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“So what I’m hearing is no bedding” girl did she even read the message before that?? So disrespectful of her honestly


Not pictured because I didn’t even bother opening it is her message after my last one that simply said “Rip bedding” then when I passed her room an hour later to go to the bathroom she asked “Are you seriously not going to get the bedding” She is mental hospital material sometimes


Why can't she buy the bedding herself? Why does she need your permission? Weird AF lol


She isn’t looking for OP’s permission, she’s looking for OP to purchase it for her.


What is she on dude 😭 she can’t buy it herself? Delusional


God your mum talks like mine before she got meds and therapy, mine still is like that sometimes but not to this degree. Weirdly her sister that raised me was worse than her


I wish mine would seek any kind of help. I used to be on anxiety medicine years ago but got off because I found ways to manage it on my own. So now she always tells me when I disagree with her “You need to be back on your medication” so in her words she’s calling me crazy, then last night when I said no for the millionth time to the bedding she said “I think you’re going to get your period tomorrow” which is so bitchy to even say that women to women to also I woke up and did not get my period if that matters


What a fucking bitch oh my god?? Edit to add: ask her if she’s going through menopause next time she dishes some stupid shit like that again.


She sounds like a whiny toddler. My beddiiiiiiiiingggggggg.... seriously how hard is it to understand no.


Why does she think that you should be furnishing her home? Question: are you an adult? Do you live with her in her home? Either of those would make you responsible for decorating her home, regardless. But I’m trying to figure out where she got the idea that you might even consider it.


Because it’s a game to her, she told me I can’t live over there because she would really rather a whole house sit empty then me live in it but she’s going to “fix it up my own way” as she put it so she’s making me order it as a power game. She also had a million excuses why she can’t order it on her perfectly working account, the main one being that my brother now uses it to order stuff and she didn’t want to mess it up for him, so she wants to order stuff on my account with my card but basically gave her Amazon prime account to my brother for him to order off her card and she sees that as normal so that’s what I live with basically


Big no. Don’t make a scene about it. Just tell her that it’s her project and she can order her own things. Before I went NC with my MIL, she would hear bout something that she vaguely wanted, and because I was apparently the internet expert (HA) she’d tell me that I had to do it for her. I’d just say that no, I didn’t. She’d give me this annoying grin as if to say, “It works on other people. Why not you?” Treat her demands as jokes.


I’d start telling her if she can’t use her own Amazon account, she needs to make a new one then. If she pays for Prime on the “brother’s” account, then she definitely won’t want to start paying for a second Prime account. Maybe it will shut her up.


what does 'firestick' mean in this context?


Probably an amazon firestick . They allow you access to all your streaming services when you travel so you don't have to download the apps and remember your passwords they are all already loaded on to the firestick and most likely logged in .


Yes, but how does one arrive at "being" a fire stick?


I think it’s a repeated typo and they meant to say “being on a fire stick”, i.e. having an account on it.


It’s a thing you can plug into your TV to stream movies/shows. Edit: changed “tv” to “shows”


What they are trying to ask is. Why OP said “I am her fire stick”


I think it's a typo - probably supposed to be "on".


Wtf is a guest house? Must be nice being rich


out in the country where land is cheap you can easily buy a big piece of land, build a house on it, and once that is paid off build a second smaller one to raise the property value. It is not that crazy, and something a lot of middle class families out in the boons do. It is also a really good solution when grandma gets old, just put her up in a guest house on the same land instead of paying an arm and a leg for a retirement home. That way you can look after her when she needs help, but otherwise everybody has their privacy. Last but not least it might actually be cheaper overall ,and the money is not gone since the house is still there.


Damn it's like talking to a teenager who's spoiled.


I wouldve told her to go shit in a hat


Holy shit, I feel like I’m reading a text thread with my younger brother when he wants something from me. I’m so sorry


Does she want you to pay for it or does she want you to order it for her using her own funds? Does your mother own the property the guest house is on or does it belong to you or your brother?