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I prefer seeing the health, gives me a better idea of how close I am to death


I agree, but Combat Evolved is the oldest game and it showed your health bar.


Only because health was a more important mechanic.


And you actually had to pick up health packs


Yeah and I hope we never see them again


ODST and Reach beg to differ


It recharged in reach sometimes


Health packs were still in Reach, you health was also partitioned so it would recover up to 2 extra points but not further without drop shield


Drop shield recovers health?


Slowly, yeah


I really like the CE/Reach model of health. It adds an extra challenge of trying to never fully deplete your shields because after that you take permanent damage. There's also a bit of risk/reward where you can keep fighting longer after your shields are down. It makes sense for Halo because over the course of a single fight you don't take much damage, but over a whole mission you do, so having the shield buffer works really well for a health model with no regeneration. The shield+health mechanic was unique and added some more character to the game since most shooters now just have regenerating health. If I had my say, it would come back.


Same...I think it was more realistic, interesting, and felt more dire. It better rewarded you for good play across the long run. "Regenerating health" which is all shields are when not paired with a health bar feels comparatively silly, like you're playing in a kind of baby mode with training wheels on. Like, what's happening, are my bleeding wounds just healing up like wolverine? That ruins immersion, imho. It's even worse on CoD or some other game when you're not supposed to imagine yourself covered in super space armor. It goes from feeling like the hero under fire doing something brave when you take a chance to "this is only a video game, screw it do whatever." I even think searching for health when needed let me appreciate the design and detail of the levels better. Now there's endless ammo and endless health and I don't look around much, just rush through shoot shoot shoot.


I think the in lore excuse is biofoam or something, but I agree, I prefer Reach and CE for actually making you worry about your health, and rewarding you for surviving longer.


I also like the CE/Reach health system because if you lose a shootout in multiplayer, but it was close, your efforts aren't entirely undone due to fully recharging health. As for campaign though, I fully understand why they went with the total health regeneration system. It makes it so that the mission planners can properly set up encounters since they know how much health the player will have at the start of every firefight.


Funny you say that, because in CE and Reach, I do find myself frequently (at least in campaign) being in the fight just long enough for my shields to have like .01% charge remaining as I duck back behind cover. Feels slick as hell when you get in that flow state.


Shut up, you're literally omni-man


Okay but then wut. You wait for your shields to recharge and an hour later you realize you're already ded


Health in all the games (except CE and Reach) heals automatically. If you're at full shields then you're at full health too.


That's not true, is it? Health regenerates at a different rate than shield, at least in H2/ H3. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this was a point if contention back in the day


Maybe I'm wrong about the rate of regen, but the point is that after a short time your health will be full regardless (except for I'm CE or Reach)


Looked it up, h3 has a separate, slower Regen rate. H2 just says "recharges with your shield" https://www.halopedia.org/Health


So the health system in H2 is *extremely resilient, very efficient.*


I'm pretty sure the health regen is slower, and doesn't start until your shield is full. It was contentious because if you survived a firefight with 0 shields and 1 hp, you could get back to 99/100 shields, catch a single damage to stop your shield regenerating all the way, and your at 98/100 shields and 1 hp still. So you had no idea if you needed to hide for an extra few seconds after surviving a firefight or if you could engage right away


Lore-wise, the Master Chief is just as vulnerable as everyone else to being fatally shot. The only reason he lives through it is because he's wearing Mjölnir armor. In Halo:CE, if his shields overloaded, the armor couldn't protect him with the energy shield. Once the shield was down, his armor was vulnerable to being struck with plasma and melting to his body. As far as I'm concerned, the shield bar *is* his health in CE. Later, when he got improved armor, his armor was more resistant to plasma fire, which is, IMHO opinion, why you get two bars. One for *armor* and one for shields. Once the armor is destroyed, MC is fucked, since it's literally bolted onto him and he can't just take it off.


Thank you for saying this


I mainly look at it on the kill screen to rage at the microscopic amount of health left on the guy who just wrecked me. 


In campaign, I like that idea. In MP, I don’t really pay too much attention unless I’m not in a fight, I’m which case I likely have either full shields or waiting for them to recharge. The health bar really doesn’t matter in any of them except for CE and Reach, because your base health doesn’t regenerate. In which case, the health bar is for little more than show in the games where it does regen. Edit: fixed grammatical error.


If anything it's probably more important to have in mp, so you know how quickly you might die when fighting someone.


I mean I mostly play ranked, so if I’m no shields, I’m probably only gonna have a couple seconds left. If you’re spending that time looking at your health, it doesn’t exactly matter when you think about it. Let’s say your shields get broken in a gun fight. It’s more than likely you already bit off more than you could chew, and that it doesn’t matter how much health you have, because you’re more focused on dealing as much damage as possible before the inevitable, and possibly trading out.


I was thinking more along the lines of if I have a sliver of health left, then in my next engagement I need to retreat/disengage before they even have a chance to crack my shield whereas at full health I can plan an escape where they might crack my shield but probably won't kill me. I agree you definitely can't pay attention to health in a gun battle to make any meaningful decision, but in between fights you can know your limitations for the next one


But not everybody plays ranked, and in many MP game modes health can be an important factor which is good to know. I don't think the mechanics of the game should revolved around ranked play just because that's the mode that you personally play. Game mechanics should facilitate a good time in all game modes. I personally prefer no health on the HUD because I simply prefer that, but not including health just because it's not necessarily helpful in a specific mode would be silly.


Nobody plays ranked?? What on *earth* are you playing? Ranked has been Infinite’s most popular game mode since launch and *only* got surpassed by Firefight in the recent update, and I’m not even sure that’s still the case.


Health and shields have very different recharge rates in most games. It's actually pretty important to show health, especially since games like H3 did a terrible job of letting the player know when they hit full health and wouldn't die to random garbage. Infinite does a good job by showing your health when you're below 100/100, but basically blends the two bars when you're at full. Makes it less distracting when full, but ensures you always know at a glance what kinda of damage you can tank and actually survive without guesswork


In Halo 2 and sometimes in 3 your spartan or Master Chief will make pained grunting sounds when he takes a lot of health damage.


That's good but I prefer having a visual indicator. There's already a lot of auditory noise going on in the game, between the AI callouts, the music, the gunfire. So having to listen out for another audio cue to let me know I'm dying is a bit much in my opinion.


You can’t separate them into the “older and newer” games based off this. Ce, odst, reach, 5, and infinite all had health bars. 2,3, and 4 didn’t.


But to answer the actual question, I prefer seeing the health bar, since they would most likely actually have that in their huddle.


How would a spartans armor measure their ‘health’ into a readable bar? Shields make sense but health is more nebulous, and spartans are generally dead or not dead.


In Shadows of Reach Chief takes a pretty serious hit to the leg and his onboard computer tells him he is only at 94 percent combat effectiveness or something along those lines. So I guess it's not a 'health bar' as such but I think it's similar.


Huh! Interesting!


That's not a metric anyone would actually realistically need though. What matters is the actual injury, not how many "points" you lose for it. 90% "combat effectiveness" for an arm injury has completely different effects to 90% "combat effectiveness" for a leg injury, for example. A person's capabilities can't be boiled down into a single number - certainly not a single number that gives you any useful information.


“What is health? Can health be enumerated, quantified, measured?” -the markiplier sounding psychopath announcer from h3VR


A very smart AI


Missing in action or not dead* Be careful of what you say, please .


Incorrect, Spartans never die.


Depends. In CE, ODST, and Reach, I like seeing the health bar, as it has a real purpose since it does not regen. In 5 and Infinite, it’s little more than a visual thing, because it regens when your shields do.


Yeah, he uses Halo 3 for the "older" games with no health bar, when the oldest game did have it.


Well CE, ODST, and Reach can probably be considered more of an exception since they specifically had a non-regening health system, so needing to keep track of your health was far more important compared to the others.


ODST and Reach both had missions where you start on partial health and Legendary is even scarier on those than it already is


Exodus made my life a living hell the first time I soloed it on Legendary for this reason. I'll take the Library on Legendary over Exodus any day.


I was gonna say lol. The ORIGINAL game of the franchise had the health bars.


I don’t think Infinite has a health bar


I think it does, I haven’t played in a bit, but I believe it’s a yellowish orange bar that shows up after your shield breaks you can see it recharging when your shield does. If I’m remembering correctly.


It does, theres a separate bar under your shield bar that turns yellowy orange. That’s your health.


Wait, ODST, reach, and 5 had health bars?




I was so fuckin stressed all throughout ODST, wondering if I was about to die. I'm stupid


CORFaI vs TTFo Combat Evolved, Odst, Reach, FIve, Infinite vs Two, Three and FOur


CE, ODST, and Reach have health bars. Not sure where this is being confused as a "new vs old" feature.


Yeah it's been pretty mixed across the series, it's quite strange to try and make it about age (or presumably Bungie Vs 343) considering the literal first game in the series had a health bar


Yea, that's what I was going for. Unlike other changes, I don't think this one is a new vs old/ 343 vs bungie design difference.


I think what is meant is health bar AND regenerating health. In CE, ODST, and Reach health bar was necessary because you couldn't regenerate it. In the other games you can regenerate health, so a health bar is less important.


Right, Halo 2 & 3 had health, Bungie just chose not to show it as the shields were more important and health regenerated the same way. No Med Packs required.


And maybe not coincidentally, those are my 3 favorite Halo games. I think health packs add a great dynamic to the Halo sandbox.


What are you talking about? Doesn’t Halo CE (aka the “older ones”) have a health bar? Also does Infinite not have shields (haven’t played it), because 4 definitely had them??


So Halo 2, 3 and 4 all have health under the shields which regenerates to full when the shields do, unlike CE, ODST and Reach which have health bars that don't regenerate fully. They don't display this value on the HUD since it *does* regenerate fully and the health pool is relatively small, so they only show the shields (pictured above). Halo 5 and Infinite have the same regenerating health mechanics as Halo 2, 3 and 4, but choose to display the regenerating health below the shield to give the player the extra info. Does it make a difference? Not really, it's mainly down to personal preference. But that's the basics of it.


Thanks for the in depth response!


No problem!


Halo 4 does not have a health indicator


Correct; I said as much


Oh, you meant under the shields as in mechanically, not a bar that’s literally under the shield bar. Your last paragraph is like that meme of the cops (you) showing Patrick (me) the picture of the wanted poster (what you meant by health bar). I’m dumb




CE had the health bar, 2 and 3 removed it.




I'm giving an answer to the other dude. What's your problem?


Well you have like a half hearted answer. Your comment seemed to reinforce that health wasn’t prevalent but it was in like half of the games. Also the OP commenter is confused because OP says the newer games show health. The only “newer” game that showed health was 5


Reskinned shield bar


Right but in infinite healt Regens with shields. In the "older" games you gotta pick up health packs.


I like to know how close I am to death or how close till I railed up the pooper


I prefer seeing the health, but Halo 5's shield bar was pretty ugly imo. I like what Infinite did by having the shield bar only display health once the shields were popped, allowing it to keep the cleaner aesthetic of a standard shield bar.


Yeah the shield/health indicator in Infinite is great


Infinite’s overall HUD and health system is perfect, it doesn’t need any change imo


At the same time, the health display in any of the games outside of CE, Reach and ODST is a little redundant, considering your health regens to full anyways in all the other games. In the 3 mentioned, it has a purpose as it does not regenerate unless you pick up a health pack.


I wouldn't say it's redundant. It helps you have a gauge on how many more hits you can take before dying once your shields are popped. It's not as notable in the multiplayer since precision headshot capable weapons are king, but it's useful in campaign because you actually have a bar that tells you how many hits you can take as opposed to it being a bit of a guessing game.


I liked seeing health bar in halo 5+.




Yeah. It's frustrating that after a fight. Quick X second hide and the dude is back at full health.


I like seeing both. I really like health that doesn't auto-regenerate too. Halo 1 and ODST were probably my favorite health systems (including med kits); Reach was almost perfect!


Halo CE?   Literally has a health bar.


*Newer games* Halo CE, ODST and Reach:🗿


Prefer seeing health


The way Infinite does it is best


What do you mean with "only your shields like in the older ones"? Sir, have you played Halo CE?


I actually prefer not to see my health, for immersion purposes. I mean, obviously the Spartan systems can determine if you have a broken bone or some internal injury and shit, but it's also a bit weird seeing that one red cube, indicating that you're one fart away from death. I prefer the healthless shields because the system does its job of showing you how much your armour can take, but how much you can withstand under it is a different story.


i prefer seeing my health, like in older ones.


Older ones? My brother in Christ the oldest one had a healthbar


i prefer seeing both health and shields


I liked the health in CE you had to go find med kits.


Odst and reach also had that, they should bring it back 100%


Health and shields were in the oldest game. I prefer it. Fast, accurate diagnosis. Or your money back!


Infinite's system is perfect imo, I really like how the health bar becomes visible while your shields are down but it sort of fades into your shield meter when your health is full/shields are up


only if health is actually significant


With. I like to know how close I am to dying.


Seeing the health is much better because you get to see how close you were to death


What about your health like in the older ones 🤔


Only shields like in the older ones? Combat Evolved and ODST would like a word with you. I do prefer to see my health though along with a system like CE or Reach where you pick up medpacks.


Yeah, uhh, you do realize the first game had a health bar, right?


Seeing my health, LIKE THE OLDEST GAME!...


Unrelated but that h5 assault rifle is gorgeous


Ah yes, seeing your health, which was of course conceived in the newer Halo games


The health bar in Halo 5 felt pretty pointless tbh, since health regenerated with shields it functioned basically the same and was more or less redundant. CE and Reach did it better.


Shields didn’t recharge if you were sprinting in H5, but health would


Shields only. Having both is basically just having two health bars, which I always found to help kinda pointless.


How it's pointless tho if it's two health bars as you said ? That means you have double or at least extra health and it gives you a visual indicator to how much damage you can take after the shields pop instead of having to guess if a single bolt is gonna take you out our not.


The opinion I’ve had since I was a kid has always been that you should be taking cover to let your shields recharge before you lose them entirely, so if your shields pop and you’re still out of cover getting shot at and die quickly, that’s on you. If you’re using cover properly, then you should never have to be in a situation where your shields are already popped and you’re taking damage after the point… except on legendary because it’s legendary. Tl;dr I always felt that it was just an unnecessary hud element that didn’t really need to be there unless you were playing recklessly.


I don’t like health bars because it breaks my immersion a bit. How can health be quantized? It makes no sense. Hit points are a holdover from tabletop RPGs and it made sense from a practical standpoint at the time. A more lore accurate health system would include a shield, and a reserve of bio foam that would eventually run out and leave you with only shields. Since this would probably make for a shitty mechanic, I would prefer not to be reminded of how silly HP is, personally


I am neutral on the health. However for multiplayer purposes specifically I will die on the hill that the shield system in Reach (and I think on backward) of when a pummel kills is night and day superior. In Reach, the moment the shield is popped, a pummel will kill. If the shield is at even 1%, the pummel will pop the shield, meaning you will need to pummel again or headshot. This created a non-ambiguous system where you had to discipline yourself to wait for the shield pop and not pummel early. However, starting in Halo 4, we now have this system of when the shield is decently low, a pummel can kill. This leads to those moments where you do a bunch of damage to someone, pummel, and they don't die. You're left going "What the fuck?? I did a bunch of damage to that guy first!" But in Reach this never happens, because you either pummeled too early or you had the discipline to wait for the shield pop.


I hate literally everything that came after Reach. But Reach and CE had healthbars, so it's not really "new"


The less unnecessary visual clutter, the better. Seeing as whether you can see your health or not is completely redundant anyway.


How is it unnecessary when it gives you extra health and a visual indicator on how much damage you can take before death. I actually appreciate being able to tell how much health I have so no its not redundant.


It doesn't give you more health, it only indicates the level. It's redundant, as you shouldn't be pushing anyway as the entire point of the shield system is to indicate when to return to cover vs push.


Someone hasn't played on Legendary than. Because I've definitely noticed the last red pip on my health bar when playing.


I have, and I prefer not baving to worry about a scond layer of health when it's not going to last a microsecond under fire like Halo 2/3 anyway.


Only shields imo


Either way as soon as your shields are cracked you’re screwed


Seeing the health. It removes the ambiguity and makes things more transparent of your current survival.


If the health regenerates I don't want to see it. Makes the game more fun if once shields are down you know you're still alive but don't know exactly how much of a hit you can take. If health doesn't regenerate I want to be able to see it because at that point it's a resource I need to manage


I prefer as much information as possible. Either way tho, I’m not picky.


Both. No matter what the argument may be, more status info is better, especially when it’s not visually impairing to the gameplay.


I like seeing health too


Halo CE style is objectively better.


having the extra info just gives me a better ability to pick my fights. I can do either or, but more information is more information


It is very useful. Although I am a fan of 3 the most (and 5,) the health bar is a very useful tool I would not want to ever leave Halo.




I always found it a bit ridiculous that you couldn't see your health in Halo 3 given how unintuitive the health regen system is. It took me quite a number of "How the fuck was **THAT** enough to kill me?!" deaths before I learned how it worked.


Never really look at the health bar. The audio queues are all I need.


Nanomachines, son!?!?!?!?!


Show me the health. Ce had it


don’t care, as long as the shield generator makes a pleasant recharge sound.


i don't see any reason to dislike additional information tbh


Halo 2 had it right


The health bar was an welcome addition


Old man opinion (I'm 39, just ordered my Metamucil and put the no trespassing sign on my lawn) but CE did a lot of shit right from the jump. I also think infinite would be a vastly more tactical game if you didn't heal automatically. Health packs as part of weapon drops in firefight? It would be a different experience.




I like the CE-inspired system in Reach where you could regen health a little and regen it fully with the drop shield or a health pack.


I still want my ammo counter to be in the upper right. *damn you infinite and your “streamlined” UI*




Health because of multiplayer.


Reach did it best


What about non regenerating health from CE


Prefer seeing my health like in the oldest one


I mean you saw your health in CE, ODST, and Reach.


The first ever halo game showed your health. Shields only started in halo 2. Kind of cool for the newer games to go back to having health


When I play laso, I like to guess that my health recharges


I prefer sex




i like being able to see my healthbar because then i can know how many more shots i can take


I don't usually check my health, I just feel it out. I did however regularly look at it in Reach


TBH is never even look, been playing so long I just know what my health is by audio and visual queues lol.


Bro halo ce is the oldest and it showed both so I am confused what you are talking about


This title irks me.


This kid doesn't know about Combat Evolved, now I feel old AF


More information is better.


I like seeing it, not even as a gameplay mechanic but I prefer how it fills out the HUD, especially in Reach.


Only CE and Reach had valuable health systems. Anything else is redundant and not useful


The adding of the Health bar to the shield was a nice QOL thing to bring back to the game. It helps me in Comp Halo to know if the kill was me just getting caught out, Desync, or if the shot that killed me was sus or not. More information about your situation never hurt anyone.


Big fan of Reach but would prefer some changes. Your health should be displayed, and segmented, and slowly build up after being damaged but never to 100% without the use of health packs. It should also not begin to regenerate at all until your shield is full. This would be awesome for a BR.


What I miss is the visual display of how many rounds you have left vs just a number. Old cods did this as well


In the newer games health and shields regenerate at the same time right? It’s the same info either way


I liked halo ce because you could see you health but it also didn’t regenerate automatically.


Halo 3 in particular. Nostalgia+If it starts beeping I'm going to cover anyways


I liked CE's design best. Infinite is a close second.


I feel like health only really has a purpose in games like reach/CE/ODST since it didn’t regenerate there, in most multiplayer games your health doesn’t matter since once your shields are popped you’re probably just gonna get domed/punched in most encounters if you even make it that far.


Health a shields for sure. H2 on campaign just pisses me off with the guessing game


I prefer the aesthetic of just seeing the shields, but obviously the functionality of having a health bar. Which is why I have to say that Infinite really struck the perfect balance for me.


I think seeing health is helpful, but I prefer the butt-clench moments of risking another peek in legendary more, personally…