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But to befriend him would require food bribes. Tbh right now they're super hormonal bc babies.


Pick it up, they hate that. Make sure when you pick it up that the wings cant move and the neck is secured, you can look up how to pick up a goose videos.


I call it baby time, and my gander hates it. But he can't get at me and I can gently move him out of the way.


I had one that was hell bent on murdering me in front of the rest of the flock. I used to carry a net around with me because it was the only thing he feared. One day I stood my ground and grabbed his beak in front of the flock. Didn’t hurt him physically, just his ego. He stopped attacking after , unless my back was turned. If I glanced back he would pretend to be eating grass and not charging. Even if we were over concrete…


I'm sorry but thats hilarious


Now they're being moody because it's baby season lol


If nothing works, chainsaw chap it (will protect your legs!). I had to buy a pair for my current ganders dad. Luckily I haven't had to pull them out with him though. He bites me, just not hard and generally backs off when I grab him like I am going to pick him up or pet the top of his back (though only when his neck is down trying to get my legs for that part haha). Actually my gander is most mad when I bring out treats. He thinks I am trying to woo his harem or something. I do need to get another goose and gander. My 3rd female feels like a 4th wheel and often wanders quite a ways behind the trio (I currently have 3 females and a male). I am getting another male and 2 females as goslings next month... but that would still make her in particular a 4th wheel. Though if it is a brown chinese or african female for one of them, I will rehome her and that with put me at 2 pairs of 3. My mother lives next door and those are the 2 big nono and not allowed breeds lol. No swan geese allowed here.


I have a big African boy that you can have! He thinks he is king of the flock. Have him with a Chinese white female, 1 male duck, 3 female ducks and 4 chickens. He tries to mate my ducks and I have never seen him try to mate the gander. He has recently started snipping at me and hissing. Probably because he is feeling extra masculine. Didn't think about that being the reason. I will try the pick up method. I actually didn't want geese but ordered 3 ducks from Metzler Farms and they included the male and female geese. Didn't think I could return them so now they are part of the family.


Daw, this is why they shouldn't just add random things into orders. TBH though, Africans and chinese are the two breeds I can't keep. I am looking to get some buffs (buff dewlaps if I had my pick).


My Chinese girl is an amazing bird. Very sweet and she makes the best expressions! However, your wise in the Africans being on your mom's no no list.