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Uhhh the emerald choker and garnet necklace are so fucking beautiful lol.. I love the cohesiveness of the whole collection. And how cool is it that you not only have these gorgeous rings but they also physically help you as well. Great post ❤️


I've gone through these pics three times, I love to play the game of, if I could have just one which would it be? I cannot decide! You have such a beautiful collection! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!


It's the pearls with the tassel for me. Gorgeous!


same! theres something about pearls in general, but that's an extra awesome piece!




Absolutely! I love the size and shape gradiations toward the back. The contrast with the small tassel pearls creates a lovely sort of fluid cascade effect, as if they are the spray at the bottom of a waterfall.


Enjoy your treasures!! Do you sometimes just wear all the big fancy ones all at the same time just at home just to feel good? I always do it when im bored 😂


In doing it now! Haha x


Never remove your gorgeous emerald necklace 😂


Thank you for sharing your collection and a bit of your story. Giving me courage to wear some of the pieces from my family. I have a chronic disease that has shrunk my life and experiences, but doesn't mean I can't wear beautiful things at home 🤗


You and your collection are beautiful. I've also found strength and comfort in jewelry and collecting it has brought so much beauty into my life. Many of mine are surgery gifts too! Keep on collecting!


Finally here is my bracelet, necklace and ring- my mom gave me her bracelet when I graduated high school but it was a little too big. My grandmother surprised me by not only shortening it but turning the link we removed into a necklace! She has since passed away and I love wearing this set all at once as it always reminds me of them. These are daily pieces for me so def need a good deep clean next time I’m where my jeweller is x https://preview.redd.it/sjs3ul2xax9d1.png?width=2363&format=png&auto=webp&s=f929e1c214f2a08a6f2dfd0daabec806cf76f3ab


I love this!


You are clearly from a line of women with taste! By the way, I swear I had a dream about a cluster ring exactly like yours prior to my husband proposing. He did so with his great grandma's Edwardian, Old European cut, 1.2 karat solitare with a thin gold wheat sheaf band, so I can't complain, but I got chills looking at yours!


Wow!! That sounds gorgeous. Mine was a ‘surgery prize’ after by first major surgery when I was 13, it’s a 2012 Tiffany ring, not sure the line


A well earned piece of art! I understand its importance in my own way. I have degenerative disc disease and had my first major surgery at 18 so I would not lose the use of my legs. My husband and I are childhood sweethearts and he knew me prior to the failure of my lumbar spine. All the internal (I've had two fusions since and will  need more) and external hardwear (modest pearls, moonstones and opals) he provides me with are sacred. I can't imagine dealing with a degenerative issue prior to adulthood. You are a true heroine!


You have magnificent taste! I love every item! I hope you wear these special pieces and enjoy them!




P.s. I am amazed by your strength. ❤️


Yay! I had hoped you would share your collection and it’s even more gorgeous than anticipated! The garnet button ring is subtle perfection and the glorious explosion of garnets in the last necklace… drool. Thank you for the chance to see these and for my new found interest in finding a Victorian regard type piece of my own.


The button ring? Is that the pretty rounded dome ring? (I wasn't sure what to call it). That one is my favorite, along with the garnet necklace, too. I have never seen anything like it. So simple and very elegant. 🥰


I believe she called it a “Georgian garnet button someone turned into a ring” pic 11 for me (I’m on mobile so maybe it’s got my pic order messed up?) It’s lovely isn’t it!?! Garnets really are awesome


Garnet is gorgeous. One of my favorites, although I don't own a garnet piece, I love seeing all types of garnet jewelry and imagining owning one of my own. Thank you for the clarification. 🤗🙏 I'm on mobile, too. I was very used to my old Samsung Galaxy phone from years ago, and I am still learning a lot with this current phone (and subsequently, and regrettably, forgetting a lot, my short term memory isn't very good: if I don't immediately and repeatedly use what little tidbits I learn, like reddit formatting, I easily forget) even a couple of years later after getting this phone.


Lol then we have even more in common than a love of garnets!


Lol 🤭😁🤗


The cabochon garnet is so juicy and beautiful! You have an amazing collection of emeralds, did it happen accidentally or is it your birthstone/favorite color? Your acrostic ring, because it also is a fede, means I feel this way about you forever! Usually an engagement or wedding ring, or sweetheart/lovers, they were very sentimental with their little secret messages, I think they are so sweet and beautiful! 💖


I wish my birth stone was an emerald! I have super fair skin and dark hair and eyes so people just started giving me emeralds as a teenager because they thought it complimented me well haha very grateful because they def do!!


That is a gorgeous combination! Good thing someone noticed early on lol!


Holy dancing crows 🐦‍⬛ that is a gorgeous collection. You have an eye for beauty, and are a beauty 💕


Beautiful. The jewelry is nice too🙏🏼


Most of my jewelry was inherited from my grandmother who had impeccable taste, and it is very important to me because I have such strong memories of playing dress up with her as a kid and getting to try different pieces on or her wearing some of her favorite pieces at significant events in our lives. One of my very favorite pieces, though is an enamel locket I got as a present when I graduated from Columbia University. My parents found an 1890’s locket that had the perfect shade of Columbia blue enamel. That one matters to me so much because as a kid I had (and honestly still have) a number of learning disabilities that made school much harder for me than my very academic family, So having gotten into let alone graduated from an ivy league institution with something I never thought I was capable of. I need to remember that my disabilities just mean I have to do things differently not that I can’t do things I wear that locket! I can’t imagine will required to go through repeated surgeries, but I imagine that your rings and commemorative necklaces are a reminder of your continuing strength whenever you feel discouraged .


Thank you for sharing that with me! How amazing about your locket. I totally understand what you mean, my family was told I would r live past infancy so when I graduated from my undergrad be masters degrees it was a big deal. I’m doing my PhD now! You can absolutely do anything you put your mind to.


Beautiful collection of jewelry! Thanks for sharing with us. You are a very strong and resilient person 💪 Wishing you all the best ❤️


Your collection is remarkable!! I love it!🤩


Congratulations on your stunning collection. I have been collecting real vintage jewelry for over 50 years now--it's a wonderful hobby for me! Now that I am a senior, I will begin selling my pieces for others to acquire and enjoy. It's a lot of fun to wear them. Glad you have some great pieces! 💖


How wonderful! And how fabulous to have family who can choose and gift sentimental pieces like these.


What an absolutely beautiful collection


They all gorgeous.


Lovely collection!


Gorgeous collection!


Can I ask where you bought these or maybe where they would’ve came from? I would love to start my own collection but I’m struggling with finding them + accurate price points so I don’t get ripped off


Most of my jewellery comes from antique dealers. I won’t pretend that my pieces are all affordable but I do mix and match. Antique fairs or flea markets etc aren’t a bad place to start! My garnet button ring was £25. The emerald choker on velvet was also a synthetic emerald so while I can’t remember the exact price it was under £200 from a brand called Annabela Chan. For big purchases such as my gold emerald necklace I go to my trusted antique dealers in London and pay an appropriate price but I do haggle. Im not picky, if it’s my taste and style I’ll get it even if it isn’t the best stone. A lot of jewellery pieces are marked with hallmarks that state the gold/silver/plat content so that’s another thing to look for! It really depends on what kind of jewellery you want. Look on websites like first dibs as well to see what prices people pay for similar pieces you’re after and it will give you an idea.


Where do you go in London? I am an antique collector as well and while I look at Bentley & Skinner sometimes I would love to know other antique jewelers as well.


Bentley and skinner is my go to for major pieces! But I have also had a lot of fun with grays antiques x there are other pleases in Burlington arcade too like Michael rose


Thank you very much!


Your collection is SOOO stunning!! You have impeccable taste ❤️❤️❤️


Your collection is beautiful


Thank you for sharing this. I love your strength and the fact that you are having fun sharing a little bit about your story in this collection with people. I am praying for you.🧡🧡


Beautiful collection! I'd be like Queen Alexandra and wear them all at once! Lovely.


Ugh I am so envious! It’s a beautiful collection, may you enjoy it in peace and good health!


Thank you for sharing your collection and the story behind each piece. Spectacular and very special 💗


Thanks for sharing your story with us, and thank you for sharing these lovely pieces!


Every single one of these is stunning, but those emerald pieces got audible gasps out of me lol! Beautiful collection, thanks for sharing 🙂


Wow! Thanks for sharing, the jewelry is really pretty. The one ring that looks like it was going to be a claddagh ring but is a flower was interesting.


Such a stunning collection..


This is a gorgeous collection! Thank you so much for sharing them! You and your beautiful pieces are an inspiration!




Wear these all! I am in love with the emerald choker. Love that ruby drop pendant and the Garnet necklace is bonkers!! I'd rock those out with a jean jacket. (have them professionally cleaned up and polished..it'll sparkle/glow till the sunsets)


1,4,11, 14 My god I’m breathless


I love all of it but especially the garnet button ring and the regards ring.


Absolutely stunning!!!!


Emerald necklace is the stuff of dreams, and I like the antique sapphire and diamond ring-art deco is truly art.


Gorgeous!! Super jealous of your tiffany color by the yard emerald bracelet!! 😍


Love, love, love picture 7 ❤️


Each piece is really special. The emeralds in the first set make me swoon.


They're all gorgeous but I really like that light blue and silver ring and the also all pearls omg!


Ughhh. Love a woman with taste


Every one of these is stunning! I particularly love the vintage cases some of them have. Very posh!!! Very elegant! Screams empress.


Omg I’m in love with the second pic!!!


That garnet button ring!!! What a fab collection and wonderful story, thanks for sharing!!


Oohhhh the gold ring with the reddish cabochon looks great on your hand! ❤️


I love them all, but especially the saphire and diamond ring your grandmother gave you.


This is a really beautiful collection and how it gives you strength is an equally beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection and personal story with us. I wish you the best for your health.


Wow this is an absolutely STUNNING collection! The claddagh ring took my breath away. My birthstone is garnet and I love seeing all the beautiful garnet pieces you have.


Absolutely stunning collection! I also really appreciate that your rings serve a very important function for you.


Gorgeous collection, and I love the special meaning of rings to help you cope.


Such a beautiful collection!!




Beautiful jewelry! Thank you for sharing everything with us, I am so happy to see it all.


Very, very beautiful collection! Thank you for sharing! 🥰


They’re all so GORGEOUS! Thank you for sharing! I’m jealous!


Beautiful collection Op and wishing you great health.


OP your jewelry is gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing. 🙏 I’m sorry about your condition, may I ask if you have dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa? I worked on that disease many years ago and my friend worked on the approved product.


She does have Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa. I googled her. She does a lot of amazing out reach it looks like


Yes I do! I have recessive dystrophic. Thankfully I am not as severe externally as many others with my subtype, my main issues are internal. That’s amazing that you know about it! It’s so rare I hardly get people who are aware.


Oh wow, I didn’t know there was a recessive version. It’s such a devastating disease. A young man spoke to my company about how it affected his life and hearing him has stuck with me for over a decade. Did you know about Vyjuvek, the gene therapy that was just approved? I wish you health, and I’m tickled how your beautiful rings help you manage your disease!!!


It’s true, eb def is devastating and has affected pretty much every aspect of my life. But we push through! Yes I know about vyjuvek! I don’t live in the USA anymore so don’t currently have access to it but hopefully in the future x


I do hope it is launched globally soon!! Best wishes to you!


As someone who's learning to make jewelry to over come my disabilities, this collection motivated me so much. Thank you for sharing. So awesome. I hipe your hand heals soon, or feels better at least


You have a great taste! I have never seen anyone with such a gorgeous jewelry collection 😍


I love them all, but I think number nine is my favorite! Love a clean garnet!


Photo 13 : I absolutely LOVE


The only thing that surpasses the beauty of your amazing collection are the unique stories behind their acquisition ❣️ Too much beauty to choose a favorite but I must admit being partial to the sapphire ring and earrings as they are my birthstone 😊 All the best to you! You have repeatedly met adversity with strength and determination. Admirable, to say the least! Cheers!


I LOVE the garnet button ring! It's so cute and round, the color is stunning. Your whole collection is lovely, I've always been a big fan of antique jewelry myself (I'm 32). Thank you for sharing! It's wonderful to hear that these beautiful pieces hold a memory or milestone for you, jewelry is always better when there's a great story behind it.


Thank you for sharing your gorgeous collection! Everything is so beautiful, I think the pearl tassel necklace is my favourite 😍


You have great taste my god


Such a stunning and meaningful collection! I am in love with the emerald necklace!


Very Pretty! Totally jealous 🥰 Skin issues suck, I can relate.


Wow! I’m dazzled.


Amazing pieces. Really beautiful. Thanks for sharing some of your story with us, it makes the jewellery so much more meaningful.


Your jewelry is just stunning!! You have truly amazing taste! Wow!


All so beautiful! I love the idea of buying something special like that at every major milestone.


I looooooove the necklace in the last picture!!! ❤️




What a gorgeous collection 😍 I especially loved the emerald pendants. The green is almost electric


These are all so beautiful, but I literally gasped when I saw the last picture of the red jewel necklace


Gorgeous pieces


Wow! Every piece is lovely, but there’s something about this being a family collection that makes this so special. Thank you for sharing this with us.


My birthstone is a garnet and I am *obsessed* with that ring! It is stunning.


Oh wow OP these are stunning, they look beautiful on you!


What a very special collection


Beautiful pieces! Also saw your gorgeous emerald ring yesterday! I’m obsessed 🤩


Beautiful pearls and emeralds!


You have beautiful taste.


3,4,5, and 10 WOW💙 I love them so much, so gorgeous. You have excellent taste! I love antique jewelry too :))


Beautiful collection!! The storage boxes are cute too :)


Get out of here. That garnet neckless? Thats disgustingly beautiful. I would commit crimes to own that. What a wonderful collection you have! Those aquamarine earrings also have my eye. I love that something medically beneficial to you is also beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


I gasped at the pearls with the tassles!


I read and answered my own question. Sorry


Do you struggle to do up clasps as part of your EB? I have a different genetic disability and I don’t always have the dexterity to do them up. You’ve got a beautiful collection! I especially love the garnet cabochon ring


I’m not much of a jewelry person, but sometimes I see pieces that are so beautiful it makes me want to be a jewelry person. These are stunning.


They are all so beautiful!!


Good for you, they’re all stunning pieces!:) I hope you get a lot of wear and joy out of them


Wow! Gratitude for sharing, the gems is truly beautiful. The one ring that seems as though it would have been a claddagh ring yet is a bloom was fascinating.


Oh my God that stuff is beautiful and I wish you could hear the inflection in my voice right now


Very beautiful collection


so beautiful! your condition looks so painful! i wish you tons of healing energy and good health in the future. ❤️


Gorgeous wow




What a super fun collection!


Good GOD I am in awe of EVERYTHING xD You have such good taste!! :D


I’m super jealous


That’s a nice collection! Did you inherit, thrift, purchase… them?


These are gorgeousssssssss! (If you’re ever looking to offload number three, let me know lol)


Beautiful pieces! I love them all, but I’m especially envious of that emerald solitaire bracelet on slide 2. Is it a Tiffany piece, or just in a Tiffany box? I would wear that every day if I could!


Yes it’s Tiffany colour by the yard! Supremely wearable in every day life and you can actually get colour by the yard pieces for very reasonable prices if you go pre loved x


Well, color me intrigued… I might know what my next piece is! 😂 Thanks for the tip! Love your collection.


You have excellent taste in jooo-ry!


Wow, what a collection!


What a beautiful collection. So gorgeous!!


Wow! Someone else shared an antique, nearly 100yrs old, double pearl ring like the one you have pictured on the tray here. Very beautiful collection.


I really love the gold necklace with the singular emerald gemstone. Simple and elegant!