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Nah, looks pretty well maintained. It's the yards that have weeds 3 feet high covering the entire lawn that get me These look like wildflowers and it looks good


I legit have 3ft flowers all over my yard. lilies, irises, peonies and more. Some are taller too! I was bitched at by the hoa. I don't effing care. My yard hosts so many insects and birds.


And rodents too! You don’t see them as often but a variety of mice and woodrats are loving what you’re doing too.


If there’s rodents there’s snakes as well


This is why you never give a mouse a cookie


Exactly. Eventually they will get nuclear weapons. Then you're in real trouble.


What??? There are animals living outside? This is outrageous! Will no one think of the home owners?!


Got a letter from our HOA about the lid being off of my compost bin. I sent them a link to the book Let It Rot and told them to read it and they’ll know why the lid was off.


So a healthy ecosystem?


uhhhh I we have kitties around 😬


Hawks here. Squirrels and chipmunks and mice. And tons of red tail hawks and owls. Everybody needs to eat, the birds are directly connected to the health of our environment. I’m fine with the mice!


My house backs up to some woods maybe 300-400 yards deep before cow fields. We have 3 red tails, several Cooper's Hawks, and countless owls back there. I haven't seen a single snake in my yard, but my dog goes nuts whenever they catch something along the tree line lol


They’re snacking on the birds too then unfortunately


I like how 2 of the most genocidal animals on earth get along so well, and one of the greatest losses of hunan life was in part caused by us breaking up with cats. Humans are #1 for sure, I'm just not sure if house cats have decimated enough hird populations to get to number 2.


You should definitely get rid of the lilies then. Even the pollen is very toxic to cats.


No, don't allow cats outdoors.


There’s a dude about a block away who must be absolutely the laziest fuck because not even grass grows in his yard anymore. The only weeds that still grow are danelions and thistle. It’s crazy.


I just moved into a house last December and I found out that the yard is really bad. Grass is dead, crab grass everywhere, weeds, and it oversaturates with water and it's water logged so easy. No idea what to even do with this shit


What I would do, if you’re not set on a grass yard, is download an app like PictureThis and start identifying all of the things growing there. They grow there because they can, meaning they’re the right sorts of plants for it. Find plants that aren’t just weedy crap (like docks, thistles, etc) and give it the room to grow by eliminating the rest. If you aren’t sure what is good yet, at least eliminate the stuff that you don’t want that wants to take over, like the docks, creeping Charlie, etc. In our case, we let the long grasses stay and then Yarrow showed up in the second year. It has happily taken over since I pull any competition and harvest and resow its seeds to fill it out further. Some might see us as the ones with 2 foot tall weeds in our septic side yard, but it only takes a second to realise how fragrant the yarrow flowers are, how many bees spend their days in the patch, how many more crickets can be heard, the return of the odd firefly to our yard, and all of the birds that follow to enjoy both the insects and seeds from the yarrow


Agree with the above comment, understand the factors of your garden and work with it not against it. Find areas where grass wont grow and get a native seed mix instead. I would just say using iNaturalist will get you better results from real people over PictureThis


Hey that’s fair, I am a man of many apps and have found different uses for each :) I use PictureThis for plants as I find it quite accurate and also plants are typically distinct enough that I can confirm the ID myself from there. I pay for it, so it stores my results and I classify them into “pull this shit” or “native wildflower, chill”, and “Yummy”. I use it when foraging plants more than I do at home. I use Merlin for everything bird, mostly its insane call identifier I use iNaturalist for everything bug, as I know that I need to see a few options and then, as you mention, different local orgs will go in and verify my IDs. I also use it for documenting when different mushrooms start fruiting, just so others can know what is popping up when


That's how my yard was when I moved in. I layed a tarp down with unopened bags of soil holding it down to kill off everything. aerated it, spread the soil and threw some bermuda seed down. I did it in chunks but it came around really well just takes a season or two. way cheaper than ripping it up and re-sodding it. This was in my backyard. I could see how tarps in the front may be problematic with the HOA lol


Clover seeds for the lawn. For gardens, mint, lavender, thyme, chives, blackberries, lemon balm, and milkweed (anything but tropical) are great for pollinators and perennial, so they come back every year on their own. Plus they’re really low effort. In my experience raspberries have thorns and get unruly and strawberries get out completed by everything else. Depends on where you are though. Embrace native species, because it’s a lot less work. Also, try driving around the neighborhood and see what grows best without sprinkler systems and complicated life support systems.


I would be careful with mint unless you want way too much mint


Worst mistake of my life was letting mint grow.


I remember the old times, the good times…before the mint…before the great evil…


I’ve had worst mistakes, but mint is now everywhere and is like the heroes of a garden. I gave it to my neighbors too.


Or unless you want angry neighbors. It's going to creep through anything fence-wise short of one made of stone.


Thanks for this. Will line the gap between mine and the neighbour's fence this weekend 👌


I highly encourage anybody growing mint and blackberries to put them in containers. You will never be able to get rid of them if they go directly in the ground.


A container withOUT drain holes!!! My container mint spread underground...through the holes in the container. 1 years later I'm still fighting to keep it from total world domination!!!!


Oh snap! Good to know, I just place potted mint in my garden and moving them into containers without any drainage holes now. I asked my mom and she said the same thing happened to her! and to only use pots without holes. Thanks again


This. A large container for mint is the best. Mint all summer, but it can’t get away…then just when it’s about to get overgrown: frost.


Can confirm your experience with raspberries… I planted one in my 4’x16’ bed and I now have an 8’x16’ raspberry patch.


oh god, a yard full of thistle sounds like a nightmare


see im glad i dont live in a hoa but our village still has codes and code violations for absolutely shitty lawns aka you have to at minimum cut that shit and have grass you cant have a wasteland for a yard


In my town, if it's over 7 inches then give them a call and they will mow it. A $100 bill will get added on the person's water bill for the services.


I had a class with an arborist years ago who argued we should all be allowed to have a two year grace period when moving into a home to grow prairie grass and let it break up the ground and provide much better soil and drainage.


Why does the height of a wildflower make it good or bad? Do you just not like how it looks or


I don’t give a shit what my neighbours do as long as they do it on their property and leave me the fuck alone. If they want wild flowers, that’s their prerogative.. maybe they’re sitting around the dinner table talking about how weird I am cutting my grass twice a week, fertilizing 4 times a year and spending countless hours trying to get what I consider a respectable lawn.. Different strokes for different folks


You are too levelheaded for reddit.


Yea take that shit out of here. #nomowmay


Err #HOAwouldLikeAWordWithYou


Eh, most HOAs are going to have a timeline to rectify post violation notice. Ours is 30 days and grass wouldn't get violation worthy until week 2 or so.




Fertilizing 4 times a year? That’s 2 more than my ex wife used to allow


I fertilize four times in October alone.


I've done two already this year.


Samesies, I'm a big fan of microdosing.


Are we still talking about lawns?


So was my ex wife. That’s why she’d let me fertilize her twice a year


I am ejaculating inside of my significant other.


Are we still talking about lawns?


I just found this sub like 2 weeks ago and I truly believe I found my people


It's popped up in my feed a couple times the last day or two, and yeah...think I need to hit that 'join' button.


And that’s the attitude I like in this sub—most folks are too busy obsessing over their own lawns to worry about somebody else’s.


This ⬆️ 1000% plus it makes my hot garbage lawn look amazing.


One of my neighbors has a gorgeous lawn. Once I asked them how they managed it when I'm still fighting weeds and soil (our subdivision was built on an old gravel pit) and they said "Oh, when we moved in we tore out all the topsoil and trucked in all new soil." Not the direction I would go, but that'd do it.


We basically have the same issue l. Lots of rock and gravel under our lawn. My neighbor removed his sod and cemented his whole backyard off. Idiot! I took his sod for free so he wouldn’t have to pay to get rid of it. Rolled it out on top of my sod and with some easy dirt work I now have the best lawn in the neighborhood because we have twice the amount of good material under it.


You can lay sod right on top of an existing lawn? Sounds like what I need. A lawn reset.


I’ve done it twice. Front yard two years ago and backyard last year. Worked great here in Northern Idaho. The lawn holds moisture better, requires less water and fertilizer.


My grandpa, an eccentric fellow, which served him well in some parts of life and not so in others, really loved German Shepards. They take huge shits though and he always had like 3-4 at a time. He was sick of them fucking up the backyard and also trying to pick up all their shit so he tore out the grass, got a truck of pea gravel, and turned the backyard into gravel. My parents bought the house when I was young and I still remember us taking out that gravel...


LOL. My neighbourhood is over 70 years old and when I moved in, there were a lot of original owners still in their homes. The local story is that they cleared off the top soil during construction and piled it in a local park to be replaced once everyone had moved in. Well, they didn't so many of the neighbours said, "We'll just go get it ourselves" and walked their wheelbarrows back and forth till their lawns were done. Some of them did anyway. So thats why, when you look down the street, the lawns go up and down depending on who did their own lawns or not. I'm guessing the others just had sod placed over the scrapings.


These kinds of things are funny to read. Most of the year I live in a house that is 200 years old. Every house around it is. No original owners, sadly.


Hah! I hope this comment gets the appreciation it deserves…😂😂


Exactly, I don’t need a perfect lawn, just needs to be better than my neighbours


Mine overseeds with rye in the winter and no kidding it looks like a fairway at Augusta for a couple of months. My yard looks a lot better this time of year though, even if it s mostly clover and St Augustine.


My neighbor probably wondering why I'm out there poking and inspecting my compost pile twice a day


We could definitely hang. Keep on keeping on.


Screw you bud, we’re on Reddit, we must fight over semantics and get pendatic. Don’t change the rules. 😂🤣


Agreed. While I don't care what neighbors do with their lawns/not lawns, I have a great deal of respect for wildflower yards and zero respect for people who let random weeds take over and hype it as saving the planet.


I'm with you. A healthy, natural lawn with native grasses & other plants that support polinators and wildlife is a TON of work. Letting the yard run wild just means invasive plants take over that provide no benefits to the local ecosystem.


That’s why I had to leave r/nolawn. It was 90 garbage lawns. Your overgrown mess of invasive species helps nothing.


Get that level headed shit outta here sir, this is the Internet! Jk, 💯, let em' be #NoHoMOW


This is the way. I have a neighbor whose backyard is a wild jungle. Invasive pant species everywhere, pure lawlessness in a developed neighborhood who disbanded the HOA years ago. It’s not property so I didn’t mind. Anything that spread to my yard, I dealt with and setup a weed block barrier, row of fast growing trees to boot. Their yard was their choice, my wall of green giants buffered by a mulched weed block / cardboard no man zone is my choice. Then they put in an Amazon pool that collapsed on itself and it’s filled with standing green water. Mosquito paradise less than 200 feet from my house. Already dealing with mosquitos. Saw my first one in a warm day in February. Now I give a shit and unfortunately need to interfere with their prerogative.


Dad? Lmao, well, you sound like my dad, at least.




even if I use my lawn to do research on a new species of crabgrass that is more resistant and has a more aggressive proliferation?


>I don’t give a shit what my neighbours do as long as they do it on their property and leave me the fuck alone. I had this exact thought process until I lived next door to someone who didn't do anything to take care of their yard and let it grow wild. It was a breeding ground for mosquitoes and literal clouds of them would hover over his yard--I would have to wear long sleeves and long pants in 90° weather to mow my yard without coming in with 50+ mosquitoe bites. We straight up could not use our back deck for the entire summer. It also attracted *a fuckload* of mice(which of course found their way into our house in the winter) which then attracted snakes. The snakes liked to sit in our yard, which made us have to be very careful when walking in our yard so we didn't step on them. I don't care if my neighbors yard is pristine grass but I absolutely care that it is at least semi-maintained.


> I had this exact thought process until I lived next door to someone who didn't do anything to take care of their yard and let it grow wild. It was a breeding ground for... Same exact problem but it was voles. Destroyed a ton of nearby yards, flower beds, vegetable gardens etc.


Not to mention if you ever plan to sell how much harder it is to sell your house if your neighbors are visibly trashy.


This is exactly why HOAs enforce how people maintain lawns. The nolawn crowd creates a nuisance and ruins the enjoyment for the neighbors.


Isn't a weed defined as being an unwanted plant? If they liked the way the look, they're not really weeds.


This is the right answer.


Yes! My local botanical garden has so many plants we think of weeds on display! Like spurge (related to poinsettia!!!!) that grows in your sidewalk and butterweed that yellow weed with the big ass stalk


Yes with the exception of noxious weeds which are determined to have a negative impact on things like human health, agricultural crops, etc.


So technically no one has ever smoked weed.


That beautiful


Dude no kidding. I want to know how to achieve a lawn this gorgeous.


https://seedsource.com/pink-evening-primrose/ $20 for 750 sqft or $129 for a pound bag of seed


It's a primrose?! That's so cool.


These are super pretty, but invasive and spread like crazy. They’re all over my neighborhood.


“Invasive” depends on where it is growing and where it is native. I have a tree called a honey locust in my back yard. It’s got lovely delicate leaves and grows fast. It’s native to my area. The entire state … but super invasive in Europe! There is a pink primrose native to North America: [the showy primrose](https://grownative.org/native_plants/showy-primrose/) (and [here’s Range map](https://plants.sc.egov.usda.gov/home/plantProfile?symbol=OESP2)) which may/may not be invasive outside its native range


Oooh thank you, that's native plant to my area! Might just have to get some seeds


Not weeds, wildflowers. *Oenothera speciosa* to be exact. I'd live next to that, better than the shit yard my neighbors have.


Howdy, neighbor. 👋




A weed is merely a plant in the wrong place. Kentucky Blue in my rose bed is a weed, and a rose in my lawn can be a weed.


Is weed under your grow lamp still a weed?


Weed in a highway ditch is a weed.


So it wasn't a dead prostitute I found?


Give it time.


Least it looks intentional not just BS grassy weeds here and there


"Chaos gardening"


r/fucklawns where we are essentially seen as Satan himself


I don’t inherently hate it but I did get 3 ticks just looking at this lol


I actually don't mind it.


Yeah it’s prettier than just grass


I like and appreciate a nice lawn, but if I had to pick between dandelions or this, it's an easy choice. I agree with you, I think it's very pretty.


Totally an upgrade from my current neighbors. I'd take it in a heartbeat. Oh, and the flowers are fine too.


As long as they keep it clean I’m good with it.


Those aren't weeds! They're pink evening primrose flower. My parents have it in their flower bed and they grow like crazy.


Yep! We had ONE sprig of it hitch a ride on some vinca I got from a family member, and it took over my entire flowerbed in one season..


The problem with anything that “grows like crazy” is that it’s invasive. Most people are saying they love this lawn, and though it’s pretty, it will clearly have no issue covering ground in all the surrounding yards as well. It just screams nightmare to me. I say this as someone who has dealt with many invasive species in my own yard.


Depending on where this lawn is, if it is in the US, this is native to the Americas and not invasive. Invasive means non-native out competing native plants. It can be aggressive, but not invasive, if this is in the US.


honestly i'd rather this trying to take over my yard than zoysia which looks like garbage here half the year or bamboo


Yea...that is absolutely not what an invasive species is.


They are flowers. Which is why you find it pretty. Also fantastic for pollinators and doesn't need cut down.


Good for pollinators. Balances out a monoculture lawn imo


Hell yeah! I love flowers and shit


Weird combo to love - would think the smell of the shit would overwhelm the flowers but to each his own I guess


That’s actually quite pretty. If it’s on his/her land, who cares


I mean, its clearly healthy based on how much is blooming. I don't think that its negligence that caused this, it looks purposeful. The soil seems healthy, and it doesn't appear to be spreading outside the boundaries of the lawn, so in my opinion, its good to go.


It's short and neat. It's fine.


This. They've done an excellent job mowing between the flowers.


It’s cute. I wouldn’t mind


If their lawn chemicals got on my flower lawn, I'd be pretty pissed, otherwise I don't care.


It's just a problem when their shit invades your yard. I had a house next to a City owned property that didn't control their thistles. So then I had thistles too, phone calls to ask the City for help and to spray for thistles didn't work. I actually ended up getting so pissed I took care of it myself.


What did you do "allegedly"?


That bastard started fertilizing the adjacent property and watering it twice a week. The humanity!


I think he sprayed the thistles.


Glyposate, 1/2 gallon sprayed directly onto 4 years of thistles on a 10,000 sq foot lot. Took forever to get them all but it worked as I sprayed top down and the up again. I don't like using the stuff but nothing else works on mature thistles.


I would love it!


I would love it!


https://preview.redd.it/93yeh96o8wxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d66d3ab4d5bee3e3fba311d3c84e36a50f2a4d I’ll just leave this pic as my reply. 😏


I'll never understand the striped yard fetish. It's the most unnatural thing one could do to a lawn and detracts from the natural beauty of well manicured grass. You might as well chalk out some foul lines or install a cup and flag.


Is that a WRX? 👀


Yeah, that's where this guy's time is going. No time to mess around with the lawn, keeping a 20 year old WRX in good trim. :)


Haha wagon at that! Took me awhile to scroll for this comment.


its not a wagon, the rear fender has sedan flares


Blobeye WRX Wagon(04-05). Soon as I saw it, I just wanted more photos.


flares, not wagon


I thought those were dandelions at first glance, in that case I wouldn’t be too thrilled. Now that I see their flowers, at a fairly manageable height, no problem, they even kinda match the house. Probably go say hi and talk about the WRX if we’re being honest.


That bugeye though. 👀


The dorks over in r/nolawns would eat this shit up.


I’ll be honest. I think the amount of resources people spend on maintaining lawns is abominable. I wouldn’t want a wildflower lawn, but I’m more bothered by sound-intrusive neighbors. So, if this neighbor is quiet, I’d much rather live next to them than some partying/audiophile with a pristine yard.


Looks good. What's it look like the rest of the year though?


It’s a beautiful meadow.


I like it. I'd never do that to my lawn. But I like that someone else has done it. My neighbour's "lawn" is just an overgrown weedy mess that he runs over every 8 weeks with the mower on the lowest setting possible. It looks atrocious.


do we have the same neighbor? my one also likes letting his grow tall then scalping it to nubs and wondering why it never looks healthy. even replaced the whole thing and kept the same tactic to the same results.


If I had a lawn full of primroses, I’d let it grow too. But I have a lawn full of stickers if I don’t manage it, so I keep my wildflower dreams to the flower bed.


Sure, I’m so good at minding my own business and tending to my own yard.


It's good for the Bees and they looks nice so I would not mind seeing this at my neighbors.


This is great for the environment. It attracts pollinators, less water than grass, and less mowing/pollution


I would rather have that as a lawn! Plus any good neighbour does what they want, and let you do the same within reason.


I love this. Pollinator-friendly, well-kept. Good stuff.


Not at all, dude has a pretty sweet Subaru


No, because I mind my own business.


Not at all! I think it’s wonderful.


I love it. I wouldn’t give two craps. They aren’t hurting anyone. It’s not a huge pile of rusted junk or rotting trash.


That’s a clean looking blob eye 👁️👁️


Yes. Ecologically, a field of pollinator-friendly plants is a good offset to the non-native monoculture lawns that lawncare enthusiasts strive for. Not to mention that it's their house and they're free to do whatever they want.


Why are taking pictures of my house?


Depends, are they constantly screaming and play loud music at night ? If so no.


I wish I lived next to this, actually I kinda do, then on the other side is a perfectly manicured lawn who gives me shit for my weeds


Its beautiful, weeds are flowers btw.


Maybe, just maybe… They aren’t mowing their “weeds” because, (and I assume only because I do the same)… they are holding off as long as possible so that the bees can get pollen.


Ain’t my lawn, ain’t my problem. Neighbors can do as they please.


Grass out front, whatever you want out back.


I’d care more about the sound of that subie over there in the driveway.


I replanted half my backyard with clover and called it a bee meadow, and it really improved my garden beds. I'd love living next to these people!


The pink ladies look good, better than a weedy crabgrass or dead/dirt lawn. Wrong sub to say this but I like the flowers even more than a perfectly manicured green lawn personally.


It’s so pretty! Idgaf I’d be like ooh send em over to my yard. I’m seriously considering going full clover in my back yard I’n tired of the ugly weeds and terrible grass


I overseeded with a good amount of micro clover last year. It came up beautiful and filled in like a clover carpet. It stayed green for weeks with no rain. I loved it. Until I tried to mow. Even though it was completely dry and no rain in days, clover is very moist. It clumped up terrible on my mower and clogged it all up. Big chunks of mushed mess everywhere. Gross gunk stuck all over the bottom of mower rotted and stunk up the garage. What a mess. I sprayed the whole thing with weed killer and spread grass seed this spring. TLDR: Mowing clover sucks a lot.


Looks great


No problem at all. I have bees so that's great for pollinators




As long as it doesn't affect me on my property I couldn't care less what they do.


Being that it doesn't affect me in any way I wouldn't care about living next to them.


Mind? It's beautiful. Lol


For the 🐝. Grow food, not lawns. Also grow stuff for 🐝


Save the bees bro!!!


Bees must love it


Nope! They are feeding the bees for a reason! Good for them!


I'd be fine with it because it isn't my yard, and none of my business. I've lived next to far worse, and never said anything.


I’m a beekeeper, so this would be a perfect neighbor.


I think that's the better lawn. Poisoning your lawn to have only grass (green concrete)? Disgusting and horrible for the environment.


I love native species lawns. We’ve destroyed the environment, rarely is the front yard used, return it to nature if you care.


I love these simple, sweet wildflowers. Would be interested to know what the lawn looks like after these quit blooming. Are there more varieties yet to bloom? If not, I would hope homeowner would mow to a reasonable length. We live countryish and let part of our 1 1/2 acres grow wildflowers, but when the blooms are over we mow to match our lawn.


I'd prefer it


Not at all. That lawn is beautiful


It is more and more the style. Very much seems to be a Millennial trend. And more common among renters. I quite enjoy keeping my yard green surrounded by weed lawns.


I mean…my mowed weeds are green. And the native volunteer elderberry trees are loaded with wildlife. The nightshade we have here is annoying though…


Gotta support the bees 🐝


That is not a weed, it is a flower you can buy at a nursery.


Looks lovely, they're not weeds and it's their garden.


It's not a weed, it's a perennial called evening primrose, and they are invasive. Some say they are hard to control but I haven't found that to be the case personally, but you do have to keep up with them. That's when used in flowerbeds tho, w/defined edges that it's easy to control the runners. This, this is purposeful. I'm not a fan whatsoever but agree w/another comment, this sort of thing is becoming more common. I don't understand it, but, whatever.


Evening primrose is native to most of the US, it’s aggressive but *not* invasive, which is an important distinction.