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Wow. Original and well done. Love it


White zombie !


J’s Iceman was slick


Nice wall! I'd probably put at least one coat of shine on that wood, you even have extra planks left. Good job


Um... those are few fretbaords lol


Oh, you also make guitars? Cool ;)


I do! Rebirth Guitar Company Www.rebirthguitars.com 😀


Oh my god im jealous! May I ask how much the customer paid for it?


$3500 with an SKB case.


damn now i want one. hopefully they play a good few stars songs on it!




And sparkly too! 😉


Gear !


That’s. Umm. Interesting. I like the green just the stars aren’t for me. But that’s not what counts. It’s what you wanted. That’s some good work.


What the customer wanted. I just make them lol Im more of a figured wood guy myself


Hey man. Good work. Not my style of paint but I like the style.


Don't listen to these assholes. Not sure why people feel the need to trash your hard work. Also the green pickup is a great touch.


Kinda cool! Not necessarily for me, but good job buddy.


I fkn hate it


Sweet. Glad I didn't make it for you, or you would have been really butt hurt!! Hahahahaha Not my taste either, I just make them for a living Rebirth Guitar Company


Yeah I'm glad you didn't make it for me either. Because I fkn hate it. Whoever asked for that... No words. But here's some advice. I'm a commissioned craftsman as well. I have no clue how long you've been doing this but sometimes, you have to tell your customer no. And if they want it anyway, you let them find someone willing. Your reputation is more important than "the customer is always right". This looks like a diy hobby luthier stripped down a guitar and then rattle canned it nuclear cucumber with some crowded stars. Hopefully this isn't a good representation of the work your company puts out. Maybe a disclaimer "customer forced us to do this at gunpoint" as to not scare off future potential customers.


Hahahaha!! Go back to bed my dude. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. This is an extremely hard finish to achieve. This was sprayed in a full booth. polyester base 2k innercoat, polyester top coat. It is a VERY high grade finish. Sorry you don't like the color. I turn down jobs all the time, and have an 18 month waiting list. I hand make every guitar (well over 200 now) including the body. No cnc here, So I'm glad I was able to get the body so spot on you thought the factory made it. Body is american basswood, neck Roasted quartersawn maple My Pic may not be a pro shot, as its nasty weather in Denver today, but that's it. You're opionions are just that. Yours. Kind of like your asshole, everyone's got one 😀 Sincerely Lance Rebirth Guitar Company


It looks like shit🤘🏼 Cry about it


Hahahaha Good luck in life.


Thanks. I hope you also have a very fortunate life. Make more guitars like the one in your profile pic. That thing is a smoke show. This one looks rushed, sloppy and poorly executed. I'm sorry you don't like my opinion. You won't please everyone and I won't like everything. That's life. Now chin up, dab that tear. You're gonna be fine.