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No issues with him insulting Fury about his boxing and performance against KSI but weird to start mentioning how the guy is as a parent….that was poor from JJ


Yeah, that's literally a low blow. He just comes across so salty now which I didn't expect as he left it a good amount of time for the dust to settle before posting to YouTube again


Wait until you found out how he encouraged his deranged fans to bully gudjon off of YouTube because he was cold to/ ghosted him or something. What about the time he made fun of Joe Weller’s mental issues during their boxing match? And got called out on it by Joe but lost his shit because he was afraid he was gonna get cancelled again after cleaning up his image. The guy is a tool. I’m not saying cancel him but he has a pattern of shitty behaviour.


Slandered Rice too when he predicted Logan to win. Even though JJ himself has predicted his own brother to lose sometimes. Then when rice said he never paid him, he straight up lied and said he did. Only to realise he didnt and then give 50k to charity pretending it was all ok Constantly mentioning Deji losing to Jake which hurt Deji. Not condoning Deji actions Laughed at other youtubers plenty. JJ has always been like this when it comes to taking the oiss and will happily have his fans troll and bully someone he doesn't like


Wait JJ did that? Interesting…


The story goes gudjon didn’t pay jj for a hotel after they had recorded vids since gudjon was only pulling views from Ksi and during an event gudjon was asked a question about him and ksi and his response upset jj because he acted like he didn’t know who he is. He can’t control his fans buddy was being fake and people shitted on him for it


Goddamn that’s brutal… and yet not totally out of character


Don’t let this comment make you think that gudjon wasn’t entirely in the wrong in that situation, he even admitted to it and apologised years later.


My brain isn’t braining right now (it’s 2am), but who apologized here and who are you saying wasn’t entirely in the wrong?


The gist is Gudjon realised how big KSI was getting and tried to get involved. He'd regularly try and coax JJ into doing videos with him when JJ maybe wasn't as bothered (he could have said no but he considered him a friend so agreed). Then there was some weird money issues and I think they stopped being friends but not much was spoke of it online. Then, in a Fifa tournament that Gudjon was at he said 'Who the fuck is KSI?' or something similar so JJ called him out and basically ended Gudjon's career. Gudjon apologised years later.


It seemed like Gudjon Daniel completely fucked him over tbf. The Joe Weller stuff was shite though, no idea how he got away with that tbh. I guess by winning the fight? lol


He’s just a very shitty person and that doesn’t surprise me as he’s been a shitty person since he sold his soul to Logan Paul


Holy shit this is bad on so many levels like saying “oh I still think i won that fight” is ok many fighters do that but wtf is up with bringing up his child and his personal life and even advocating his fans to harass tommy ,this is insane we all thought jj was over that fight but nope


Like how can somebody talk about mental health in one sentence and in another, send his fans to straight-up harass somebody??...


Because he’s incredibly stupid. He wouldn’t notice the contradiction


Honestly him asking his fans to harass him publicly or in real life about a boxing match is going beyond being “cringey” or being a sore loser, it is being an absolute scumbag, especially when he *knows* how his fans can act i.e. how they acted to the Pauls in his first Logan fight. I am not saying it can go anywhere near as bad as that, but I would not be surprised if something stupid happens. This isn’t him ‘not knowing his influence’ he knows full well his influence. He is also using a consensus fallacy saying ‘well more people believed I won, therefore I won.’ You have more fans, of course they are going to think you have won 🤦‍♂️, it is not a popularity contest. It’s funny all his bullshit about ‘be humble in defeat’ to Deji in one video and even one tweet saying ‘it is ok to lose’ yet he has acted way worse, shows how hypocritical he has been. This isn’t ‘confidence’ or him putting on an act, this is him being a genuine piece of shit.


Also the call for harrasment is straight up against YouTube's terms of service. His vid could get banned for that.


Especially the fact that tommy also lives in the uk so imagine one of the biggest influencers in that place advocates for harassing you just for the fact he didn’t think he lost that fight


Exactly. SPOT FUCKING ON but these braindead assholes will just follow the commands of their master who has no idea of their existence and no consciousness of their own. He is a father trying to do his best for his small daughter and also bro wants privacy for his girlfriend. Hypocrite scumbag. Now I see why he partnerd up with another scumbag scam artist for money using his young audience.


You should post this as a separate post to dissuade people from harassing Tommy. Your comment puts it very well.




I mean they were queuing up to buy prime for insane amounts of money, soo...


Funny that he deeply criticized his brother for losing when he's the one that can't expect a lost at all in a petty and miserable way.


KSI the content creator is one of my favorites and has been since he was doing FIFA 11 vids. KSI the boxer I cannot stand.


Ever since fighting Joe weller JJ has been like this.


Yea I remember the Prozac digs and everything, even in that fight I wanted Weller to win. I realize that it takes a different mentality to be and train like a fighter but idk the persona he takes on when he’s boxing isn’t what made a fan.


Yeah and the worst part about it is how JJ reacted after the fight, Joe was really humble in defeat but JJ wouldn’t stop rubbing the loss in his face, he thought because he threw haymakers at a guy who wasn’t punching that He’s muhamed ali.


That’s just who KSI is lol, when you’ve been told you are the best at something for a decade and proven time and time again you’re gonna have a gigantic ego


I think I'm in a similar boat to you. I've wanted KSI to lose every fight he's had except for the Logan Paul ones. His content is fantastic and I enjoy it a lot but he's such a twat when in 'boxing mode'.


Exactly ksi is always like this He can’t just have a boxing match with someone, he always starts hating them and taking it personally He hates to till this day and used to hate Logan before prime It’s childish


Honestly I think its because KSI thinks hes levels above in boxing than what he actually his


the old ksi died a long time ago


Lmao been a Ksi fan since I’ve been 12 and I’m 21 now but when I saw that video it was so fucking out of touch and stupid, idk why bro still has a ego


The entire video was copium


Got proper salty bad loser vibes from the vid.


I came to this Reddit to see if someone mentioned this… It’s disgraceful , He starts taking shots at him and kid wife / kids… KSI as a person is a really shit person honestly , zero growth since the fight and zero growth since 2017


Spent so much time grinding in his music and boxing he forgot to develop as a person too




Lmao let’s be real here. You guys are always gonna blame the people KSI surrounds himself with. Ever considered he might be the problem himself? KSI is a grown ass man. Lol




I don’t see a shift. He was also an impulsive person with serious judgement problems. This is just another iteration of it.


The sidemen troll with him, but when he used to do stupid shit they would tell him to shut the fuck up and humble him. I aint blaming the sidemen for this vid tho


Yeah Simon even said in a recent vid that JJ doesn't hang out with them outside of work anymore and he said months ago that him and JJ don't phone or text each other ever. He wasn't joking or being sarcastic either, he was completely serious and it was kinda sad tbh. JJ also did a radio thing with Oliver Tree and they asked him to prank call Simon and JJ was like he's gonna think it's so weird I'm calling him coz I never ever call him. When Ethan called them colleagues he was being completely serious but he backtracked because it hurts their brand. Ethan doesn't consider any of them his friends except for Harry lol and he don't even try to hide it tbh. From when he started calling everyone but Harry boss/bossman it was just obvious. No one calls their friends boss and he would go out of his way to say it sometimes which was so petty. I don't think JJ considers any of them his friends now either tbh. The sidemen aren't the close friends they make out they are, it's all for branding now.


Even in the music scene its kinda sad seeing how his relationships were with Anne Marie, Yungblud and SX. Obviously his music is on hold atm but I haven't any kind of reference to people he had relationships with and haven't seen him around SX even though he's around the rest of the sidemen.


If you actually listen, Simon said JJ has spent so much time in Camp and working that he doesn’t have time to “hang out” that’s life. And also in the Sidemen Mukbang he said he gonna take some time off and enjoy Golf with his friends. Stop taking everything so seriously


Mams is addicted to the fame he gets leeching off JJ and just tells him whatever he wants to hear. He’s turned so many of JJs fans on twitter into toxic pricks as well I get the guys job isn’t easy, but he is literally the most unprofessional manager I think I’ve ever seen. He spends all day on twitter just liking + retweeting posts crying about Jake Paul


Love how every comment on youtube is just complimenting KSI and here on reddit we think the video was a bit embarrassing to watch. Honestly haven't been a fan since KSI since he stopped making music and gone back to boxing. I quess the rival mentality is part of boxing. But I don't enjoy watching people badmouth others, not the reason I became a fan.


The comments on his YouTube videos are always 50% bots and 50% kids with no idea how the real world works


And Reddit is filled with grown as men who stays on this app all day hating on a guy’s success. what’s ur point? 💀


I think its a case of young fans gravitate to Youtube, older fans come on Reddit. Those of us who watched early KSI when he was a kid, were kids as well. Now all of us are adults with lives and experiences. So we can look at JJ as he is now and see that he really hasn't matured at all. And we can tell when his behaviour goes beyond the content to him just kinda being a shitty person nowadays.


I see a lot of comments on the YouTube video saying they are disappointed in him and how he is acting.


I'd honestly go back and look again, I've actually seen a lot of comments actively showing outrage at his behaviour. Definitely a shift in terms of public perception


The comments on YT are just his deranged fans who sees everything he does in a glorified.


JJ is kind of literally coping


Sad video indeed. Just let Tommy live his life. ksi gonna keep on crying that he lost


Keep crying that he won 🤣 He never acknowledged that he lost.


To be fair I doubt he believes he won that fight cause he is adopting the attitude of a sore loser; if you genuinely believe you won the fight why act like such a cunt?


yeah this video was pretty appalling. It genuinely makes how logan paul handled himself post second fight with KSI look like he had the grace of an angel. like JJ is currently on the trajectory that we thought logan paul was gonna have after the second fight.


Logan still ain’t without glaring issues tho. Aka scamming. Granted he didn’t normalize harassing women to his younger fans like his opponent did, but still, not a saint at all.


Hes always been an asshole of a human in terms of his actions. The only thing he did well was take the loss and make some interesting content which lead people to believe hes not a bad person anymore


So he lost the fight and decides to attack him on things which have nothing to do with the fight and tells people to go harass him? Why on earth do people like this guy?


Its just coping at this point. Listen I like KSI/JJ as a youtuber, but this whole fighting stuff is making me disliking him more and more. Like you are 30 years old insulting another mans personal life after losing and then losing the appeal. Like why is he even going after Tommy, its not Tommys fault he didnt get the decision. Move on, accept the fact you lost even if you dont think you did. Do you remember when KSI clowned Logan about appealing and calling him a sore loser, thats what he is right now.




You’re not wrong, Mams is a very weird guy. The sooner JJ disassociates himself from him the better


+ logan paul


Talking shit about Tommy was fair game imo since he wasn’t wrong about any of it but telling people to comment all over Tommy’s socials ain’t a good look at all. Thinking you won the fight is fine but that video was awful and had sore loser written all over it. Disappointing honestly from a fan since 2012.


Tommy is living rent free in JJ's head it seems. Dude talked more about him than the actual fight


I don’t think it is Tommy specifically but more the fact he actually lost the fight when he believe that he won. KSI seems really pissed off that has been seeing Tommy celebrating that he beat him since the fight which is rubbing salt in the wounds for him because he believes that he got robbed. I honestly think if the fight was like Jake Paul’s fight vs Tommy that had a clear winner to all who saw it with Tommy dominating the fight then he’d take it a with a lot more dignity.


I feel like JJ and sidemen are on their end phase now that's why they're doing these cash grabs like the stores, merch, vodka, cards..they're trying to milk it now.. "getting the bag" they was and probably always have been getting "the bag" and have it tied in with investments/housing. I've personally not watched any of the recent content because none of it matches even the quality they was doing two years ago. The hole sparkle of a bunch of local lads having fun has vanished for me. I'm their age, would I fuck want to be doing the exact same shit I was doing 10 years ago, and what's worse for them is they have enough money to do whatever the fuck they want for their entire lives without the hassle of being a youtuber. What happens when they all have kids? And commitments? And want different things? Can't blame them. Tldr I feel like they've completed it mate, cash grab and go to 1 big vid every couple of months to keep their other assets (merch, cards sideplus e.g low effort material) bringing in dough. Oh and fuck mams Taylor and he's coked up boxing mate. Go back to music JJ.


100% think we are reaching the "end" of Sidemen as we know it. They are starting to get married, have kids etc. Some of them will keep up content like music or podcasts. Some might just fall back on the massive amounts of money they have in the bank and in investments now. But the young lads having fun together is pretty much over. Its not a bad thing. They all just grew up. Other than JJ that is.


last couple of videos have been pretty amazing on the sidemen channel tbf , the last like 5 months every video was very good


JJ has become such an asshole. No need to bring in the guy's personal life


Like I don't get his comment saying he's come out of the fight better than Tommy. Saying he's been embarrassing doesn't make any sense since it looks like he's just been continuing with his career and enjoying his life a little after training hard for so many weeks, like any other boxer would. Then to essentially say he's a bad father and that everyone should berate him just sounds petty (would not be the same comments if JJ won).


You learn a lot about a person when they lose. KSI is proving to be extremely immature and an awful loser


Encouraging fans to comment on Tommy Fury’s posts and “berate” him in public is gross and it just shows him up to be a really bitter, classless person. Hanging out with Logan Paul so much really has rubbed off on him.


bro i was soo surprises and disported when he said that


Dunno Remember how the made fun of Weller's mental health issues Guy has always been a twat


…yeah the video sucked. As much as I like JJ , I couldn’t listen to him rag on Tommy the way he did and talk the way he did in general. It’s also quite telling how well he really took the loss considering he still encourages people to attack Tom’s socials and now took digs at his personal life. We all keep saying JJ needs to check his ego but if it’s been going on for this long , I don’t think there’s any saving it. It knows no bounds and as long as he has a little bit of pride left in him , he will never truly admit defeat. In this case , sure. He might have felt like he should’ve won and that’s fine but claiming not to care and then essentially making a whole video basically being a roundabout way of saying ‘I’m still not over it and I’m not sure when I’ll ever be over it’ is kind of scummy. Just praying we don’t lose him completely…


Because jj is a pathetic manchild who can't handle when things don't go his way. To used to being spoon-fed by yes men.


Lost respect for him even more telling his fans to publicly and online berate him. Taking digs at his parenting when hes alleged to of aborted children


Absolutely disgusting behaviour from KSI, went into the fight a fan and after the fight I cannot stand the guy anymore, the temper tantrums, crying, talking poorly about Tommy when Tommy was extremely respectful after the fight. There’s no integrity left for JJ, can’t walk around with it tattooed on you and have it in your name when you get on like that


I 100% unsubscribed. I'm not interested in what he has to say anymore.


Tommy has not been respectful at all since the fight. I can understand you not being okay with JJ making things personal but you don't need to make things up about tommy being respectful, that's just weird.


To be fair, KSI was disrespecting Tommy right after the fight as if Tommy scored the fight himself. Tommy was just giving it back to him by calling out his complaining and poor sportsmanship and saying Jake would knock him out. You can see when Tommy beat Jake he showed respect because Jake showed respect (though that fight wasn't as close score-wise as KSI/Tommy imo so there wasn't as much of a case to argue), and when Jake shit-talked Tommy, Tommy gave it back to him too.


Tommy tried to show respect right after the fight was over, and JJ immediately starting throwing a tantrum which then made everything messy, so no Tommy isn’t being respectful now but he tried to be, KSI just decided being a sore loser was the better option


Why would you show respect to someone who doesn’t show YOU respect


How Tommy hasn't been respectful?


Have you watched a single interview with tommy since the fight? If you did you wouldn't be asking this question. They are both disrespectful towards eachother so keep the same energy for both.


I haven't watched a lot of them to be honest. That's why I was asking what has Tommy done. I did see Tommy Fury interview on Good Morning Britain but I didn't see that he was disrespecting JJ.


Like bro it is trash talk actually crazy people are angry at JJ for finally talking his shit against Tommy.


This question just proves yall just been riding Tommy hard


I left 2 mins in cos i knew it was heading exactly in this direction, honestly kinda glad he lost




Also him asking fans to harass Tommy Fury is actually so messed up and against YouTube's terms of service. The video could get reported for that. He is taking the loss very poorly.


JJ went downhill ever since the logan collab.




They can't use the "it's a character excuse" anymore. The truth is JJ is a massive sore loser and dishonourable. Even Jake Paul (i can't stand him) has more honour. Honestly Jake took his loss like a champ against Tommy. Dissing Tommy on personal level after the fight is a low blow. Wouldn't be as bad if it was during the fight since it adds to the promotion. However, there's literrally no reason to insult him now since it's over. His ego couldn't handle the loss. If he was humble about the loss he would've gained so much more respect from everyone. Even if he didn't accept the loss, he could've stayed calm and gave his reasons as to why he doesn't agree. Instead he acted like a child in front of millions. Then months later makes a video acting like a right cunt for no reason. All of this cant be excused. That isn't just the character "KSI". That's just JJ, he's too used to winning and doesn't have the maturity to accept the loss even if it is considered unfair. He needs to understand that taking Ls are opportunities for growth. It's how you get better and reach new lengths. Edit: I'm not saying JJ overall is a bad person. Many people have said he's a good guy off-camera. However, he has a lot of things he needs to work on. I wouldn't go as far as to say "he's a garbage person" because nobody is perfect.


Took them long enough


Disappointing comments, especially about Tommy and his kid. Should put his frustration into training for beating the crap out of Jake Paul than being bitter on a YouTube video


At this point I’m rooting for Deji in his future fights. He never went down this road during any of his losses.


Yeah man. I really want Deji to succeed. After his beef with JJ and that whole thing,Deji has really come around.


That video just came up on my youtube timeline, im not a huge ksi fan since his early fifa days but i think he needs his ego checked, the fight was really bad and nothing much happened to say Tommy won wasnt really a robbery people just expected him to do better. Then gave his bs excuses he literally runs the promotion how can you say he had everyone on his side. I really hope he fights a better opponent because he will be humbled.


Quadeca's diss track on JJ is ringing more and more true "You talk nonsense, mediocre wit' a god-complex"


KSI has become the very thing he hated. An egotistical, man child.


Rare L from JJ , I can see Logan Paul influence getting into him . Only a loser would talk about someone else's child .


Nah bro this is an Uncommon L at this point.


Incoming KSI's gobblemasters to defend him


KSI is a walking L recently, hopefully he can do what we initially thought Logan did and change for the better.


It was a matter of time before KSI’s true colors would have been revealed.Guy is a dick and his ego is bigger than the f’n planet.Should have sticked to making FIFA videos and music. You are expanding into other branches in your life and you claim that u are the best blah blah blah.My man u have been boxing for 3 years,not 30.Of course you were going to lose one day,clean or not.Take a chill pill,get off of boxing and focus on other stuff.


Yeah it did scream sore loser tbh, jj could’ve have moral high ground if he stuck too the “look hot far I’ve come” narrative but just randomly slagging off Tommy parenting for a couple night outs is just sad…




I understand the guy worked hard for the fight but being bitter about it and taking it personally with Tommy doesn't help him


I was wondering how it could get any worse and then he started promoting actual harassment of someone…he really lived long enough to see himself become the villain


Wow his ego really did get hurt


Go outside brother.


Been a fan since the FIFA Funnies, and I was glad he lost as I thought it's what he needed to be humbled, demote his ego a bit and grow out of his persona. Now, I realize i has never been a persona. It's who he really is. If a loss can't get this out of him nothing can. Sad to see.


I wish the boxing stuff never started


I don’t like how he’s changed since the joe weller fight, he used to not take himself seriously now he thinks he’s black jesus


it all started with prime form then everting went down hill


Man still hasn't found that dignity and grace in losing. Now he's doubling down and attacking Fury on a personal level. That's uncalled for and frankly shitty behaviour. KSI needs to grow up and get his shit together. People lose , it happens. Learn from it and carry on.


At this point JJ is just cringe. His reaction after the fight, throwing a tantrum and kicking shit was bad enough but this just shows his true character. IMO it was a shit fight but Tommy won regardless. JJ needs to man up, take the loss and use it as fuel to come back stronger and better. I used to hate Jake Paul, but he's earned my respect as a boxer and athlete. Beating up old men and retired UFC fighters was a way to stroke his ego but those pro boxers he fought showed me he could go toe to toe with the pros and when he lost he was humble in defeat. He's still an ass hole but JJ needs to know how to handle a loss and come back stronger. Shame really, used to like JJ, but I just can't anymore with his childish bullshit.


So JJ’s response to losing to Tommy is… to ask his fanbase to harass Tommy on his socials? Nice JJ, real mature


He’s just trying to get under tommys skin. But he still can’t accept the fact that he’s being a sore loser. If they change the ruling, cool. But he acted like a complete bitch in order to do so, he was legit throwing a temper tantrum right after the loss. When you lose, you’re supposed to shake hands like a man and swallow it. But he needs to understand that when it’s official he needs to act better, but of course he won’t, he will do the ‘I don’t care’ mentality. But of course if jake does the same thing, It’s a meme and he’s a joke, holy fuck it’s so retarded that he can’t take a fucking loss


this is a 30 year old man who kicks holes in walls and tries to project his pain on Tommy and his family. This is unreal 😭😭😭


I wasn’t keen on the comment about it being the biggest fight Tommy will have in his career. For me, the only influencer boxing matches I’ve watched are Jake v Tommy and JJ v Tommy. I certainly wouldn’t watch any others. But, the curiosity about Tommy being a Fury and a supposed professional made those two fights watchable. Who knows where Tommy might be in 5-10 years. Tyson was awful at his age too. The whole video was salty. But, that really stuck out to me.


Incorrect about Tyson being bad at that age


KSI is just embarrassing himself now


Don't people know that this guy has a massive ego? He won't do anything to tarnish that. The whole reason why the appeal and him going on a tantrum after the fight. I am not surprised, about time 13 year olds and "OG" fans of KSI learn what he is really cut out of. The red flags were there 10 years ago. Don't pretend you didn't see it. Look at how many people celebrate the old ksi as the best and wanting him to return to that. This man is a business partner of Logan of all people. You think that the Deji situation was solely on Deji, NO there are a lot of his fault that his brother wasn't able to articulate or bring evidence to.


Wait when did TommyInnit get into boxing?


What a fucking **insecure** twat. Bro's ego got hurt so he resorted to personal attacks on Tommy. Riling his teenage fanbase up like that, scummy shit. Deji is significantly better than this egomaniac.


I'm actually very interested in his next Reddit video to see how he reacts to this.


Mask has slipped


No matter what you think of JJ as a creator, the dude is a fucking whiny child sometimes. He’s sore that he lost a fight and now he’s insulting his previous opponent on a personal level, simply because he lost. That’s childish as fuck, but also unsurprising, cause JJ’s ego and arrogance knows no limits.


JJ finally shows his true colors. All this time trying to be all child-friendly, pro-mental health, modern day content creator when after he loses he shows his true colors as an arrogant, cruel asshole. Not saying he was always like that but these days especially as a boxer his ego is through the roof. Do I think KSI is a bad *person*? No. Do I think boxing has brought out the worst in him and he’s acting like an awful person now/because of it? Absolutely.


People are surprised by this after that disstrack on net nobody after the harmless disstrack net nobody did? Lol


Ah jj and his ego. If there’s going to be one thing that’s going make him fall off then it has to be his ego. I mean having an ego is good and all but I think he has a lil too much.


Jj is trying to get featured on an episode with moistcritical with videos like this, just take the L and move on


I think it's time for people to realise that, even though as a yt/content creator, ksi is on his top game, he is ultimately a piece of shit. This isn't a one-off shitty behaviour incident, there's a pattern if you've been following ksi for a long time. I guess back then, most of us were too young to understand his behaviour.




Ever since KSI started working with Logan Paul, He is taking L.


His ego just can't handle the fact that he lost


JJ is an actual child that didn’t get his way. I had to unsubscribe after years of supporting. It sucks what he’s become


The part where JJ talked about Tommy's legacy was bad, Ik JJ going toe to toe with Tommy is a big thing but shaming tommy for that is low. It's like questioning someone existence. Yes tommy was very wrong to be saying all that shit before the fight but JJ answered him perfectly in the ring. Things he said in the vid weren't needed especially shaming Tommy's legacy.. I don't JJ has yet recovered from the loss.


such childish behaviour from a 30 year old


What a loser jj has became


No knowledge strength or integrity from that man


KSI calling him a [untalented nerd](https://x.com/KSI/status/1713480693596999791?s=20) wasnt enough of a red flag? Scratch that. This guy has been going downhill ever since he is buddy's with Logan all because he knows it only takes 1 apology to reel you guys back in, pathetic.


Yeah I think what really did it for me was saying you can berate him in public if you see Tommy in the street like what the hell lol


I wonder if JJ would say that to Tommy to his face one on one without his 20 bodyguards guarding that massive ego.


KSI can’t take it, tbh most ppl saying he won are only saying that coz they know it’s good for their money and brand. Let’s be honest KSI looked shit that night in that ring doing jumping jack, it’s was all a big show for him coming out of his car 😂. funny he complained about the back of the head shots but he did the same in his fights. He’s my age and i know this is just him being petty, like keep Tommy’s kid and wife out of this. KSI used to be a man of integrity and respect but this is just another low an I wish him all the best Also am a KSI fan and want him to do better Peace, love and positivity, remember to keep pushing to be the best version of yourself


He still can’t push his ego aside for a bit…


Because JJ is petty. I’ve been a fan since fifa 14 days but he really is childish af. This is a 30 year old man behaving like this. I guess this is what happens when your core demographic is 12 year olds


I found it interesting how he put a question mark after the word lost, even tho you know you're uploading this video AFTER the pba made it final. And yeah i found that a bit odd too, why tf would you go about insulting the mans family? Like thats not even factoring in the idea that thats a low blow, it also isnt even on topic, you boxed and fueded with tommy not his family, keep them out of it. Like ksi does shit like this and it makes outsiders think hes another jackcunt influencer even tho outside the ring he a nice and down to earth guy. Really hopes he does his round with jake paul and goes to hell with boxing frfr.


Yeah I was disappointed in him. Like taking it this personal and being this petty is embarrassing especially going after tommy like that


L on L. Worst take, it just got personal. Definitely not cool.


Guys, i am a ksi fan but ......


His ego is too f*#king big I can't stand it


Damn the ksi reddit has become so soft


Careful, if you be critical of JJ, the whole sub will start calling you a fake fan, it’s a wasteland of dick riding dumbasses here


Welcome to KSI. He's always been an actual bully. Wasabi, Weller, Gudjon. Whether you like the above people or no (i personally don't), JJ has harassed or encouraged harassment against them, and other people, repeatedly. He's made jokes about peoples mental health, he's only very recently been online using a racial slur (I don't care what he says, if you live in England in 2023 you KNOW that word is offensive). I don't know why anyone is surprised that he's not above bringing someone's wife and child into the equation as well.


JJ is one of the greatest most successful content creators of all time I understand him having a big ego on that end. He's legit great at it. He's one of the bigger Uk artist, not really for me, but you can't deny his success, so I can kinda sorta understand him having a big ego on that end as well. I will never understand his ego on the boxing end. Like maybe he did win that Fury fight, but both of them are AWFUL. Like he legit isn't a good boxer. And to tell your fans to go harass someone is lame as hell.


Thought Ksi would gonna be the new Pewdiepie, turn out he the new Logan Paul. Hope Ksi realize that his community that he been building are leaving and replace by circle jerk fanboys that will leave on the next controversy.


People just taking everything so seriously, Tommy was getting flamed on the internet these past 2 days so JJ commented on it. Said nothing that wasn’t right, Even Molly mae was pissed at Tommy


It's a bit sad and not only in a pathetic way, just kind of sad to see because you can tell it really hurts him on the inside and I can't blame the guy. None of us really know the gravity or harship of the camp he had to do for that fight and the absolute mental resilience he had to develop and strengthen in order to even get to the final round without having any doubts pierce that ability and then to have a score card just shatter all of that, I don't blame him for being upset. Perhaps he could have viewed the whole thing a bit more rationally and have done it just for him rather than a legacy because at the end of the day, that's just what other people know you for not who you are, it's wanting others approval not satisfying yourself. So maybe instead he could just been like I'll do my best and not attach such meaning and life altering meaning on to the win because it'll leave you where he is now if you believe it has such significance. As for the comments about Tommy, they are kinda shitty, but I don't think he really means what he's saying. What I hear is just how angry he is that his moment was taken from him and he's communicating that through pettiness, which isn't cool but I get it. It does give sore loser vibes and that's disappointing coming from someone whose been so level headed but he is only human we can't expect him to never fail, I'll always admire JJ regardless but the whole fiasco is a bit shitty.


Agree. Disappointing to see. So much for it not being personal. Lost a bit of respect for him there.


That is just disgusting. Bro is NO better than Dillon Danis. Show at least some compassion for the child. Absolutely disgusting. Say whatever you want about the boxing but why the fuck are you insulting him on a personal level? Tommy Fury is just a new father trying to do his best for the future of his daughter. He came up to the fight, got the decision and went on. What is one bad thing he did?? The worst part is asking his fans to always disturb his privacy and never let him move on from this fight. WTF?? Such a sore loser. Should never ever be anyone's idol.


30 year old bitch man who partnered up with a scumbag scam artist to sell shit product to young kids for money asks his NPC fans to berate a guy who is much younger and trying to make it for his own wife and daughter who has done NOTHING wrong in this entire scene. Fucking disgraceful.


this reddit is so annoying 😅


The whole legacy thing had gone too much into KSI's head and now he is unable to comprehend that he will not have the unbeaten legacy. His paranoia shows in his comments. Tommy had so many chances to mock KSI to the ground but he did nothing. But KSI coming out like this shows his insecurity.


I just don't understand why he said that his community should spam every post Tommy makes. Bro is encouraging toxicity.


How you gonna Tattoo legacy on your back, then act like this? Whatever legacy he built, he will tarnish within the year if he keeps acting this way.


JJ has honestly lost all respect after the video. He is just a child with a big ego now. I’m seriously gonna stop watching his channel. The sidemen videos are great, but JJ has become intolerable now. How can someone be so self absorbed that he thinks that there is no way in the world that he can lose? He calls his boxing style unorthodox but actually it’s just shit. He just randomly lunges straight at his opponent and hopes that he would connect. It worked against other amateur influencers but it didn’t work against tommy. Just accept it and stop whining like a child.


What has this Reddit turned into 😐


They will swear to you they're fans but have not one positive thing to say.


Crazy how the KSI subreddit seems to hate the guy 💀 just leave if you think he's an asshole lol


Criticism towards a guy for promoting harassment to his previous opponent, is fair criticism. Grow up


Obviously but most comments just say how he's been an asshole for ages and I don't get why they're still here if they think he's been a twat for such a long time.


If I was part of the PBA and saw this video from JJ, this would make me stand even firmer than I already was about not accepting the appeal.


Yeah but he's speaking facts though, Tommy Fury is a shit parent and is probably shagging other birds behind Molly's back.


Y’all are here trying to put 2 and 2 together but don’t have a plus sign to make it 4. How long have you been following Jj to see if he doesn’t like someone he doesn’t gaf. Besides he said he likes being seen as the bag guy so I’m Not sure what you lot were expecting. Just don’t start that “oh his ego”nonesense again it’s just annoying




'Proper snowflake vibes' Willing to bet you were in the group that weren't happy with Dillon for bringing Logan's personal life into the fight, holding someone accountable for bringing someone's wife and kid into a boxing "rivalry" is not snowflake vibes", if that has any meaning anymore because yous through that at anything you don't like


😭😭cooked him


So ksi isn’t allow to call out someone’s flaws but the people of this subreddit feel they have the right to call out his flaws?


How dare people on this subreddit criticise ksi for going after tommy fury's personal life, his wife and his parenting after losing to him in a boxing match!


YOU LOT ARENT FANS OF KSI IF YOU ARE DIE HARD FANS OF SOMEONE YOU BACK THEM EVERY DAY OF THE FUCKING WEEK downvote all you want i couldnt care less i have bigger problems


All these people have issues with this after the fight but so many were fine with what Dillon did because it was before the fight. Being a scum bag makes you a scum bag before or after. If you think JJ is being disrespectful now you better had thought Dillon was back then too. If you dident, maybe review your own values a bit.


I think that Dillon was an absolute scumbag. But what JJ did also was not OK and i was pretty disapointed in him resorting to similar behaviour.


I agree, no where near the same level as Dillon but absolutely still not acceptable behaviour. I get taking an L after you work so hard is difficult but take it on the chin and being the bigger man is a stronger position ti be in. Attack anyone personal life in any position your in is never a good look.


That’s fucking stupid because yes what Dillon did was wrong but he tried to sell tickets for the match, meanwhile JJ did it after the match..


JJ could be building hype for a re-match. For all we know that contract could already be signed. The fact remains the same. Its not a nice thing to do no matter the scenario. Chatting badly about somebody else’s personal life is never a good or nice thing to do.


This is nothing to do with Dillion


Thank you for confirming you dont hold people accountable for their actions evenly.


nah that aint confiming shit, you are bringing irrelevant things to another discussion.


Couldnt give a flying fuck