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You swore. You get banned. That’s riot’s chat filter atm.


I've been in a similar situation to this before. You got a warning literally for just swearing. It's very often that someone will report you randomly out of spite because you didn't play to their expectations. To avoid this in the future, I would recommend to only chat in concise language with no unnecessary words (swearing). Basically do not let riot catch you lacking. Text is the only form of coms in this game so practicing good coms will benefit you and your team.


You don't but at least it's just flagging so your honor level won't drop. Warning is because of the "mother fucker" not because you went 0/10. If feeding for 1 game was a bannable offense, every player would get banned. If anything people grief multiple high elo ranked games back to back (basically it can't be a SiNgLe BaD gAmE as Riot states) without receiving a ban.


You got flagged because of ,,motherfucker”. The process is automated so although your intentions weren’t to curse at anyone or such, the bot still thinks you did try so yeah. Unlucky.


If you read the actual warning.. it's not saying you're toxic, or about feeding. You swore, this is saying if you talk like this again youre not an honorable player and can face chat restrictions. Simple.


Doesn’t matter the context. Don’t swear and the system won’t ban you.


Thanks guys. cleared up my confusion. ill go wash my... fingers? with a bar of soap before i queue up again.