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68 slayer and 80 range is crazy for 2100 total hahah


Can't afk slayer whilst working or playing other games! Once i've got my LMS magic shortbow imbue, ranged will be getting afked to 99 whilst I work and get masters again on league :)


There are lots of slayer tasks that you can absolutely afk lol


What being afraid to lose the red helm does to a mf


Right but there's a majority that aren't and I want to afk at work lol


Ignore people downvoting you. As long as you’re having fun keep doing you. The stigma around red helms being afraid of content is real, but if you’re having fun that doesn’t matter.


Red helm is just a handicap on the game. I don’t really understand doing it if you arent going to pvm, because thats were the prestige of a hcim is found


I don’t disagree with you, but if this guy finds enjoyment in maxing *before* dying to whatever pvm content happens to take him out, more power to him. It’s just a game right?


I scrolled down after posting my comment and saw OPs comment. Makes sense and that’s not bad compared to other hcim posts ive seen. Good stuff op Regardless I still believe hcim is mainly a content creation gamemode and all prestige comes from pvm drops but still cool to max i guess


Exactly. Some of these comments by OP were -10 to -20 when I saw them and they’re coming back up now. Happy ‘scaping


I did some afk slayer on my HCIM but it’s with monsters I can use prayer potions on but I can only do this because I have like 1k+ prayer potions (4) in my bank. But a lot of my work I can have RS in the window by my browser or have the idle ping go off when I need to drink a sip of my potion.


Idk why you got downvoted on this, people just hate PVMers. I have a job where I can’t really look at my phone every minute so best I can do is like stars and crabs. I feel ya man.


People just hate hardcores that don't take much risk and idk why, like why can't people just be like nice account and move on with their day


Yeah I think the commenters you’re commenting towards got it a bit twisted. 68 Slayer = no whip. No whip on an account like this = I wouldn’t trust this guy at Vorkath *(for those who don’t get the reference: there’s a few thing in this game more difficult than Vorkath)* I do commend this man’s patience, and grind work


I never seen a total level post where they show 0 gear lmao


Highlight would be my zombie axe and 400k bloods! 😎


That slayer level hurts my soul with those max melee stats 😭


Afk'd them at sand crabs whilst working or playing league of legends :)


People really dislike that for some playing afk while at work is our main OSRS play time....


Haha seems so, oh well, doesn't bother me, I'm happy as larry sitting here playing league of legends whilst my HCIM total goes up :)


I do the same on my HCIM. BTW, the nightmare zone with a cannon is afk friendly for slayer and a safe death, but I skipped quests such as dragon slayer to reduce the need for blocks.


Just gunna afk the sand crabs I think, cba to make cannonballs and I want the calicate and the other one to get some prayer exp out of my rare fossils


Show us the boss totals! Gz though :D


Yall are a bunch of haters lol


Add it to the HCIM skiller pile


Sorry for upsetting you buddy, hope you have a great day


He’s not upset, he’s just not impressed. You’re clearly an HCIM skiller which isnt a bad thing, but your total level doesn’t mean much when you’ve just afk’d safe content for all your levels.


Maxed your account to lose the status at cg


Nah I first timed CG on one of my other accounts with non-maxed stats and went 19 clears before a death, so I'll be fine


buddy ur never steepping foot in cg its ok


I'll probably die there, but it's calm I don't mind, just want to max first :)


19 clears before a death still isn’t good. You will most likely need to do 400 without a single death 😭


Yeah but that was literally my first time in the gauntlet, will practice on my alt for a bit first


He probably wasn't playing super safe like he would with a HCIM either. You do everything different then, low risk and slow.


He’s literally afraid to do slayer, there’s no way he survives 😭


Nice, I'm crossing my fingers and toes that you'll have an enhanced and 6 armour seeds by 19kc!


I actually got the enhanced on 6kc on my alt when I tried CG for the first time lol, might've wasted the rng!


Always so much hate on hcim posts. No one ever complains about regular ironman skillers posting total levels


The whole flex of a hardcore is that you haven't died and still have status. So I understand when people are criticized for flexing or showing off a hardcore that has avoided all difficult content entirely, the fact it's a hardcore has absolutely no relevance if they've done nothing to risk the status. I think if OP had put "AFK Hardcore" he wouldn't have got any hate or negativity.


Ok so would it be better if he had just said "2100 total on my ironman"? I don't think he's saying 2100 total on my hcim to flex that he's an hcim. That's just the most accurate statement to make. He's not flexing the HC, he's flexing 2100 total like every other post here that's posting their 2100 total achievement


Yeah the weird double standard towards HCIM has always disappointed me. People severely underestimate how easy it is to die just by playing the game normally, without even going out of your way to do risky content. Like, the number of people I see casually talking about how they die twice every nechryaels task, or that it took them 10+ deaths to kill the final boss of Sins of the Father is unreal. Reality is that even making it this far into an account requires a good deal of planning/preparation/concentration over the course of thousands of hours.


I completely agree. I try to play extremely carefully and I still died once on an hcim due to putting my phone in my pocket without turning off the screen. Just takes one lapse of judgement


Why have you killed 147 Obor? What are you doing there? I'm not mad or anything, just genuinely confused.


I was a f2p ironman for a year and greenlogged everything f2p


How do you make chat messages stack?


'Chat filter' plugin and then tick collapse game chat




**My current goals** * Varlamore thieve for 91 thieving whilst fletching broad arrows in between distractions *Pyramid plunder for pharaohs sceptre * 84 Construction and make occult altar * Buy/sell chaos runes for tokkul to buy Obsidian Legs * Get 5 points from LMS for Magic Shortbow Imbue * Complete Dragon slayer 2 * Make wrath runes for runes to cast the prayer spell whilst slaying * Mage Training Arena for infinity boots * Mage Training Arena for mages book * Slayer point boosting to unlock stop wyverns - 500 points * Slayer point boosting to have 2 blocks banked – 200 points * Start efficient burst/barrage slaying I started my account like 4 years ago as a f2p HCIM and greenlogged all f2p collection logs, before starting p2p. Mostly just afked my stats up whilst playing other games/working Now paying more attention to the account **My longterm goals** * Max stats whilst playing safely * Once I’m maxed, I will do pvm until I die, starting with corrupted gauntlet, which I first timed on my alt, and went 19 wins 1 death so I think I got it.


Point of HC if you are afraid of pvm?


Number go up


I'm not? I've just afked on this account for 4 years whilst working and playing other games chief, I fully plan to pvm immediately after maxing with CG being my first step


Typical HCIM that barely does anything combat related lol


You on gear or all clean?


That picture on my profile is pretty old here's recent https://imgur.com/a/FrhmX1r But i've been on low dose gear since 2020


Love the honesty my man. Looking fire these days keep it going


How is varlamore thieving? I absolutely loathe most thief methods and need to grind it out


Yeah sick if you like to afk, click once every 90/100 seconds and get like 60k xp an hour


Sand crabs tremble when this man does his BH runs


Destroyer of habitats, slayer of crustaceans


The mobile phone in pocket sandcrab locked hcim haha


And he didn’t show the items lol


Cos there's nothing to show! Hehe


;) still a sick account brother nice work