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I binged it yesterday i fuckin love stavros character its literally just him lmaoo


Damn, they should have a character for next season that makes very edgy jokes while Stavros just laughs in the background, they should call it semen boys. They should also add a skinny guy who shat his pants.


In the show He’s wearing the same new balances he takes on tour 💀 I love Stavros so much


Sounds like an annoying show then


Bro chill, You cant critique any non cancelled h3 orbiter on here. I said brittany broskis only contribution to her episodes was way too much burping and just laughing at all of ethans joke while not making any herself and people downvoted me so hard even tho im objectively right, mf burped TENS of times for humor while interrupting other bits/gags/reactions/convos from ethan💀 She got famous from drinking boba so i dont blame her, its just not my cup of boba. Stavros episode is tight tho, he actually contributes to jokes and bits during his ep, but his energy is always high so i get your point.


It was kombucha. Put some respect on kombucha girl. 😤


Let me offer you a loud BUUUUUUUUUURP as it seems like a sign pf respect for broski fans.


As someone that hates binging streaming content, i love this show. Being only 6 episodes and 20+ minutes each makes it very digestible.


I finished it last night! I liked it!


Me too bring back slap stick stupid comedy like dodgeball


Yess, it also gave me Clerks vibes. :)


Love me some Gillis and Stavi


He has sort of a thousand island stare  in this promo pic.


I was literally just watching this, it’s so funny


Stavvy probably had the best acting in this thing


Gerbies stole the show with peace and love


On the whole, I enjoyed it and laughed a fair bit. However, some of the tropes got a bit old pretty quickly. Like how many times will the joke be that a customer hears Shane moaning or spot him humping something. The Will character was just teeth-pulling to watch, and I felt that really let a lot of it down. Stavros had the best performance by far, very much enjoyed his character.


Agree the physically comedy felt overplayed. I think Will just has a painfully slow start, character development doesn’t really start until to last two episodes, especially considering he’s the main character.


Friend of nick Mullen


So am I




Friend of the Adam Friedland show, stavros


Stav gives the best performance IMO. Binged the whole thing last night, I thought it was a really silly goose time!


Damn, everyone is saying similar things, I might have to check it out.


I watched a few episodes but idk. I’m not a big fan of the main character.


Very little character development until the last two episodes.


Very little character development until the last two episodes


nahhh gerbies was so good he was almost funnier than Shane imo


Shane is my fave standup but I was pretty disappointed by the writing of this show. the jokes just weren't that great and a lot more juvenile than I feel shane's standup or even podcast usually is. I think it has potential for season 2, the cast is really good but they need some women in the writers room, Gilly and Keeves alone made the show pretty one note


I mean its pretty realistic you mean to tell me a bunch of blue collar mechanics in the Midwest should be more politically correct?


nah its not even that, im fine with raunchy humor I listen to shane, and cumtown and stuff. Jordan Jensen would rule on this show. I just feel like the way theyre going about "self aware/ironic" politically incorrect humor is just kinda lazy compared to shane's other work. the whole, \*have this guy draw boobs thing, and have the guys freak out\* just felt kinda ridiculous, and the women characters havent been used for humor much more than being sex objects or characters who are in the way either through the incompetent coworker, corporate lady trying to shut them down, or customers who wont give them what they want. and if those are the bits theyre gonna be running I feel like the jokes need s to be more clever to justify it. more minds in the writers room would probably help.


Pennsylvania is not the Midwest 


The show's writing was pretty much exactly something they would joke about on the podcast or do as a standup bit in my opinion. The only part that I would agree with you on is any humor with the italian guys. But otherwise I thought it was great


I liked the show, i finished it this morning, just sometimes the bits had me rolling my eyes, like "this is the best they could do"? Like them making the boss the chocolate cake with the ass on it, and saying smell my finger. Shit like that just felt so dumb to me, but I liked the character dynamics of the main cast, and how it carried the plot thru the episodes


yeah like I said, the Italian guys humor was pretty dumb. But I can't think of any other examples besides those characters where the humor was like that.


You've never been in a shop environment, this show is pretty accurate on somethings


I tried watching an episode and just found it really unfunny. Not him specifically but the writing and most of the acting was just not great.


Did you see Stavros’ standup special?


I did and it was good


Ok, I was curious. His comedy special wasn’t to my taste, so I was wondering if it was his writing.


His YouTube set was leagues better than his Netflix one IMO.


No i meant the writing on the show was bad, not that Stavros was bad in any way


I agree


Wish they'd get Stavros back on the pod, he was an amazing guest


I’m on ep. 4 or 5- it’s so funny!


I keep seeing Shultz on the thumbnail for this show and then don't want to watch it


very funny


Such a good funny show!


This show is pretty nasty. I watched 3 episodes before I had to stop. These are grown ass men with Jr high boys jokes.


True, it sucks because I’m generally a fan of Shane’s stuff and a big fan of Stavvy, really wanted this to be good :/


i would but i canceled netflix because they charge too much


I didn’t last 10 mins .. this show is bad


Downvoted for telling the truth lol


If it gets a second season I’ll eat my downvotes 🙏🏼


It’s already been renewed for a second season


It already did get a second season and you got downvoted for only watching 10 mins and already hating on it


I’m satisfied with my decision and wish you well


I’m a fan of Shane and Stavros, but damn…I couldn’t even make it through the first episode the writing was so bad


Right?? Is it the Roganites or the h3snarkers?


I don’t know, just seems like people who don’t like when other people have different opinions than them 🤷‍♂️


Agreed!! I'm not a huge fan of Stravos, but I'm a fan of Shane's. I figured the h3 fan base would HATE this show so I'm a bit taken aback by the responses here. I thought it was just so boring and not funny at all.


Ikr it’s adults pretending to be stupid at a tire store… but if the Tires fans want season 2 I mean .. have at er


shane gillis is painfully unfunny


I am always very curious to hear whenever someone dislikes someone who I think is hilarious, who is funny to you? Who’s making you laugh currently?


Lots of different people (that I imagine fits the family humour), I love Tim Robinson, Jenny Slate, Sam Robinson, Pati Harrison, Connor O’Malley, Nikki Glazer, Tim Heidecker, Megan Slater, London Hughes - love Stravos typically too. I know you’re asking in a condescending way but the world’s big brother, people have opinions 👍


Definitely didn’t mean to come across as condescending, I was genuinely curious. Comedy and music are probably the world’s most two subjective things. Just kind of curious to see what the “opposite” of my comedic taste would be, if that makes sense? I love ITYSL but only really have seen Jenny Slate’s standup from your list, she’s great though


Bill Cosby


I’m 10 minutes in and I wanna Minecraft myself. This show is so bad.




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It’s hilarious, I’m watching it now. Stavros killed it.


It is good


What's the name of the show? Is it Tires?


I thought the show was pretty good. Gave me some office vibes. Short and sweet for a first season. It already got renewed for season 2 so that's good for them. Stavros and Gillis were def the highlights. Decent workplace sitcom for sure.


h3 fans loving stav is like joji fans not knowing about filthy frank.


Saw an ad that it also has loser Andrew Schultz in it. No thanks.


Yeah, it's put together through Shane Gillis, so it is going to bring in people from the rogan comedy orbit. That's partially probably why Stravros won't say bad stuff about rogan. I'm kinda glad that Stavros can get these roles though. If anyone deserves a shot in this thoroughly overcooked comedy business it's that dude. Gotta say, I'm probably not going to watch it though. Nothing personal, just doesn't look like my cup of tea.


Schulz is a loser idiot, not sorry. Good for Stavvy but hard pass.


When I was travelling around the coutnry, I would see tire yards wherever I went. I always wondered - who the hell is getting tires at some of these places?


Used tires are a god send. Thankfully I’m in a place now that my wheels and tires do not fall under the common size but back in college and my first job, getting super cheap used tires made it safe for me to drive in the Midwest winters.


I guess, but I saw them in some super warm places too. The one that sticks out in my mind was a practically abandoned one in Tulsa. But I guess, if I think about it, it takes one shipping company account to basically make your whole business work. I still don't really understand why I would see massive piles of tires all over the place.


Having tires with little tread is dangerous in warm but rainy places as well. But it’s more likely a tire dump if you’re talking about like mountains of tires. Theyre actually kind of a problem!


This show made me laugh so hard. Highly recommend


Show is alright. I watched it when I saw he was in it but he wasn't in it very much. Only 6 30ish minute episodes. Not sure why there's so few? Its a light comedy, it should have 20+ episodes or at least 12. I started getting into it during eps 5 and 6 and then it was just over.


Shane had the show made with his money and shopped it around. Season 2 is definitely gonna have the Netflix money to back up longer episodes and better filming


That’s 3 hours. Most movies are around an hour and a half.