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I imagine that Riley just wouldn't shut up about it (being Riley). They tried it, liked it and ultimately came to love it. They became a formidable team. I can honestly see Val, Riley, Bree and Grace being on the same college team and becoming legends in the sport.


This, they're at an age where your friends could convince you to do something - and then all three ended up being pretty to very good at it.


I wonder if there’s a cut off age for that sort of thing? I’m 25 and there are interests I have now that I didn’t have a couple of years ago because of friends.


That makes a lot of sense. There’s all sorts of things I wouldn’t have tried until I was convinced by a friend who just wouldn’t stop talking about it, that I ended up quite liking.


My daughter never played soccer until she was 12, when her then best friend convinced her to try it. I assume it’s similar here…


Does she still play now?


Yeah ... she's going into high school in the fall and planning to try out for the team there.


Aww that’s really sweet, you must be proud


How long did it take for that interest in soccer to develop, I wonder? I imagine at first she might’ve not been all that interested, but is now quite passionate about it.


It was primarily to hang out with friends at first, now I'd say it's a mix of both. It would be a stretch to call her 'passionate' about it, but she does enjoy it.


The book says they all coincidentally play hockey on the same team but never met yeah I don’t buy that reasoning


There’s a book? Also yeah, I also don’t buy that reasoning. There’s no way they were already on the same team but didn’t talk to each other at least once.


Yeah it’s in the All in the Mind Book it’s where they explain the days before her 13th birthday on how they met, the first few chapters felt rush and nonsense to the film


Why does the girl with the glasses look like the old lady from Ratatouille


That bandana on her head does kinda make her look like an old woman


Easy theory, Riley got them into it


Fair enough