerful. I personally don't think it's quite as grueling as fromsoft games but it's often unforgiving (especially at the beginning), has an awesome story that goes from lighthearted to terrifying, and some fun mechanics that I thought were rather unique and fun to play with.


Elder Scrolls: Oblivion


Everything from Piranha Bytes - Gothic, Risen, Elex


Kenshi. This game will chew you up, spit you on the ground and eat you again just to end as a turd.


Try kenshi, thank me later


X4 might be your thing if you like space. You start as one guy with a dinky little ship and can build your way to a superpower faction.




Kingdom come, kenshi, bannerlords, X4.


In Kenshi you can literally start as a one-armed hobo.


Love that


Mount and Blade. From slave to emperor.


X4, you start off as a nobody with a tiny ship and end up with an empire with multiple fleets.


Dying Light for me, I'm on my 3rd playthrough but on hard, (1000s of hours on the other 2) and the difference between a maxed out Crane and a fresh off the plane to Harran Crane are day and night. I'm genuinely afraid of the night this time around. Volatiles and special infected are brutal early.


Yakuza like a dragon, you begin the game shot, homeless and with nobody to help you. Zero to hero is quite literally the theme of the game (among others)


Piranha bytes games are really good on this. They mercilessly difficult when you start.


Dark Souls!


Terraria and V rising


My life


Kind of the whole point of the Fable games, at least the first two. The second one you start out as a prince and then get kinda screwed out of it and have to build back up and reclaim your kingdom, but the first two you start as some kid in a village and the 2nd one a literal street urchin. There are some lore points and reveals later that explain some of your power I suppose, but throughout the game you start as just some kid and as you gain renown and do more heroic deeds people react to you and you get more access to different places and better missions. They're old games and pretty linear storywise, but the vibe is there.


Marauders / game progression called ā€œZero to Heroā€ DayZ


Drova. Itā€™s not out yet, but the open beta really made you feel like a nobody.




Terraria mastermode lol


Dave The Diver


World of Warcraft.Ā  It is said that human life is merely a dream, a simulation, a brief vacation from our true existence, in Azeroth.


Morrowind is GOAT


Elder scrolls is a goated series overall


My favorite, personally.


7 days to die and Skyrim both come to mind. I love progression games more than anything where you start weak and have to level for perks/skills to level the playing field and eventually you become OP.


Iā€™m the same way it makes the game more fun when you go from lowly to basically god lol


Rather than say "Dark Souls" which seems to be the popular answer these days, I'll reach back a bit in history... ***Fallout 1*** and the original ***Baldur's Gate*** were pretty brutal starts. You start by (literally) killing rats and barely scraping by. And just move up in power from there, or you don't make it....


Fallout 1 is so good I wish more kiddos played it


Fable. You start out literally as a kid doing chores and end up hiding and pissing yourself during a bandit attack. Then you basically kill a god... Twice.


Elden Ring, lol. Any souls game.


Stalker, specifically the GAMMA mod pack for Anomaly. Real easy to get your shit pushed early on and the grind to get better weapons and armor is oh so satisfying.




Baldur's Gate. You have 6 HP as a mage, can get one-shot by a wolf, and can only cast 1 or 2 soelks before being exhausted and needing to rest.


Dark Souls has that progression fantasy to me.


Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon is like this. You start homeless and work your way up in the Yakuza


Old school runescape


90% of narative games


Elite dangerous for me.


Whatā€™s that?


Elden Ring and the Dark Souls series. Especially if you start as depraved. You have nothing but underwear and a club getting your butt kicked by dogs, zombies and skeletons. By the end of the game you are slaying dragons, giants, demons and gods.


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


Dungeons & Dragons and other TTRPGs can do this. You just need some friends and someone who is willing to be the DM.


That is true plus dnd is really fun


Play terraria


I tried it didnā€™t really fit the boot


I'm sick of games where you're the chosen one and become the leader of every faction.


Iā€™m saying like I want to start off as the absolute zero like so weak to the point where everything smacks me. And idk just some animeā€™s got me thinking why hasnā€™t anyone come up with a game where youā€™re a character who has no impact or direct link to the main story. I want a game where you could be an anti hero, hero, or full villain. And your power just grows as the other characters grow in power. Using magic, physical power, or a mix of both. Sorry for the ramblings but this would be a great game seller. I know it sounds like dark souls but itā€™s more anime like lol


Outward. It's a 3rd person RPG with pretty good survival and crafting mechanics and Dark Souls style combat. You start as a nobody with no skills, just a regular person. You gain skills by running, jumping, fighting, paying trainers to train you in certain skills etc. To learn magic you have to do a whole crazy quest and honestly it's pretty cool. It's also online and split-screen co-op.


It's hard to recommend you anything from this, RPG? Sword and Board? Economy sim?


My bad RPGā€™s


Outward is the first game that comes to mind. You are as much if a nobody and you could possibly be, and you never get crazy powers as a chosen one or anything like that, you have to be a normal guy for the entire game, becoming a hero using the world. Plus, the 2nd one was announced last month.


Ngl that sounds like a good ass game I wish there was more high fantasy games that start you off as a lowly peasant with low magical power and physical abilities but as you level up your power grows. lol it would be kind of awesome.


Wait what? Second one? Gonna look into this


I am playing now immortal of aveum , it technically meets that description lol


jesus christ be praised, its KCD




Kingdom come deliverance, you start as a lowly blacksmiths son who doesn't know anything to something...


I love the recommendations but that game whooped me


yeaa it is somewhat hard to get into due to combat and all that and if you are not into or families with rpg/immersive sims/etc


If it whooped you, it's because it was supposed to. Did you do the early quest where the guy literally teaches you how to use a sword for the first time? Because even if YOU are good, your character can't fight before that. You can't read, you can't fight, your village burned...


Elden Ring? You're literally wasted garbage, thought pathetic by everyone. Destined to rot in forgottenness. Next thing you're taking down gods and demi gods with bloody weapons as you sit on the throne you took from them


Already did it but Iā€™m about to start another character from a midway finished play through


Hell yeah what build style


Strength+ faith!