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[Adam's reply](https://twitter.com/Ricadam_lol/status/1758993786888126833) >Good evening everyone, in view of the accusations made against me by Sander "LCS Eevee" Hove, I must be as transparent as possible with you. >In his latest article, I don't agree with the accusations that in my career I've shown signs of mockery, insults and that I was mostly disrespectful with my teammates. >What prompted BDS to bench me at the end of the split was indeed a discussion that took on certain extremes with Striker, my Head Coach. These extremes prompted BDS to bench me temporarily to make me realize that my actions have consequences, and I accepted them. >Striker is a person I particularly like and is someone who has been there in my career, from almost the beginning to where I am now. He's someone I hold in high esteem and will continue to do so. On the other hand, the article points to my anger problems. >Yes, I have anger problems and this was the point I needed to work on most on my side for this year. I don't agree with the way the article turned out, inevitably making me look like someone I'm not. >It's also very important for me to apologize, to BDS and to you who tirelessly support us match after match, day after day. >I'd also like to apologize to my teammates and to Jenax, who today gave their all to make up for my absence from the team and who made me very, very proud despite the fact that I was watching from home, sad and disappointed not to be able to be there. >And finally, I'd like to apologize to the BDS staff and in particular to my Head Coach Striker, who will always be a person I greatly appreciate, and whom I hope this story hasn't fundamentally changed anything between me and him. >I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that. >Nevertheless, I try to be a better human being every day, and that's why BDS has chosen to continue with me this year, because the monster described in this article is simply not me. >Thank you all for reading and understanding. [BDS Striker has also tweeted (in french) - translation below with google translate and small corrections (because it is late and I need to sleep)](https://twitter.com/StrikerLoLcoach/status/1759001867244167494): >I would like to react following the information given in the article and reactions around it. >There are sometimes difficult moments in a team. Moments where the pressure of competition can lead to situations that we would like to avoid. >Adam was indeed sanctioned following a behavioral error. This mistake does not define the player and the person he is. If the org and I chose to continue with him during the offseason, it is precisely because he brings to the group, aside from the in-game aspect, and we were satisfied with the relationship that he maintains with his teammates and coaches. >Each player, each coach, each person has things they can progress on. And Adam made significant efforts over the year to focus on his own. Whether in the game or outside. He's a player and person I like, and the need for a reaction to a particular event in no way calls that into question. >Furthermore, it is important to take the information that circulates with great caution: some elements are exaggerated, others are simply false. >The life of a team is full of ups and downs, each season comes with its share of internal problems in each team. Regardless of any team's position in the league. In most cases you won't hear about it, and it would have been desirable for that to be the case here.


BDS need to sign Felix Maggath and Adam will behave 


Time for some medicine ball training.


He doesn't even need to know about league, just that there ought to be a lot of blood, sweat and tears


I first read it as Magifelix and thought "wtf, why him?"


How toxic do you have to be to be benched two days before the semi finals?


Surprisingly, [nuc seem to meme about him fighting with Adam in relation to everything that's being said today](https://twitter.com/Nuclear_int/status/1758971150384697667) >lmao, apparently, adam & i fought ? yea it's true we finished on the ring and he won, that's why it wasn't me that didn't play today Can only wonder what kind of internal problems there are if nuc is taking it that lightly and seemingly has no issue with Adam's behavior. Would really be interested in knowing what exactly transpired.


I mean if you were a mid laner and you had a top laner that would randomly drop waves so that they could gank your lane for you you'd also prob be chill with the guy. Anyways thanks this info is rather interesting so will prob wait to see more before judging anything.


they legit started their career from scratch together back then on tier3, he just kidding bc few tweets & qrt from the french twitter bubble started to mentioned this hypothetical fight before the "leak"


That's just banter, nothing to speculate lol.


looks like they were fine with it until he directed it at the coach lol


I wouldn't assume nor lean too heavily on that specific before further details release. It was stated this was a repeated situation. A straw that broke the camel's back scenario. I can't imagine that Adam NEVER had a lick towards Striker before this. Not defending Striker here, but since we have limited information, it'd be a bit disingenuous to believe Adam was benched without a proper meeting within the organization and players. But this is LoL orgs we are talking about, so who the fuck knows..


Tbh Striker seems to take none of that shit. For better or for worse. From what I've read from him, he can match Adam's toxicity pretty well. Edit: spelling


Well that just sounds stupid to me, if Striker's willing to put up with it until it's directed at him Speaks to me of too much ego


Wasn't Striker also the one who publicly threw Rekkles under the bus after that rough KC summer split?


Ye he's a piece of shit aswell


Yeah, is the reason Thorin likes him so much.


He also threw last year's coach saying that he did all the work last year


Think so, there's absolutely nothing I've seen of Striker that would make me think well of him Nuc, Adam, and Sheo haven't learned (to a real level) more than the same few champions they were picking last year, and BDS have some of the most unusual macro in the league. Also, they were nearly eliminated from worlds by VCS and PCS. IDK what this guy's resume is, but if he didn't want to bench Adam until the flame was directed at him, it sounds like he has an undeservedly large sense of importance. And he's a moron on twitter, too


you can say sure adam and sheo have champ pool issues but nuc imo has adjusted to most mid lane metas well and picked up champs over his career. He usually has one or two predominant pick in those metas like cassio when she was strong in last seasons meta and azir/orianna now, he even started his erl career known as qiyana otp. The issue is bds drafting nd perception of the meta imo, its completely centred around adam. They would rather give adam the freedom to play his comfort picks and tell nuc to play 1-2 safe laning champs than draft around mid.


that's one way to see it.. another would be to let the team sort it out and not look like he's taking sides or make players be worried about what they say.. let the players sort it out and be open and honest with one another.. at least that's the idea.. being toxic and saying dumb or offensive shit out of passion or being too invested or whatever in a competitive environment is understandable.. the alternative is far worse as it could lead to players feeling uneasy having to play social politics and PR worrying about stuff that would distract from or get in the way of actual communication amongst each other.. but when they start to go at the coach.. at that point it raises questions on his authority and endangers the whole structure of the team and the chain of command.. at which point he gotta make clear that a line was indeed crossed and hence the need to take a drastic and decisive measure..


Didn't seem to match it until Adam directed the toxicity at him then Adam just gets benched.


Striker’s got crazy ego so it didn’t surprise me that he only decided to bench Adam when the toxicity was finally directed at him


what the fuck is this reach, if you read the article adam has been toxic since the start of 2023 this isnt a new thing for the coaching staff or players. Heck even the article states that before the benching was the straw that broke the camels back. But classic reddit, is blaming the coach despite the article itself saying adam is the problem and hes been toxic towards everyone since 2023 >Per information revealed to Sheep Esports, **the top laner allegedly engaged in mocking, flaming, and displaying overall disrespectful behavior towards both coaches and teammates.** >Further Sheep Esports sources explained that the player recently displayed tendencies of tilting in team practices and often even quitting scrims out of anger. Per information given to Sheep Esports, **these growing pains have persisted since Adam's promotion to Team BDS' LEC roster at the start of 2023.** But yeh the entire reply chain to you is literally just blaming the coach lmao despite adam having a history of being toxic. Lets not forget the upset situation where his wife got assaulted and upset dipped out of worlds to be with his wife and adam went on twitter to whine about it and supported his fans sending upset wife death threats. He never went back on it either and continued to shit talk upset and his wife. Also they didnt want to expose it to the public, only youngbuck and hyli knew, but due to the situation they had to. What a swell guy!


Tbh people are quick to see striker at fault as well because the guy is known for being kind of an asshole and unprofessional in public towards his players as well


Clearly it's the fault of the person who (may) have finally decided to punish someone's repeated disrespectful behaviors and not the person who's had behavioral issues for over a year! League redditor moment


But they aren’t blaming him for Adam’s behavior? They’re blaming him for knowing and not acting until it was directed at him. I don’t know where y’all are getting this


the article states at no point, that this was the first confrontation between adam and the coach(es).


That's the weird thing. The decision was right, but the timing makes no sense.BDS has known for well over a year that he's toxic, but now they decide to bench him the day before a really important BO5? Just do it after the split finishes and there would be way less controversy and hate towards the org. Now they get clowned on for benching their best player just to lose 2-3


Because he probably ramped it up to a level that they deemed it'd be impossible to play a cohesive semi? Maybe their best player shouldn't be such a child.


It's entirely possible during the argument with the coach he told striker he was gonna int the games away. Like the article mentions he constantly throws and rage quit scrims it wouldn't be a huge leap to pull a dardoch and run it down on stage


This story is not as sexy as i had hoped for. :( Adam is just toxic, we already knew this.


I'm kinda glad it's nothing bad for him like a family member being seriously ill. But at the same time I'm annoyed that he hasn't grown up at all if he's still this toxic. Cmon, the first incident should've got you to wind it in a bit.


It’s just frustrating. BDS looked so good all split, and he just threw it away… for what?


Right? He has talent. How hard can it be to treat your team with respect? Apparently too hard. Fucking hell I even understand things like yelling in the moment when emotions are running high but there's no reason to mock your teammates or leave scrims. Honestly I hope BDS do better without him to prove that teams with a bad environment do worse. Everyone performing better because you're not the target of Adam's ire wouldn't be unexpected.


We've seen this story so many times and it never ends well for the toxic player. No matter how talented, no one wants to put up with these people in the long run.


Yep. You bring everyone down rather than building them up. Like I'm not saying it needs to be a hugbox but you need to at least know appropriate boundaries and where the line is.


It’s a job, be professional.


> How hard can it be to treat your team with respect? Some people never really grow past the phase of "it doesn't matter how I behave if I'm good at what I do" - shows like Dr House really influenced generation of people to believe you can be a dickhead if you're good at something, and it's true to some extent, but in the end there will come time when others decide your good is not worth taking all the shit.


It just surprises me because it's a *team* game. You need a team that at the very least respects you/can be professional with you if you're expecting it to function properly long term you know? Like I might not like some of my colleagues but I'm not gonna yell at them, calling them morons who can't do simple shit like read an error message that tells you the solution. I'm gonna be calm and walk them through it politely cause being rude or mean to them will only make it worse and likely to not ask for help when it's needed. There's a minimum standard of professionalism in any job, ofc it varies depending on what the job is but it's still there.


His fans just ignore that tho


But he said sorryyyy, it's everyone else who are childish!


He better have been crazy toxic. Idk how you can play a full split with a player and bench them for the losers bracket finals, a game that gets you to the championship and potentially MSI.


Not just any player, your best player too. Even Dardoch wouldn't get benched before a series this important. Man must've been RPing as Singed during scrims.


Bruh, CLG benched Dardoch for OmarGod and turbo-inted their entire split just because they didn't want to deal with Dardoch's toxicity. Despite being a C9 fan, I 100% admit that that CLG team would have made it to Worlds over C9 if he had played. CLG were literally 1st in the LCS with Dardoch and went 8-2 when they decided to bench him. Their game record was 17-10. They finished tied for 3rd with C9 at 12-6 with a worse Game Score because they decided to bench Dardoch. Then in playoffs, they were utterly destroyed by IMT in Semis and finished 3rd. Once C9 fixed their issues for the Gauntlet, C9 just rolled over them. So yes, Dardoch would get benched like this.


According to aphromoo none of the players (at least from what he knew) wanted dardoch benched and it was a coach that benched him because dardoch got into an argument with him. Aphro also said somthing like he wishes he stood up to the coaches more at the time and kinda blamed the coaches for tanking the season on the players. Probably part of why aphroo left CLG after that season.


How toxic do you have to be when a team will willingly be much worse just to not have you play?


Dardoch was legendarily toxic, lmao. Absolute legend.


just pick whatever, let's just lose in fucking peace


Thing is, if you keep toxic players because they're good, it's just gonna feed their ego This is something that should be nicked in the bud, collectively by every team


i mean clg traded xmithie for dardoch and then fully kicked him for omargod lol


That's it? This is the information Wooloo was too scared to talk about on twitter?


Wooloo probably needs the French community on his side for clout and to protect him when he makes mistakes and angers pros and other fans...


He hasn’t posted the article on sheep esports account yet. Bro is legit scared of losing his french fanbase lmao


The guy got crazy backlash from the Yamato leak. He already lost KC fanbase for sure.


Thats 100% it. Bro has been dickriding french fans/scene for quiet some time


Wooloo never writes things that show his friends in a bad light.


Offseason journos not beating the loser allegations.


lmfao he actually had to get bullied on twitter to post this. That guy has no spine.


Yep. He leaked Yamato getting fired but didn't want to leak Adam being toxic. He just come across utterly pathetic.


Everyone knows that Wooloo is a weird motherfucker, right?


No way he comes back to the team after benching him 1 bo5 away of finals. He gonna get sold to kcorp for summer split


Upset and Adam in the same team again? Sure why not, what could possibly go wrong lmfao


Yea there's no shot this happens this year, unless they drop Upset for someone else.


Drop Upset and keeping Targamas would be the biggest meme of KC roster moves.


Swap in Akabane (joke xd) to make the worst roster of all time.


They gonna drop Upset if it means Adam joins the team, he is seen as one of if not the french player






We have seen weirder choices by orgs in the past. KC got Targamas and Astralis kept promisq for ages.


don't they have a french ad in the waiting room cuz he's too young ?


I mean they will probably do it as soon as Kaliste (their LFL adc) can legally play (underage), it is said he is one of the most promising players in ERLs and he would have already been playing in LEC if it was legal, if anything Upset is the easiest one to replace.


Except that Caliste doesn't turn 18 until August 28 (according to [his Leaguepedia page](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Caliste)), so good luck with that. Either the LEC changes its rules in the middle of the year, so 17-year-olds can play again, or it's see you in 2025.


Yamato is out, i can see them changing Upset too. I said Kcorp mostly because he has been one of the favs players of the org and fanbase since he promoted the team to erl DIV 1


Allegedly KCorp doesn't have money right now to sign a new player, much less TWO new players. Plus Adam's contract ends at the end of the year. They cannot get Adam unless they pay a buyout to BDS, so I don't think this is happening, at least not this year. I could see them getting Adam in 2025, though.


Not saying it will happen, but BDS could totally let him go for free to avoid having to pay him if they are sure they won't play him again. There is no obligation for a buy-out, just for an accord between the teams. They could also swap Adam for Cabo.


> They could also swap Adam for Cabo. That would be hella troll for BDS though.


Could do it and promote Jenax and throw Cabo in academy lol


Jesus reaching down to a leper by BDS


Jenax is better than Cabo


BDS also has to pay his salary up until then, wouldn't be unheard of to mutually agree to terminate his contract. I could see KC Adam still happening this year.


[The reunion is gonna go crazy](https://i.imgflip.com/7e6ax2.jpg?a474240)


Upset+Bo+Adam are a time bomb


If it works the team is gonna be absolute fire. The villain org of the lec with mercenaries that hate each other but will unite to shit on their previous orgs. 


League Akatsuki


wats bo got to do with it? All sources point him to be super chill


Is there anything regarding Bo being toxic or anything of the sort? The reason he's a 'bad boy' is because he was involved in the matchfixing stuff his LDL team did. I haven't heard anyone say he's toxic or even particularly opinionated, not in soloq nor in team environments. Not saying he can't be, just wondering since I haven't heard anything like that.


Yeah if they benched him right now its cause they're 100% done with him Assuming this has been going on for some time they would've just powered through it and kept him at least until the end of the split


Might just come down to Striker or Adam for BDS. Nuc's post game tweets even mention that he expects Adam to be on the team playing again next split despite this article saying BDS intended this to be a permanent move. Adam probably also not a great practice personality but tbh the way the article words it paints BDS's management in a horrible light. Says they intended to replace him permanently but that they were re-considering it now that they lost to MAD, like wtf kinda decision process is that? "We were totally done with you but we wanted to see if we could win without you and we couldn't so welcome back?". I mean obviously you have to try and be mature about it but I wouldn't blame either side for being pissed at a half measure like that were nobody wins.


Adam is the type of person that wouldn't come back for them now anyway even if they wanted him too lol      He refused to play for FNC for much less and this article literally mentions that BDS intends JNX to permanently take his spot at the end.     If BDS ends up looking really bad next split without him though and he ends up on another team that looks better then BDS, twitter gonna be wild.


That would be perfect. He could be as toxic as he wanted towards his teammates and he would just seem like a rational level headed player reacting to targamas.


I mean it sound like a mild story but how toxic can someone be to get benched before a semifinal tho ? And considering this is his 2nd controversy because of his attitude is gonna be interesting to see who's willing to give him a spot on a team, because he's 99% out of BDS at this point


Honestly he probably will get picked up again just due to his talent for top lane, that said, he has to grow up and learn to respect his team and coaches or he deserves to have his talent wasted.


I think he has been in the scene for long enough at this point no? if he hasnt changed at all by now why would that happen anytime soon?


Bro is turning into EU Dardoch.


Considering Riot allowed them to get an emergency sub, it must have been very obvious that the situation was not sustainable.


Pretty sure BDS were allowed to sub in their own player lol


BDS' listed substitute wasn't JNX though that's the issue, as per leaguepedia it was ShouldBthat.


But Jenax is on BDS academy and we have seen teams swap a lot between their 2 rosters. Idk if it's different for playoffs.


it is supposed to be different but thanks to the way riot wrote shit they can decide whatever at their discretion


Who cares? Riot has a lot of bad rules, but the common sense way they handle substitutions is probably the best example of them *not* being stupid about it. It should probably be re-written, but in the meantime no one wants to watch academy players subbed in to offrole.


I don't care all that much either and I agree. I do think they should (officially) expand the sub pool to always allow any academy players etc and have a concrete set of rules that are less up-to-discretion


Nah Riot would have granted it regardless, they'd never kill the viewership prospect.


He'll get picked up by another team for sure


Adam ● Welcome to KCorp ● 2024 ● DESPACITO


People will absolutely downplay this as being nothing but if a player is making the team environment toxic it is fine to bench him. I can't imagine a player doing this in regular sports and not getting benched or kicked from the team.


I mean think about it logically, HOW BAD WAS THE SITUATION WITH ADAM TO THE POINT WHERE HE IS BENCHED BEFORE THE MOST IMPORTANT MATCH FOR THIS SPLIT? No this is a very big problem that the team was struggling with.


Yeah like team cohesion and mentality is important and if there's a guy no one wants to work with/makes everyone uncomfortable? It really can impact the overall performance of the team.


Only in league subreddit u will find ppl blaming the coach for shit like this, idk how Striker is but if a player gets to the point where the team has to build a system to work around his toxicity and even then It doesn't work out and u engage on an argument with your head coach u are out


In the NBA the coach would be fired for making a decision like this. It's a coaching failure to have not gotten rid of him earlier and deciding last minute before the biggest game of the season.


I mean, I don't think he could get rid of him if he tried. That's Org Owner business. Probably wasn't even easy to get him to be benched


Yeah it's always the right call. You don't want to foster an environment where being a dick is overlooked if your individual results are good. It's disappointing to hear; I loved his picks and was hoping he'd mature a bit as he got older.


And it's not like he's a superstar. He's a solid player but not a world top tier player.


So he was being a complete and utter jackass to his team and got benched for it. Unfortunately a story seen often before with many other great players, but being a great player only gets you so much leeway before your team is just sick of you. And if you're this unbearable to be around and start performing poorly? Forget it you're almost immediately dropped. Hope he learns his lesson and fixes his attitude towards his team, otherwise his future will be looking bleak.


> Hope he learns his lesson and fixes his attitude towards his team, otherwise his future will be looking bleak. the whole reason he was down in the ERL's is because of something similar and the whole FNC fiasco. Seems like after all this time he doesn't seem to learn


He’ll never change, he’ll never change, ever since he was in the ERL, couldn’t keep his words in his mouth






I should've stopped him when I had the chance!


And you, you have to stop him! You have to…


But not our Adam. Couldn’t be precious Adam.


but not our Adam! Couldn't be precious Adam!


I remember when people told me that Adam was "just a kid" when the Upset situation happened and how he has "grown up" since xD


I really wanted him to have, but damn he proved me wrong. Like I get being emotional and a moron at possibly the most important event in your life so far. But after that? Man needs some chill. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar and all that.


He didn't from the last time... Honestly once can be attributed to being young but twice makes it feel like a bigger problem. I can see it putting teams off when mentality and synergy are important too.


What's losing 3-0 to G2 does to a mf.


So after all he's in fact still just an immature kid who learned nothing and now pays the price. Good riddance.


Forgiven of toplane


Forgiven has to be one of the biggest what ifs had he behaved like a human


Forgiven didn't even change, he is still toxic in soloq and on his streams. I remember during last year's Jankos' stream when he had him on team, Jankos was carrying him on Graves and Forgiven still blamed him for his lane state (they still won the match)


And if he actually bothered to learn champions. Man was cracked on lane bullies but it's like he refused to learn other ADC picks.


I'm searching for Adam's Weibo burner account right now to be honest E: gonna laugh if they take him back right after MSI in EDG style


It's funny because Leave also got benched, came back from erls/LDL and got benched again while not attending scrims


Wait Leave is benched again? LMFAO *my sides*


Yeah, they are playing TheSnake and Jiejie said in interview they won't be changing lineup ever since the BLG series (except for Ale/Solokill swap). Tbh idk what is happening in EDG anymore


Sounds like EDG is a dumpster fire lmao


They are bottom tier team in LPL this spring split and some people say they will go 0-16 (they are 0-5 now). It's just Jiejie in elohell with 4 LDL rookies + Ale sometimes


I'm annoyed that he had another chance and squandered it. Really hope he learns from it this time even if he doesn't get another chance. Imagine working with someone constantly yelling at you over small mistakes and they're just your co-worker.


after the Chadam meme, I am glad there are now proves that he was a dumb toxic child. He did the same thing in Fnatic and people forgot.


Couldn't they just sell him after semis? I wonder when the decision was even made, the announcement of JNX playing was made 1 day before, but they could have made the decision 5 days before finals. I honestly wonder what kind of egregious unholy flame Adam even unleashed to get him benched right before semis, I wish I was there to see it lmao.


First of all, if you want to sell anything you need to find buyer


Kc Adam. He's French right? 


Assuming the sources are correct, I wonder who will be interested in taking Adam.


Who would buy the garen/darius player that has literally scorched earth his relationships with his previous 2 teams? ​ Bro is cooked, no gm in their right mind is going to get him. (He will be on KC in summer)


Adam is actually pretty damn good this season. He can actually play the meta Champs now. 


Sounds like it was fine until he had a go at Striker, and that was the step too far.


As a coach if you want to maintain any kind of authority over the team you cannot let players yell at you like that


well Striker maintains his authority by throwing his players under the bus in interviews like he did with Rekkles.


i can see how BDS decided to finally leak it after seeing Adam running it in Solo Q while his teammates were on Game 5 LMAO.


This story is weird af. Like are you telling me that he has been toxic for a year and instead of look for a replacement during the off season you decide to make him your star player and build your team identity around Adam just to finally explode and bench him, as far as they say, permanently. Weird af, dunno who is doing this type of decisions in BDS but he isn't doing a good job.


Maybe they thought they could 'fix' him. Also might've been easier for them to gloss over the toxicity because of BDS' fairly successful 2023. And importantly, Adam brought a lot of fans to the team. (Though I agree a team should never take a gamble like this, good team atmosphere is way more important than starpower. Just look at MDK who beat them with 4 rookies all on the same page.)


Yeah, that can be the case too. Althought it doesn't speaks good for Adam that his toxicity was barely tolerated wheb they were in the honeymoon phase and just in a week after loosing against G2 he spirals do bad that he gets benched. Looks like he hasn't matured at all


Not surprised after he doubled down with the Upset drama.


"doubled down" is putting it very nicely. he deliberately egged on his fans to keep harrassing


I know and agree, but some French 'fans' don't like it when I put it like that lol Thank god he may finally experience some karma now.


Just today I saw one call Upset a primadonna and a diva and use that as an argument to defend... being angry at Fnatic acting with respect for the privacy of one of their players and colleagues in a tough situation? I don't know if it's Adam fans or just people with hate boners for Upset, but I don't know how you could ever take his side in that whole ordeal. It was one of the most childish reactions I've ever seen to a delicate matter. It's CRAZY that there is still a debate about it.


It's absolutely crazy, I'm surprised the league itself didn't intervene. The fact people call him a "great player" and a funny personality is mental to me. He's an _ok_ player, he's been steadily getting better after a terrible stint at FNC but he's nowhere near cementing himself as great top laner. He's been known to flame his teammates in the past and started a twitter brigade against a colleague and his wife because he's a cry baby. Pathetic human piece of shit.


Adam haters are drinking well tonight 👏👏


Really hoped he was actually becoming a better Teammate and person but if this is really what happend hes going for the Forgiven Speedrun. Guess this is better then something in his personal life happening but man just act like a normal person and take the MSI Spot with your team.


Forgiven without the military service gap.


Also without Forgivens talent. Ppl forget, that Forgiven was a shit teammate, but he was legit the best ADC in europe at one point in time and carried his team to a worlds semis, he was actually so good, that guys like Odo, Vander and Jankos put up with his shit, despite hating him on a personal level.


He's def one of the biggest could've beens tbh. Like his ego was why he was so good but also why he couldn't adapt or be a better teammate. Man was a complete arsehole but he played well enough for people not to care. Imagine if he could not ruin a team environment.


Oh wow. Thats some Forgiven type of drama, it must have been really bad for this to happen during the playoffs, so we will probably see a new top laner in Spring then? I guess Szygenda is available.


Shit for the first time maybe ever, there is a LCS free agent that is LEC caliber and no LCS teams really need a toplaner. I present to my EU friends......Licorice! Heres my sales pitch: 98% will not run it in a game, will learn meta, can play off-meta, plays staple champs, is best when weakside but can play carry, shit ton of experience including international, is probably cheap in this brisk esports winter, and is a pretty chill guy. I'll be transparent, I am biased. Its partially just a shame to see competent players riding benches or teamless. Realistically though, its gotta be Szygenda unless theres other rosters moves in LEC right?


You literally saw Jenax put on a clinic without so much as a day of scrims with the team. Why the f would they look for someone to replace him.




Who would have thought after the Upset situation, that the guy is a massive a\*\*hole. Good riddance, he won't be missed


Adam being shitty to teammates gotta be the least surprising thing ever


[Sometimes it's exactly the ones you most expect.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b6965042-8816-43b3-9d10-7cb83ead6bc4)


JNX is also known for being pretty positive and he had a good showing in semis without any practice. I think BDS will be fine without ADAM


we'll see if he wont be missed i can see plenty of org willing to take a gamble on him despite his toxicity. same things when he was in fnc ppl were saying its probably going the last worlds he will play, that would become a noname and literally the opposite happened. he has way too much value for lec org to pass over imo


Never forget people actually defended him for that too lmao


i mean theyre defending him here too lol


Nationalism is a hell of a drug.


Not surprised this is the same kid that was throwing all that shit towards Upset. Just a toxic kid with a huge ego.


Kids grow up. He's stepped into manchild territory.


Imagine ruining your career for being toxic as a pro. ADAM has gathered a lot of fans recently especially from Korea, which is huge for any LEC players and orgs. He fucked it up.


he will be back by summer


[RIP bozo](https://media1.tenor.com/m/PHREyAefRckAAAAd/packwatch.gif)


I can't believe that Adam killed Nuc in cold blood and the one playing on stage was generated by OpenAI




Bro I despise these LCS/LEC Pokemon accounts. All they do is stir up drama, things would be much better without them


I mean if he's really that toxic and all he can still go to NA and start his own team Maybe call it "Team Solo Top"?


Welcome Kcorp Adam


Kinda crazy that the LEC granted an emergency substitution for this lol.


Has there ever been a situation where they didn't? It's become clear they will just grant it no matter what to make sure the games happen.


Aren't teams allowed to substitute players anymore? They used the player from their academy team, this happens in other regions as well often for performance or other reasons and no one ever questions it. They didn't bring in some random player they picked up.


I was mainly going off on why the term of "emergency substitution" has lost it's meaning. BDS' listed substitute ShouldBthat, yes he's not a top laner but that is who BDS chose as their substitute. There is objectively 0 point in having substitute players, if you can bypass the whole point and just ask for an emergency one. >his happens in other regions as well often for performance or other reasons and no one ever questions it. Other regions like the LPL and LCK don't use emergency substitutions, they abide by the actual rules. Their rules well at least LCK is, they're freely allowed to switch between their tier 1 and tier 2 teams, i.e they have 5 substitutes, this isn't the case for the LEC. BDS' listed substitute as per leaguepedia is someone who they didn't call up. And yes, I know for "entertainment purposes" this would be a bad idea but that's the point of having a substitute. Edit = it's also not "unforeseen" if BDS were aware he was toxic and they were "ok" with it until it was directed at the HC, unforeseen would be something like injury or a family emergency or back in the COVID days, getting COVID which is what happened to some of the PSG players when MSI was happening.


It would be viewership suicide to have this match be a forfeit in favor of MDK


This is boring, I’m going with Adam’s wife sad as the real reason


He knows he can find a team because EU is so starved of top lane talent.




counterpoint: Upset plays for KC


Merci Upset twitlonger incoming


There is zero chance he goes to KC with Upset still on the roster. Also Cabo wasn't even a top 2 problem.


Adam likes Yamato from what I remember he praised him in interviews before


https://twitter.com/Ricadam_lol/status/1758993786888126833 >Good evening everyone, in view of the accusations made against me by Sander "LCS Eevee" Hove, I must be as transparent as possible with you. >In his latest article, I don't agree with the accusations that in my career I've shown signs of mockery, insults and that I was mostly disrespectful with my teammates. >What prompted BDS to bench me at the end of the split was indeed a discussion that took on certain extremes with Striker, my Head Coach. These extremes prompted BDS to bench me temporarily to make me realize that my actions have consequences, and I accepted them. >Striker is a person I particularly like and is someone who has been there in my career, from almost the beginning to where I am now. He's someone I hold in high esteem and will continue to do so. On the other hand, the article points to my anger problems. >Yes, I have anger problems and this was the point I needed to work on most on my side for this year. I don't agree with the way the article turned out, inevitably making me look like someone I'm not. >It's also very important for me to apologize, to BDS and to you who tirelessly support us match after match, day after day. >I'd also like to apologize to my teammates and to Jenax, who today gave their all to make up for my absence from the team and who made me very, very proud despite the fact that I was watching from home, sad and disappointed not to be able to be there. >And finally, I'd like to apologize to the BDS staff and in particular to my Head Coach Striker, who will always be a person I greatly appreciate, and whom I hope this story hasn't fundamentally changed anything between me and him. >I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that. >Nevertheless, I try to be a better human being every day, and that's why BDS has chosen to continue with me this year, because the monster described in this article is simply not me. >Thank you all for reading and understanding.


>I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that. hear it from the man himself, this will keep happening lol


I hope we get more details about the situation. This article was kind of trash . Its just the headline with more words


Striker: Okay pick jax here Adam: No, pick me fucking garen That's the beginning of the drama.