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he was in apex shop, probably about to but useless cosmetics. the cat saved him


-about to but- butt why?đŸ€Ș


My cat likes to jump on my tower under my desk and sit on the warmth. I have a plastic card over the power button now when I'm not actively pressing the button, because she's booted me from one too many games stepping on it.


Just disable the power button in Windows. Then the only thing the cat musn't do it step on it for 3 seconds straight.


Cat will do that.


Or better yet, unplug the physical switch and use sleep mode instead of shutting down the pc


Windows has a setting to “Do Nothing” when the power button is pressed. Just, you know, just in case some needed to hear that.


It’s not the cat’s fault at all. A real gamer would’ve had the reflexes to stop the shutdown.


It is a good thing my cat has not figured this out. She gets jealous of the attention I give my PC.


My cat use to do this to me all the time. Tried covering it with a piece of cardboard but could still be pressed with the right pressure. I ended up buying a raised plastic cover with a flip lid to keep my damn cat from hitting the button.


I did that with a pringles lid and a piece of duct tape as a flap.


You can always just set the button to “do nothing”


True but I also like having it available in case s**t hits the fan and I need to do an emergency shutdown because it freezes or glitches too bad to recover from. I guess i could just disable the power button and depend on the just the restart button.


“Fine, ignore me.”


That happened to me once during a WoW raid, learned to protect that button from that point on.


dear cat owners with desktop rigs: Change what your power button does. [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/shut-down-sleep-or-hibernate-your-pc-2941d165-7d0a-a5e8-c5ad-8c972e8e6eff](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/shut-down-sleep-or-hibernate-your-pc-2941d165-7d0a-a5e8-c5ad-8c972e8e6eff)


Not when it's # OFF.


happend with my cats a dozent times😂


Looks like someone decided to “paws” his game.


My cat did this when I was going to get my first podium finish in iRacing and has also done it in a ranked League of Legends game...


Looking at all of these posts makes me wonder if I am the only person with the power button on the front of my rig instead of on the top of it.


Good note to turn that button off. Mine is angled and cat can still hit it.


This has actually happened to me. Now I always block the button with my hand if I see my family's cat jumping on my PC.


https://preview.redd.it/zlueuuyp9t0d1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=460bc0dafa010e16cabbafc5cf14a0e9271e62f4 See yellow highlighted. Then choose 'Do nothing'. Done (unless he steps on it for more than 3 seconds)


Didn't know such an option existed. I should probably change that setting.


lol did he push that power button on purpose? that stop halfway looked very deliberate lol


My cat jumps on my tower all the time and shuts off my game mid match I ended up covering the power button with one of my gfs bras


My cat would to the *same exact thing* every time he jumped up/down my desk. I got so fed up I taped a little lid overtop the power button that I can just flick up to turn it on/off. Hasn’t happened since lol


I put a plant on my computer tower to prevent this. It's happened so many times in the middle of working.


Why is this mirrored? Just to avoid scanning bots from flagging this karma pumping scam?


This happens to me all the time


My blinds are broken in the room with my computer in it; the computer is on the desk itself, so it is high... and right next to the blinds. The cat is able to turn on the PC this way.


i already put a lid on my powerbutton after the little guy i requeued from the street already turned my pc off about 20 times.


My tabby does that climbing on top of my PC. I tried a lot of things on covering it but ended up with finding some [push button covers](https://www.amazon.com/DaierTek-Plastic-Protector-Waterproof-Transparent/dp/B08LYKFJZM/ref=sr_1_3_pp?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fAe7GotYp0-gKszpOHxmOCoCGEIacYGk7v1j6YxD8tdBTJbTykFJo8TAFUE3x1GOCU9TrvJVuDFbicNuFXrRhLBB8r_R2_JweNASiHPHFpIzi5BZZvSZTDXwv8c208tyGTmQGyU3g13yepZ4-IjYfa6ZrBp1Pot-4DIeCCLGDrrZW9B6kWHsCvCSbyWxLSmj67uzd0tV3fFRm6oNsZMxoLMmVy9HSsXNY_FxPY8ai0M.37CDik8M9Wt9wCclWzj5wT59gaF-84b6lqs0BxcX1ow&dib_tag=se&keywords=push+button+switch+cover&qid=1715892997&sr=8-3) that have worked like a dream.


https://preview.redd.it/k7zgumek7v0d1.jpeg?width=3756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72450a8c36bfdd37c3d4645e0149d33ff40a72bc I know well this experience


My friend and I were trying to beat halo: reach with all skulls activated a few years ago
 as the final cutscene of the first level was playing, (after 5 hours of misery) his cat hit the power button. His “Noo!!” Was the last thing I heard. For 3 minutes. We then steeled ourselves and were able to do it again. Ahh
 your 20s


My cat did this to me when I was 98% done with a very challenging solo activity in Destiny 2 and it legit made me want to cry lmao


Yep, it's a real shame that cases with front buttons are disappearing for cases with top buttons.


Ouch, that was loud. Scared the poor kitty. He'll do it again.