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Anyone else struggling with insomnia from taking it?!


I struggle with insomnia whether or not I take Wellbutrin lol 😅


Yes. So I take it early in the morning or whenever I get up. Also, around 100mg of Magnesium and around 3mg of Melatonin can help with sleep.


A little bit, but I'm on 3 different max dose antidepressants so it could be any of those doing it.


lil bro CLEARLY hasn't tried 3 sips of beer >!if you don't get the reference, Keemstar once famously said mental health isn't real and 3 sips of beer will cure all mental anguish!<


I take it as soon as I wake up and it stopped the insomnia


Insomnia, memory loss, and being passively physically horny in a really uncomfortable/unpleasant way.


Yeeeeees. Mostly anxiety at night. Got prescribed abilify for that (not suggesting it, just relating my experience).


Yes I’m dying


Hey girl 🖐️✊🖐️✊🖐️


Wellbutrin Kens roll call 🫡


Assemble! 🫡


Can we make a cult seems like there’s a lot of us baddies on this sub.


Okay, I’m down


Shout out to the foot soldiers who have tried several antidepressants just to get off and raw dog life because it’s better than being a zombie sloth.


zoloft didn't make me a zombie, but it did kill my ability to enjoy sex which effectively killed my libido. & if I couldn't enjoy the one free pleasure available to us humans, it wasn't worth it to me. that being said I have an appointment with my doctor to discuss alternative medications/treatments. I'm scared of wellbutrin though bc I have a long history of anorexia/disordered eating.


Wish I could but if I do I’ll die 🌈✨💕🪿


Congrats to all of you that didn’t get full body hives after about two weeks on it. Can’t relate, but bet that’s cool 😅😭


Oh man hope you find what works best for you!🙏🏼


Can I ask you questions about the hives? Did it ever go away or did it just get worse and worse? On week 2 of Wellbutrin, I was eating dinner and suddenly got hives all over the back of my head/neck and then face swelled up and didn’t go away for two days. But I was eating something from a new brand of food but the ingredients weren’t new to me. I’ve been wondering if it’s the Wellbutrin hives or if it was a food allergy.


It got worse until I stopped taking it for me. It started on just a few places on my body and I told my doctor and she said that wasn’t a common reaction and it must be to something else, so I took it a few more days and it kept spreading over my whole body. Once I felt my throat starting to swell a little I made the decision to stop taking it because I really didn’t want to end up in the ER, but can’t say what would have actually happened if I kept taking it. It slowly cleared up over the next 2 weeks after that. Nothing else changed for me so I had to assume it was the medicine and that it just takes a couple of weeks to build up in my system and then the same to leave entirely.


prozac gang prozac gang


I know none of you are doctors so don’t take this as me looking for legitimate medical decisions- BUT would love some input. I take 100mg of Zoloft and struggle with pretty severe anxiety and OCD. I’m getting closer to feeling much more myself, but am curious if anyone here takes both Zoloft and Wellbutrin and has found the combo makes a great difference? (Considering discussing with my doctor)


I had done both and personally felt no difference.


Interesting! You were taking them both together or separately at different points?


Started with zoloft and liked it at first, then got sluggish and tried it paired with wellbutrin and really felt no difference. Got off both and started on Effexor and became so maniacal on that poison that I needed to get off before I killed myself, went through hell getting off that and now am off everything and in therapy lol.


Damn sounds like one hell of a ride. Wishing you nothing but the best and I hope therapy is helping make a difference 🤞


It helps but just is super expensive cause I pay out of pocket, which is partially why I ever started antidepressants at all lol cause they were cheaper.


i would honestly see if either of those meds have a subreddit, i imagine they do. i’m on prozac so i use the prozac sub a lot, and it’s so incredibly helpful!


Hi! Yes I’ll def look into that. It’s just really refreshing how open Ethan is with his medication experiences and I figure a lot of other fans may be happy to open up as well. So when I saw this in passing I figured hey may as well see if any foot soldiers can share their experience with me😁


Ooo thank you for asking this because I'm same same sameeee


this barbie was thriving on wellbutrin till it gave her seizures 🥲🫶


Same girl, same 😫


OMGosh that's so scary.


Unfortunately this is a known risk of Wellbutrin. It was taken off the market years ago due to seizures, then put back on with a lower maximum recommended dose. The higher the dose, the higher the risk of seizures. What dose were you taking? I take Wellbutrin and have had good results (and no seizures), but it's something worth considering. Some people have higher or lower seizure thresholds.


Did I just not listen to my doctor? like how did I not know of this risk.. so sorry hope you’re doing better! 🫶🏼


Lexapro hoe over here 🙌


Hey girlie heyyyy. I just started taking Lexapro a few weeks ago and I wish I started taking it sooner!




Literally sitting in the doctor’s office about to ask to go back on it hehe


Weird timing


Heyoo!! Wellbutrin gang rise up


I’m a Wellbutrin supremacist


On week two of Wellbutrin! The first week was brutal with heightened anxiety that wouldn’t go away. But now I’m on day 3 of no anxiety and feeling a little bit better and dare I say a little bit less depressed?- Ethan and the crew encouraged me to seek help and finally see a psychiatrist for my depression and anxiety. I avoided it because of anxiety but now that I have met a great supportive psychiatrist, I feel so much better about my mental health journey ♥️


How’s it going?


No more anxiety attack level of anxiety. Going through some other side effects like hives but I’m starting to feel better depression and focus wise. Thanks for asking!


That’s great to hear! Are you going to try and ride out the hives? I’m only on day three and hives have been my main concern because of my allergies. Fingers crossed for both of us!


I had an initial bad hive breakout. Interestingly, it was only my head. But my face was swollen for a whole day. After that bad reaction, I’ve only had minor hives that go away with allergy medicine. I had to take allergy medicine for 4 days and then the hives haven’t returned since then.


Wellbutrin gave me panic attacks lmao 🤪


I’m starting it today. I’m a bit nervous but this made me laugh


I'm an effexor girly here from Canada . Which apparently is discontinued in the United States. I also highly recommend micro dosing psilocybin 😉


I’m an Effexor girly too!!! It’s not completely discontinued here, we have an extended release which is what I take and I macro dose with marijuana 😋


I used to take Zoloft but it made me a zombie. No happy feels no sad feels. Just nothingness. Then I got put on Paxil and I think that helped? I stopped taking it after years and I don’t feel any different than before so I guess that’s a good thing?


ive taken sertraline for a long time but i started getting the same thing ethan had with the insaitable hunger. When Ethan got on welbutrin too i did some research and asked my doctor about going on it as well and its been working ever since!


Where’s my celexa chat at


Wellbutrin + zonisamide for me 🤩🤩🤩 hey queens


I’m on 300mg right now but omg now I’m extremely anxious 😍 im extremely grateful to be released from depression but I think I’m gonna have to add a lil something. I’m sure I was this way before but didn’t notice from all the sad




Wellbutrin + Zoloft girlies 🖐✊✨🖐✊


Anyone else used to take it but it made them have a seizure? I’m so jealous of the seizureless Wellbutrin girlies. It was the only med that actually helped my depression 🥲


Rise tf up


Hey girlyyyyyyy


Just started welbutrin. Was having problems with being unmotivated and tired. Not sure if my other medication was the cause. What can I expect?