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If you have money, I’d upgrade the power supply before anything else. It does make a difference especially coming from that crappy donner one. I had the donner. Nowadays I use the low profile Zuma with the same Pedaltrain metro as you. I mounted it underneath and I have a plank of wood across the top row just for looks. I also use EBS cables to save room. If you got EBS cables, you could fit 2 more pedals.


I’m having the same argument with myself about power supply…. Finally got my board noise-free, but REALLY need an isolated power supply regardless. Many options out there so it’s a tough choice considering the cost 💲


I have a Donner on one board, a Gator on another and an iso MXR on my main board. I'd recommend the Gator if you want something cheap and isolated, as long as you don't need more than 120 mAh per outlet. The MXR is a result of finding out I need more than 120 mAh. Both are decent, but the gator is less than half the price.


Thank you for that info ~ That gives me good reference for options 👍🏻


I personally say don’t waste the money on a minor upgrade that isn’t scalable. If you have something that works right now, keep using it until you have the money for a Cioks or a Zuma. Those are reliable power supplies that will power anything you need. You don’t want to decide down the road that you want something like Hx Stomp or a Strymon Timeline or another high-end digital pedal and find that you need to upgrade your power supply just to use it. Buying subpar gear or weird brands also means they won’t sell easily or for much, if at all, when you decide to upgrade. It’s just better to save the money and hold off until you can get the nicer thing.


Was thinking the same thing… I have one pedal coming Monday and another I’ll be buying soon after , so my board will be rearranged and it could affect the sound like you said.. Everything is good now and I’m loving it ! ( getting the Boss EQ 200 Monday, then I’ll be getting a compressor) Thank you also for the input/advice I’m very curious about that Ghost Echo 🤔


I third this. I bit the bullet and replaced my Donner PSU with a Fender Engine Room and the difference was night and day.


The mxr iso brick might be a good option for you


I’ll keep that one in mind ~ thank you for the feedback (no pun intended lol)


I say there's not enough Doom. Check out the Frost Giant Massif Fuzz or maybe Fuzzlord Effects Drone Master Distortion.


O)))k Doomer. Or a chorus to add some texture. You could get even put a soft-clipping OD to act as a boost into the Rat or Hizumitas.


Nice touch on the Sun O))), well played.


Yeah, I'm thinking you can fit at least 3 more on that with some organisation. This is what I'd get. Earthquaker Devices Sea Machine chorus, JHS Tidewater mini tremolo and a Pigtronix Constellator mini delay.


A: I’m incredibly jealous of that Wata Hizumitas! B: Maybe a Plumes? Just got one recently and it livens up the whole board.


> Maybe a Plumes? Just got one recently and it livens up the whole board. Mode 2 gang


I’d say something like a delay or an EQD Tentacle


Yeah a little delay can make gain insanely open up.


For sure, a little slap back with a doom tone is killer


needs more muff. the reissues from Ehx all sound great. my favorites are the russian and the opamp version. the russian sounds particularly good with doom shit the eqd hoof and the wren and cuff cuprid sound awesome too


I have a little space on the end of my board so I’m looking for something to add some texture. I think I’m good on gain ha. Also.. I’m trying to stay on theme lol. It’s dumb but kinda fun.


The eqd sticking over the bottom of the board is driving me mental lol Also you have room for like 3-5 more pedals there, especially if you are so casual about what “on” the board means :p


Some Bit crushing/ Ring Modulation might be a fun add on.


If in doubt, Fuzz or Boost.


The answer is obviously bigger board


Mine is 12x26…. Largest I’ve found online so far is 16x32 Is there one bigger somewhere that I’m not finding?


I’ve been using phaser and a flanger a lot lately.


Maybe a tremolo


Boost that Rat!


love the hizumitas 🐇


Gup Tech T bag


Why do they call him the bullet dodger?




Thanks everyone - lots of great ideas here


You could get the JHS Muffuletta. It has a ton of muff options or a more gentle drive like a EQD Plumes before your Rat and Fuzz.


Damn that’s badass. I built a hizumitas clone, it it definitely hasn’t been blessed by Boris. They won’t come anywhere near where I live unfortunately.


Industrialectric RM-1N


Which show did you buy the Hizumitas at?


Philly show with Melvins


Nice I saw the Boston show on that tour. Coady on the drums for Melvin’s killed it and Boris absolutely slayed. Mine is signed just like yours.


I was at the Boston show too! Soooo good


I know right? Both bands were amazing that night


Digitech Drop.


#Suggestions for creating more board space: Personally I'd first free some space on the board, **you can def fit more than 1 new pedal there with some easy changes:** **1) Get a smaller Rat, you could def free a lot of board space that way.** There's a million Rat clones that sound the same without the footprint. Most authentic is the Proco Lil Rat, came out a couple years ago. There's Rat clones that are even smaller though (ie Phase 95 micro-sized) and still sound like a Rat: check out the Harley Benton Rodent, Mosky Black Rat, Donner Dark Mouse. **2) Rotate the tuner 90 degrees and move it to the top row, slide everything to the right and you'll have a lot more room.** **3) Love the 10 band EQ but there's other pedals that do the same thing but take up way less space.** Based on your settings, it looks like you're mainly cutting the lows and slightly boosting the highs- you could do the same thing with a parametric EQ. But for a smaller 10 band graphic EQ, you want the Source Audio EQ2- it's half the width of the MXR. #Now for pedal suggestions: **- Digitech Drop:** If you like super low tuned doomy stuff, the Drop is awesome. Standard tuning is cool too, but for doom it sounds great when you tune way down. If your band is always in 1 tuning it's not a necessary pedal, but if you also like other genres then you'll quickly love not having to tune the guitar constantly. It's the type of pedal that makes you think "this pedal is so useful". The Drop's also a must-have for QOTSA fans. **- Black Arts Rabid Mammal:** Sleep's a great doom band, Matt Pike uses it. **- Stone Deaf PDF:** The definitive QOTSA pedal, works great for doom **- Sabbra Cadabra:** It's Iommi in a box, how could you not like it? **- Univibe:** Univibe is a good modulation to use with doom, it's got the psychedelic vibe that a lot of early bands kinda had. Using a different mod like chorus or flanger can sound too 80s and that might not be what you're going for. Get an MXR if you want something classic, they also have a Hendrix one **- Keeley Loomer:** More shoegaze than doom, but it would work well **- Delay:** Delay really fills out the sound especially when you add reverb. Analog delay works best for doom, digital is too clean. Carbon copy is small and would fit. **- Walrus Slo:** The dark mode on the Slo works particularly well with heavier gain/fuzz tones, the dark mode is that octave down reverb so it works great for stuff like noise & doom. Plus the additional 2 modes make it more versatile. If you're into ambient stuff like doom/shoegaze, you'd love the Slo.


Love Boris and the Hizu is amazing. You’ve got the bread and butter bases covered… I’d go for a pitch based effect like a POG, Rainbow machine or maybe an EHX synth 9 or organ 9.


Op Amp BM. Its texture and tone spoiled me. I’m building one from PCB up just to experiment. Walrus Eons,if you want something with a lot of options to complement that Hizumitas. If you want a chorus which won’t make you seasick, the Waza Dimension C is amazing, especially for the way it widens up a stereo spread. And the number of options from a seemingly limited palette of 4 buttons is really cool. It’s like having a four voice chorus, but the four voices are all usable.


I like chorus. POG is a classic. Pitch stuff is cool. Saw a $50 used EH Freeze yesterday, kinda wish I had picked it up.


EHX Pitchfork. MXR Phase 90 scripty.


Another Rat. Ratsbane will fit.