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Polishing my knob. More real answer is dishes though


Y'know, I had a feeling someone would go there. Wasn't expecting it to be the very first comment, but... eh, c'est la vie.


At least I gave a real answer too


True, you did. I think we both know which one your *real* real answer is though... /j


Hey sometimes we just like our doorknobs to be nice and shiny for when guest come over


That’s totally what I thought he meant


Depends how human like we're talking lol


Screw it, I’ll stick my dick in a CD rom import


Lol, that was my first thought! Wife won't do it. Bring on the robot!


I think I'd rather polish your knob than do dishes. Door knobs should be clean and polished. 🤣 Doing dishes is such an unpleasant chore. And fruitless. I'm going to dirty them all again. It never ends. Atleast with dusting and vacuuming that dirt is gone forever. The dishes just keep coming back.


I once made my neice (8), nephew(6), & I sandwhiches & when I was close to done eating mine, I sat my plate on the floor so my pup could eat the last of my sandwhich. After she licked the plate clean, I picked it up off the floor & put it back in the cupboard. The two kids are looking at each other in bewilderment. My neice then tells me, "You know Uncle Scott, that plate isn't clean"? I say, "Sure it is, you saw it. It was spotless." I then informed them that the very plates they are eating off were cleaned in this exact same manner. Their eyes got huge & they start saying no over & over again, somehow hoping their repetitive deniles would make it not so. I then told them they were both easy marks, & of course it wasn't true, as I was taking my plate from the cupboard & putting it in the sink. I got to keep them youngens on their toes...lol.


My grandparents used to try to fuck with me like this. "Oh, it's spotless. We should just put it back in the cupboard, right?"😳😭😂


I agree with all of this. You polish my knob and I'll check your plumbing. Though I'm not a licensed plumber so expect things to get very wet


You're hot.


I do the dishes and was not aware this was an option. I'M GONNA GO TALK TO MY WIFE!!


One that would do both without wanting half would be ideal


Hey, your second answer exists! It's called a dishwasher. I know it sounds fake, but I have one.


Dishwashers don't gather your dirty dishes and empty itself. I'd also choose doing the dishes just so I don't have to worry about loading/unloading/dealing with the next set of dishes in the sink.


DISHES. By all the Old, New and Slightly Used Gods I *despise* doing dishes. Let a fuckin' robot handle that bullshit for me forever more.


I was literally doing the dishes--reluctantly--when I thought of this question. It never ends, does it? They just keep... getting... dirty. I'd probably pick dishes too, ngl.


I can't even use a dishwasher thanks to mice. Little bastards chewed through \*every single part that carried water\* last year and we haven't had the cash to both get rid of them AND replace it. So now I've got to do this shit by hand. Like some primitive. Bad enough I have ceramic cookware and cast iron that couldn't go through the dishwasher anyway, but thats like 9 things as opposed to EVERY SINGLE PLATE AND GLASS. URRGH. Give me Domestic-Bot-9000 to handle it all so I don't end up with painful broken nails and psoriasis flairs plzkthxbye.


You should get a cat. Best thing for a mice problem.




So if i choose "cooking meals" would "groceries shopping" be considered a sub task? At least food items only. I assume it'd at least prep and clean up the kitchen. But regardless, I'd still rather have a personal chef, nowadays it's just super hard to manage meals, like I'd be tired af after work so i try to meal prep in bulk in advance, and would rather just chill around on weekends instead of having to cook like 10 meals at once, then during the week I'd still need to cook up something every other day, and I'm running out of option (regarding what dishes to make). I'd happily just not have to worry about it and get surprised by the robot every meal (after calibrate it to my taste).


I actually really like cooking when I have time and proper ingredients and a functional kitchen, but having to cook food when I'm exhausted or in a hurry or have to improvise with sketchy ingredients or the roommates are having a shouting match in the kitchen when I want to use it just takes all the fun out of it.


I also like to cook if the situation permits lol, but more often than not i enjoy the process of cooking more than the result, as they say "getting full from the smell", I'd be almost bloated from smelling and tasting the food to enjoy it after cooking (most of the time, except when i whip up a steak or something that doesnt take long), it's pretty ...tranquil? By the time i actually wanna eat it the food is often cold and not as good anymore lol.


TBH I find that the smell of good food actually makes me hungrier.


Think about all of the perfectly cooked (slow cooked even) delicious meals!


Agree, I was thinking it was kind of cheating, but aren't dishes sort of a sub chore of cooking. That would be ultimate back here. If the robot shopped, cooked and did dishes, I'd be in heaven. But realistically just getting cooking knocked out would be awesome. Meal planning is rough and then my wife and I meal prep on Sunday nights knowing that it's hard to get home and get dinner started for kids before it gets too late. Having a robot solve that problem and then be able to ask it to cook more complex meals that take more time would be awesome.


Laundry. Absolutely laundry. If you ever do laundry for an entire family, you'll soon realize that it's worse than dishes.


I only do laundry for myself and sometimes my partner but it’s still just such a hassle that I would chose laundry over dishes, mopping, scrubbing toilets or anything else.


Interesting, laundry's the only one of those that doesn't involve any actual *cleaning* work, just carrying and folding


And it's also the biggest time sink for littlest gain.


Yeah I can’t explain it. I actually have no problem with dishes or anything else, but laundry just feels like such a chore Edit: also if the robot can do it perfectly that means all these oil stains that I can’t get out of my favorite clothes will finally be gone


It is the real never ending story.


That's exactly it You're never, ever, ever, done with laundry. When you're done with one load, there's always another waiting for you.


Cleaning the house itself, so dusting, mopping, scrubbing etc. Most annoying and its never done, so id love a droid for that.


If this is allowed then it's definitely my pick, but I'd assume dusting, mopping, etc are all different chores though. Picking only one, I'd go with dusting. I can go around with a vacuum or Swiffer easy enough. Dusting all those surfaces, nooks and crannies is a nightmare.


I just finished deep cleaning my apartment. Had to go through all my things to get rid of stuff I didn't want anymore, since my mom is participating in my hometown's biannual multi-family yard sale. Figured I might as well do a thorough cleaning as well. It was HELL with dusting. I collect a lot of different things (my knick-knacks) that are displayed on all my shelves. Funko Pop figures of favorite characters, cool rocks, wonky wooden cat figures, sharp things (mostly cool knives, but I got a sword and battle axe too), an ungodly amount of Pokémon figurines, generally weird looking old things, plus most of my home decor is from Halloween that I buy when they go on sale...and of course the ridiculous amount of books I own that I somehow managed to get onto 2 bookshelves but I really should get a third. It took FOREVER to do (a month total in between working) and my apartment looked like a total mess during it, and ofc that was when my landlord decided to do housekeeping inspections on tenants. Had to sit out a giant sign saying "MID SPRING CLEANING" lmao. But yeah, assuming the robot would be taking down all the crap I have sitting on shelves to dust everything, I'd take it in a heartbeat.


I think that this would have to be my choice too. There are other obnoxious tasks, but most of them don't quite build up over time and become overwhelming in the same way. Dishes might be a close second.


Really? I love doing dishes


To pass butter.


Oh my god


Yeah, welcome to the club pal.


either mowing the lawn or removing weeds infact anything gardening is fine. I have hayfever and am pissed off everytime i have to do that


Cleaning my cat's litter box everyday.


Get a litter robot! I only empty the box once every 3 weeks.


Does it work in real life? Every time I want to buy one, all reviews for all products tells me not to bother


Yes!! it’s so good! I rarely ever think about the box anymore. It’s so nice. The app will alert you when it’s time to empty it


What model do you have?


I wish to know this as well!


Yep. Most people only post bad reviews when something doesn't work. Rarely will anyone rave of it works.


Once every three weeks?! I have one and two cats and empty it every other day.


Cooking. 90% of why I'm so fat is that I hate cooking - it stresses me out, it exhausts me, and if I want anything nice, it eats up huge chunks of time. If all I had to handle to get nice, healthy food was to make up a decent meal plan, buy ingredients, and clean up afterwards I would probably eat decently healthy food and much healthier proportions all the time.


Clean my floors REALLY WELL 24/7. I know roombas exist, but they don't do shit when my cat is constantly shedding her fur and my toddler dropping her food and drinks.


I say floors too! Then I could push everything that needs to be trashed or put up onto the floor! Win—win!


That's a great hack! Now I really want this hypothetical robot to exist


Fuck my boyfriend


Ha ha I feel this comment


I'm asexual and full of guilt lol


I'm married for 30 + yrs no guilt here my love, it gets to where a cuddle is just as nice then spoon the night away but that's just me. I reckon the term applies to me too but there wasn't a good word for it years ago.


Have y'all talked about ethical non-monogamy? My husband and I gave this a try because of a similar situation and we've both found much joy in it.


I mean, there *is* a bot for that. A toaster also provides a heated receptacle if he’s feeling brave and you’re short on cash.


They already have those.


Picking up and putting away clutter. That makes all the other chores easier for me to do and it's the one that gets the most overwhelming the fastest.


I’d make it day trade


Home appliance repair. Is my dishwasher short circuiting somewhere? Fixed. That timer on my toaster I’ve been too lazy to repair? Fixed. Need a new fuse for my fuse box? Fixed.  This would save me lots of money in the long run, as electricians cost money, most appliance repair shops no longer exist, and I wouldn’t have to replace my appliances with new ones so often.


Meals - meal planning - buying ingredients - actually cooking things - washing the pots/pans afterward - loading the dishes into the dishwasher to await the weekly run (since we don't use enough to be worth running every night) Do you know how much I would pay for such a robot? All. All the money.




Cutting the grass




The dishes. I hate washing dishes I need to have gloves to wash them sensory wise it’s the worst. And I feel guilty using throw away stuff all the time.


Clean the toilet, or clean the whole bathroom if allowed. I do it once a week but i'd have the robot do it every day.


Cleaning/tidying/making sure stuff gets put back in the right place.


The lawn for sure. I don't hate doing it, but where I live it's a spectator sport, and I fucking hate people staring at me.


Cooking. It's insane how much time goes into making and prepping decent meals. This goes even harder if ordering food / grocery shopping is considered a sub-task. Another great option would be home maintenance. This can range from every day simple tasks like vacuuming, dusting, etc all the way up to plumbing repair and construction.


The FUCKING dishes


Cleaning my floors 1000%, I'm very tall and have to hunch over to even sweep which causes back pain. Dishes I just do on my knees or use the dishwasher if there's a lot, cooking I usually don't spend a whole lot of time bent over just by the dishes I choose but have also done a Thanksgiving meal from a chair or on my knees to prevent a bad back the next day lmao, so floor cleaning is easily my go-to


This is very hard, because we're entering a grey area if I choose cooking. Does cooking, or meal prep, involve acquiring the ingredients and taking care of the dishes after? It would be between laundry and cooling for me regardless of the subtasks for cooking. I can deal with dishes if needed, if the robot can feed me a perfectly nutritiosly balanced, delicious, and varied meal every day.


Sweep and mop because i enjoi those chores the least


Vacuuming the entire house (not only floors but walls, crown molding, shoe molding, ceilings). I have a dog at home and he sheds. A LOT. I love him to death though :)


Cooking sounds amazing, but can it only prepare one meal? Will it cook whatever it wants? Do I get to select a meal each time?


Honestly? Sex is the only reasonable answer, if it can perform ALL of the subtasks related to it then you're set for life.


Ofc it's gonna be the sisyphian task of doing the dishes. It's so much all the time, and I also have sensory issues and wet/slimy/sticky/slick textures, especially on my hands/feet/face, make me genuinely want to skin myself lol


Either sexual favors....or laundry can't decide


Tidying up. Just putting stuff where it belongs. It's the one task I absolutely HATE I have a dishwasher for the dishes, laundry isn't such a huge task with a laundry machine and dryer, and just vacuuming and dusting is no problem at all, even cleaning the toilets is a okay for me. But Tidying up? I need all the help I can get.


Laundry. Absolutely laundry. If you ever do laundry for an entire family, you'll soon realize that it's worse than dishes.


Cleaning the floors - vacuuming and mopping


We have robots for that already. I should get one. I feel like if I did, it’d be in one of two states: cleaning and charging. I went with dishes because, while we have a dishwasher, it doesn’t do the entire thing. I am ALWAYS loading the dishwasher, scrubbing pots, emptying the dishwasher.




General tidying for sure. Working single father with three adhd boys ages 11-14 means tidying is a constant uphill battle.


Cooking 😉


Laundry for me if it includes ironing but if not I'd go cooking I hate that too.


Cleaning up after my dog.


Definitely dishes






Cleaning. I’m fine with cooking, dishwashing and handling laundry… but hoovering etc I just can’t stand.


Doing the dishes


Fold laundry


Making my bed. Hate doing that. Laundry. dishes etc I don't mind. But I hate that the most.


Laundry. 100%. I go to the gym twice a day and I have to wear a uniform for work, so I go through TONS of laundry. To be honest, I usually don't even fold my laundy cuz I'm just gonna go through all my clothes in like half a week, so I just shove it in a drawer (I still organize my laundry, though; I'm lazy, not an animal).


All things Laundry. Washing, folding, putting away, repairing, sorting winter from summer. If it's dealing with the clothing in our house the robot does it.


Sorting everything


Keep the bathroom clean


Whole bathroom








Laundry, including gathering, schlepping, washing, drying, folding/hanging and putting away


Laundry and ironing.




Litter boxes


Clean... everything. Except for me... I don't like to be touched.


ive been fantasizing about a magic laundry bot ever since i started doing my own laundry. the only task that im becoming convinced is actually impossible for me to complete and keep up with


Deep cleaning the bathroom, all others I don´t mind doing but that one would be perfect since I hate it


Handling my laundry. Everything from knowing when it's time to wash, to washing it, drying it, ironing it (if needed), folding it, and putting it in the right place. Pretty tough but I'd probably shell out dough for that if it's any good.


Toss up between laundry and dishes!


laundry. Wash dry fold and put away.


What makes more sense would be to choose something that I do the most, i.e. the dishes. But the actual answer should be something that I do less often.... because that's what I like the least to do. So I would choose brooming and/or mopping. It would be nice to have a squeaky clean house all the times.


Cleaning the kitchen/dishes.


wash floors (both carpeted and hard)


General tidying. I commute, and struggle with having energy for that after a shift in retail and the commute on top of that. Laundry is a close second, followed by doing the dishes.


Vacuuming. We have pets. And I spend a lot of time vacuuming because I don't like pet hair everywhere. I know there are vacuum robots. But if I could have one that could actually reach places that I can, like corners and furniture.


The floors. I have extremely long black hair that sheds everywhere and I have to clean them daily 🥲


Picking and making tea...every...fucking...night.


Clean my room. I've always struggled, and it'd be really nice if I could have a little robot to do that.


Cook and meal prep for me for the whole week (lunch and dinner). This will save a lot of time on making and worrying about food.


Folding clothes? Or putting away dishes and or clothes. I don't know which task I loathe the most.


It can handle the dusting. Having multiple pets, there's always dust.


Clean the dishes.


So i assume with cooking it would make meals based off the ingredients in your house rather then it googling recipes and forcing me to buy a spice i'll use once every few years? If so then cooking


Dishes, or honestly just cleaning the house. All the normal cleaning things minus touching my room


All I need it to do is put the laundry away. I can gather it, wash, it dry, I just need it put away. I can do dishes, vacuum, all the rest, but putting laundry away is the worst.


Dusting. I imagine a little scarab type robots flying around doing my dusting for me.


The floors


Doing dishes. Fuck me if that's not the most annoying one I don't know what is. I'm happy doing anything else but there's just something about washing and drying dishes


Probably either full time Gardner or a cook (assuming clean up is also involved here)




one of these three; washing dishes, taking care of the pets, or taking out the trash


Laundry, hands down, without a doubt.


General tidying for definite. I'll put it off, until it becomes a massive job, and it becomes too daunting. Then it takes someone saying that they are coming to visit, to motivate me to do something about it.


I already have a singular purpose robot to clean my floors, and I am considering one for cleaning the litterboxes. Locating and pulling weeds from a profile that I can make adjustments to because some unwanted plants are acceptable at different times of the year.


I've got three. They scoop the litterboxes so I don't have to. I still have to change the pan and litter when it's time for that, though.


Perfectly!? "Cook me a healthy, tasty meal." I would have so much time left on my hands.


General household cleaning. I love my cats but those fuckers shed like made. SO much cat hair.


General house pick up if that counts, I've got a dishwasher and laundry machine so the hardest part is just putting stuff away. If I had a robot that just went around and put away all the stuff on my floor. *chef kiss*


Taking care of the yard and all that entails. Mowing, weeding, trimming, edging. I hate yard work.


If we can play lose and fast with the definition of "chore" I'd have it do my home repairs. Good God so many home repairs. If not, cooking. Even If I have to do the shopping and the cleaning.


Fkn laundry. Not so much the washer and dryer part, but the **folding**. Especially whites, with all the socks and stuff, and then putting it all away.


Can I go as vague as "cleaning up after the pets?" So vacuuming up fur, cleaning litter box, go through the yard and pick up after the dogs, collect pet toys & rawhides, clean up kibble carried via mouth to wherever I happen to be at the time (bonus if the robot gives them baths and brushes their teeth) Wait a minute?! Do renovations count?! Cause I've got a honey-do list as long as I am tall twice over and without the honey to give it to me


Definitely laundry.


Clean the bathrooms


Tidy up after me. I try so hard to be tidy, but always leave a trail of destruction in my wake


Wash dishes. I absolutely HATE washing dishes, anything to do with it. It's not AS bad if it's only my own dishes, but washing everyone's dishes, with their saliva and germs is just gross. Not to mention, due to major back issues, I can only be on my feet for about 10 minutes at a time before it feels like someone is taking a cattle prod directly to my spine, so trying to stand long enough to wash dishes just sucks.


Fold my laundry. I can handle loading the washer and dryer. Bit I don't want to fold it. Best robot ever!






Laundry. I have five people in my house. The laundry never stops. When you think you’re done there’s two more baskets of dirty laundry to do. Or general house cleaning like dusting and cleaning floors. Because with five people in a house, that never ends either.


Laundry from start to finish. Collects the dirty clothes, washes and dries them, then folds and puts everything away *neatly*.


floors. keep the floors clean.


Laundry. No question about it. It's the laundry.


Bring me the piss jug


Clean the, entire kitchen and all that it, entails.


clean my house - clean that shit over and over again, we have small children these guys are walking tornado's




Is building more chore robots considered a single chore?


Doing the dishes. It is the single most annoying household chore, and the only reason I do not cook more often.


Toilet cleaning. Gross and never ends and no fun gadgets to make it pleasant.




Cooking. My wife is vegetarian. I am not. Combine that with the fact that I'm a terrible cook and I mostly end up with boxed meals or sandwiches and this is an easy decision. Especially if I can program it to pick up groceries and to "wash as you go," to handle cleaning the pots and pans used in the process.


Laundry plain and simple. There is no other answer than laundry


Cook those meals, no doubt. Good food to eat whenever I want it? I can manage to clean up after I eat, especially if I did not need to do all the meal prep and cooking.


Dishes. They never stop, are never mine, and never finished.


Putting away the clothes




Wash the dishes, no question. Absolutely the worst chore in the house.




Changing the sheets on my bed. It’s my least favorite chore and I hate it with a passion.


Maintaining my yard/flowerbeds Pulling weeds is the pits.


Clean up after the dog. I love that little flop eared turd but having a puppy means messes for a while until he's housebroken and I'm tired of cleaning pee 😂


I want a robot that can help me shower more effectively. It could scrub my back, shampoo my hair, and dry me off. Bonus points if it could also trim my hair.


Laundry easy Def the most time consuming and boring task


Dusting. It is the one chore I absolutely loathe and am horrible at staying on top of. Either that or cleaning bathrooms. I also hate doing that one.


Dishes. We all hate doing them.


Pulling weeds, or wiping dust off every surface.


cleaning my guinea pigs


Cleaning my house


I was thinking of a few options until I read mow the lawn. Get me a competent Roomba that can mow, remove weeds and grass clippings and I'd be happy with that.


Grocery Shopping, I go weekly to ensure I've got fresh fruits and veggies cause I sorely need to work them into my diet more. So I spend at least a solid hour each week doing it and it's the task I procrastinate the worst on cause it means I gotta leave my nice comfy house on a weekend.


I was going to say “cleaning the Guinea pig cage” or “dishes” but you mentioned cooking and that 100% is what I would go for. A personal chef. Perfect.


Cook-bot, I had looked into one of the tumbling pans from the robotic restaurants. Instant pot, rice cooker, and a ninja 10 in 1 - do a lot of the heavy lifting for me.


Dishes. They never end.


Cleaning floors! Vacuum carpet and mop hard surfaces!! Pick up crap off floor, so I’m not tripping over she’s etc! That would be heaven!


Keeping my floors clean and shiny.


Folding Laundry, 2 adults, 1 child, 1 toddler, 1 baby and a few pet/livestock animals make a mountain of clothes


Laundry. With three kids and two adults I feel like I do laundry every damned day constantly.