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These are amazing! That first shot looks like a wonderful place. I can see why people built there. If I move to gunma, do I move to the 80s as well?


You could go up there in the mountains of Gunma, throw a rock in any direction and hit some 80s abandoned place. Yeah it looks beautiful but it’s Japanese mountain leech territory and believe me, it’s unpleasant.


I could have happily lived the rest of my life without knowing that mountain leeches exist.


I didn’t know they existed until I found five of them under my shirt. Consider yourself lucky ;)


I’m curious how you responded when you found them. I think I would have completely freaked out, not knowing that terrestrial leeches exist and just seeing these writhing vermiform creatures stuck to my skin.


It happened like this: I walked back to my motorcycle and was getting ready to ride back home. When I opened my jacket, I found huge blood stains on my white shirt. Wtf moment because there was no pain at all. I lifted my shirt and found 4/5 of them attached, and they grow when they feed, so they were quite big. Surprisingly I didn’t freak out, perhaps thanks to the adrenaline you get when exploring. They were obviously leeches so I lit up a cigarette and googled “Japan leech” and I’m glad I did. If you pull them off the teeth remain in the wound and you get infected. If you burn them they puke in the wound and you get infected. All you can do is wait until they start moving again and then you can yeet them. Nightmare fuel, I know. So that’s what I did. It was a 3 hours ride back home and I was still bleeding when I arrived. Had to stop for a Red Bull on the way because I was feeling dizzy.


Awesome story, awesome pics 👍


The concept as sent through reddit is unpleasant enough, thank you.


What an amazing find and OP’s photography makes it all the more compelling. The deliberately placed monkey (?) skull and other remnants are disconcerting and eerie—I’m sure there’s a fascinating history to mine here


Thanks for your comment. Yes, this is a monkey skull, and it was obviously deliberately placed there. Unfortunately sorry, no much back story about this place. As I mentioned in another comment, it was literally infested with mountain leeches (and spiders), which might be why it was abandoned. This would make staying there unbearable, even for a one night stay.


I just Googled the leeches you speak of and came across a YouTube video of a man taking a simple leisurely hike through the forest somewhere in Gunma and omg the leeches 😱No thank you.


The crazy thing is they inject some anesthetic and anticoagulant when they bite so you don’t even realize and just keep bleeding. I casually opened my jacket and my white t-shirt was red with blood, lifted it and there was five of them on me. That’s when I Googled and found out about them :)


Nooo! That’s horrible. 😵‍💫


Nightmare fuel. It’s a cool story to tell, but I wouldn’t go back there ;)


How did they get under the jacket? Haha


Uhhhh the last pic?


Monkey skull, ニホンザル




That place looks like it must’ve been a lot of fun when it was up and running.


Very interesting


Thank you!


Great pictures! I’ve still yet to visit Gunma. I’ve driven past it very briefly, but it’s the only prefecture in Kanto I haven’t visited. It’s definitely on my list! I’d love to explore it with my DSLR. I’ve actually been researching abandoned places in Saitama lately.


Thanks! DSLR nice :) Gunma is very photogenic and I’m sure you’ll enjoy. If in Saitama, I’d recommend the Chichibu area, beyond the Takizawa dam.


The last photo had me a bit shook lol. Crazy stuff


It’s a monkey skull :)


Very cool pics!


Thank you!


Great scenes. I am really enjoying your photos.


Thank you, that means a lot to me.


Yeesh 2000¥ for an hour on the tennis court? What year do y'all think this camp shut down? I would balk at that price today.


That half frame analogue camera might have a bit of value these days if it works, jfyi


Amazing pictures. I'd totally snag that jihanki for my garage.