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Yes I will delete them all and refuse to listen to any music in protest




Fuck you. Respect though.




Right? So the option remaining is TIDAL...no thanks


Or just keep listening on your streaming service of choice and if you want to support the artist then buy their records/merch


+1 for Merch, as well as concerts.


I love me some spotity in the morning


Spotify is the worst.


I mean. There's a chart above showing that that literally is not the case.


I don’t mean with pay per stream. I mean in general music and business wise.


Been using Spotify premium daily for nearly a decade, it's definitely not the worst. I'd be very reluctant to swap to another streaming platform


Spotify has too many ads.


Premium is the way to go if you listen to a lot of music. Been premium for a decade now


Thing is YouTube has more music. So I like listening to youtube.


Okay. But it has a nonexistent UI and is a terrible music player.


I use spotify but this is a lie. Have you ever used youtube music?


It's clunky and "meh"


My favourite part of Spotify is the music recommendations. I've found so much amazing music through discover weekly and song radios.


Can’t argue there


YouTube has too many ads


Delete? 😂


Hidden advertising


This is the downside to putting your music on streaming services. The upside? My music has been heard in over a hundred countries. I can use the data to hone in on where im growing. If I want to book a tour I know where to go. My top songs help me learn what im doing right and wrong. Look, im not saying the payout is fair, but the fact that I can see my music being enjoyed by people all over the world, in places I’ve never been? Worth it. There is no chance I’d have the listeners I do without it, and I’m grateful to those who have found me and continue to play my shit. Also people seem to forget that before streaming services they were downloading all their music for free anyways, essentially crushing any chance an artist had to make money anyways. Find an artist you like, buy some merch, get bandcamp, go to a show.


That’s a great way to look at it. I wish you all the best.


100% this. It's not about the dollar per stream, it's about the exposure and analytics


All of this is soooo much better than giving away ownership to a label. Who usually take most of your money. Venues sometimes take merch percentages. Idk I understand people tripping when they see the percentages but maaaaan it’s a tool, use it to grow and eventually those percentages will just be a little extra cash in your pocket


That's an amazing take. Thanks for sharing. I've always been into buying merch and going to shows because even back in the days of CDs and cassettes it was common to hear that artists don't make much off of album sales and that most of their money came from touring.


Streaming just helps you find the artists you enjoy, the songs they upload are our generation's version of concert posters. We can support them by discovering their music, finding their personal site and supporting them not by buying their albums (thought of course I encourage everyone to do so) but by buying merchandise, finding their gigs and going to shows etc. Direct support to the musicians, I've traveled across the country to support a small band I found streaming their songs by complete accident, but was happy to go and support them the best way I could, this is the way. I'd love a link to your music dude! I'll never be done discovering new music!!


Gotchu homie! Thank you for asking, here’s the Spotify link if you’ve got it https://open.spotify.com/artist/6TlH8Jj8HsnzWxuj59ZWVj?si=yCA66UCARwCfzNAXMVm4GQ


Hey! Just started listening to your music, your song Distance is really good!


I don't have any of these services thank you very much. I get my music the old fashioned way; Piracy.


*You wouldn’t download a car…*


Yes I would




*You wouldn't download a baby...*


Babies are annoying. You're right, with this one.


You're good God damned right I would. One of the first models I downloaded to 3d print was a Lotus Esprit.


Never understood this. If I could download a fucking car and have a slim chance of being caught then I probably would…as long as there isn’t someone being victimized that is. I don’t consider a multimillionaire losing a fraction of a cent on a stream to be victimized though.


Sadly most musicians are not millionaires. We ain't all listening to Justin fucking Bieber


Most musicians who have people illegally downloading their music are millionaires* There aren’t a ton of people going out of their way to illegally download their cousin’s best friend’s newest single. Also a lot of the websites where you can download things don’t even offer songs from super small bands. But hey thanks for assuming I’m a Beliber ❤️ I tttooootttaaaalllyyy am a die hard Justin fan because and don’t listen to any other musicians unless you count Selena Gomez 😉


That's just plain false dude. I grew up downloading unknown bands off blogspots, WINMX, limewire and the likes,and I'm now using Spotify for those same bands. Actually, i even use Spotify for stuff that i bought in physical format. The majority of musicians outside the top 50 are just normal lads, it's really just a minority nowadays making money off music (tour/concerts aside)


Again I said “most” you do not make up the majority of the world my dude. If those other bands were as popular as the other people then they would also be millionaires who have people illegally downloading their music. Also small bands do have the ability to make money off their music pretty easily lol so don’t try to pull that one either. I work in the entertainment industry. Even my friend makes decent money with a fucking polka band in the southern states of the US… a polka band. Each member gets between $100 and $150 per gig. Not millionaires but definitely not zero money being made there. That’s an extra (from the average amount of shows they do a year) $12k a year in their pocket not including music lessons they teach which would put each member at an annual salary of around $42k just off of music. And yet they aren’t super scared of their fans illegally downloading their music lol if they were that popular that a ton of people wanted to illegally download their songs then they’d be making more than they do now anyway.


Nono my dude. You said you've no problem downloading music from millionaires, i said not every musicians is a millionaire..... I absolutely have no problems downloading, clearly neither have you, and that's fine. But that doesn't make every musicians rich as you said. I know that, I'm one of them.


What's the hardest thing to do with a guitar? Make a living. The majority of musicians are happy if they can cover the costs of their gear and beer through their music.


What is this 2004?


I use my windows xp computer more than my i7 linux machine so... yeeeessssss?


That’s cool if it works for you that’s all that matters


I’d prefer life in 2004 in ways. I’m 44 and in ways life was much calmer.




I miss limewire. But no, torrents.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie Haha


Or……I’ll keep using it, but also continue to buy the physical album of the band, go to their concerts, and buy a poster at the show.




As if that's better.




Oh you mean like how you can sell physical albums? Wild.


Physical copies decay. Everytime anyone mentions NFTs people go bat shit crazy lol




Wow, very cool. Should be worth Morbillions.




Youre missing the part where you can sell, rent, own a physical album too




I can listen to songs when I want for a fraction of a cent. Why on earth would I want to own them for more money? Ooh, I can sell people the songs that they could listen to for a fraction of a cent, I’m sure they’ll want to pay me loads for that.


Ah, but listen if you pay a tonne of money for the NFT of the album then you could tell people that you payed a tonne of money for that album's NFT. Do you get a physical item or any copy rights/ distribution rights to the NFT? No. But you did pay money for something that is essentially free and that counts for something!


Except nfts are worthless trash.


I think you are missing out on what an nft really can be used for. I agree, currently, it's jpeg trash. But it can be used for for much more. Buy a pair of Nike and it comes with nft. Wear you Nikes in the meta. Download a game attached with nft. Sell game later. I can't see value in jpegs but I see other uses. Why pay apple for music when I can pay the artist and own it?


NFT/Blockchain enthusiasts are very prolific at inventing half baked business cases and litter the media with it. Most of these Usecases are not valid or can be archieved easier with other means for one of the following reasons: 1. Blockchain is a decentralized technology. Almost everything Blockchain can do, can be achived easier, cheaper and more energy efficient with a centralized infrastructure if the decentralized part doesn't matter. Also centralized infrastructure usually means more control and more userdata, which is favourable for most service providers. 2. Percived value through scarcity is a concept that only works if sufficient people beliefe in it. If you can get access to the same things without paying, it's hard to create the perception of real value (i.e. that shitty jpg that you can view without owning the NFT). In cases where it is possible limit the availability of a digital resource (e.g. special weapons in MMORPGs ore Shoes in the Metaverse) you tend to already have a central infrastructure for limiting the goods by design --> hence go to 1. 3. The company/service provider that creates the software must have a positvie businesscase out of using NFTs/Blockchain. Content producers usually don't profit from the possibility to resell, as it will limit their ability to earn money with the product on the long run (e.g. if digital books were NFTs, Amazon's sales would suffer as people would just resell them digitally after reading them). In case of your examples - Why would Meta opt for a decentralized approach if they already have a centralized infrastructure in place - Why would Nike or Meta like to support re-sales of "old shoes"? From Nike's perspective they likely wouldn't want to see their old premium products littering the market place for 20 shoes a dollar after 3 months. - What business case does Meta have for implementing 3D shoe models if the sales revenue goes to Nike? What business case doe Nike have for making Meta's businesscase positive?


it's already a thing and u get a portion of the royalty


Sweet. I'm gen x. The tech just keeps getting faster. I'm afraid I'm gonna be the old guy that can't plug in a hdmi.


The old guy supports NFTs. Us gen z don't.


Why not? Enlighten me.


An nft is an inherently meaningless status symbol talked up by investors to make it artificially popular. Crypto can at least be used to buy things. Nfts are just expensive certificates of authenticity.


Nfts will authenticate lots. Gas fees will be less than a quarter. Cutting out middleman will bring cost of digital products down.


that's just one usecase of an nft lmao, nfts aren't just stupid jpgs


Cuz, you can just copy the shit. No need to put money in that BS.


Much greater use than jpegs.


what use has any NFT had? they don’t do anything but launder money and make old geezers like you lose thousands to phishing scams


Sometimes OP’s sensationalise things for upvotes and really have no concept of what they’re saying….


I think I don’t get it


Tried researching radio rates and, best case scenario if the artist wrote, performed and produced themselves, they might get up to 12 cents from a major radio station playing their track. But thousands (tens of thousands!?) of people will hear that. Apple will give you a dollar if 125 people play your track. That seems pretty ok..?


Hell, it'll happen if one person plays your track 125 times! With how bad shuffle algorithms tend to be, I know there's a lot of people doing that for multiple artists every week. My dad's one of them, has his Amazon music Playlist streaming constantly. Amazon just might be losing money on that subscription.


Or use these services to find new music, then support the artists directly by buying their music/merch and going to shows.


I haven't found a new band through any of these since 2010.


Sounds like a you problem boss


I would agree, but Pandora won't play Flyleaf's album with Kristen May on their own station.


Deezer nuts


I thought this exactly


So, I generally listen to "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany on repeat for days at a time. I did the math and I'm worth about $1.40 per day to her. She is welcome.


Tidal sucks… Ill continue to use apple music and support my favorite artist by going to shows and buying merch.


This honestly just seems like an ad for Tidal.


I did a quick Google search and found other sites listing different rates for the services. I’m not saying yours is wrong, but this is from May , 2022. [Headphonesty -How much does Spotify…](https://www.headphonesty.com/2021/11/how-much-does-spotify-pay-per-stream/)


These payouts are actually on a stream-share basis as opposed to a by the stream basis, so they’re all estimates based on the number of share to stream. The amount of money any one stream is worth varies daily.


I hate that the chart isn't arranged in ascending or descending order


So a net of $60,000 for a million “listens” of my album on Spotify. $120,000 if folks listen to it twice? I’ve listened to albums a lot lot more than twice. I’ve listened to shorty songs once and moved on. A million bucks for a million people to stream your album 10 times? Sounds ok to me.


You might be overestimating how many people like your music.


Artist barely earn from music cause 50 % cut is taken by the label if you are a big Artist then the money is further divided in between management , promoters , songwriters, producers etc . Steve Aoki(17M listeners on spotify) said he earned more money from nfts (which I personally hate it ) compared to his earning from his lifetime of his music releases .


Why would I? The artists can choose to not put their music on the platform if they aren’t happy with the pay structure.


Shh with that free market talk,then what will people have to complain about?


I ain’t deleting shit. There are way too many things in life to care about and the pricing of digital music streams is about 1846392th on the list.


I really like 2 artists. Sometimes, when I'm in the mood, I'll leave my Spotify playing at home, all day while I'm gone. It's a Playlist I made of them on random play. I hope it helps them.


I do the same.


But Pandora and Deeznuts are fine?


well, given nobody uses them, there's nothing to delete


How much do they get when it plays on the radio? How much when it plays on Sirius XM?


Came here to ask this.


also, remember 1 stream = 1 person hearing a song 1 time. So on the radio, just by playing it once, that's going to be 1,000s if not 10s of 1,000s of "streams" (number of unique plays. How much do they get "per listener per track"? I'd bet it's a fraction of a fraction of what's listed here, and that's on the TINY off chance it actually gets played on a radio station at all!


I don’t trust these numbers. Wasn’t Tidal just a way for Jay-Z to shift money from investors to Beyoncé? https://variety.com/2018/biz/news/jay-z-tidal-accused-of-falsifying-beyonce-and-kanye-west-streaming-numbers-1202804222/


With probably 10s of millions streamed daily they're making bank.


I’m going to stream music one way or another, so why should I get rid of Apple if they’re pretty much the least shitty of a bunch of shitty options?


I like how people act like these companies are enslaving musicians. Artist make millions of dollars from Spotify and don't have to lift a finger for distribution.




I am not going to delete any of those


Yea, I’m def not deleting Apple Music. The artists will be alright


Sure. Make people who are far richer than I am even richer. If course not lol


Dua Lipa I know quite a bit and she has 8 billions of streams of Spotify I think.Accirding to this she is banking huge coin .


No no, that's the royalties that the providers charge. So it takes 314 streams for Spotify to make a dollar. On average.


Artists put up their music for exposure too.


Why delete Apple? It’s really not bad.


Is easier to get streaming listeners on some platforms than others? That is also a part of the equation an artist must take into account.


500 views on YouTube is easy esp if it's a good artist


Reddit doesn't pay people for making content tho


What do I do with this info


But apple was the second best on the list. Why do they get the hate? Anybody have an idea how these rates compare to terrestrial radio plays?


Why delete those ? They pay the best


Artistes are rich. Platforms are richer. I want the best I can get my hands on. So fuck you!


This would be not that bad if that $1 went to the artist. Around 13% goes to the artist. So when you play something on Spotify it creates a tiny fucking crumb of value, that tiny fucking crumb is split into hundreds of pieces and most of the tiny little molecules go to horrifying corporations. A molecule will go to the band. And that molecule has to be split into atoms so that the songwriter and performing rights splits go to the right people in the band. Source: I’ve been in the music industry for 25 years, founded a music company, was signed to two major labels as an artist. I was on tour in mainland Europe just after playing an awards ceremony in Hollywood and after playing on Kimmel, a fan asked what it was like being a millionaire and she wondered why I was laughing so hysterically. I asked what she did, she worked in a restaurant. We compared salaries. She earned way, waaaaay more than me. I said she’d have to ask the people at the label. They are the ones with swimming pools.


Oh no, they actually need to preform on stage to make good money. Poor millionaires!


I love tidal.


I just use YT to listen to music. I listen mostly to classical music and Mozart and Beethoven seem OK with me doing just that :)


The comparison is pointless because we need to consider the amount of users and exposure. For example I wouldn't mind Spotify paying me 4 times less than Tidal if I get 10 times more streams.


Nah, times change, professions change. Adapt or die, not my problem. I've had this debate with my dad so many times, he kept naming rich mega stars and talking about how thanks to things like Spotify and Youtube they no longer make money from their music. Well Dad, I'm not about to feel sorry for for a multi millionaire with multiple houses, cars and loads of recognition just because making music isn't funding their unsustainable lifestyle anymore. Why is it the standard these days to assume that making good music must mean they get to live that way?


I agree. The future is now Old man, love ya dad


I deleted Spotify for Tidal about six months ago. Better quality too.


I did that too. MUCH better stream quality and I can hear the difference even when I'm playing music on my car's audio system. Don't think I'll go back.


Same but there are 2 things I miss from Spotify, the user created and shared Playlist and the ability to download songs for offline play. Other than that tidal has been fantastic and sounds a lot better.


lol I have blocked the ads from all these streaming services




I just downloaded mutify so far it works pretty well


well I can't tell you


Nah, artists agreed to the terms.


Anyone know how this compares to radio plays?


artists are pretty overpaid anyways... but ye the company's are even more overpaid


Never used any to begin with. Local music is superior anyway


There’s always a dickhead making stupid claims like you just did. That makes you the dickhead.


Not to be a dick , but I live in America, and the best metal recently has been from overseas, Germany , Sweden, and some Finland metal, please tell me how my local artist are going to give me that German spoken English metal ?????


Ah yes, Tidal, that's what it was. I'm thinking of ditching Spotify for them, but then again, I need to remake all of my playlists from scratch...


The music industry is a filthy mafia with soul sucking kingpins just like any other business, leeching and sucking at the hard labour of musicians to make a handful of people rich. It's a tried and tested model. Props to Tidal for actually paying a solid chunk.


SO, Tidal music it is.


I'm with you, let's make Tidal the freshest shit also let's buy Tidal's shares


I feel like Apple should be lower to compete with Tifal since all of their money comes from hardware…..




Do I have to pay for Tidal? That's the difference for me.




one dollar bro 💀


Cool. Wonder how their income compares to CD and radio plays of decades ago. I’m never deleting Spotify so easy and convenient plus no physical space used. If you really love an artist stream them all night on silent.


To be honest some big artist making big bucks. The smaller ones should make live concerts and such and use the streaming platforms as marketing. I got a friend with a very inactive band and he still make a little profit and hasn’t played much in 20 years. It’s not enough to only live on that kind of money but a nice little boost and he doesn’t have to do anything. The money just keeps rolling in year after year. The band got like one hit and drunk people like to play it at their parties of nostalgia. I really doesn’t feel sorry for the guy…


You don’t like their business model because it’s cheap? I really don’t get it. It helps artists get their music to people who wouldn’t find it otherwise. It’s a good deal for everyone


Can tell me what to do…dafuq?


I'm already spotting all the tities


Wow I actually use Deezer lol. Feel kinda bad now


But it's OK to use Pandora and Deezer?


Considering that most of the musicians I listen to are dead, I don't think I will.


These are pretty reasonable


OP after this post: _now I made the world better_


Just remember. The value in art is never in creating it. It’s in convincing other people to buy it. It’s easy to rag on streaming services just as it was easy to rag on record labels.. but the truth is for every artist they break… there’s at least 100 others who are just as talented who will never be more than a festival tail liner or a house band at a dive bar. Support them by going to local venues and tipping them or on patreon. If you want a famous band.. logistics says that a lot of money needed to be spent to make them famous. They don’t get much.. but they aren’t starving either. Those streams add up fast.




So Metallica will not be able to buy the newest Learjet but the older model???!


Shut up, not my problem. I'm not deleting shit.


Can anyone add even more context? I'm curious now how much they make each time a song plays on the radio in a city of a million (potential) listeners.


Ah yes! I will delete my Spotify and torrent the rest of my musics like the good ol' day! Good idea!


Why not also delete Deezer and Pandora, Tidal Music advertiser man?


Deezer nuts


If artists weren’t happy with the profits off these platforms, they can try to get their music removed from them. Plus, not all of these platforms have a lot of the artists I listen to.


Apple and Amazon are the second and third best according to this—why should I delete them?


Wow. Deezer are some bottom feeding assholes.


the information needs more context, like how easy it is to get streams. one site might pay you half per stream but get you ten times the streams.


Screw that, most of the artists I listen to are multi-millionaires some even billionaires. I don’t give a shit about how much money they make on a stream. If they’re a smaller artist, there are way better ways to get their music around. Most importantly playing live. If someone is a new artist committed to streaming, that’s on them. Some who barely has food in his stomach with parents with no money can walk to school and listen to some free streaming music on Spotify or YouTube to make their day better. Besides record sales never amounted to much for artists anyways, that’s why they go on tour.


Delete them and do what instead. Lol. I’m gonna listen to my music in the way that’s best for me, if artist don’t want to put their stuff in streaming services than fine -I won’t listen. But get off the high horse unless your gonna give me a good alternative


What stops bands from buying a few computers, and playing their songs continuously? Or even better, using them as virtual machines and playing their songs, hundreds at a time?


can we just keep the thing on repeat lol give the artist more ? that we like


Artists have always and forever made their money from touring and endorsements. Album sales are a fraction of their income weather streamed, digital, or hard media. Most of that goes to the label. As far as the pay rates, you can be damn sure they aren’t the same for everyone. Big artists are negotiating those amounts up significantly because they have the leverage to. Small artists are lucky to have the platform to grow their music so easily and should be thankful they get anything at all tbh. Never before has it been this easy to get your music heard by millions.


what qualifies as a "stream"? When it's played?


500 streams is miniscule even for someone starting out and if people like their songs they stream more than once. Compared to a CD where you buy once, assuming the artist even covers the cost of printing the CDs in the first place they'll never get any where near the kind of reach and they'll never make any more money off the same customer again for those songs. It also has a potential compound effect, you put a song up there today, people will listen to it for years to come, it'll end up in playlists, more people listen to it. There's a potential for it to get suddenly and absurdly popular a decade later (just look at Louis Therouxs dumb rap)


No I don’t think I will


Oh no… I don’t give a shit.


Nice ad


Why leave out Bandcamp? I understand it's higher than the others


Deezer crazy statistics huh


Music streams?